Beispiel #1
func (c *CassandraDB) ReadRow(req db.RowRequest) (returnVal *db.ReadRecord, err error) {
	// Start multiple requests in the background.
	var aggResultChan <-chan rowResult
	if !req.NoReturnAggregates {
		aggResultChan = getColumnFamily(dbcommon.CFAggregates, c.pool, req.Id)
	pointsResultChan := getColumnFamily(dbcommon.CFPoints, c.pool, req.Id)
	srcResultChan := getColumnFamily(dbcommon.CFSource, c.pool, req.Id)
	cfgResultChan := getColumnFamily(dbcommon.CFConfigs, c.pool, req.Id)

	// Read Points.

	pointsResult := <-pointsResultChan
	if pointsResult.err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("An error occured reading points data.")
	pointsRow := pointsResult.Row
	readRecord := &db.ReadRecord{Points: make([]*[]*float64, 0)}

	// Mapping from time to points data row.  Note that we don't need a
	// columnNameReverseMap as we do when reading rows to determine which slot to
	// write the actual data because we are reading only one row which has a fixed
	// set of column names.
	pointsMap := make(map[int64]*[]*float64)

	if pointsRow != nil {
		readRecord.RecordTimestamp = proto.Int64(dbcommon.GetTimestamp(pointsRow.Key))

		// Add time column with prepended "!" to force it to sort first.  We remove
		// the "!" after we're all done.
		readRecord.PointsColumnNames = append(readRecord.PointsColumnNames, "!"+common.TimeName)

		var checkedPointsTypeAlready bool
		for colIdx, col := range pointsRow.Columns {
			p := &pb.Points{}
			if err := proto.Unmarshal(col.Value, p); err != nil {
				return nil, errors.New("An error occured during points unmarshalling.")

			if !checkedPointsTypeAlready {
				checkedPointsTypeAlready = true
				pointsDataType := p.Type
				if pointsDataType != nil {
					readRecord.PointsDataType = pointsDataType.String()


			if (len(p.DeltaTimestamps) > 0) && (len(p.DeltaTimestamps) == len(p.ValuesDouble)) {
				var previousTS int64
				for dataIdx, deltaTS := range p.DeltaTimestamps {
					timestamp := deltaTS + previousTS
					previousTS = timestamp
					dataRow, ok := pointsMap[timestamp]
					if !ok {
						newDataRow := make([]*float64, len(pointsRow.Columns)+1) // Space for timestamp
						tsVal := float64(timestamp)                              // Make copy.
						newDataRow[0] = &tsVal
						pointsMap[timestamp] = &newDataRow
						dataRow = &newDataRow
					(*dataRow)[colIdx+1] = &p.ValuesDouble[dataIdx]
			} else { // Either no timestamps or timestamps and data were different lengths.
				for timestamp, val := range p.ValuesDouble { // Use monotonic increasing timestamp.
					dataRow, ok := pointsMap[int64(timestamp)]
					if !ok {
						newDataRow := make([]*float64, len(pointsRow.Columns)+1) // Space for timestamp
						tsVal := float64(timestamp)                              // Make copy.
						newDataRow[0] = &tsVal
						pointsMap[int64(timestamp)] = &newDataRow
						dataRow = &newDataRow
					floatVal := val // Make copy.
					(*dataRow)[colIdx+1] = &floatVal

			readRecord.PointsColumnNames = append(readRecord.PointsColumnNames, string(col.Name))

		// Attach rows to readRecord.Points in order:
		// First obtain sorted list of keys.
		var allKeys []int64
		for k := range pointsMap {
			allKeys = append(allKeys, k)

		// Now attach rows.
		for _, k := range allKeys {
			readRecord.Points = append(readRecord.Points, pointsMap[k])

		readRecord.PointsColumnNames[0] = common.TimeName

	// Read Src.

	srcResult := <-srcResultChan
	if srcResult.err != nil {
		//		return nil, errors.New("An error occured reading src data.")
		return nil, srcResult.err
	srcRow := srcResult.Row

	if srcRow != nil {
		if len(srcRow.Columns) > 0 {
			sourceStr := string(srcRow.Columns[0].Name)
			readRecord.Source = &sourceStr

