Beispiel #1
func (b *backend) secretAccessKeysRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	// STS already has a lifetime, and we don't support renewing it
	isSTSRaw, ok := req.Secret.InternalData["is_sts"]
	if ok {
		isSTS, ok := isSTSRaw.(bool)
		if ok {
			if isSTS {
				return nil, nil

	lease, err := b.Lease(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if lease == nil {
		lease = &configLease{}

	f := framework.LeaseExtend(lease.Lease, lease.LeaseMax, b.System())
	return f(req, d)
Beispiel #2
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	if req.Auth == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("request auth was nil")

	tokenRaw, ok := req.Auth.InternalData["token"]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("token created in previous version of Vault cannot be validated properly at renewal time")
	token := tokenRaw.(string)

	var verifyResp *verifyCredentialsResp
	if verifyResponse, resp, err := b.verifyCredentials(req, token); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if resp != nil {
		return resp, nil
	} else {
		verifyResp = verifyResponse
	if !policyutil.EquivalentPolicies(verifyResp.Policies, req.Auth.Policies) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("policies do not match")

	config, err := b.Config(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return framework.LeaseExtend(config.TTL, config.MaxTTL, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #3
// Invoked when the token issued by this backend is attempting a renewal.
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(req *logical.Request, data *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	roleName := req.Auth.InternalData["role_name"].(string)
	if roleName == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch role_name during renewal")

	// Ensure that the Role still exists.
	role, err := b.roleEntry(req.Storage, roleName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to validate role %s during renewal:%s", roleName, err)
	if role == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("role %s does not exist during renewal", roleName)

	// If 'Period' is set on the Role, the token should never expire.
	// Replenish the TTL with 'Period's value.
	if role.Period > time.Duration(0) {
		// If 'Period' was updated after the token was issued,
		// token will bear the updated 'Period' value as its TTL.
		req.Auth.TTL = role.Period
		return &logical.Response{Auth: req.Auth}, nil
	} else {
		return framework.LeaseExtend(role.TokenTTL, role.TokenMaxTTL, b.System())(req, data)
Beispiel #4
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	config, err := b.Config(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return framework.LeaseExtend(config.TTL, config.MaxTTL, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #5
func (b *backend) secretDynamicKeyRenew(req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	lease, err := b.Lease(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if lease == nil {
		lease = &configLease{Lease: 1 * time.Hour}
	f := framework.LeaseExtend(lease.Lease, lease.LeaseMax, false)
	return f(req, d)
Beispiel #6
func (b *backend) secretCredsRenew(req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Get the lease information
	leaseConfig, err := b.LeaseConfig(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if leaseConfig == nil {
		leaseConfig = &configLease{}

	f := framework.LeaseExtend(leaseConfig.TTL, leaseConfig.MaxTTL, b.System())
	return f(req, d)
Beispiel #7
func (b *backend) secretCredsRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Get the username from the internal data
	usernameRaw, ok := req.Secret.InternalData["username"]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("secret is missing username internal data")
	username, ok := usernameRaw.(string)

	// Get our connection
	db, err := b.DB(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Get the lease information
	lease, err := b.Lease(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if lease == nil {
		lease = &configLease{Lease: 1 * time.Hour}

	f := framework.LeaseExtend(lease.Lease, lease.LeaseMax)
	resp, err := f(req, d)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Make sure we increase the VALID UNTIL endpoint for this user.
	if expireTime := resp.Secret.ExpirationTime(); !expireTime.IsZero() {
		expiration := expireTime.Add(10 * time.Minute).
			Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")

		query := fmt.Sprintf(
		stmt, err := db.Prepare(query)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		defer stmt.Close()
		if _, err := stmt.Exec(); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return resp, nil
Beispiel #8
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	config, err := b.Config(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !config.DisableBinding {
		var matched *ParsedCert
		if verifyResp, resp, err := b.verifyCredentials(req); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else if resp != nil {
			return resp, nil
		} else {
			matched = verifyResp

		if matched == nil {
			return nil, nil

		clientCerts := req.Connection.ConnState.PeerCertificates
		if len(clientCerts) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no client certificate found")
		skid := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(clientCerts[0].SubjectKeyId)
		akid := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(clientCerts[0].AuthorityKeyId)

		// Certificate should not only match a registered certificate policy.
		// Also, the identity of the certificate presented should match the identity of the certificate used during login
		if req.Auth.InternalData["subject_key_id"] != skid && req.Auth.InternalData["authority_key_id"] != akid {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("client identity during renewal not matching client identity used during login")

