func TestQueryExecutor_Interrupt(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
				t.Error("killing the query did not close the channel after 100 milliseconds")
				return errUnexpected

	closing := make(chan struct{})
	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, closing)
	result := <-results
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestQueryExecutor_ShowQueries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			t.Errorf("unexpected statement: %s", stmt)
			return errUnexpected

	q, err = influxql.ParseQuery(`SHOW QUERIES`)
	if err != nil {

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "", 100, nil)
	result := <-results
	if len(result.Series) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 1, len(result.Series))
	if result.Err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestQueryExecutor_KillQuery(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qid := make(chan uint64)

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			qid <- ctx.QueryID
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
				t.Error("killing the query did not close the channel after 100 milliseconds")
				return errUnexpected

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	q, err = influxql.ParseQuery(fmt.Sprintf("KILL QUERY %d", <-qid))
	if err != nil {
	discardOutput(e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil))

	result := <-results
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestQueryExecutor_Limit_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			select {
			case <-ctx.InterruptCh:
				return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
			case <-time.After(time.Second):
				t.Errorf("timeout has not killed the query")
				return errUnexpected
	e.QueryTimeout = time.Nanosecond

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	result := <-results
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryTimeoutReached {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
Beispiel #5
// NewTestService returns a new *Service with default mock object members.
func NewTestService(t *testing.T) *Service {
	s := NewService(NewConfig())
	ms := NewMetaClient(t)
	s.MetaClient = ms
	s.QueryExecutor = influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	s.RunInterval = time.Millisecond

	// Set Logger to write to dev/null so stdout isn't polluted.
	if testing.Verbose() {

	// Add a couple test databases and CQs.
	ms.CreateDatabase("db", "rp")
	ms.CreateContinuousQuery("db", "cq", `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq ON db BEGIN SELECT count(cpu) INTO cpu_count FROM cpu WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(1s) END`)
	ms.CreateDatabase("db2", "default")
	ms.CreateContinuousQuery("db2", "cq2", `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq2 ON db2 BEGIN SELECT mean(value) INTO cpu_mean FROM cpu WHERE time > now() - 10m GROUP BY time(1m) END`)
	ms.CreateDatabase("db3", "default")
	ms.CreateContinuousQuery("db3", "cq3", `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq3 ON db3 BEGIN SELECT mean(value) INTO "1hAverages".:MEASUREMENT FROM /cpu[0-9]?/ GROUP BY time(10s) END`)

	return s
Beispiel #6
// NewQueryExecutor returns a *QueryExecutor.
func NewQueryExecutor(t *testing.T) *QueryExecutor {
	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{}
	return &QueryExecutor{
		QueryExecutor: e,
		t:             t,
Beispiel #7
// NewHandler returns a new instance of Handler.
func NewHandler(requireAuthentication bool) *Handler {
	statMap := influxdb.NewStatistics("httpd", "httpd", nil)
	h := &Handler{
		Handler: httpd.NewHandler(requireAuthentication, true, false, 0, statMap),
	h.Handler.MetaClient = &h.MetaClient
	h.Handler.QueryExecutor = influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	h.Handler.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = &h.StatementExecutor
	h.Handler.Version = "0.0.0"
	return h
func TestQueryExecutor_Close(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	ch1 := make(chan struct{})
	ch2 := make(chan struct{})

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	go func(results <-chan *influxql.Result) {
		result := <-results
		if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryEngineShutdown {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)

	// Wait for the statement to start executing.

	// Close the query executor.

	// Check that the statement gets interrupted and finishes.
	select {
	case <-ch2:
	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
		t.Error("closing the query manager did not kill the query after 100 milliseconds")

	results = e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)
	result := <-results
	if len(result.Series) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 0, len(result.Series))
	if result.Err != influxql.ErrQueryEngineShutdown {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
Beispiel #9
// NewHandler returns a new instance of Handler.
func NewHandler(requireAuthentication bool) *Handler {
	config := httpd.NewConfig()
	config.AuthEnabled = requireAuthentication
	config.SharedSecret = "super secret key"

	h := &Handler{
		Handler: httpd.NewHandler(config),
	h.Handler.MetaClient = &h.MetaClient
	h.Handler.QueryExecutor = influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	h.Handler.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = &h.StatementExecutor
	h.Handler.QueryAuthorizer = &h.QueryAuthorizer
	h.Handler.Version = "0.0.0"
	return h
// NewQueryExecutor returns a new instance of QueryExecutor.
// This query executor always has a node id of 0.
func NewQueryExecutor() *QueryExecutor {
	e := &QueryExecutor{
		QueryExecutor: influxql.NewQueryExecutor(),
	e.StatementExecutor = &cluster.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient: &e.MetaClient,
		TSDBStore:  &e.TSDBStore,
	e.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = e.StatementExecutor