	// Read Aggregates.
	if !req.NoReturnAggregates {
		aggResult := <-aggResultChan
		if aggResult.err != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("An error occured reading aggregate data.")
		aggRow := aggResult.Row

		if aggRow != nil {
			if readRecord.RecordTimestamp == nil {
				readRecord.RecordTimestamp = proto.Int64(dbcommon.GetTimestamp(aggRow.Key))

			var checkedAggregatesTypeAlready bool
			for _, column := range aggRow.Columns {
				aggregation := new(pb.Aggregation)
				if err := proto.Unmarshal(column.Value, aggregation); err != nil {
					return nil, errors.New("An error occured during aggregation unmarshalling.")

				if !checkedAggregatesTypeAlready { // We set all for a record to the same.
					checkedAggregatesTypeAlready = true
					aggregatesDataType := aggregation.Type
					if aggregatesDataType != nil {
						readRecord.AggregatesDataType = aggregatesDataType.String()

				fields, values := pb.GetDoubleFieldsAndValues(aggregation)

				for fieldIndex, field := range fields {
					columnName := strings.Join([]string{string(column.Name), field}, ".")
					readRecord.AggregatesColumnNames = append(readRecord.AggregatesColumnNames, columnName)
					readRecord.Aggregates = append(readRecord.Aggregates, values[fieldIndex])

	// Read Configs.

	cfgResult := <-cfgResultChan
	if cfgResult.err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("An error occured reading config data.")
	cfgRow := cfgResult.Row

	if cfgRow != nil {
		if readRecord.RecordTimestamp == nil {
			readRecord.RecordTimestamp = proto.Int64(dbcommon.GetTimestamp(cfgRow.Key))

		readRecord.ConfigPairs = make(map[string]string)
		for _, column := range cfgRow.Columns {
			readRecord.ConfigPairs[string(column.Name)] = string(column.Value)

	return readRecord, nil
Beispiel #2
func (c *CassandraDB) readRowRange(req db.RowRangeRequests, reqNum int) (returnVal *db.DataTable, err error) {
	fs := req.FilteredSources[reqNum]
	src := fs.Source
	metricsFilter := fs.MetricsFilter
	aggregatesFilter := fs.AggregatesFilter
	configsFilter := fs.ConfigsFilter

	startPrefix, endPrefix := dbcommon.MakeRowPrefixes(src, req.StartTimestamp,
		req.EndTimestamp, true)

	glog.V(3).Infoln("startPrefix", startPrefix)
	glog.V(3).Infoln("endPrefix", endPrefix)

	// Start multiple column family requests in the background.
	var aggregationResultChan <-chan rowResults
	if !req.NoReturnAggregates {
		aggregationResultChan = getColumnFamilyRange(dbcommon.CFAggregates, c.pool, startPrefix, endPrefix, req.MaxResults)
	var cfgResultChan <-chan rowResults
	if req.ReturnConfigs {
		cfgResultChan = getColumnFamilyRange(dbcommon.CFConfigs, c.pool, startPrefix, endPrefix, req.MaxResults)

	dataTable := new(db.DataTable)

	// Read configs.

	var excludeIdSet map[string]bool
	if req.ReturnConfigs {
		if configsFilter != nil {
			excludeIdSet = make(map[string]bool)
		cfgResult := <-cfgResultChan
		if cfgResult.err != nil {
			return nil, cfgResult.err
		cfgRows := cfgResult.Rows
		glog.V(3).Infoln("len(cfgRows)", len(cfgRows))

		// Map from name to data slot to write data in data row.
		columnNameReverseMap := make(map[string]int)

		for _, cfgRow := range cfgRows {
			if cfgRow == nil {
			// Created at least as much space as we know we'll use.  For data that
			// contains the same config names for every record (typical) this space
			// allocation will not change after the first row read.
			ctrow := make([]*string, len(dataTable.ConfigsColumnNames))

			var rowMatch bool // Used only when configsFilter is set.
			for _, column := range cfgRow.Columns {
				columnName := string(column.Name)
				valueStr := string(column.Value)
				if (configsFilter != nil) && (configsFilter[columnName] == valueStr) {
					rowMatch = true
				if columnNameIndex, ok := columnNameReverseMap[columnName]; !ok { // Which slot to write data.
					columnNameReverseMap[columnName] = len(dataTable.ConfigsColumnNames)
					dataTable.ConfigsColumnNames = append(dataTable.ConfigsColumnNames, columnName)
					ctrow = append(ctrow, &valueStr)
				} else {
					ctrow[columnNameIndex] = &valueStr

			if (configsFilter != nil) && !rowMatch { // If not match, dump row and continue.
				excludeIdSet[string(cfgRow.Key)] = true // Mark row as excluded for aggregates.
				ctrow = nil                             // Mark as garbage

			dataTable.Configs = append(dataTable.Configs, &ctrow)

			if req.NoReturnAggregates && req.ReturnIds {
				dataTable.IdColumn = append(dataTable.IdColumn, string(cfgRow.Key))

		t2 := time.Now()
		glog.V(2).Infof("PERF: Config sort time: %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t2))