	// Get the cert and use its TTL
	cert, err := b.Cert(req.Storage, req.Auth.Metadata["cert_name"])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if cert == nil {
		// User no longer exists, do not renew
		return nil, nil

	if !policyutil.EquivalentPolicies(cert.Policies, req.Auth.Policies) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("policies have changed, not renewing")

	return framework.LeaseExtend(cert.TTL, 0, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #9
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Get the cert and validate auth
	cert, err := b.Cert(req.Storage, req.Auth.Metadata["cert_name"])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if cert == nil {
		// User no longer exists, do not renew
		return nil, nil

	return framework.LeaseExtend(cert.TTL, 0, false)(req, d)
Beispiel #10
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Get the user and validate auth
	user, err := b.User(req.Storage, req.Auth.Metadata["username"])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if user == nil {
		// User no longer exists, do not renew
		return nil, nil

	return framework.LeaseExtend(user.MaxTTL, 0, false)(req, d)
Beispiel #11
func (ts *TokenStore) authRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	if req.Auth == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("request auth is nil")

	te, err := ts.Lookup(req.Auth.ClientToken)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up token: %s", err)
	if te == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no token entry found during lookup")

	f := framework.LeaseExtend(req.Auth.Increment, te.ExplicitMaxTTL, ts.System())

	// No role? Use normal LeaseExtend semantics
	if te.Role == "" {
		return f(req, d)

	role, err := ts.tokenStoreRole(te.Role)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up role %s: %s", te.Role, err)

	if role == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("original token role (%s) could not be found, not renewing", te.Role)

	// If role.Period is not zero, this is a periodic token. The TTL for a
	// periodic token is always the same (the role's period value). It is not
	// subject to normal maximum TTL checks that would come from calling
	// LeaseExtend, so we fast path it.
	// The one wrinkle here is if the token has an explicit max TTL. Roles
	// don't support having both configured, but they could be changed. We
	// don't support tokens that are both periodic and have an explicit max
	// TTL, so if the token has one, we treat it as a regular token even if the
	// role is periodic.
	if role.Period != 0 && te.ExplicitMaxTTL == 0 {
		req.Auth.TTL = role.Period
		return &logical.Response{Auth: req.Auth}, nil

	return f(req, d)
Beispiel #12
func secretToken() *framework.Secret {
	return &framework.Secret{
		Type: SecretTokenType,
		Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
			"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
				Type:        framework.TypeString,
				Description: "Request token",

		DefaultDuration:    DefaultLeaseDuration,
		DefaultGracePeriod: DefaultGracePeriod,

		Renew:  framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, true),
		Revoke: secretTokenRevoke,
Beispiel #13
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	username := req.Auth.Metadata["username"]
	password := req.Auth.InternalData["password"].(string)

	loginPolicies, resp, err := b.Login(req, username, password)
	if len(loginPolicies) == 0 {
		return resp, err

	if !policyutil.EquivalentPolicies(loginPolicies, req.Auth.Policies) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("policies have changed, not renewing")

	return framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #14
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Get the user
	user, err := b.user(req.Storage, req.Auth.Metadata["username"])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if user == nil {
		// User no longer exists, do not renew
		return nil, nil

	if !policyutil.EquivalentPolicies(user.Policies, req.Auth.Policies) {
		return logical.ErrorResponse("policies have changed, not renewing"), nil

	return framework.LeaseExtend(user.TTL, user.MaxTTL, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #15
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	username := req.Auth.Metadata["username"]
	password := req.Auth.InternalData["password"].(string)
	prevpolicies := req.Auth.Metadata["policies"]

	policies, resp, err := b.Login(req, username, password)
	if len(policies) == 0 {
		return resp, err

	if strings.Join(policies, ",") != prevpolicies {
		return logical.ErrorResponse("policies have changed, revoking login"), nil

	return framework.LeaseExtend(1*time.Hour, 0, false)(req, d)
Beispiel #16
func (b *backend) secretCredsRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Get the lease information
	roleRaw, ok := req.Secret.InternalData["role"]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Secret is missing role internal data")
	roleName, ok := roleRaw.(string)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error converting role internal data to string")

	role, err := getRole(req.Storage, roleName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load role: %s", err)

	return framework.LeaseExtend(role.Lease, 0, false)(req, d)
Beispiel #17
func (ts *TokenStore) authRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	if req.Auth == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("request auth is nil")

	f := framework.LeaseExtend(req.Auth.Increment, 0, ts.System())

	te, err := ts.Lookup(req.Auth.ClientToken)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up token: %s", err)
	if te == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no token entry found during lookup")

