Beispiel #1
func TestRectBounderMaxLatitudeSimple(t *testing.T) {
	cubeLat := math.Asin(1 / math.Sqrt(3)) // 35.26 degrees
	cubeLatRect := Rect{r1.IntervalFromPoint(-cubeLat).AddPoint(cubeLat),
		s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(-math.Pi/4, math.Pi/4)}

	tests := []struct {
		a, b Point
		want Rect
		// Check cases where the min/max latitude is attained at a vertex.
			a:    PointFromCoords(1, 1, 1),
			b:    PointFromCoords(1, -1, -1),
			want: cubeLatRect,
			a:    PointFromCoords(1, -1, 1),
			b:    PointFromCoords(1, 1, -1),
			want: cubeLatRect,

	for _, test := range tests {
		if got := rectBoundForPoints(test.a, test.b); !rectsApproxEqual(got, test.want, rectErrorLat, rectErrorLng) {
			t.Errorf("RectBounder for points (%v, %v) near max lat failed: got %v, want %v", test.a, test.b, got, test.want)
Beispiel #2
// intersectsLatEdge reports if the edge AB intersects the given edge of constant
// latitude. Requires the points to have unit length.
func intersectsLatEdge(a, b Point, lat s1.Angle, lng s1.Interval) bool {
	// Unfortunately, lines of constant latitude are curves on
	// the sphere. They can intersect a straight edge in 0, 1, or 2 points.

	// First, compute the normal to the plane AB that points vaguely north.
	z := a.PointCross(b)
	if z.Z < 0 {
		z = Point{z.Mul(-1)}

	// Extend this to an orthonormal frame (x,y,z) where x is the direction
	// where the great circle through AB achieves its maximium latitude.
	y := z.PointCross(PointFromCoords(0, 0, 1))
	x := y.Cross(z.Vector)

	// Compute the angle "theta" from the x-axis (in the x-y plane defined
	// above) where the great circle intersects the given line of latitude.
	sinLat := math.Sin(float64(lat))
	if math.Abs(sinLat) >= x.Z {
		// The great circle does not reach the given latitude.
		return false

	cosTheta := sinLat / x.Z
	sinTheta := math.Sqrt(1 - cosTheta*cosTheta)
	theta := math.Atan2(sinTheta, cosTheta)

	// The candidate intersection points are located +/- theta in the x-y
	// plane. For an intersection to be valid, we need to check that the
	// intersection point is contained in the interior of the edge AB and
	// also that it is contained within the given longitude interval "lng".

	// Compute the range of theta values spanned by the edge AB.
	abTheta := s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(
		math.Atan2(a.Dot(y.Vector), a.Dot(x)),
		math.Atan2(b.Dot(y.Vector), b.Dot(x)))

	if abTheta.Contains(theta) {
		// Check if the intersection point is also in the given lng interval.
		isect := x.Mul(cosTheta).Add(y.Mul(sinTheta))
		if lng.Contains(math.Atan2(isect.Y, isect.X)) {
			return true

	if abTheta.Contains(-theta) {
		// Check if the other intersection point is also in the given lng interval.
		isect := x.Mul(cosTheta).Sub(y.Mul(sinTheta))
		if lng.Contains(math.Atan2(isect.Y, isect.X)) {
			return true
	return false
Beispiel #3
func rectFromDegrees(latLo, lngLo, latHi, lngHi float64) Rect {
	// Convenience method to construct a rectangle. This method is
	// intentionally *not* in the S2LatLngRect interface because the
	// argument order is ambiguous, but is fine for the test.
	return Rect{
		Lat: r1.Interval{
			Lo: (s1.Angle(latLo) * s1.Degree).Radians(),
			Hi: (s1.Angle(latHi) * s1.Degree).Radians(),
		Lng: s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(
			(s1.Angle(lngLo) * s1.Degree).Radians(),
			(s1.Angle(lngHi) * s1.Degree).Radians(),
Beispiel #4
func TestRectVertex(t *testing.T) {
	r1 := Rect{r1.Interval{0, math.Pi / 2}, s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(-math.Pi, 0)}
	tests := []struct {
		r    Rect
		i    int
		want LatLng
		{r1, 0, LatLng{0, math.Pi}},
		{r1, 1, LatLng{0, 0}},
		{r1, 2, LatLng{math.Pi / 2, 0}},
		{r1, 3, LatLng{math.Pi / 2, math.Pi}},

	for _, test := range tests {
		if got := test.r.Vertex(test.i); got != test.want {
			t.Errorf("%v.Vertex(%d) = %v, want %v", test.r, test.i, got, test.want)
Beispiel #5
// testClipToPaddedFace performs a comprehensive set of tests across all faces and
// with random padding for the given points.
// We do this by defining an (x,y) coordinate system for the plane containing AB,
// and converting points along the great circle AB to angles in the range
// [-Pi, Pi]. We then accumulate the angle intervals spanned by each
// clipped edge; the union over all 6 faces should approximately equal the
// interval covered by the original edge.
func testClipToPaddedFace(t *testing.T, a, b Point) {
	a = Point{a.Normalize()}
	b = Point{b.Normalize()}
	if a.Vector == b.Mul(-1) {

