Beispiel #1
		backend2.Hostname: backend2,
	Healthchecks: map[string]*config.Healthcheck{vserverHC.Key(): vserverHC},
	Enabled:      true,

var expectedServices = map[serviceKey]struct {
	ip            seesaw.IP
	expectedDests []destination
		af:    seesaw.IPv4,
		proto: seesaw.IPProtoUDP,
		port:  53,
	}: {
		ip: seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		expectedDests: []destination{
			{destinationKey: newDestinationKey(net.ParseIP("")), stats: &seesaw.DestinationStats{}},
			{destinationKey: newDestinationKey(net.ParseIP("")), stats: &seesaw.DestinationStats{}},
		af:    seesaw.IPv4,
		proto: seesaw.IPProtoTCP,
		port:  8053,
	}: {
		ip: seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		expectedDests: []destination{
			{destinationKey: newDestinationKey(net.ParseIP("")), stats: &seesaw.DestinationStats{}},
			{destinationKey: newDestinationKey(net.ParseIP("")), stats: &seesaw.DestinationStats{}},
Beispiel #2
func TestHealthcheckNotification(t *testing.T) {
	vserver := newTestVserver(nil)
	checkStates(0, vserver, t)

	// One healthcheck reports healthy, but there are two other
	// healthchecks per destination, so services and vservers should
	// still be inactive.
	key := checkKey{
		vserverIP:       seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		backendIP:       seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		healthcheckPort: 5,
		name:            "NONE/5_0",
	n := &checkNotification{key: key, status: statusHealthy}
	checkStates(1, vserver, t)

	// Bringing up all destinations should bring up all services and
	// vservers. All services and destinations should now be healthy.
	for _, c := range vserver.checks {
		n := &checkNotification{key: c.key, status: statusHealthy}
	checkStates(2, vserver, t)

	// One backend is unhealthy, all services should still be active.
	// All services should be healthy and destinations for other backends
	// should still be healthy.
	key = checkKey{
		vserverIP:       seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		backendIP:       seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		serviceProtocol: seesaw.IPProtoUDP,
		servicePort:     53,
		healthcheckPort: 1,
		name:            "NONE/1_0",
	n = &checkNotification{key: key, status: statusUnhealthy}
	checkStates(3, vserver, t)

	// The other backend is also unhealthy. is anycast, so all
	// services and the VIP should be inactive. 2012::1 should be unchanged.
	key.backendIP = seesaw.ParseIP("")
	n = &checkNotification{key: key, status: statusUnhealthy}
	checkStates(4, vserver, t)

	// Both backends are unhealthy for one service. 2012::1 is unicast so the
	// other service and the VIP should still be active.
	key.vserverIP = seesaw.ParseIP("2012::1")
	key.backendIP = seesaw.ParseIP("2012::10")
	n = &checkNotification{key: key, status: statusUnhealthy}
	key.backendIP = seesaw.ParseIP("2012::11")
	n = &checkNotification{key: key, status: statusUnhealthy}
	checkStates(5, vserver, t)

	// Bring down everything.
	for _, c := range vserver.checks {
		n := &checkNotification{key: c.key, status: statusUnhealthy}
	checkStates(6, vserver, t)
Beispiel #3
	hcTestHealthchecks = map[string]*config.Healthcheck{
		"HTTP/3901": {
			Type:     seesaw.HCTypeHTTP,
			Port:     3901,
			Interval: 100 * time.Second,
			Timeout:  50 * time.Second,
			Send:     "some request",
			Receive:  "some response",
			Code:     200,
			Name:     "HTTP/3901_0",

	key1 = checkKey{
		vserverIP:       seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		backendIP:       seesaw.ParseIP(""),
		healthcheckType: seesaw.HCTypeHTTP,
		healthcheckPort: 3901,
		name:            "HTTP/3901_0",

	key2 = checkKey{
		vserverIP:       seesaw.ParseIP("2012::cafe"),
		backendIP:       seesaw.ParseIP("2012::cafd"),
		healthcheckType: seesaw.HCTypeHTTP,
		healthcheckPort: 3901,
		name:            "HTTP/3901_0",

	key3 = checkKey{