Beispiel #1
func newCacheService() {
	CacheAdapter = Cfg.MustValueRange("cache", "ADAPTER", "memory", []string{"memory", "redis", "memcache"})
	if EnableRedis {
		log.Info("Redis Enabled")
	if EnableMemcache {
		log.Info("Memcache Enabled")

	switch CacheAdapter {
	case "memory":
		CacheConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"interval":%d}`, Cfg.MustInt("cache", "INTERVAL", 60))
	case "redis", "memcache":
		CacheConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"conn":"%s"}`, Cfg.MustValue("cache", "HOST"))
		log.Fatal("Unknown cache adapter: %s", CacheAdapter)

	var err error
	Cache, err = cache.NewCache(CacheAdapter, CacheConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Init cache system failed, adapter: %s, config: %s, %v\n",
			CacheAdapter, CacheConfig, err)

	log.Info("Cache Service Enabled")
Beispiel #2
func NewRepoContext() {
	zip.Verbose = false

	// Check if server has basic git setting.
	stdout, stderr, err := com.ExecCmd("git", "config", "--get", "")
	if strings.Contains(stderr, "fatal:") {
		log.Fatal("repo.NewRepoContext(fail to get git %s", stderr)
	} else if err != nil || len(strings.TrimSpace(stdout)) == 0 {
		if _, stderr, err = com.ExecCmd("git", "config", "--global", "", "*****@*****.**"); err != nil {
			log.Fatal("repo.NewRepoContext(fail to set git %s", stderr)
		} else if _, stderr, err = com.ExecCmd("git", "config", "--global", "", "Gogs"); err != nil {
			log.Fatal("repo.NewRepoContext(fail to set git %s", stderr)

	barePath := path.Join(setting.RepoRootPath, "")
	if !com.IsExist(barePath) {
		data, err := bin.Asset("conf/content/")
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Fail to get asset '': %v", err)
		} else if err := ioutil.WriteFile(barePath, data, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Fail to write asset '': %v", err)
Beispiel #3
func LoadRepoConfig() {
	// Load .gitignore and license files and readme templates.
	types := []string{"gitignore", "license", "readme"}
	typeFiles := make([][]string, 3)
	for i, t := range types {
		files, err := bindata.AssetDir("conf/" + t)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get %s files: %v", t, err)
		customPath := path.Join(setting.CustomPath, "conf", t)
		if com.IsDir(customPath) {
			customFiles, err := com.StatDir(customPath)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get custom %s files: %v", t, err)

			for _, f := range customFiles {
				if !com.IsSliceContainsStr(files, f) {
					files = append(files, f)
		typeFiles[i] = files

	Gitignores = typeFiles[0]
	Licenses = typeFiles[1]
	Readmes = typeFiles[2]
Beispiel #4
// checkVersion checks if binary matches the version of templates files.
func checkVersion() {
	// Templates.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(setting.StaticRootPath + "/templates/.VERSION")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to read 'templates/.VERSION': %v", err)
	if string(data) != setting.AppVer {
		log.Fatal(4, "Binary and template file version does not match, did you forget to recompile?")

	// Check dependency version.
	checkers := []VerChecker{
		{"", func() string { return xorm.Version }, ""},
		{"", binding.Version, "0.1.0"},
		{"", cache.Version, "0.1.2"},
		{"", csrf.Version, "0.0.3"},
		{"", i18n.Version, "0.2.0"},
		{"", session.Version, "0.1.6"},
		{"", toolbox.Version, "0.1.0"},
		{"", ini.Version, "1.8.4"},
		{"", macaron.Version, "0.8.0"},
		{"", git.Version, "0.2.4"},
		{"", gogs.Version, "0.7.2"},
	for _, c := range checkers {
		if !version.Compare(c.Version(), c.Expected, ">=") {
			log.Fatal(4, "Package '%s' version is too old (%s -> %s), did you forget to update?", c.ImportPath, c.Version(), c.Expected)
Beispiel #5
// checkVersion checks if binary matches the version of templates files.
func checkVersion() {
	// Templates.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "templates/.VERSION"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to read 'templates/.VERSION': %v", err)
	if string(data) != setting.AppVer {
		log.Fatal(4, "Binary and template file version does not match, did you forget to recompile?")

	// Check dependency version.
	checkers := []VerChecker{
		{"", macaron.Version, "0.5.4"},
		{"", binding.Version, "0.1.0"},
		{"", cache.Version, "0.0.7"},
		{"", csrf.Version, "0.0.3"},
		{"", i18n.Version, "0.0.7"},
		{"", session.Version, "0.1.6"},
		{"", ini.Version, "1.2.0"},
	for _, c := range checkers {
		ver := strings.Join(strings.Split(c.Version(), ".")[:3], ".")
		if git.MustParseVersion(ver).LessThan(git.MustParseVersion(c.Expected)) {
			log.Fatal(4, "Package '%s' version is too old(%s -> %s), did you forget to update?", c.ImportPath, ver, c.Expected)
Beispiel #6
// checkVersion checks if binary matches the version of templates files.
func checkVersion() {
	// Templates.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(setting.StaticRootPath + "/templates/.VERSION")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to read 'templates/.VERSION': %v", err)
	if string(data) != setting.AppVer {
		log.Fatal(4, "Binary and template file version does not match, did you forget to recompile?")

	// Check dependency version.
	checkers := []VerChecker{
		{"", func() string { return xorm.Version }, "0.5.5"},
		{"", binding.Version, "0.3.2"},
		{"", cache.Version, "0.1.2"},
		{"", csrf.Version, "0.1.0"},
		{"", i18n.Version, "0.3.0"},
		{"", session.Version, "0.1.6"},
		{"", toolbox.Version, "0.1.0"},
		{"", ini.Version, "1.8.4"},
		{"", macaron.Version, "1.1.4"},
		{"", git.Version, "0.3.2"},
		{"", gogs.Version, "0.7.4"},
	for _, c := range checkers {
		if !version.Compare(c.Version(), c.Expected, ">=") {
			log.Fatal(4, `Dependency outdated!
Package '%s' current version (%s) is below requirement (%s), 
please use following command to update this package and recompile Gogs:
go get -u %[1]s`, c.ImportPath, c.Version(), c.Expected)
Beispiel #7
func newLogService() {
	log.Info("%s %s", AppName, AppVer)

	// Get and check log mode.
	LogModes = strings.Split(Cfg.MustValue("log", "MODE", "console"), ",")
	LogConfigs = make([]string, len(LogModes))
	for i, mode := range LogModes {
		mode = strings.TrimSpace(mode)
		modeSec := "log." + mode
		if _, err := Cfg.GetSection(modeSec); err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Unknown log mode: %s", mode)

		// Log level.
		levelName := Cfg.MustValueRange("log."+mode, "LEVEL", "Trace",
			[]string{"Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical"})
		level, ok := logLevels[levelName]
		if !ok {
			log.Fatal("Unknown log level: %s", levelName)

