Beispiel #1
func (b *Backend) handleRootHelp() (*logical.Response, error) {
	// Build a mapping of the paths and get the paths alphabetized to
	// make the output prettier.
	pathsMap := make(map[string]*Path)
	paths := make([]string, 0, len(b.Paths))
	for i, p := range b.pathsRe {
		paths = append(paths, p.String())
		pathsMap[p.String()] = b.Paths[i]

	// Build the path data
	pathData := make([]rootHelpTemplatePath, 0, len(paths))
	for _, route := range paths {
		p := pathsMap[route]
		pathData = append(pathData, rootHelpTemplatePath{
			Path: route,
			Help: strings.TrimSpace(p.HelpSynopsis),

	help, err := executeTemplate(rootHelpTemplate, &rootHelpTemplateData{
		Help:  strings.TrimSpace(b.Help),
		Paths: pathData,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return logical.HelpResponse(help, nil), nil
Beispiel #2
func (p *Path) helpCallback(
	req *logical.Request, data *FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) {
	var tplData pathTemplateData
	tplData.Request = req.Path
	tplData.RoutePattern = p.Pattern
	tplData.Synopsis = strings.TrimSpace(p.HelpSynopsis)
	if tplData.Synopsis == "" {
		tplData.Synopsis = "<no synopsis>"
	tplData.Description = strings.TrimSpace(p.HelpDescription)
	if tplData.Description == "" {
		tplData.Description = "<no description>"

	// Alphabetize the fields
	fieldKeys := make([]string, 0, len(p.Fields))
	for k, _ := range p.Fields {
		fieldKeys = append(fieldKeys, k)

	// Build the field help
	tplData.Fields = make([]pathTemplateFieldData, len(fieldKeys))
	for i, k := range fieldKeys {
		schema := p.Fields[k]
		description := strings.TrimSpace(schema.Description)
		if description == "" {
			description = "<no description>"

		tplData.Fields[i] = pathTemplateFieldData{
			Key:         k,
			Type:        schema.Type.String(),
			Description: description,

	help, err := executeTemplate(pathHelpTemplate, &tplData)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error executing template: %s", err)

	return logical.HelpResponse(help, nil), nil