	e.QueryExecutor.LogOutput = &e.LogOutput
	if testing.Verbose() {
		e.QueryExecutor.LogOutput = io.MultiWriter(e.QueryExecutor.LogOutput, os.Stderr)

	return e
func TestQueryExecutor_AttachQuery(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			if ctx.QueryID != 1 {
				t.Errorf("incorrect query id: exp=1 got=%d", ctx.QueryID)
			return nil

	discardOutput(e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil))
// NewQueryExecutor returns a new instance of QueryExecutor.
// This query executor always has a node id of 0.
func NewQueryExecutor() *QueryExecutor {
	e := &QueryExecutor{
		QueryExecutor: influxql.NewQueryExecutor(),
	e.StatementExecutor = &cluster.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient: &e.MetaClient,
		TSDBStore:  &e.TSDBStore,
	e.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = e.StatementExecutor

	var out io.Writer = &e.LogOutput
	if testing.Verbose() {
		out = io.MultiWriter(out, os.Stderr)
	e.QueryExecutor.Logger = log.New(out, "[query] ", log.LstdFlags)

	return e
// NewQueryExecutor returns a new instance of QueryExecutor.
// This query executor always has a node id of 0.
func NewQueryExecutor() *QueryExecutor {
	e := &QueryExecutor{
		QueryExecutor: influxql.NewQueryExecutor(),
	e.StatementExecutor = &coordinator.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient: &e.MetaClient,
		TSDBStore:  &e.TSDBStore,
	e.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = e.StatementExecutor

	var out io.Writer = &e.LogOutput
	if testing.Verbose() {
		out = io.MultiWriter(out, os.Stderr)

	return e
func TestQueryExecutor_Panic(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			panic("test error")

	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, false, nil)
	result := <-results
	if len(result.Series) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 0, len(result.Series))
	if result.Err == nil || result.Err.Error() != "SELECT count(value) FROM cpu [panic:test error]" {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
func TestQueryExecutor_Limit_ConcurrentQueries(t *testing.T) {
	q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(`SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`)
	if err != nil {

	qid := make(chan uint64)

	e := influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	e.StatementExecutor = &StatementExecutor{
		ExecuteStatementFn: func(stmt influxql.Statement, ctx *influxql.ExecutionContext) error {
			qid <- ctx.QueryID
			return influxql.ErrQueryInterrupted
	e.MaxConcurrentQueries = 1
	defer e.Close()

	// Start first query and wait for it to be executing.
	go discardOutput(e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil))

	// Start second query and expect for it to fail.
	results := e.ExecuteQuery(q, "mydb", 100, nil)

	select {
	case result := <-results:
		if len(result.Series) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("expected %d rows, got %d", 0, len(result.Series))
		if result.Err != influxql.ErrMaxConcurrentQueriesReached {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %s", result.Err)
	case <-qid:
		t.Errorf("unexpected statement execution for the second query")
func NewQueryExecutor() *influxql.QueryExecutor {
	return influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
Beispiel #17
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server built from a config.
func NewServer(c *Config, buildInfo *BuildInfo) (*Server, error) {
	// We need to ensure that a meta directory always exists even if
	// we don't start the meta store.  node.json is always stored under
	// the meta directory.
	if err := os.MkdirAll(c.Meta.Dir, 0777); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mkdir all: %s", err)

	// 0.10-rc1 and prior would sometimes put the node.json at the root
	// dir which breaks backup/restore and restarting nodes.  This moves
	// the file from the root so it's always under the meta dir.
	oldPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(c.Meta.Dir), "node.json")
	newPath := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "node.json")

	if _, err := os.Stat(oldPath); err == nil {
		if err := os.Rename(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	_, err := influxdb.LoadNode(c.Meta.Dir)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err

	if err := raftDBExists(c.Meta.Dir); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// In 0.10.0 bind-address got moved to the top level. Check
	// The old location to keep things backwards compatible
	bind := c.BindAddress

	s := &Server{
		buildInfo: *buildInfo,
		err:       make(chan error),
		closing:   make(chan struct{}),

		BindAddress: bind,

		Logger: zap.New(

		MetaClient: meta.NewClient(c.Meta),

		reportingDisabled: c.ReportingDisabled,

		httpAPIAddr: c.HTTPD.BindAddress,
		httpUseTLS:  c.HTTPD.HTTPSEnabled,
		tcpAddr:     bind,

		config: c,
	s.Monitor = monitor.New(s, c.Monitor)

	if err := s.MetaClient.Open(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s.TSDBStore = tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir)
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data

	// Copy TSDB configuration.
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = c.Data.Engine

	// Create the Subscriber service
	s.Subscriber = subscriber.NewService(c.Subscriber)

	// Initialize points writer.
	s.PointsWriter = coordinator.NewPointsWriter()
	s.PointsWriter.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(c.Coordinator.WriteTimeout)
	s.PointsWriter.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
	s.PointsWriter.Subscriber = s.Subscriber