	norm := Point{a.PointCross(b).Normalize()}
	aTan := Point{norm.Cross(a.Vector)}

	padding := 0.0
	if !oneIn(10) {
		padding = 1e-10 * math.Pow(1e-5, randomFloat64())

	xAxis := a
	yAxis := aTan

	// Given the points A and B, we expect all angles generated from the clipping
	// to fall within this range.
	expectedAngles := s1.Interval{0, float64(a.Angle(b.Vector))}
	if expectedAngles.IsInverted() {
		expectedAngles = s1.Interval{expectedAngles.Hi, expectedAngles.Lo}
	maxAngles := expectedAngles.Expanded(faceClipErrorRadians)
	var actualAngles s1.Interval

	for face := 0; face < 6; face++ {
		aUV, bUV, intersects := ClipToPaddedFace(a, b, face, padding)
		if !intersects {

		aClip := Point{faceUVToXYZ(face, aUV.X, aUV.Y).Normalize()}
		bClip := Point{faceUVToXYZ(face, bUV.X, bUV.Y).Normalize()}

		desc := fmt.Sprintf("on face %d, a=%v, b=%v, aClip=%v, bClip=%v,", face, a, b, aClip, bClip)

		if got := math.Abs(aClip.Dot(norm.Vector)); got > faceClipErrorRadians {
			t.Errorf("%s abs(%v.Dot(%v)) = %v, want <= %v", desc, aClip, norm, got, faceClipErrorRadians)
		if got := math.Abs(bClip.Dot(norm.Vector)); got > faceClipErrorRadians {
			t.Errorf("%s abs(%v.Dot(%v)) = %v, want <= %v", desc, bClip, norm, got, faceClipErrorRadians)

		if float64(aClip.Angle(a.Vector)) > faceClipErrorRadians {
			if got := math.Max(math.Abs(aUV.X), math.Abs(aUV.Y)); !float64Eq(got, 1+padding) {
				t.Errorf("%s the largest component of %v = %v, want %v", desc, aUV, got, 1+padding)
		if float64(bClip.Angle(b.Vector)) > faceClipErrorRadians {
			if got := math.Max(math.Abs(bUV.X), math.Abs(bUV.Y)); !float64Eq(got, 1+padding) {
				t.Errorf("%s the largest component of %v = %v, want %v", desc, bUV, got, 1+padding)

		aAngle := math.Atan2(aClip.Dot(yAxis.Vector), aClip.Dot(xAxis.Vector))
		bAngle := math.Atan2(bClip.Dot(yAxis.Vector), bClip.Dot(xAxis.Vector))

		// Rounding errors may cause bAngle to be slightly less than aAngle.
		// We handle this by constructing the interval with FromPointPair,
		// which is okay since the interval length is much less than math.Pi.
		faceAngles := s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(aAngle, bAngle)
		if faceAngles.IsInverted() {
			faceAngles = s1.Interval{faceAngles.Hi, faceAngles.Lo}
		if !maxAngles.ContainsInterval(faceAngles) {
			t.Errorf("%s %v.ContainsInterval(%v) = false, but should have contained this interval", desc, maxAngles, faceAngles)
		actualAngles = actualAngles.Union(faceAngles)
	if !actualAngles.Expanded(faceClipErrorRadians).ContainsInterval(expectedAngles) {
		t.Errorf("the union of all angle segments should be larger than the expected angle")
Beispiel #6
// RectBound returns the bounding rectangle of this cell.
func (c Cell) RectBound() Rect {
	if c.level > 0 {
		// Except for cells at level 0, the latitude and longitude extremes are
		// attained at the vertices.  Furthermore, the latitude range is
		// determined by one pair of diagonally opposite vertices and the
		// longitude range is determined by the other pair.
		// We first determine which corner (i,j) of the cell has the largest
		// absolute latitude.  To maximize latitude, we want to find the point in
		// the cell that has the largest absolute z-coordinate and the smallest
		// absolute x- and y-coordinates.  To do this we look at each coordinate
		// (u and v), and determine whether we want to minimize or maximize that
		// coordinate based on the axis direction and the cell's (u,v) quadrant.
		u := c.uv.X.Lo + c.uv.X.Hi
		v := c.uv.Y.Lo + c.uv.Y.Hi
		var i, j int
		if uAxis(int(c.face)).Z == 0 {
			if u < 0 {
				i = 1
		} else if u > 0 {
			i = 1
		if vAxis(int(c.face)).Z == 0 {
			if v < 0 {
				j = 1
		} else if v > 0 {
			j = 1
		lat := r1.IntervalFromPoint(c.latitude(i, j)).AddPoint(c.latitude(1-i, 1-j))
		lng := s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(c.longitude(i, 1-j), c.longitude(1-i, j))