	// No role? Use normal LeaseExtend semantics
	if te.Role == "" {
		return f(req, d)

	role, err := ts.tokenStoreRole(te.Role)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up role %s: %s", te.Role, err)

	if role == nil {
		return logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("original token role (%s) could not be found, not renewing", te.Role)), nil

	// If role.Period is not zero, this is a periodic token. The TTL for a
	// periodic token is always the same (the role's period value). It is not
	// subject to normal maximum TTL checks that would come from calling
	// LeaseExtend, so we fast path it.
	if role.Period != 0 {
		req.Auth.TTL = role.Period
		return &logical.Response{Auth: req.Auth}, nil

	return f(req, d)
Beispiel #18
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	token := req.Auth.InternalData["token"].(string)

	var verifyResp *verifyCredentialsResp
	if verifyResponse, resp, err := b.verifyCredentials(req, token); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if resp != nil {
		return resp, nil
	} else {
		verifyResp = verifyResponse
	if !policyutil.EquivalentPolicies(verifyResp.Policies, req.Auth.Policies) {
		return logical.ErrorResponse("policies do not match"), nil

	config, err := b.Config(req.Storage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return framework.LeaseExtend(config.TTL, config.MaxTTL, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #19
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	appId := req.Auth.InternalData["app-id"].(string)
	userId := req.Auth.InternalData["user-id"].(string)

	// Skipping CIDR verification to enable renewal from machines other than
	// the ones encompassed by CIDR block.
	if _, resp, err := b.verifyCredentials(req, appId, userId); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if resp != nil {
		return resp, nil

	// Get the policies associated with the app
	mapPolicies, err := b.MapAppId.Policies(req.Storage, appId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !policyutil.EquivalentPolicies(mapPolicies, req.Auth.Policies) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("policies do not match")

	return framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, b.System())(req, d)
Beispiel #20
// NewTokenStore is used to construct a token store that is
// backed by the given barrier view.
func NewTokenStore(c *Core) (*TokenStore, error) {
	// Create a sub-view
	view := c.systemView.SubView(tokenSubPath)

	// Initialize the store
	t := &TokenStore{
		view: view,

	// Look for the salt
	raw, err := view.Get(tokenSaltLocation)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read salt: %v", err)

	// Restore the salt if it exists
	if raw != nil {
		t.salt = string(raw.Value)

	// Generate a new salt if necessary
	if t.salt == "" {
		t.salt = generateUUID()
		raw = &logical.StorageEntry{Key: tokenSaltLocation, Value: []byte(t.salt)}
		if err := view.Put(raw); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to persist salt: %v", err)

	// Setup the framework endpoints
	t.Backend = &framework.Backend{
		AuthRenew: framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0),

		PathsSpecial: &logical.Paths{
			Root: []string{

			Unauthenticated: []string{

		Paths: []*framework.Path{
				Pattern: "create$",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleCreate,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenCreateHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenCreateHelp),

				Pattern: "lookup/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to lookup",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.ReadOperation: t.handleLookup,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),

				Pattern: "lookup-self$",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to lookup",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.ReadOperation: t.handleLookup,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to revoke",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokeTree,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke-orphan/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to revoke",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokeOrphan,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeOrphanHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeOrphanHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke-prefix/(?P<prefix>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"prefix": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token source prefix to revoke",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokePrefix,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokePrefixHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokePrefixHelp),

				Pattern: "renew/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to renew",
					"increment": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeInt,
						Description: "The desired increment in seconds to the token expiration",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRenew,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRenewHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRenewHelp),

	return t, nil
Beispiel #21
// pathLoginRenew is used to renew an authenticated token.
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, data *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	instanceID := req.Auth.Metadata["instance_id"]
	if instanceID == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch instance ID from metadata during renewal")

	region := req.Auth.Metadata["region"]
	if region == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch region from metadata during renewal")