		// Generate log configuration.
		switch mode {
		case "console":
			LogConfigs[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s}`, level)
		case "file":
			logPath := Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "FILE_NAME", path.Join(LogRootPath, "gogs.log"))
			os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(logPath), os.ModePerm)
			LogConfigs[i] = fmt.Sprintf(
				`{"level":%s,"filename":"%s","rotate":%v,"maxlines":%d,"maxsize":%d,"daily":%v,"maxdays":%d}`, level,
				Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "LOG_ROTATE", true),
				Cfg.MustInt(modeSec, "MAX_LINES", 1000000),
				1<<uint(Cfg.MustInt(modeSec, "MAX_SIZE_SHIFT", 28)),
				Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "DAILY_ROTATE", true),
				Cfg.MustInt(modeSec, "MAX_DAYS", 7))
		case "conn":
			LogConfigs[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":"%s","reconnectOnMsg":%v,"reconnect":%v,"net":"%s","addr":"%s"}`, level,
				Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "RECONNECT_ON_MSG"),
				Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "RECONNECT"),
				Cfg.MustValueRange(modeSec, "PROTOCOL", "tcp", []string{"tcp", "unix", "udp"}),
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "ADDR", ":7020"))
		case "smtp":
			LogConfigs[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":"%s","username":"******","password":"******","host":"%s","sendTos":"%s","subject":"%s"}`, level,
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "USER", "*****@*****.**"),
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "PASSWD", "******"),
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "HOST", ""),
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "RECEIVERS", "[]"),
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "SUBJECT", "Diagnostic message from serve"))
		case "database":
			LogConfigs[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":"%s","driver":"%s","conn":"%s"}`, level,
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "DRIVER"),
				Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "CONN"))

		log.NewLogger(Cfg.MustInt64("log", "BUFFER_LEN", 10000), mode, LogConfigs[i])
		log.Info("Log Mode: %s(%s)", strings.Title(mode), levelName)
Beispiel #8
// checkVersion checks if binary matches the version of templates files.
func checkVersion() {
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "templates/.VERSION"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to read 'templates/.VERSION': %v", err)
	if string(data) != setting.AppVer {
		log.Fatal(4, "Binary and template file version does not match, did you forget to recompile?")
Beispiel #9
func init() {
	var err error

	if appPath, err = exePath(); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("publickey.init(fail to get app path): %v\n", err)

	// Determine and create .ssh path.
	SshPath = filepath.Join(homeDir(), ".ssh")
	if err = os.MkdirAll(SshPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("publickey.init(fail to create SshPath(%s)): %v\n", SshPath, err)
Beispiel #10
func init() {
	var err error

	if appPath, err = exePath(); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "fail to get app path: %v\n", err)
	appPath = strings.Replace(appPath, "\\", "/", -1)

	// Determine and create .ssh path.
	SSHPath = filepath.Join(homeDir(), ".ssh")
	if err = os.MkdirAll(SSHPath, 0700); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "fail to create '%s': %v", SSHPath, err)
Beispiel #11
func newSessionService() {
	SessionProvider = Cfg.MustValueRange("session", "PROVIDER", "memory",
		[]string{"memory", "file", "redis", "mysql"})

	SessionConfig = new(session.Config)
	SessionConfig.ProviderConfig = Cfg.MustValue("session", "PROVIDER_CONFIG")
	SessionConfig.CookieName = Cfg.MustValue("session", "COOKIE_NAME", "i_like_gogits")
	SessionConfig.CookieSecure = Cfg.MustBool("session", "COOKIE_SECURE")
	SessionConfig.EnableSetCookie = Cfg.MustBool("session", "ENABLE_SET_COOKIE", true)
	SessionConfig.GcIntervalTime = Cfg.MustInt64("session", "GC_INTERVAL_TIME", 86400)
	SessionConfig.SessionLifeTime = Cfg.MustInt64("session", "SESSION_LIFE_TIME", 86400)
	SessionConfig.SessionIDHashFunc = Cfg.MustValueRange("session", "SESSION_ID_HASHFUNC",
		"sha1", []string{"sha1", "sha256", "md5"})
	SessionConfig.SessionIDHashKey = Cfg.MustValue("session", "SESSION_ID_HASHKEY")

	if SessionProvider == "file" {
		os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(SessionConfig.ProviderConfig), os.ModePerm)

	var err error
	SessionManager, err = session.NewManager(SessionProvider, *SessionConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Init session system failed, provider: %s, %v",
			SessionProvider, err)

	log.Info("Session Service Enabled")
Beispiel #12
func LoadRepoConfig() {
	// Load .gitignore and license files.
	types := []string{"gitignore", "license"}
	typeFiles := make([][]string, 2)
	for i, t := range types {
		files := getAssetList(path.Join("conf", t))
		customPath := path.Join(setting.CustomPath, "conf", t)
		if com.IsDir(customPath) {
			customFiles, err := com.StatDir(customPath)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("Fail to get custom %s files: %v", t, err)

			for _, f := range customFiles {
				if !com.IsSliceContainsStr(files, f) {
					files = append(files, f)
		typeFiles[i] = files

	LanguageIgns = typeFiles[0]
	Licenses = typeFiles[1]
Beispiel #13
// GlobalInit is for global configuration reload-able.
func GlobalInit() {
	log.Trace("Custom path: %s", setting.CustomPath)
	log.Trace("Log path: %s", setting.LogRootPath)

	if setting.InstallLock {

		if err := models.NewEngine(); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to initialize ORM engine: %v", err)

		models.HasEngine = true
		log.NewGitLogger(path.Join(setting.LogRootPath, "http.log"))
	if models.EnableSQLite3 {
		log.Info("SQLite3 Supported")
	if models.EnableTidb {
		log.Info("TiDB Supported")

	if setting.StartSSHServer {
		log.Info("SSH server started on :%v", setting.SSHPort)
Beispiel #14
func init() {
	// Determine and create .ssh path.
	SSHPath = filepath.Join(homeDir(), ".ssh")
	if err := os.MkdirAll(SSHPath, 0700); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "fail to create '%s': %v", SSHPath, err)
Beispiel #15
// homeDir returns the home directory of current user.
func homeDir() string {
	home, err := com.HomeDir()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get home directory: %v", err)
	return home
Beispiel #16
// GlobalInit is for global configuration reload-able.
func GlobalInit() {
	log.Trace("Custom path: %s", setting.CustomPath)
	log.Trace("Log path: %s", setting.LogRootPath)

	if setting.InstallLock {

		if err := models.NewEngine(); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to initialize ORM engine: %v", err)

		models.HasEngine = true
		log.NewGitLogger(path.Join(setting.LogRootPath, "http.log"))
	if models.EnableSQLite3 {
		log.Info("SQLite3 Enabled")
Beispiel #17
// Migrate database to current version
func Migrate(x *xorm.Engine) error {
	if err := x.Sync(new(Version)); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("sync: %v", err)

