Beispiel #1
// Returns the appropriate field selector based on the API version being used to communicate with the server.
// The returned field selector can be used with List and Watch to filter desired events.
func (e *events) GetFieldSelector(involvedObjectName, involvedObjectNamespace, involvedObjectKind, involvedObjectUID *string) fields.Selector {
	apiVersion := e.client.APIVersion()
	field := fields.Set{}
	if involvedObjectName != nil {
		field[getInvolvedObjectNameFieldLabel(apiVersion)] = *involvedObjectName
	if involvedObjectNamespace != nil {
		field["involvedObject.namespace"] = *involvedObjectNamespace
	if involvedObjectKind != nil {
		field["involvedObject.kind"] = *involvedObjectKind
	if involvedObjectUID != nil {
		field["involvedObject.uid"] = *involvedObjectUID
	return field.AsSelector()
Beispiel #2
// Search finds events about the specified object. The namespace of the
// object must match this event's client namespace unless the event client
// was made with the "" namespace.
func (e *events) Search(objOrRef runtime.Object) (*api.EventList, error) {
	ref, err := api.GetReference(objOrRef)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if e.namespace != "" && ref.Namespace != e.namespace {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("won't be able to find any events of namespace '%v' in namespace '%v'", ref.Namespace, e.namespace)
	fields := fields.Set{}
	if ref.Kind != "" {
		fields["involvedObject.kind"] = ref.Kind
	if ref.Namespace != "" {
		fields["involvedObject.namespace"] = ref.Namespace
	if ref.Name != "" {
		fields[""] = ref.Name
	if ref.UID != "" {
		fields["involvedObject.uid"] = string(ref.UID)
	return e.List(labels.Everything(), fields.AsSelector())