Beispiel #1
func cnv_tdaq_install_headers(wscript *hlib.Wscript_t, stmt Stmt) error {
	pkgname := filepath.Base(wscript.Package.Name)
	tgt := hlib.Target_t{Name: pkgname + "-install-headers"}
	tgt.Features = []string{"tdaq_install_headers"}
	wscript.Build.Targets = append(wscript.Build.Targets, tgt)
	return nil
Beispiel #2
func cnv_tdaq_install_scripts(wscript *hlib.Wscript_t, stmt Stmt) error {
	pkgname := filepath.Base(wscript.Package.Name)
	tgt := hlib.Target_t{Name: pkgname + "-install-scripts"}
	tgt.Features = []string{"tdaq_install_scripts"}
	tgt.Source = []hlib.Value{hlib.DefaultValue(
	wscript.Build.Targets = append(wscript.Build.Targets, tgt)
	return nil
func cnv_atlas_install_data(wscript *hlib.Wscript_t, stmt Stmt) error {
	//x := stmt.(*ApplyPattern)
	//fmt.Printf(">>> [%s] \n", x.Name)
	pkgname := filepath.Base(wscript.Package.Name)
	tgt := hlib.Target_t{Name: pkgname + "-install-data"}
	tgt.Features = []string{"atlas_install_data"}
	tgt.Source = []hlib.Value{hlib.DefaultValue(
	wscript.Build.Targets = append(wscript.Build.Targets, tgt)
	return nil
Beispiel #4
func waf_get_wscript(data map[string]interface{}) (*hlib.Wscript_t, error) {
	var err error
	var wscript hlib.Wscript_t

	wpkg := &wscript.Package

	// validate sections layout
	err = waf_validate_sections(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid hscript:\n%v", err)

	// ---------- package section ---------------------------------------------
	if _, ok := data["package"]; !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing mandatory 'package' section")

	pkg := waf_get_yaml_map(data["package"])
	err = waf_validate_sections(
		"name", "authors", "managers", "version", "deps",
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid 'package' section:\n%v", err)

	switch pkgname := pkg["name"].(type) {
	case string:
		wpkg.Name = pkgname
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid type (%T) for '' field (expected a string)", pkgname)


	if _, ok := pkg["authors"]; ok {
		switch v := pkg["authors"].(type) {
		case []interface{}:
			for _, vv := range v {
				wpkg.Authors = append(wpkg.Authors, hlib.Author(vv.(string)))
		case string:
			wpkg.Authors = append(wpkg.Authors, hlib.Author(v))
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'authors' field", v)

	if _, ok := pkg["managers"]; ok {
		switch v := pkg["managers"].(type) {
		case []interface{}:
			for _, vv := range v {
				wpkg.Managers = append(wpkg.Managers, hlib.Manager(vv.(string)))
		case string:
			wpkg.Managers = append(wpkg.Managers, hlib.Manager(v))
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'managers' field", v)

	if _, ok := pkg["version"]; ok {
		wpkg.Version = hlib.Version(pkg["version"].(string))

	if _, ok := pkg["deps"]; ok {
		if _, ok := pkg["deps"].(map[interface{}]interface{}); !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("'deps' field has to be a map")
		deps := waf_get_yaml_map(pkg["deps"])

		err = waf_validate_sections(
			"public", "private", "runtime",
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid 'package.deps' section:\n%v", err)

		all_deps := make(map[string]int)
		if _, ok := deps["public"]; ok {
			pub_deps := deps["public"].([]interface{})
			for _, idep := range pub_deps {
				dep := idep.(string)
				all_deps[dep] = len(wpkg.Deps)
				wpkg.Deps = append(
						Name: dep,
						Type: hlib.PublicDep,

		if _, ok := deps["private"]; ok {
			pri_deps := deps["private"].([]interface{})
			for _, idep := range pri_deps {
				dep := idep.(string)
				all_deps[dep] = len(wpkg.Deps)
				wpkg.Deps = append(
						Name: dep,
						Type: hlib.PrivateDep,

		if _, ok := deps["runtime"]; ok {
			r_deps := deps["runtime"].([]interface{})
			for _, idep := range r_deps {
				dep := idep.(string)
				if idx, ok := all_deps[dep]; ok {
					wpkg.Deps[idx].Type |= hlib.RuntimeDep
				} else {
					wpkg.Deps = append(
							Name: dep,
							Type: hlib.RuntimeDep,