	currentVersion := &Version{Id: 1}
	has, err := x.Get(currentVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("get: %v", err)
	} else if !has {
		// If the user table does not exist it is a fresh installation and we
		// can skip all migrations.
		needsMigration, err := x.IsTableExist("user")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if needsMigration {
			isEmpty, err := x.IsTableEmpty("user")
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// If the user table is empty it is a fresh installation and we can
			// skip all migrations.
			needsMigration = !isEmpty
		if !needsMigration {
			currentVersion.Version = int64(_MIN_DB_VER + len(migrations))

		if _, err = x.InsertOne(currentVersion); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("insert: %v", err)

	v := currentVersion.Version
	if _MIN_DB_VER > v {
		log.Fatal(4, "Gogs no longer supports auto-migration from your previously installed version. Please try to upgrade to a lower version first, then upgrade to current version.")
		return nil

	if int(v-_MIN_DB_VER) > len(migrations) {
		// User downgraded Gogs.
		currentVersion.Version = int64(len(migrations) + _MIN_DB_VER)
		_, err = x.Id(1).Update(currentVersion)
		return err
	for i, m := range migrations[v-_MIN_DB_VER:] {
		log.Info("Migration: %s", m.Description())
		if err = m.Migrate(x); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("do migrate: %v", err)
		currentVersion.Version = v + int64(i) + 1
		if _, err = x.Id(1).Update(currentVersion); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Beispiel #18
func NewContext() {
	var (
		entry *cron.Entry
		err   error
	if setting.Cron.UpdateMirror.Enabled {
		entry, err = c.AddFunc("Update mirrors", setting.Cron.UpdateMirror.Schedule, models.MirrorUpdate)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Cron[Update mirrors]: %v", err)
		if setting.Cron.UpdateMirror.RunAtStart {
			entry.Prev = time.Now()
			go models.MirrorUpdate()
	if setting.Cron.RepoHealthCheck.Enabled {
		entry, err = c.AddFunc("Repository health check", setting.Cron.RepoHealthCheck.Schedule, models.GitFsck)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Cron[Repository health check]: %v", err)
		if setting.Cron.RepoHealthCheck.RunAtStart {
			entry.Prev = time.Now()
			go models.GitFsck()
	if setting.Cron.CheckRepoStats.Enabled {
		entry, err = c.AddFunc("Check repository statistics", setting.Cron.CheckRepoStats.Schedule, models.CheckRepoStats)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Cron[Check repository statistics]: %v", err)
		if setting.Cron.CheckRepoStats.RunAtStart {
			entry.Prev = time.Now()
			go models.CheckRepoStats()
Beispiel #19
func newCacheService() {
	CacheAdapter = Cfg.Section("cache").Key("ADAPTER").In("memory", []string{"memory", "redis", "memcache"})
	switch CacheAdapter {
	case "memory":
		CacheInternal = Cfg.Section("cache").Key("INTERVAL").MustInt(60)
	case "redis", "memcache":
		CacheConn = strings.Trim(Cfg.Section("cache").Key("HOST").String(), "\" ")
		log.Fatal(4, "Unknown cache adapter: %s", CacheAdapter)

	log.Info("Cache Service Enabled")
Beispiel #20
func init() {
	IsWindows = runtime.GOOS == "windows"
	log.NewLogger(0, "console", `{"level": 0}`)

	var err error
	if AppPath, err = execPath(); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "fail to get app path: %v\n", err)

	// Note: we don't use path.Dir here because it does not handle case
	//	which path starts with two "/" in Windows: "//psf/Home/..."
	AppPath = strings.Replace(AppPath, "\\", "/", -1)
Beispiel #21
func NewRepoContext() {
	zip.Verbose = false

	// Check Git installation.
	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to test 'git' command: %v (forgotten install?)", err)

	// Check Git version.
	ver, err := git.GetVersion()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get Git version: %v", err)

	reqVer, err := git.ParseVersion("1.7.1")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to parse required Git version: %v", err)
	if ver.LessThan(reqVer) {
		log.Fatal(4, "Gogs requires Git version greater or equal to 1.7.1")

	// Check if server has basic git setting and set if not.
	if stdout, stderr, err := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(get setting)", "git", "config", "--get", ""); err != nil || strings.TrimSpace(stdout) == "" {
		// ExitError indicates is not set
		if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok || strings.TrimSpace(stdout) == "" {
			stndrdUserName := "******"
			stndrdUserEmail := "*****@*****.**"
			if _, stderr, gerr := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(set name)", "git", "config", "--global", "", stndrdUserName); gerr != nil {
				log.Fatal(4, "Fail to set git %s", gerr, stderr)
			if _, stderr, gerr := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(set email)", "git", "config", "--global", "", stndrdUserEmail); gerr != nil {
				log.Fatal(4, "Fail to set git %s", gerr, stderr)
			log.Info("Git and set to %s <%s>", stndrdUserName, stndrdUserEmail)
		} else {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get git %s", err, stderr)

	// Set git some configurations.
	if _, stderr, err := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(git config --global core.quotepath false)",
		"git", "config", "--global", "core.quotepath", "false"); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to execute 'git config --global core.quotepath false': %s", stderr)

Beispiel #22
// checkVersion checks if binary matches the version of templates files.
func checkVersion() {
	// Templates.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "templates/.VERSION"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to read 'templates/.VERSION': %v", err)
	if string(data) != setting.AppVer {
		log.Fatal(4, "Binary and template file version does not match, did you forget to recompile?")

	// Check dependency version.
	macaronVer := git.MustParseVersion(strings.Join(strings.Split(macaron.Version(), ".")[:3], "."))
	if macaronVer.LessThan(git.MustParseVersion("0.2.3")) {
		log.Fatal(4, "Package macaron version is too old, did you forget to update?(")
	i18nVer := git.MustParseVersion(i18n.Version())
	if i18nVer.LessThan(git.MustParseVersion("0.0.2")) {
		log.Fatal(4, "Package i18n version is too old, did you forget to update?(")
	sessionVer := git.MustParseVersion(session.Version())
	if sessionVer.LessThan(git.MustParseVersion("0.0.3")) {
		log.Fatal(4, "Package session version is too old, did you forget to update?(")
Beispiel #23
// Migrate database to current version
func Migrate(x *xorm.Engine) error {
	if err := x.Sync(new(Version)); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("sync: %v", err)

	currentVersion := &Version{ID: 1}
	has, err := x.Get(currentVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("get: %v", err)
	} else if !has {
		// If the version record does not exist we think
		// it is a fresh installation and we can skip all migrations.
		currentVersion.Version = int64(_MIN_DB_VER + len(migrations))

		if _, err = x.InsertOne(currentVersion); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("insert: %v", err)

	v := currentVersion.Version
	if _MIN_DB_VER > v {
		log.Fatal(4, `Gogs no longer supports auto-migration from your previously installed version. 
Please try to upgrade to a lower version (>= v0.6.0) first, then upgrade to current version.`)
		return nil

	if int(v-_MIN_DB_VER) > len(migrations) {
		// User downgraded Gogs.
		currentVersion.Version = int64(len(migrations) + _MIN_DB_VER)
		_, err = x.Id(1).Update(currentVersion)
		return err
	for i, m := range migrations[v-_MIN_DB_VER:] {
		log.Info("Migration: %s", m.Description())
		if err = m.Migrate(x); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("do migrate: %v", err)
		currentVersion.Version = v + int64(i) + 1
		if _, err = x.Id(1).Update(currentVersion); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Beispiel #24
func NewRepoContext() {
	zip.Verbose = false