	// Read aggregates.

	if !req.NoReturnAggregates {
		aggregationResult := <-aggregationResultChan
		if aggregationResult.err != nil {
			return nil, aggregationResult.err
		aggregateRows := aggregationResult.Rows
		glog.V(3).Infoln("len(aggregateRows) = ", len(aggregateRows))

		var totalAggregationTime time.Duration

		// Map from name to data slot to write data in data row.
		columnNameReverseMap := make(map[string]int)

		dataTable.ColumnNames = append(dataTable.ColumnNames, common.TimeName) // First column.

		for _, aggregatesRow := range aggregateRows {
			if aggregatesRow == nil {
			if (configsFilter != nil) && excludeIdSet[string(aggregatesRow.Key)] {
			// Created at least as much space as we know we'll use.  For data that
			// contains the same metrics for every record (typical) this space
			// allocation will not change after the first row read.
			dtrow := make([]*float64, len(dataTable.ColumnNames))

			dataTable.Data = append(dataTable.Data, &dtrow)
			dtrow[0] = proto.Float64(float64(dbcommon.GetTimestamp(aggregatesRow.Key)))
			if req.ReturnIds {
				dataTable.IdColumn = append(dataTable.IdColumn, string(aggregatesRow.Key))

			for _, column := range aggregatesRow.Columns {
				if (metricsFilter != nil) && !metricsFilter[string(column.Name)] {

				aggregation := new(pb.Aggregation)

				if err := proto.Unmarshal(column.Value, aggregation); err != nil {
					return nil, errors.New("An error occured during aggregation unmarshalling.")

				t0 := time.Now()

				fields, values := pb.GetDoubleFieldsAndValuesFiltered(aggregation,
					aggregatesFilter, req.SetAggregateIfMissing)
				totalAggregationTime += time.Now().Sub(t0)

				for fieldIndex, field := range fields {
					columnName := strings.Join([]string{string(column.Name), field}, ".")
					val := values[fieldIndex]
					if columnNameIndex, ok := columnNameReverseMap[columnName]; !ok { // Which slot to write data.
						columnNameReverseMap[columnName] = len(dataTable.ColumnNames)
						dataTable.ColumnNames = append(dataTable.ColumnNames, columnName)
						dtrow = append(dtrow, val)
					} else {
						dtrow[columnNameIndex] = val

		if len(dataTable.ColumnNames) == 1 {
			return nil, errors.New("No results for: " + req.FilteredSources[reqNum].Source)

		glog.V(3).Infof("PERF: accumulated aggregate unpacking time: %v\n", totalAggregationTime)

	return dataTable, nil
Beispiel #3
func (c *CassandraDB) WriteRow(wRecord db.WriteRecord, src string) (rowKey string, err error) {
	if len(wRecord.AggregatesColumnNames) != len(wRecord.Aggregates) {
		return "", errors.New("Aggregates names and data don't match.")

	var timestamp int64
	if wRecord.RecordTimestamp != nil {
		timestamp = *wRecord.RecordTimestamp
	uuidString := uuid.New()
	rowKey = dbcommon.MakeRowKey(src, timestamp, uuidString)

	// Process points.

	ptsMap := make(map[string][]float64) // Used for creating missing aggregates in aggregate processing loop.
	// aggs is a map from metric name to map from aggregate to value.
	aggs := make(map[string]map[string]*float64)

	if len(wRecord.Points) > 0 {
		var ptsDataType pb.DataType
		dataTypeInt32, setPtsDataType := pb.DataType_value[strings.ToUpper(wRecord.PointsDataType)]
		if setPtsDataType { // Only set proto field if explicitly set by user.  Otherwise rely on default.
			ptsDataType = pb.DataType(dataTypeInt32)

		ptsRow := &gossie.Row{[]byte(rowKey), nil}
		for _, pointRecord := range wRecord.Points {
			if (len(pointRecord.Timestamps) > 0) && (len(pointRecord.Data) != len(pointRecord.Timestamps)) {
				return "", errors.New("Points data and timestamps don't match for: " + pointRecord.Name)