	// ---------- options section ---------------------------------------------
	if _, ok := data["options"]; ok {
		wopt := &wscript.Options
		opt := waf_get_yaml_map(data["options"])
		err = waf_validate_sections(
			"tools", "hwaf-call",
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid 'options' section:\n%v", err)

		if _, ok := opt["tools"]; ok {
			tools := opt["tools"].([]interface{})
			for _, itool := range tools {
				wopt.Tools = append(wopt.Tools, itool.(string))

		if _, ok := opt["hwaf-call"]; ok {
			calls := opt["hwaf-call"].([]interface{})
			for _, icall := range calls {
				wopt.HwafCall = append(wopt.HwafCall, icall.(string))

	// ---------- configure section -------------------------------------------
	if _, ok := data["configure"]; ok {
		wcfg := &wscript.Configure
		cfg := waf_get_yaml_map(data["configure"])

		err = waf_validate_sections(
			"tools", "hwaf-call", "env", "alias",
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid 'configure' section:\n%v", err)

		if _, ok := cfg["tools"]; ok {
			tools := cfg["tools"].([]interface{})
			for _, itool := range tools {
				wcfg.Tools = append(wcfg.Tools, itool.(string))
		// FIXME:
		//  handle 'env' section
		if _, ok := cfg["env"]; ok {
			env := waf_get_yaml_map(cfg["env"])
			for k, iv := range env {
				switch v := iv.(type) {
				case string:
					if strings.HasSuffix(v, fmt.Sprintf(":${%s}", k)) {
						// gamble: path_prepend
						str := v[:len(v)-len(fmt.Sprintf(":${%s}", k))]
						stmt := hlib.PathPrependStmt{
							Value: hlib.Value{
								Name: k,
								Set: []hlib.KeyValue{
									{Tag: "default", Value: []string{str}},
						wcfg.Stmts = append(
					} else if strings.HasPrefix(v, fmt.Sprintf("${%s}:", k)) {
						// gamble: path_append
						str := v[len(fmt.Sprintf("${%s}:", k)):]
						stmt := hlib.PathAppendStmt{
							Value: hlib.Value{
								Name: k,
								Set: []hlib.KeyValue{
									{Tag: "default", Value: []string{str}},
						wcfg.Stmts = append(
					} else {
						// gamble declare_path
						stmt := hlib.PathStmt{
							Value: hlib.Value{
								Name: k,
								Set: []hlib.KeyValue{
									{Tag: "default", Value: []string{v}},
						wcfg.Stmts = append(
				case []interface{}:
					for _, v := range v {
						switch v := v.(type) {
							return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'configure.env[%v]' field", v, k)

					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'configure.env' field", v)

		// FIXME:
		//  handle 'declare-tags' section
		if _, ok := cfg["declare-tags"]; ok {
			add_tag := func(name string, data ...string) {
				content := make([]string, len(data))
				copy(content, data)
				stmt := hlib.TagStmt{
					Name:    name,
					Content: content,
				wcfg.Stmts = append(
			switch tags := cfg["declare-tags"].(type) {
			case []interface{}:
				for _, iv := range tags {
					tags := waf_get_yaml_map(iv)
					for name, content := range tags {
						switch content := content.(type) {
						case string:
							add_tag(name, content)
						case []interface{}:
							tag_content := make([]string, 0, len(content))
							for _, tag := range content {
								tag_content = append(tag_content, tag.(string))
							add_tag(name, tag_content...)
						case []string:
							add_tag(name, content...)
							return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'configure.declare-tags' field", tags)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'configure.declare-tags' field", tags)


		//  handle 'apply-tag' section
		if _, ok := cfg["apply-tags"]; ok {
			add_tag := func(data ...string) {
				tags := make([]string, len(data))
				copy(tags, data)
				stmt := hlib.ApplyTagStmt{
					Value: hlib.Value{
						Name: "",
						Set: []hlib.KeyValue{
							{Tag: "default", Value: tags},
				wcfg.Stmts = append(
			switch tags := cfg["apply-tags"].(type) {
			case string:
			case []string:
			case []interface{}:
				for _, iv := range tags {
					switch iv := iv.(type) {
					case string:
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'configure.apply-tags' field", tags)