	// Check Git installation.
	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to test 'git' command: %v (forgotten install?)", err)

	// Check Git version.
	ver, err := git.GetVersion()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get Git version: %v", err)

	reqVer, err := git.ParseVersion("1.7.1")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to parse required Git version: %v", err)
	if ver.LessThan(reqVer) {
		log.Fatal(4, "Gogs requires Git version greater or equal to 1.7.1")

	// Git requires setting and in order to commit changes.
	for configKey, defaultValue := range map[string]string{"": "Gogs", "": "*****@*****.**"} {
		if stdout, stderr, err := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(get setting)", "git", "config", "--get", configKey); err != nil || strings.TrimSpace(stdout) == "" {
			// ExitError indicates this config is not set
			if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok || strings.TrimSpace(stdout) == "" {
				if _, stderr, gerr := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(set "+configKey+")", "git", "config", "--global", configKey, defaultValue); gerr != nil {
					log.Fatal(4, "Fail to set git %s(%s): %s", configKey, gerr, stderr)
				log.Info("Git config %s set to %s", configKey, defaultValue)
			} else {
				log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get git %s(%s): %s", configKey, err, stderr)

	// Set git some configurations.
	if _, stderr, err := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(git config --global core.quotepath false)",
		"git", "config", "--global", "core.quotepath", "false"); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to execute 'git config --global core.quotepath false': %s", stderr)

Beispiel #25
func newCacheService() {
	CacheAdapter = Cfg.MustValueRange("cache", "ADAPTER", "memory", []string{"memory", "redis", "memcache"})
	if EnableRedis {
		log.Info("Redis Enabled")
	if EnableMemcache {
		log.Info("Memcache Enabled")

	switch CacheAdapter {
	case "memory":
		CacheInternal = Cfg.MustInt("cache", "INTERVAL", 60)
	case "redis", "memcache":
		CacheConn = strings.Trim(Cfg.MustValue("cache", "HOST"), "\" ")
		log.Fatal(4, "Unknown cache adapter: %s", CacheAdapter)

	log.Info("Cache Service Enabled")
Beispiel #26
// GlobalInit is for global configuration reload-able.
func GlobalInit() {
	log.Trace("Custom path: %s", setting.CustomPath)
	log.Trace("Log path: %s", setting.LogRootPath)

	if setting.InstallLock {

		if err := models.NewEngine(); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to initialize ORM engine: %v", err)
		models.HasEngine = true

		// Booting long running goroutines.
		log.NewGitLogger(path.Join(setting.LogRootPath, "http.log"))
	if models.EnableSQLite3 {
		log.Info("SQLite3 Supported")
	if models.EnableTiDB {
		log.Info("TiDB Supported")
	if setting.SupportMiniWinService {
		log.Info("Builtin Windows Service Supported")

	if setting.InstallLock && setting.SSH.StartBuiltinServer {
		log.Info("SSH server started on :%v", setting.SSH.ListenPort)
Beispiel #27
func NewRepoContext() {
	zip.Verbose = false

	// Check Git installation.
	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to test 'git' command: %v (forgotten install?)", err)

	// Check Git version.
	ver, err := git.GetVersion()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get Git version: %v", err)
	if ver.Major < 2 && ver.Minor < 8 {
		log.Fatal(4, "Gogs requires Git version greater or equal to 1.8.0")

	// Check if server has basic git setting.
	stdout, stderr, err := process.Exec("NewRepoContext(get setting)", "git", "config", "--get", "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get git %s", stderr)
	} else if err != nil || len(strings.TrimSpace(stdout)) == 0 {
		if _, stderr, err = process.Exec("NewRepoContext(set email)", "git", "config", "--global", "", "*****@*****.**"); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to set git %s", stderr)
		} else if _, stderr, err = process.Exec("NewRepoContext(set name)", "git", "config", "--global", "", "Gogs"); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to set git %s", stderr)

	// Set git some configurations.
	if _, stderr, err = process.Exec("NewRepoContext(git config --global core.quotepath false)",
		"git", "config", "--global", "core.quotepath", "false"); err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to execute 'git config --global core.quotepath false': %s", stderr)

Beispiel #28
func runWeb(*cli.Context) {

	m := newMacaron()

	reqSignIn := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignInRequire: true})
	ignSignIn := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignInRequire: setting.Service.RequireSignInView})
	ignSignInAndCsrf := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{DisableCsrf: true})
	reqSignOut := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignOutRequire: true})

	bindIgnErr := binding.BindIgnErr

	// Routers.
	m.Get("/", ignSignIn, routers.Home)
	m.Get("/explore", ignSignIn, routers.Explore)
	m.Get("/install", bindIgnErr(auth.InstallForm{}), routers.Install)
	m.Post("/install", bindIgnErr(auth.InstallForm{}), routers.InstallPost)
	m.Group("", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/pulls", user.Pulls)
		r.Get("/issues", user.Issues)
	}, reqSignIn)

	// API routers.
	m.Group("/api", func(_ *macaron.Router) {
		m.Group("/v1", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			// Miscellaneous.
			r.Post("/markdown", bindIgnErr(apiv1.MarkdownForm{}), v1.Markdown)
			r.Post("/markdown/raw", v1.MarkdownRaw)

			// Users.
			m.Group("/users", func(r *macaron.Router) {
				r.Get("/search", v1.SearchUsers)

			// Repositories.
			m.Group("/repos", func(r *macaron.Router) {
				r.Get("/search", v1.SearchRepos)
				r.Post("/migrate", bindIgnErr(auth.MigrateRepoForm{}), v1.Migrate)

			r.Any("/*", func(ctx *middleware.Context) {
				ctx.JSON(404, &base.ApiJsonErr{"Not Found", v1.DOC_URL})

