Beispiel #1
func Search(c *middleware.Context) {
	query := c.Query("query")
	tags := c.QueryStrings("tag")
	starred := c.Query("starred")
	limit := c.QueryInt("limit")

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = 1000

	searchQuery := search.Query{
		Title:     query,
		Tags:      tags,
		UserId:    c.UserId,
		Limit:     limit,
		IsStarred: starred == "true",
		OrgId:     c.OrgId,

	err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery)
	if err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Search failed", err)

	c.JSON(200, searchQuery.Result)
Beispiel #2
// GET /api/alerts
func GetAlerts(c *middleware.Context) Response {
	query := models.GetAlertsQuery{
		OrgId:       c.OrgId,
		DashboardId: c.QueryInt64("dashboardId"),
		PanelId:     c.QueryInt64("panelId"),
		Limit:       c.QueryInt64("limit"),

	states := c.QueryStrings("state")
	if len(states) > 0 {
		query.State = states

	if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "List alerts failed", err)

	dashboardIds := make([]int64, 0)
	alertDTOs := make([]*dtos.AlertRule, 0)
	for _, alert := range query.Result {
		dashboardIds = append(dashboardIds, alert.DashboardId)
		alertDTOs = append(alertDTOs, &dtos.AlertRule{
			Id:             alert.Id,
			DashboardId:    alert.DashboardId,
			PanelId:        alert.PanelId,
			Name:           alert.Name,
			Message:        alert.Message,
			State:          alert.State,
			EvalDate:       alert.EvalDate,
			NewStateDate:   alert.NewStateDate,
			ExecutionError: alert.ExecutionError,

	dashboardsQuery := models.GetDashboardsQuery{
		DashboardIds: dashboardIds,

	if len(alertDTOs) > 0 {
		if err := bus.Dispatch(&dashboardsQuery); err != nil {
			return ApiError(500, "List alerts failed", err)

	//TODO: should be possible to speed this up with lookup table
	for _, alert := range alertDTOs {
		for _, dash := range dashboardsQuery.Result {
			if alert.DashboardId == dash.Id {
				alert.DashbboardUri = "db/" + dash.Slug

	return Json(200, alertDTOs)
Beispiel #3
func GetAnnotations(c *middleware.Context) Response {

	query := &annotations.ItemQuery{
		From:        c.QueryInt64("from") / 1000,
		To:          c.QueryInt64("to") / 1000,
		Type:        annotations.ItemType(c.Query("type")),
		OrgId:       c.OrgId,
		AlertId:     c.QueryInt64("alertId"),
		DashboardId: c.QueryInt64("dashboardId"),
		PanelId:     c.QueryInt64("panelId"),
		Limit:       c.QueryInt64("limit"),
		NewState:    c.QueryStrings("newState"),

	repo := annotations.GetRepository()

	items, err := repo.Find(query)
	if err != nil {
		return ApiError(500, "Failed to get annotations", err)

	result := make([]dtos.Annotation, 0)

	for _, item := range items {
		result = append(result, dtos.Annotation{
			AlertId:   item.AlertId,
			Time:      item.Epoch * 1000,
			Data:      item.Data,
			NewState:  item.NewState,
			PrevState: item.PrevState,
			Text:      item.Text,
			Metric:    item.Metric,
			Title:     item.Title,

	return Json(200, result)
Beispiel #4
func Search(c *middleware.Context) {
	query := c.Query("query")
	tags := c.QueryStrings("tag")
	starred := c.Query("starred")
	limit := c.QueryInt("limit")

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = 1000

	dbids := make([]int, 0)
	for _, id := range c.QueryStrings("dashboardIds") {
		dashboardId, err := strconv.Atoi(id)
		if err == nil {
			dbids = append(dbids, dashboardId)

	searchQuery := search.Query{
		Title:        query,
		Tags:         tags,
		UserId:       c.UserId,
		Limit:        limit,
		IsStarred:    starred == "true",
		OrgId:        c.OrgId,
		DashboardIds: dbids,

	err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery)
	if err != nil {
		c.JsonApiErr(500, "Search failed", err)

	c.JSON(200, searchQuery.Result)