				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for 'configure.apply-tags' field", tags)


		// FIXME:
		//  handle 'export-tools' section ?

		if _, ok := cfg["hwaf-call"]; ok {
			calls := cfg["hwaf-call"].([]interface{})
			for _, icall := range calls {
				wcfg.HwafCall = append(wcfg.HwafCall, icall.(string))

	// ---------- build section -----------------------------------------------
	if _, ok := data["build"]; ok {
		wbld := &wscript.Build
		bld := waf_get_yaml_map(data["build"])
		if _, ok := bld["tools"]; ok {
			tools := bld["tools"].([]interface{})
			for _, itool := range tools {
				wbld.Tools = append(wbld.Tools, itool.(string))
		if _, ok := bld["hwaf-call"]; ok {
			calls := bld["hwaf-call"].([]interface{})
			for _, icall := range calls {
				wbld.HwafCall = append(wbld.HwafCall, icall.(string))
		// FIXME:
		//  handle 'env' section
		//  handle 'tag' section

		tgt_names := make([]string, 0, len(bld))
		for k, _ := range bld {
			if k != "hwaf-call" && k != "tools" && k != "env" {
				tgt_names = append(tgt_names, k)
		for _, n := range tgt_names {
			tgt := waf_get_yaml_map(bld[n])
			wtgt := hlib.Target_t{
				Name:   n,
				KwArgs: make(map[string][]hlib.Value),
			if v, ok := tgt["features"]; ok {
				switch v := v.(type) {
				case string:
					tmps := strings.Split(v, " ")
					for _, tmp := range tmps {
						tmp = strings.Trim(tmp, " ")
						if tmp != "" {
							wtgt.Features = append(wtgt.Features, tmp)

				case []interface{}:
					for _, iv := range v {
						v := iv.(string)
						tmps := strings.Split(v, " ")
						for _, tmp := range tmps {
							tmp = strings.Trim(tmp, " ")
							if tmp != "" {
								wtgt.Features = append(wtgt.Features, tmp)

				case []string:
					for _, iv := range v {
						tmps := strings.Split(iv, " ")
						for _, tmp := range tmps {
							tmp = strings.Trim(tmp, " ")
							if tmp != "" {
								wtgt.Features = append(wtgt.Features, tmp)

					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type (%T) for target [%s] in 'build' section", v, n)
				delete(tgt, "features")

			if _, ok := tgt["name"]; ok {
				nn := tgt["name"].(string)
				if nn != wtgt.Name {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("inconsistency in target [%s] declaration: name=%q but key=%q", n, nn, wtgt.Name)
				delete(tgt, "name")

			if _, ok := tgt["target"]; ok {
				wtgt.Target = tgt["target"].(string)
				delete(tgt, "target")

			if _, ok := tgt["group"]; ok {
				wtgt.Group = tgt["group"].(string)
				delete(tgt, "group")

			cnvmap := map[string]*[]hlib.Value{
				"source":          &wtgt.Source,
				"use":             &wtgt.Use,
				"defines":         &wtgt.Defines,
				"cflags":          &wtgt.CFlags,
				"cxxflags":        &wtgt.CxxFlags,
				"linkflags":       &wtgt.LinkFlags,
				"shlibflags":      &wtgt.ShlibFlags,
				"stlibflags":      &wtgt.StlibFlags,
				"rpath":           &wtgt.RPath,
				"includes":        &wtgt.Includes,
				"export_includes": &wtgt.ExportIncludes,
				"install_path":    &wtgt.InstallPath,
			for k, v := range tgt {
				vv := waf_gen_hvalue_from(k, v)
				if dst, ok := cnvmap[k]; ok {
					*dst = append(*dst, vv)
				} else {
					wtgt.KwArgs[k] = append(wtgt.KwArgs[k], vv)
			wbld.Targets = append(wbld.Targets, wtgt)

	return &wscript, err
Beispiel #5
func (r *Renderer) analyze() error {
	var err error

	basedir := filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(r.req.Filename))

	r.pkg = hlib.Wscript_t{
		Package:   hlib.Package_t{Name: basedir},
		Configure: hlib.Configure_t{Env: make(hlib.Env_t)},
		Build:     hlib.Build_t{Env: make(hlib.Env_t)},
	wscript := &r.pkg