	// User routers.
	m.Group("/user", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/login", user.SignIn)
		r.Post("/login", bindIgnErr(auth.SignInForm{}), user.SignInPost)
		r.Get("/login/:name", user.SocialSignIn)
		r.Get("/sign_up", user.SignUp)
		r.Post("/sign_up", bindIgnErr(auth.RegisterForm{}), user.SignUpPost)
		r.Get("/reset_password", user.ResetPasswd)
		r.Post("/reset_password", user.ResetPasswdPost)
	}, reqSignOut)
	m.Group("/user/settings", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("", user.Settings)
		r.Post("", bindIgnErr(auth.UpdateProfileForm{}), user.SettingsPost)
		r.Get("/password", user.SettingsPassword)
		r.Post("/password", bindIgnErr(auth.ChangePasswordForm{}), user.SettingsPasswordPost)
		r.Get("/ssh", user.SettingsSSHKeys)
		r.Post("/ssh", bindIgnErr(auth.AddSSHKeyForm{}), user.SettingsSSHKeysPost)
		r.Get("/social", user.SettingsSocial)
		r.Route("/delete", "GET,POST", user.SettingsDelete)
	}, reqSignIn)
	m.Group("/user", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		// r.Get("/feeds", binding.Bind(auth.FeedsForm{}), user.Feeds)
		r.Any("/activate", user.Activate)
		r.Get("/email2user", user.Email2User)
		r.Get("/forget_password", user.ForgotPasswd)
		r.Post("/forget_password", user.ForgotPasswdPost)
		r.Get("/logout", user.SignOut)

	m.Get("/user/:username", ignSignIn, user.Profile) // TODO: Legacy

	// Gravatar service.
	avt := avatar.CacheServer("public/img/avatar/", "public/img/avatar_default.jpg")
	os.MkdirAll("public/img/avatar/", os.ModePerm)
	m.Get("/avatar/:hash", avt.ServeHTTP)

	adminReq := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignInRequire: true, AdminRequire: true})

	m.Group("/admin", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		m.Get("", adminReq, admin.Dashboard)
		r.Get("/config", admin.Config)
		r.Get("/monitor", admin.Monitor)

		m.Group("/users", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("", admin.Users)
			r.Get("/new", admin.NewUser)
			r.Post("/new", bindIgnErr(auth.RegisterForm{}), admin.NewUserPost)
			r.Get("/:userid", admin.EditUser)
			r.Post("/:userid", bindIgnErr(auth.AdminEditUserForm{}), admin.EditUserPost)
			r.Post("/:userid/delete", admin.DeleteUser)

		m.Group("/orgs", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("", admin.Organizations)

		m.Group("/repos", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("", admin.Repositories)

		m.Group("/auths", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("", admin.Authentications)
			r.Get("/new", admin.NewAuthSource)
			r.Post("/new", bindIgnErr(auth.AuthenticationForm{}), admin.NewAuthSourcePost)
			r.Get("/:authid", admin.EditAuthSource)
			r.Post("/:authid", bindIgnErr(auth.AuthenticationForm{}), admin.EditAuthSourcePost)
			r.Post("/:authid/delete", admin.DeleteAuthSource)
	}, adminReq)

	m.Get("/:username", ignSignIn, user.Profile)

	if macaron.Env == macaron.DEV {
		m.Get("/template/*", dev.TemplatePreview)

	reqTrueOwner := middleware.RequireTrueOwner()

	// Organization routers.
	m.Group("/org", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/create", org.Create)
		r.Post("/create", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateOrgForm{}), org.CreatePost)

		m.Group("/:org", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("/dashboard", user.Dashboard)
			r.Get("/members", org.Members)
			r.Get("/members/action/:action", org.MembersAction)

			r.Get("/teams", org.Teams)
			r.Get("/teams/:team", org.TeamMembers)
			r.Get("/teams/:team/repositories", org.TeamRepositories)
			r.Get("/teams/:team/action/:action", org.TeamsAction)
			r.Get("/teams/:team/action/repo/:action", org.TeamsRepoAction)
		}, middleware.OrgAssignment(true, true))

		m.Group("/:org", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("/teams/new", org.NewTeam)
			r.Post("/teams/new", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateTeamForm{}), org.NewTeamPost)
			r.Get("/teams/:team/edit", org.EditTeam)
			r.Post("/teams/:team/edit", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateTeamForm{}), org.EditTeamPost)
			r.Post("/teams/:team/delete", org.DeleteTeam)

			m.Group("/settings", func(r *macaron.Router) {
				r.Get("", org.Settings)
				r.Post("", bindIgnErr(auth.UpdateOrgSettingForm{}), org.SettingsPost)
				r.Get("/hooks", org.SettingsHooks)
				r.Get("/hooks/new", repo.WebHooksNew)
				r.Post("/hooks/gogs/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksNewPost)
				r.Post("/hooks/slack/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksNewPost)
				r.Get("/hooks/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
				r.Post("/hooks/gogs/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksEditPost)
				r.Post("/hooks/slack/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksEditPost)
				r.Route("/delete", "GET,POST", org.SettingsDelete)

			r.Route("/invitations/new", "GET,POST", org.Invitation)
		}, middleware.OrgAssignment(true, true, true))
	}, reqSignIn)
	m.Group("/org", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/:org", org.Home)
	}, middleware.OrgAssignment(true))

	// Repository routers.
	m.Group("/repo", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/create", repo.Create)
		r.Post("/create", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateRepoForm{}), repo.CreatePost)
		r.Get("/migrate", repo.Migrate)
		r.Post("/migrate", bindIgnErr(auth.MigrateRepoForm{}), repo.MigratePost)
	}, reqSignIn)

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/settings", repo.Settings)
		r.Post("/settings", bindIgnErr(auth.RepoSettingForm{}), repo.SettingsPost)
		m.Group("/settings", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Route("/collaboration", "GET,POST", repo.SettingsCollaboration)
			r.Get("/hooks", repo.Webhooks)
			r.Get("/hooks/new", repo.WebHooksNew)
			r.Post("/hooks/gogs/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksNewPost)
			r.Post("/hooks/slack/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksNewPost)
			r.Get("/hooks/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
			r.Post("/hooks/gogs/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksEditPost)
			r.Post("/hooks/slack/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksEditPost)
	}, reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true), reqTrueOwner)