	// Initialize query executor.
	s.QueryExecutor = influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	s.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = &coordinator.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient:        s.MetaClient,
		TaskManager:       s.QueryExecutor.TaskManager,
		TSDBStore:         coordinator.LocalTSDBStore{Store: s.TSDBStore},
		Monitor:           s.Monitor,
		PointsWriter:      s.PointsWriter,
		MaxSelectPointN:   c.Coordinator.MaxSelectPointN,
		MaxSelectSeriesN:  c.Coordinator.MaxSelectSeriesN,
		MaxSelectBucketsN: c.Coordinator.MaxSelectBucketsN,
	s.QueryExecutor.TaskManager.QueryTimeout = time.Duration(c.Coordinator.QueryTimeout)
	s.QueryExecutor.TaskManager.LogQueriesAfter = time.Duration(c.Coordinator.LogQueriesAfter)
	s.QueryExecutor.TaskManager.MaxConcurrentQueries = c.Coordinator.MaxConcurrentQueries

	// Initialize the monitor
	s.Monitor.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
	s.Monitor.Commit = s.buildInfo.Commit
	s.Monitor.Branch = s.buildInfo.Branch
	s.Monitor.BuildTime = s.buildInfo.Time
	s.Monitor.PointsWriter = (*monitorPointsWriter)(s.PointsWriter)
	return s, nil
Beispiel #18
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server built from a config.
func NewServer(c *Config, buildInfo *BuildInfo) (*Server, error) {
	// We need to ensure that a meta directory always exists even if
	// we don't start the meta store.  node.json is always stored under
	// the meta directory.
	if err := os.MkdirAll(c.Meta.Dir, 0777); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mkdir all: %s", err)

	// 0.10-rc1 and prior would sometimes put the node.json at the root
	// dir which breaks backup/restore and restarting nodes.  This moves
	// the file from the root so it's always under the meta dir.
	oldPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(c.Meta.Dir), "node.json")
	newPath := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "node.json")

	if _, err := os.Stat(oldPath); err == nil {
		if err := os.Rename(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	_, err := influxdb.LoadNode(c.Meta.Dir)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err

	// Check to see if there is a raft db, if so, error out with a message
	// to downgrade, export, and then import the meta data
	raftFile := filepath.Join(c.Meta.Dir, "raft.db")
	if _, err := os.Stat(raftFile); err == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("detected %s. To proceed, you'll need to either 1) downgrade to v0.11.x, export your metadata, upgrade to the current version again, and then import the metadata or 2) delete the file, which will effectively reset your database. For more assistance with the upgrade, see:", raftFile)

	// In 0.10.0 bind-address got moved to the top level. Check
	// The old location to keep things backwards compatible
	bind := c.BindAddress

	s := &Server{
		buildInfo: *buildInfo,
		err:       make(chan error),
		closing:   make(chan struct{}),

		BindAddress: bind,

		MetaClient: meta.NewClient(c.Meta),

		Monitor: monitor.New(c.Monitor),

		reportingDisabled: c.ReportingDisabled,

		httpAPIAddr: c.HTTPD.BindAddress,
		httpUseTLS:  c.HTTPD.HTTPSEnabled,
		tcpAddr:     bind,

		config: c,

	if err := s.MetaClient.Open(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s.TSDBStore = tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir)
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data

	// Copy TSDB configuration.
	s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = c.Data.Engine

	// Create the Subscriber service
	s.Subscriber = subscriber.NewService(c.Subscriber)

	// Initialize points writer.
	s.PointsWriter = cluster.NewPointsWriter()
	s.PointsWriter.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.WriteTimeout)
	s.PointsWriter.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
	s.PointsWriter.Subscriber = s.Subscriber

	// Initialize query executor.
	s.QueryExecutor = influxql.NewQueryExecutor()
	s.QueryExecutor.StatementExecutor = &cluster.StatementExecutor{
		MetaClient:        s.MetaClient,
		TSDBStore:         cluster.LocalTSDBStore{Store: s.TSDBStore},
		Monitor:           s.Monitor,
		PointsWriter:      s.PointsWriter,
		MaxSelectPointN:   c.Cluster.MaxSelectPointN,
		MaxSelectSeriesN:  c.Cluster.MaxSelectSeriesN,
		MaxSelectBucketsN: c.Cluster.MaxSelectBucketsN,
	s.QueryExecutor.QueryTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.QueryTimeout)
	s.QueryExecutor.MaxConcurrentQueries = c.Cluster.MaxConcurrentQueries
	if c.Data.QueryLogEnabled {
		s.QueryExecutor.LogOutput = os.Stderr

	// Initialize the monitor
	s.Monitor.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
	s.Monitor.Commit = s.buildInfo.Commit
	s.Monitor.Branch = s.buildInfo.Branch
	s.Monitor.BuildTime = s.buildInfo.Time
	s.Monitor.PointsWriter = (*monitorPointsWriter)(s.PointsWriter)

	return s, nil