Beispiel #1
func init() {
	//TODO Hard coded
	logfile := ""
	verbose := true
	modules := []string{"hivy.worker"}
	beacon.SetupLog(modules, verbose, logfile)
Beispiel #2
func main() {
	// Command line flags configuration
	app := cli.NewApp()
	app.Name = "hivy"
	app.Usage = "Hive router system"
	version := beacon.StableVersion()
	app.Version = version.String()

	// The 2 firsts are hivy's, the lasts are etcd's
	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
		cli.BoolFlag{Name: "verbose", Usage: "verbose mode"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "logfile", Value: "", Usage: "If specified, will write log there"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "listen", Value: "", Usage: "url to listen to"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "n", Value: "", Usage: "the node name (required)"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "C", Value: "", Usage: "Node to join"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "c", Value: "", Usage: "Etcd client ip to listen on"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "s", Value: "", Usage: "Raft server ip to listen on"},
		cli.StringFlag{Name: "d", Value: "default-node", Usage: "the directory to store etcd log and snapshot"},
		cli.BoolFlag{Name: "f", Usage: "force new etcd node configuration if existing is found (WARNING: data loss!)"},
		cli.BoolFlag{Name: "profile", Usage: "Profile requests and etcd perfs"},

	// Main function as defined by the cli package
	app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) {
		// Current logger configuration
		modules := []string{"", "hivy.worker"}
		beacon.SetupLog(modules, c.Bool("verbose"), c.String("logfile"))
		defer loggo.RemoveWriter("hivy.main")

		// Setup centralized configuration
		// Need to be a new node in the cluster to be ran
		stop := make(chan bool)
		if c.String("n") != "" {
			go beacon.RunEtcd(stop, c.String("n"), c.String("d"), c.String("c"), c.String("s"),
				c.String("C"), c.Bool("f"), c.Bool("verbose"), c.Bool("profile"))
			defer func() {
				stop <- true
		} else {
			stop = nil

		// Properly shutdown the server when CTRL-C is received
		// Send true on its given channel

		// Map routes and start up Hivy server
		serveApp(c.String("listen"), c.Bool("profile"))