	// targets
	apps := make(map[string]*Application)
	libs := make(map[string]*Library)

	// first pass: discover targets
	for _, stmt := range r.req.Stmts {
		switch stmt.(type) {
		case *Application:
			x := stmt.(*Application)
			apps[x.Name] = x

		case *Library:
			x := stmt.(*Library)
			libs[x.Name] = x

	// list of macros related to targets.
	// this will be used to:
	//  - fold them together
	//  - pre-process macro_append, macro_remove, ...
	//  - dispatch to wscript equivalents. e.g.:
	//     - <name>linkopts -> ctx(use=[...], cxxshlibflags=[...])
	//     - <name>_dependencies -> ctx(depends_on=[...])
	//     - includes -> ctx(includes=[..])
	macros := make(map[string][]Stmt)

	tgt_names := make([]string, 0, len(apps)+len(libs))
	for k, _ := range apps {
		tgt_names = append(tgt_names, k)
	for k, _ := range libs {
		tgt_names = append(tgt_names, k)

	//fmt.Printf("+++ tgt_names: %v\n", tgt_names)

	// second pass: collect macros
	for _, stmt := range r.req.Stmts {
		switch x := stmt.(type) {
		case *Macro:
			//fmt.Printf("== [%s] ==\n", x.Name)
			//pat := x.Name+"(_dependencies|linkopts)"
			pat := ".*?"
			if !re_is_in_slice_suffix(tgt_names, x.Name, pat) {
			macros[x.Name] = append(macros[x.Name], x)

		case *MacroAppend:
			pat := ".*?"
			if !re_is_in_slice_suffix(tgt_names, x.Name, pat) {
			macros[x.Name] = append(macros[x.Name], x)

		case *MacroRemove:
			pat := ".*?"
			if !re_is_in_slice_suffix(tgt_names, x.Name, pat) {
			macros[x.Name] = append(macros[x.Name], x)


	// models private/public, end_private/end_public
	ctx_visible := []bool{true}

	// 3rd pass: collect libraries and apps
	// this is to make sure the profile-converters get them already populated
	for _, stmt := range r.req.Stmts {
		wbld := &wscript.Build
		switch x := stmt.(type) {
		case *Library:
			tgt := hlib.Target_t{Name: x.Name}
			srcs, rest := sanitize_srcs(x.Source, "src")
			// FIXME: handle -s=some/dir
			if len(rest) > 0 {
			val := hlib.Value{
				Name: x.Name,
				Set: []hlib.KeyValue{
					{Tag: "default", Value: srcs},
			tgt.Source = append(tgt.Source, val)
			if features, ok := g_profile.features["library"]; ok {
				tgt.Features = features
			w_distill_tgt(&tgt, macros)
			wbld.Targets = append(wbld.Targets, tgt)

		case *Application:
			tgt := hlib.Target_t{Name: x.Name}
			srcs, rest := sanitize_srcs(x.Source, "src")
			// FIXME: handle -s=some/dir
			if len(rest) > 0 {
			val := hlib.Value{
				Name: x.Name,
				Set: []hlib.KeyValue{
					{Tag: "default", Value: srcs},

			tgt.Source = append(tgt.Source, val)
			if features, ok := g_profile.features["application"]; ok {
				tgt.Features = features
			w_distill_tgt(&tgt, macros)
			wbld.Targets = append(wbld.Targets, tgt)