			p := &pb.Points{}
			if setPtsDataType { // Only set proto field if explicitly set by user.  Otherwise rely on default.
				dType := ptsDataType // Make new allocation for each one.
				p.Type = &dType
			ptsMap[pointRecord.Name] = pointRecord.Data // Save for creating missing aggregates.
			// This blank map ensures we create any missing aggregates in the aggregate handling loops below.
			aggs[pointRecord.Name] = make(map[string]*float64)

			p.ValuesDouble = pointRecord.Data

			var previousTS int64
			for _, timestamp := range pointRecord.Timestamps {
				p.DeltaTimestamps = append(p.DeltaTimestamps, timestamp-previousTS)
				previousTS = timestamp

			serializedData, e := proto.Marshal(p)
			if e != nil {
				return "", e

			ptsRow.Columns = append(ptsRow.Columns, &gossie.Column{
				Name:  []byte(pointRecord.Name),
				Value: serializedData})

		tPointsWrite := time.Now()
		if err := c.pool.Writer().Insert(dbcommon.CFPoints, ptsRow).Run(); err != nil {
			return "", err
		glog.V(2).Infof("PERF: DB points write time: %v\n", time.Now().Sub(tPointsWrite))

	// Process aggregates (or make aggregates from points).

	if (len(wRecord.AggregatesColumnNames) + len(wRecord.Points)) > 0 {
		var aggDataType pb.DataType
		dataTypeInt32, setAggDataType := pb.DataType_value[strings.ToUpper(wRecord.AggregatesDataType)]
		if setAggDataType { // Only set proto field if explicitly set by user.  Otherwise rely on default.
			aggDataType = pb.DataType(dataTypeInt32)

		// Parse aggregatesColumnNames and build aggs map of map.
		for idx, fullName := range wRecord.AggregatesColumnNames {
			metricName, aggregateName := common.GetMetricComponents(fullName)
			if metricName == "" {
				return "", errors.New("Missing metric name in:" + fullName)
			if aggregateName == "" {
				return "", errors.New("Missing aggregate name in:" + fullName)

			if aggs[metricName] == nil {
				aggs[metricName] = make(map[string]*float64)
			value := wRecord.Aggregates[idx]
			aggs[metricName][aggregateName] = value

		// Iterate over data in aggs map of map.
		aggRow := &gossie.Row{[]byte(rowKey), nil}
		for metricName, aggMap := range aggs {
			a := new(pb.Aggregation)
			if setAggDataType { // Only set proto field if explicitly set by user.  Otherwise rely on default.
				dType := aggDataType // Make new allocation for each one.
				a.Type = &dType
			a.Double = &pb.Aggregation_AggregationDouble{}
			for aggregateName, valuePtr := range aggMap {
				a.SetDoubleField(aggregateName, valuePtr)


			serializedData, e := proto.Marshal(a)
			if e != nil {
				return "", e

			aggRow.Columns = append(aggRow.Columns, &gossie.Column{
				Name:  []byte(metricName),
				Value: serializedData,

		tAggregatesWrite := time.Now()
		if err := c.pool.Writer().Insert(dbcommon.CFAggregates, aggRow).Run(); err != nil {
			return "", err
		glog.V(2).Infof("PERF: DB aggregates write time: %v\n", time.Now().Sub(tAggregatesWrite))

	// Process configs.

	if len(wRecord.ConfigPairs) > 0 {
		cfgRow := &gossie.Row{[]byte(rowKey), nil}
		for k, v := range wRecord.ConfigPairs {
			cfgRow.Columns = append(cfgRow.Columns, &gossie.Column{
				Name:  []byte(k),
				Value: []byte(v),
		if err := c.pool.Writer().Insert(dbcommon.CFConfigs, cfgRow).Run(); err != nil {
			return "", err

	// Process src.

	if (len(wRecord.Points) + len(wRecord.AggregatesColumnNames) + len(wRecord.ConfigPairs)) > 0 {
		srcRow := &gossie.Row{[]byte(rowKey), nil}
		srcRow.Columns = append(srcRow.Columns, &gossie.Column{
			Name:  []byte(src),
			Value: []byte{},
		return rowKey, c.pool.Writer().Insert(dbcommon.CFSource, srcRow).Run()
	} else {
		return "", errors.New("No data to write.")