		// We grow the bounds slightly to make sure that the bounding rectangle
		// contains LatLngFromPoint(P) for any point P inside the loop L defined by the
		// four *normalized* vertices.  Note that normalization of a vector can
		// change its direction by up to 0.5 * dblEpsilon radians, and it is not
		// enough just to add Normalize calls to the code above because the
		// latitude/longitude ranges are not necessarily determined by diagonally
		// opposite vertex pairs after normalization.
		// We would like to bound the amount by which the latitude/longitude of a
		// contained point P can exceed the bounds computed above.  In the case of
		// longitude, the normalization error can change the direction of rounding
		// leading to a maximum difference in longitude of 2 * dblEpsilon.  In
		// the case of latitude, the normalization error can shift the latitude by
		// up to 0.5 * dblEpsilon and the other sources of error can cause the
		// two latitudes to differ by up to another 1.5 * dblEpsilon, which also
		// leads to a maximum difference of 2 * dblEpsilon.
		return Rect{lat, lng}.expanded(LatLng{s1.Angle(2 * dblEpsilon), s1.Angle(2 * dblEpsilon)}).PolarClosure()

	// The 4 cells around the equator extend to +/-45 degrees latitude at the
	// midpoints of their top and bottom edges.  The two cells covering the
	// poles extend down to +/-35.26 degrees at their vertices.  The maximum
	// error in this calculation is 0.5 * dblEpsilon.
	var bound Rect
	switch c.face {
	case 0:
		bound = Rect{r1.Interval{-math.Pi / 4, math.Pi / 4}, s1.Interval{-math.Pi / 4, math.Pi / 4}}
	case 1:
		bound = Rect{r1.Interval{-math.Pi / 4, math.Pi / 4}, s1.Interval{math.Pi / 4, 3 * math.Pi / 4}}
	case 2:
		bound = Rect{r1.Interval{poleMinLat, math.Pi / 2}, s1.FullInterval()}
	case 3:
		bound = Rect{r1.Interval{-math.Pi / 4, math.Pi / 4}, s1.Interval{3 * math.Pi / 4, -3 * math.Pi / 4}}
	case 4:
		bound = Rect{r1.Interval{-math.Pi / 4, math.Pi / 4}, s1.Interval{-3 * math.Pi / 4, -math.Pi / 4}}
		bound = Rect{r1.Interval{-math.Pi / 2, -poleMinLat}, s1.FullInterval()}

	// Finally, we expand the bound to account for the error when a point P is
	// converted to an LatLng to test for containment. (The bound should be
	// large enough so that it contains the computed LatLng of any contained
	// point, not just the infinite-precision version.) We don't need to expand
	// longitude because longitude is calculated via a single call to math.Atan2,
	// which is guaranteed to be semi-monotonic.
	return bound.expanded(LatLng{s1.Angle(dblEpsilon), s1.Angle(0)})
Beispiel #7
// IntersectsCell reports whether this rectangle intersects the given cell. This is an
// exact test and may be fairly expensive.
func (r Rect) IntersectsCell(c Cell) bool {
	// First we eliminate the cases where one region completely contains the
	// other. Once these are disposed of, then the regions will intersect
	// if and only if their boundaries intersect.
	if r.IsEmpty() {
		return false
	if r.ContainsPoint(Point{}) {
		return true
	if c.ContainsPoint(PointFromLatLng(r.Center())) {
		return true

	// Quick rejection test (not required for correctness).
	if !r.Intersects(c.RectBound()) {
		return false

	// Precompute the cell vertices as points and latitude-longitudes. We also
	// check whether the Cell contains any corner of the rectangle, or
	// vice-versa, since the edge-crossing tests only check the edge interiors.
	vertices := [4]Point{}
	latlngs := [4]LatLng{}

	for i := range vertices {
		vertices[i] = c.Vertex(i)
		latlngs[i] = LatLngFromPoint(vertices[i])
		if r.ContainsLatLng(latlngs[i]) {
			return true
		if c.ContainsPoint(PointFromLatLng(r.Vertex(i))) {
			return true

	// Now check whether the boundaries intersect. Unfortunately, a
	// latitude-longitude rectangle does not have straight edges: two edges
	// are curved, and at least one of them is concave.
	for i := range vertices {
		edgeLng := s1.IntervalFromEndpoints(latlngs[i].Lng.Radians(), latlngs[(i+1)&3].Lng.Radians())
		if !r.Lng.Intersects(edgeLng) {

		a := vertices[i]
		b := vertices[(i+1)&3]
		if edgeLng.Contains(r.Lng.Lo) && intersectsLngEdge(a, b, r.Lat, s1.Angle(r.Lng.Lo)) {
			return true
		if edgeLng.Contains(r.Lng.Hi) && intersectsLngEdge(a, b, r.Lat, s1.Angle(r.Lng.Hi)) {
			return true
		if intersectsLatEdge(a, b, s1.Angle(r.Lat.Lo), r.Lng) {
			return true
		if intersectsLatEdge(a, b, s1.Angle(r.Lat.Hi), r.Lng) {
			return true
	return false