	// 4th pass to collect
	for _, stmt := range r.req.Stmts {
		wpkg := &wscript.Package
		wbld := &wscript.Build
		wcfg := &wscript.Configure
		switch x := stmt.(type) {

		case *BeginPublic:
			ctx_visible = append(ctx_visible, true)
		case *EndPublic:
			ctx_visible = ctx_visible[:len(ctx_visible)-1]

		case *BeginPrivate:
			ctx_visible = append(ctx_visible, false)
		case *EndPrivate:
			ctx_visible = ctx_visible[:len(ctx_visible)-1]

		case *Author:
			wpkg.Authors = append(wpkg.Authors, hlib.Author(x.Name))

		case *Manager:
			wpkg.Managers = append(wpkg.Managers, hlib.Manager(x.Name))

		case *Version:
			wpkg.Version = hlib.Version(x.Value)

		case *UsePkg:
			deptype := hlib.PrivateDep
			if ctx_visible[len(ctx_visible)-1] {
				deptype = hlib.PublicDep
			if str_is_in_slice(x.Switches, "-no_auto_imports") {
				deptype = hlib.RuntimeDep | deptype
			wpkg.Deps = append(
					Name:    path.Join(x.Path, x.Package),
					Version: hlib.Version(x.Version),
					Type:    deptype,

		case *Alias:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.AliasStmt{Value: val})

		case *Macro:
			if _, ok := macros[x.Name]; ok {
				// this will be used by a library or application
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.MacroStmt{Value: val})

		case *MacroAppend:
			if _, ok := macros[x.Name]; ok {
				// this will be used by a library or application
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.MacroAppendStmt{Value: val})

		case *MacroPrepend:
			if _, ok := macros[x.Name]; ok {
				// this will be used by a library or application
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.MacroPrependStmt{Value: val})

		case *MacroRemove:
			if _, ok := macros[x.Name]; ok {
				// this will be used by a library or application
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.MacroRemoveStmt{Value: val})

		case *Path:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.PathStmt{Value: val})

		case *PathAppend:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.PathAppendStmt{Value: val})

		case *PathPrepend:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.PathPrependStmt{Value: val})

		case *PathRemove:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.PathRemoveStmt{Value: val})

		case *Pattern:
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, (*hlib.PatternStmt)(x))

		case *ApplyPattern:
			if cnv, ok := g_profile.cnvs[x.Name]; ok {
				err = cnv(wscript, x)
				if err != nil {
					return err
			} else {
				wbld.Stmts = append(wbld.Stmts, (*hlib.ApplyPatternStmt)(x))

		case *Tag:
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, (*hlib.TagStmt)(x))

		case *ApplyTag:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.ApplyTagStmt{Value: val})

		case *TagExclude:
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, (*hlib.TagExcludeStmt)(x))

		case *MakeFragment:
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, (*hlib.MakeFragmentStmt)(x))

		case *SetEnv:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.SetStmt{Value: val})

		case *SetAppend:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.SetAppendStmt{Value: val})

		case *SetRemove:
			val := hlib.Value(*x)
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, &hlib.SetRemoveStmt{Value: val})

		case *Package:
			// already dealt with

		case *Action:
			// FIXME

		case *IncludePaths:
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, (*hlib.IncludePathStmt)(x))

		case *IncludeDirs:
			wcfg.Stmts = append(wcfg.Stmts, (*hlib.IncludeDirsStmt)(x))

		case *CmtPathPattern:
			// FIXME

		case *CmtPathPatternReverse:
			// FIXME

		case *IgnorePattern:
			// FIXME

		case *Document:
			wbld.Stmts = append(wbld.Stmts, (*hlib.DocumentStmt)(x))

		case *Library:
			// already dealt with
		case *Application:
			// already dealt with

			return fmt.Errorf("unhandled statement [%v] (type=%T)\ndir=%v", x, x, r.req.Filename)

	for _, stmt := range r.req.Stmts {
		switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
		case *PathRemove, *MakeFragment, *Pattern, *MacroRemove:
			r.wscript = true
		case *Macro:
			if len(stmt.Set) > 1 {
				r.wscript = true

	// FIXME: refactor ?
	if strings.HasPrefix(r.pkg.Package.Name, "External") {
		r.wscript = true

	// fixups for boost
	for _, tgt := range wscript.Build.Targets {
		for _, use := range tgt.Use {
			for _, kv := range use.Set {
				for i, vv := range kv.Value {
					vv = strings.Replace(vv, "-${boost_libsuffix}", "", -1)
					vv = strings.Replace(vv, "boost_", "boost-", -1)
					kv.Value[i] = vv
	return err