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/action/:action", repo.Action)

		m.Group("/issues", func(r *macaron.Router) {
			r.Get("/new", repo.CreateIssue)
			r.Post("/new", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateIssueForm{}), repo.CreateIssuePost)
			r.Post("/:index", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateIssueForm{}), repo.UpdateIssue)
			r.Post("/:index/label", repo.UpdateIssueLabel)
			r.Post("/:index/milestone", repo.UpdateIssueMilestone)
			r.Post("/:index/assignee", repo.UpdateAssignee)
			r.Get("/:index/attachment/:id", repo.IssueGetAttachment)
			r.Post("/labels/new", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateLabelForm{}), repo.NewLabel)
			r.Post("/labels/edit", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateLabelForm{}), repo.UpdateLabel)
			r.Post("/labels/delete", repo.DeleteLabel)
			r.Get("/milestones", repo.Milestones)
			r.Get("/milestones/new", repo.NewMilestone)
			r.Post("/milestones/new", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateMilestoneForm{}), repo.NewMilestonePost)
			r.Get("/milestones/:index/edit", repo.UpdateMilestone)
			r.Post("/milestones/:index/edit", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateMilestoneForm{}), repo.UpdateMilestonePost)
			r.Get("/milestones/:index/:action", repo.UpdateMilestone)

		r.Post("/comment/:action", repo.Comment)
		r.Get("/releases/new", repo.NewRelease)
		r.Get("/releases/edit/:tagname", repo.EditRelease)
	}, reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true))

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Post("/releases/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewReleaseForm{}), repo.NewReleasePost)
		r.Post("/releases/edit/:tagname", bindIgnErr(auth.EditReleaseForm{}), repo.EditReleasePost)
	}, reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true, true))

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/issues", repo.Issues)
		r.Get("/issues/:index", repo.ViewIssue)
		r.Get("/pulls", repo.Pulls)
		r.Get("/branches", repo.Branches)
	}, ignSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true))

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/src/:branchname", repo.Home)
		r.Get("/src/:branchname/*", repo.Home)
		r.Get("/raw/:branchname/*", repo.SingleDownload)
		r.Get("/commits/:branchname", repo.Commits)
		r.Get("/commits/:branchname/search", repo.SearchCommits)
		r.Get("/commits/:branchname/*", repo.FileHistory)
		r.Get("/commit/:branchname", repo.Diff)
		r.Get("/commit/:branchname/*", repo.Diff)
		r.Get("/releases", repo.Releases)
		r.Get("/archive/*.*", repo.Download)
		r.Get("/compare/:before([a-z0-9]+)...:after([a-z0-9]+)", repo.CompareDiff)
	}, ignSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true, true))

	m.Group("/:username", func(r *macaron.Router) {
		r.Get("/:reponame", ignSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true, true, true), repo.Home)
		r.Any("/:reponame/*", ignSignInAndCsrf, repo.Http)

	// Not found handler.

	var err error
	listenAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", setting.HttpAddr, setting.HttpPort)
	log.Info("Listen: %v://%s", setting.Protocol, listenAddr)
	switch setting.Protocol {
	case setting.HTTP:
		err = http.ListenAndServe(listenAddr, m)
	case setting.HTTPS:
		err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(listenAddr, setting.CertFile, setting.KeyFile, m)
		log.Fatal(4, "Invalid protocol: %s", setting.Protocol)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to start server: %v", err)
Beispiel #29
func runWeb(ctx *cli.Context) {
	if ctx.IsSet("config") {
		setting.CustomConf = ctx.String("config")

	m := newMacaron()

	reqSignIn := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignInRequire: true})
	ignSignIn := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignInRequire: setting.Service.RequireSignInView})
	ignSignInAndCsrf := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{DisableCsrf: true})
	reqSignOut := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignOutRequire: true})

	bindIgnErr := binding.BindIgnErr

	// Routers.
	m.Get("/", ignSignIn, routers.Home)
	m.Get("/explore", ignSignIn, routers.Explore)
	m.Combo("/install", routers.InstallInit).Get(routers.Install).
		Post(bindIgnErr(auth.InstallForm{}), routers.InstallPost)
	m.Get("/^:type(issues|pulls)$", reqSignIn, user.Issues)

	// ***** START: API *****
	m.Group("/api", func() {
	}, ignSignIn)
	// ***** END: API *****

	// ***** START: User *****
	m.Group("/user", func() {
		m.Get("/login", user.SignIn)
		m.Post("/login", bindIgnErr(auth.SignInForm{}), user.SignInPost)
		m.Get("/sign_up", user.SignUp)
		m.Post("/sign_up", bindIgnErr(auth.RegisterForm{}), user.SignUpPost)
		m.Get("/reset_password", user.ResetPasswd)
		m.Post("/reset_password", user.ResetPasswdPost)
	}, reqSignOut)

	m.Group("/user/settings", func() {
		m.Get("", user.Settings)
		m.Post("", bindIgnErr(auth.UpdateProfileForm{}), user.SettingsPost)
		m.Post("/avatar", binding.MultipartForm(auth.UploadAvatarForm{}), user.SettingsAvatar)
			Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AddEmailForm{}), user.SettingsEmailPost)
		m.Post("/email/delete", user.DeleteEmail)
		m.Get("/password", user.SettingsPassword)
		m.Post("/password", bindIgnErr(auth.ChangePasswordForm{}), user.SettingsPasswordPost)
			Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AddSSHKeyForm{}), user.SettingsSSHKeysPost)
		m.Post("/ssh/delete", user.DeleteSSHKey)
			Post(bindIgnErr(auth.NewAccessTokenForm{}), user.SettingsApplicationsPost)
		m.Post("/applications/delete", user.SettingsDeleteApplication)
		m.Route("/delete", "GET,POST", user.SettingsDelete)
	}, reqSignIn, func(ctx *middleware.Context) {
		ctx.Data["PageIsUserSettings"] = true

	m.Group("/user", func() {
		// r.Get("/feeds", binding.Bind(auth.FeedsForm{}), user.Feeds)
		m.Any("/activate", user.Activate)
		m.Any("/activate_email", user.ActivateEmail)
		m.Get("/email2user", user.Email2User)
		m.Get("/forget_password", user.ForgotPasswd)
		m.Post("/forget_password", user.ForgotPasswdPost)
		m.Get("/logout", user.SignOut)
	// ***** END: User *****

	// Gravatar service.
	avt := avatar.CacheServer("public/img/avatar/", "public/img/avatar_default.jpg")
	os.MkdirAll("public/img/avatar/", os.ModePerm)
	m.Get("/avatar/:hash", avt.ServeHTTP)

	adminReq := middleware.Toggle(&middleware.ToggleOptions{SignInRequire: true, AdminRequire: true})