	// Cross check that the instance is still in 'running' state
	_, err := b.validateInstance(req.Storage, instanceID, region)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to verify instance ID '%s': %s", instanceID, err)

	storedIdentity, err := whitelistIdentityEntry(req.Storage, instanceID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if storedIdentity == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to verify the whitelist identity entry for instance ID: %s", instanceID)

	// Ensure that role entry is not deleted.
	roleEntry, err := b.lockedAWSRole(req.Storage, storedIdentity.Role)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if roleEntry == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("role entry not found")

	// If the login was made using the role tag, then max_ttl from tag
	// is cached in internal data during login and used here to cap the
	// max_ttl of renewal.
	rTagMaxTTL, err := time.ParseDuration(req.Auth.Metadata["role_tag_max_ttl"])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Re-evaluate the maxTTL bounds.
	shortestMaxTTL := b.System().MaxLeaseTTL()
	longestMaxTTL := b.System().MaxLeaseTTL()
	if roleEntry.MaxTTL > time.Duration(0) && roleEntry.MaxTTL < shortestMaxTTL {
		shortestMaxTTL = roleEntry.MaxTTL
	if roleEntry.MaxTTL > longestMaxTTL {
		longestMaxTTL = roleEntry.MaxTTL
	if rTagMaxTTL > time.Duration(0) && rTagMaxTTL < shortestMaxTTL {
		shortestMaxTTL = rTagMaxTTL
	if rTagMaxTTL > longestMaxTTL {
		longestMaxTTL = rTagMaxTTL

	// Only LastUpdatedTime and ExpirationTime change and all other fields remain the same.
	currentTime := time.Now().UTC()
	storedIdentity.LastUpdatedTime = currentTime
	storedIdentity.ExpirationTime = currentTime.Add(longestMaxTTL)

	if err = setWhitelistIdentityEntry(req.Storage, instanceID, storedIdentity); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return framework.LeaseExtend(req.Auth.TTL, shortestMaxTTL, b.System())(req, data)
Beispiel #22
// NewTokenStore is used to construct a token store that is
// backed by the given barrier view.
func NewTokenStore(c *Core, config *logical.BackendConfig) (*TokenStore, error) {
	// Create a sub-view
	view := c.systemBarrierView.SubView(tokenSubPath)

	// Initialize the store
	t := &TokenStore{
		view: view,

	// Setup the salt
	salt, err := salt.NewSalt(view, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	t.salt = salt

	// Setup the framework endpoints
	t.Backend = &framework.Backend{
		// Allow a token lease to be extended indefinitely, but each time for only
		// as much as the original lease allowed for. If the lease has a 1 hour expiration,
		// it can only be extended up to another hour each time this means.
		AuthRenew: framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, true),

		PathsSpecial: &logical.Paths{
			Root: []string{

		Paths: []*framework.Path{
				Pattern: "create$",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleCreate,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenCreateHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenCreateHelp),

				Pattern: "lookup/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to lookup",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.ReadOperation: t.handleLookup,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),

				Pattern: "lookup-self$",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to lookup",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.ReadOperation: t.handleLookup,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenLookupHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke-self",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokeSelf,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeSelfHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeSelfHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to revoke",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokeTree,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke-orphan/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to revoke",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokeOrphan,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeOrphanHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokeOrphanHelp),

				Pattern: "revoke-prefix/(?P<prefix>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"prefix": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token source prefix to revoke",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRevokePrefix,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokePrefixHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRevokePrefixHelp),

				Pattern: "renew/(?P<token>.+)",

				Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{
					"token": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeString,
						Description: "Token to renew",
					"increment": &framework.FieldSchema{
						Type:        framework.TypeDurationSecond,
						Description: "The desired increment in seconds to the token expiration",

				Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{
					logical.WriteOperation: t.handleRenew,

				HelpSynopsis:    strings.TrimSpace(tokenRenewHelp),
				HelpDescription: strings.TrimSpace(tokenRenewHelp),


	return t, nil
Beispiel #23
func (ts *TokenStore) authRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	f := framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, ts.System())
	return f(req, d)
Beispiel #24
func (b *backend) pathLoginRenew(
	req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {

	return framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, b.System())(req, d)
func (b *backend) secretDynamicKeyRenew(req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	f := framework.LeaseExtend(0, 0, b.System())
	return f(req, d)
func (b *backend) secretDynamicKeyRenew(req *logical.Request, d *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	f := framework.LeaseExtend(b.System().DefaultLeaseTTL(), b.System().MaxLeaseTTL(), false)
	return f(req, d)