	// ***** START: Admin *****
	m.Group("/admin", func() {
		m.Get("", adminReq, admin.Dashboard)
		m.Get("/config", admin.Config)
		m.Get("/monitor", admin.Monitor)

		m.Group("/users", func() {
			m.Get("", admin.Users)
			m.Combo("/new").Get(admin.NewUser).Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AdminCrateUserForm{}), admin.NewUserPost)
			m.Combo("/:userid").Get(admin.EditUser).Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AdminEditUserForm{}), admin.EditUserPost)
			m.Post("/:userid/delete", admin.DeleteUser)

		m.Group("/orgs", func() {
			m.Get("", admin.Organizations)

		m.Group("/repos", func() {
			m.Get("", admin.Repos)
			m.Post("/delete", admin.DeleteRepo)

		m.Group("/auths", func() {
			m.Get("", admin.Authentications)
			m.Combo("/new").Get(admin.NewAuthSource).Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AuthenticationForm{}), admin.NewAuthSourcePost)
				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AuthenticationForm{}), admin.EditAuthSourcePost)
			m.Post("/:authid/delete", admin.DeleteAuthSource)

		m.Group("/notices", func() {
			m.Get("", admin.Notices)
			m.Post("/delete", admin.DeleteNotices)
			m.Get("/empty", admin.EmptyNotices)
	}, adminReq)
	// ***** END: Admin *****

	m.Group("", func() {
		m.Group("/:username", func() {
			m.Get("", user.Profile)
			m.Get("/followers", user.Followers)
			m.Get("/following", user.Following)
			m.Get("/stars", user.Stars)

		m.Get("/attachments/:uuid", func(ctx *middleware.Context) {
			attach, err := models.GetAttachmentByUUID(ctx.Params(":uuid"))
			if err != nil {
				if models.IsErrAttachmentNotExist(err) {
				} else {
					ctx.Handle(500, "GetAttachmentByUUID", err)

			fr, err := os.Open(attach.LocalPath())
			if err != nil {
				ctx.Handle(500, "Open", err)
			defer fr.Close()

			ctx.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=86400")
			// Fix #312. Attachments with , in their name are not handled correctly by Google Chrome.
			// We must put the name in " manually.
			if err = repo.ServeData(ctx, "\""+attach.Name+"\"", fr); err != nil {
				ctx.Handle(500, "ServeData", err)
		m.Post("/issues/attachments", repo.UploadIssueAttachment)
	}, ignSignIn)

	m.Group("/:username", func() {
		m.Get("/action/:action", user.Action)
	}, reqSignIn)

	if macaron.Env == macaron.DEV {
		m.Get("/template/*", dev.TemplatePreview)

	reqRepoAdmin := middleware.RequireRepoAdmin()
	reqRepoPusher := middleware.RequireRepoPusher()

	// ***** START: Organization *****
	m.Group("/org", func() {
		m.Get("/create", org.Create)
		m.Post("/create", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateOrgForm{}), org.CreatePost)

		m.Group("/:org", func() {
			m.Get("/dashboard", user.Dashboard)
			m.Get("/^:type(issues|pulls)$", user.Issues)
			m.Get("/members", org.Members)
			m.Get("/members/action/:action", org.MembersAction)

			m.Get("/teams", org.Teams)
			m.Get("/teams/:team", org.TeamMembers)
			m.Get("/teams/:team/repositories", org.TeamRepositories)
			m.Route("/teams/:team/action/:action", "GET,POST", org.TeamsAction)
			m.Route("/teams/:team/action/repo/:action", "GET,POST", org.TeamsRepoAction)
		}, middleware.OrgAssignment(true))

		m.Group("/:org", func() {
			m.Get("/teams/new", org.NewTeam)
			m.Post("/teams/new", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateTeamForm{}), org.NewTeamPost)
			m.Get("/teams/:team/edit", org.EditTeam)
			m.Post("/teams/:team/edit", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateTeamForm{}), org.EditTeamPost)
			m.Post("/teams/:team/delete", org.DeleteTeam)

			m.Group("/settings", func() {
					Post(bindIgnErr(auth.UpdateOrgSettingForm{}), org.SettingsPost)
				m.Post("/avatar", binding.MultipartForm(auth.UploadAvatarForm{}), org.SettingsAvatar)

				m.Group("/hooks", func() {
					m.Get("", org.Webhooks)
					m.Post("/delete", org.DeleteWebhook)
					m.Get("/:type/new", repo.WebhooksNew)
					m.Post("/gogs/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksNewPost)
					m.Post("/slack/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksNewPost)
					m.Get("/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
					m.Post("/gogs/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksEditPost)
					m.Post("/slack/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksEditPost)

				m.Route("/delete", "GET,POST", org.SettingsDelete)

			m.Route("/invitations/new", "GET,POST", org.Invitation)
		}, middleware.OrgAssignment(true, true))
	}, reqSignIn)
	// ***** END: Organization *****

	// ***** START: Repository *****
	m.Group("/repo", func() {
		m.Get("/create", repo.Create)
		m.Post("/create", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateRepoForm{}), repo.CreatePost)
		m.Get("/migrate", repo.Migrate)
		m.Post("/migrate", bindIgnErr(auth.MigrateRepoForm{}), repo.MigratePost)
			Post(bindIgnErr(auth.CreateRepoForm{}), repo.ForkPost)
	}, reqSignIn)

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func() {
		m.Group("/settings", func() {
				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.RepoSettingForm{}), repo.SettingsPost)
			m.Route("/collaboration", "GET,POST", repo.Collaboration)

			m.Group("/hooks", func() {
				m.Get("", repo.Webhooks)
				m.Post("/delete", repo.DeleteWebhook)
				m.Get("/:type/new", repo.WebhooksNew)
				m.Post("/gogs/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksNewPost)
				m.Post("/slack/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksNewPost)
				m.Get("/:id", repo.WebHooksEdit)
				m.Post("/:id/test", repo.TestWebhook)
				m.Post("/gogs/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewWebhookForm{}), repo.WebHooksEditPost)
				m.Post("/slack/:id", bindIgnErr(auth.NewSlackHookForm{}), repo.SlackHooksEditPost)

				m.Group("/git", func() {
					m.Get("", repo.GitHooks)
				}, middleware.GitHookService())

			m.Group("/keys", func() {
					Post(bindIgnErr(auth.AddSSHKeyForm{}), repo.DeployKeysPost)
				m.Post("/delete", repo.DeleteDeployKey)

		}, func(ctx *middleware.Context) {
			ctx.Data["PageIsSettings"] = true
	}, reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(), reqRepoAdmin, middleware.RepoRef())

	m.Get("/:username/:reponame/action/:action", reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(), repo.Action)
	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func() {
		m.Group("/issues", func() {
			m.Combo("/new", repo.MustEnableIssues).Get(middleware.RepoRef(), repo.NewIssue).
				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.CreateIssueForm{}), repo.NewIssuePost)

			m.Combo("/:index/comments").Post(bindIgnErr(auth.CreateCommentForm{}), repo.NewComment)
			m.Group("/:index", func() {
				m.Post("/label", repo.UpdateIssueLabel)
				m.Post("/milestone", repo.UpdateIssueMilestone)
				m.Post("/assignee", repo.UpdateIssueAssignee)
			}, reqRepoAdmin)

			m.Group("/:index", func() {
				m.Post("/title", repo.UpdateIssueTitle)
				m.Post("/content", repo.UpdateIssueContent)
		m.Post("/comments/:id", repo.UpdateCommentContent)
		m.Group("/labels", func() {
			m.Post("/new", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateLabelForm{}), repo.NewLabel)
			m.Post("/edit", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateLabelForm{}), repo.UpdateLabel)
			m.Post("/delete", repo.DeleteLabel)
		}, reqRepoAdmin, middleware.RepoRef())
		m.Group("/milestones", func() {
				Post(bindIgnErr(auth.CreateMilestoneForm{}), repo.NewMilestonePost)
			m.Get("/:id/edit", repo.EditMilestone)
			m.Post("/:id/edit", bindIgnErr(auth.CreateMilestoneForm{}), repo.EditMilestonePost)
			m.Get("/:id/:action", repo.ChangeMilestonStatus)
			m.Post("/delete", repo.DeleteMilestone)
		}, reqRepoAdmin, middleware.RepoRef())

		m.Group("/releases", func() {
			m.Get("/new", repo.NewRelease)
			m.Post("/new", bindIgnErr(auth.NewReleaseForm{}), repo.NewReleasePost)
			m.Get("/edit/:tagname", repo.EditRelease)
			m.Post("/edit/:tagname", bindIgnErr(auth.EditReleaseForm{}), repo.EditReleasePost)
			m.Post("/delete", repo.DeleteRelease)
		}, reqRepoAdmin, middleware.RepoRef())

		m.Combo("/compare/*", repo.MustEnablePulls).Get(repo.CompareAndPullRequest).
			Post(bindIgnErr(auth.CreateIssueForm{}), repo.CompareAndPullRequestPost)
	}, reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(), repo.MustBeNotBare)

	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func() {
		m.Group("", func() {
			m.Get("/releases", repo.Releases)
			m.Get("/^:type(issues|pulls)$", repo.RetrieveLabels, repo.Issues)
			m.Get("/^:type(issues|pulls)$/:index", repo.ViewIssue)
			m.Get("/labels/", repo.RetrieveLabels, repo.Labels)
			m.Get("/milestones", repo.Milestones)
		}, middleware.RepoRef())

		// m.Get("/branches", repo.Branches)

		m.Group("/wiki", func() {
			m.Get("/?:page", repo.Wiki)
			m.Get("/_pages", repo.WikiPages)

			m.Group("", func() {
					Post(bindIgnErr(auth.NewWikiForm{}), repo.NewWikiPost)
					Post(bindIgnErr(auth.NewWikiForm{}), repo.EditWikiPost)
			}, reqSignIn, reqRepoPusher)
		}, repo.MustEnableWiki, middleware.RepoRef())

		m.Get("/archive/*", repo.Download)

		m.Group("/pulls/:index", func() {
			m.Get("/commits", middleware.RepoRef(), repo.ViewPullCommits)
			m.Get("/files", middleware.RepoRef(), repo.ViewPullFiles)
			m.Post("/merge", reqRepoAdmin, repo.MergePullRequest)
		}, repo.MustEnablePulls)

		m.Group("", func() {
			m.Get("/src/*", repo.Home)
			m.Get("/raw/*", repo.SingleDownload)
			m.Get("/commits/*", repo.RefCommits)
			m.Get("/commit/*", repo.Diff)
			m.Get("/forks", repo.Forks)
		}, middleware.RepoRef())

		m.Get("/compare/:before([a-z0-9]{40})...:after([a-z0-9]{40})", repo.CompareDiff)
	}, ignSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(), repo.MustBeNotBare)
	m.Group("/:username/:reponame", func() {
		m.Get("/stars", repo.Stars)
		m.Get("/watchers", repo.Watchers)
	}, ignSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(), middleware.RepoRef())

	m.Group("/:username", func() {
		m.Group("/:reponame", func() {
			m.Get("", repo.Home)
			m.Get("\\.git$", repo.Home)
		}, ignSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true), middleware.RepoRef())

		m.Group("/:reponame", func() {
			m.Any("/*", ignSignInAndCsrf, repo.HTTP)
			m.Head("/tasks/trigger", repo.TriggerTask)
	// ***** END: Repository *****

	// robots.txt
	m.Get("/robots.txt", func(ctx *middleware.Context) {
		if setting.HasRobotsTxt {
			ctx.ServeFileContent(path.Join(setting.CustomPath, "robots.txt"))
		} else {

	// Not found handler.

	// Flag for port number in case first time run conflict.
	if ctx.IsSet("port") {
		setting.AppUrl = strings.Replace(setting.AppUrl, setting.HttpPort, ctx.String("port"), 1)
		setting.HttpPort = ctx.String("port")

	var err error
	listenAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", setting.HttpAddr, setting.HttpPort)
	log.Info("Listen: %v://%s%s", setting.Protocol, listenAddr, setting.AppSubUrl)
	switch setting.Protocol {
	case setting.HTTP:
		err = http.ListenAndServe(listenAddr, m)
	case setting.HTTPS:
		server := &http.Server{Addr: listenAddr, TLSConfig: &tls.Config{MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10}, Handler: m}
		err = server.ListenAndServeTLS(setting.CertFile, setting.KeyFile)
	case setting.FCGI:
		err = fcgi.Serve(nil, m)
		log.Fatal(4, "Invalid protocol: %s", setting.Protocol)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to start server: %v", err)
Beispiel #30
// newMacaron initializes Macaron instance.
func newMacaron() *macaron.Macaron {
	m := macaron.New()
	if !setting.DisableRouterLog {
	if setting.EnableGzip {
	if setting.Protocol == setting.FCGI {
		path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "public"),
			SkipLogging: setting.DisableRouterLog,
			Prefix:      "avatars",
			SkipLogging: setting.DisableRouterLog,
		Directory:  path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "templates"),
		Funcs:      []gotmpl.FuncMap{template.Funcs},
		IndentJSON: macaron.Env != macaron.PROD,

	localeNames, err := bindata.AssetDir("conf/locale")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to list locale files: %v", err)
	localFiles := make(map[string][]byte)
	for _, name := range localeNames {
		localFiles[name] = bindata.MustAsset("conf/locale/" + name)
		SubURL:          setting.AppSubUrl,
		Files:           localFiles,
		CustomDirectory: path.Join(setting.CustomPath, "conf/locale"),
		Langs:           setting.Langs,
		Names:           setting.Names,
		DefaultLang:     "en-US",
		Redirect:        true,
		Adapter:       setting.CacheAdapter,
		AdapterConfig: setting.CacheConn,
		Interval:      setting.CacheInternal,
		SubURL: setting.AppSubUrl,
		Secret:     setting.SecretKey,
		SetCookie:  true,
		Header:     "X-Csrf-Token",
		CookiePath: setting.AppSubUrl,
	m.Use(toolbox.Toolboxer(m, toolbox.Options{
		HealthCheckFuncs: []*toolbox.HealthCheckFuncDesc{
				Desc: "Database connection",
				Func: models.Ping,
	return m