Beispiel #1
// Name return the measurement name for the point
func (p *point) Name() string {
	if p.cachedName != "" {
		return p.cachedName
	p.cachedName = string(escape.Unescape(
	return p.cachedName
func newFieldsFromBinary(buf []byte) Fields {
	fields := Fields{}
	var (
		i              int
		name, valueBuf []byte
		value          interface{}
		err            error
	for {
		if i >= len(buf) {

		i, name = scanTo(buf, i, '=')
		if len(name) == 0 {
		name = escape.Unescape(name)

		i, valueBuf = scanFieldValue(buf, i+1)
		if len(valueBuf) == 0 {
			fields[string(name)] = nil

		// If the first char is a double-quote, then unmarshal as string
		if valueBuf[0] == '"' {
			value = unescapeStringField(string(valueBuf[1 : len(valueBuf)-1]))
			// Check for numeric characters and special NaN or Inf
		} else if (valueBuf[0] >= '0' && valueBuf[0] <= '9') || valueBuf[0] == '-' || valueBuf[0] == '+' || valueBuf[0] == '.' ||
			valueBuf[0] == 'N' || valueBuf[0] == 'n' || // NaN
			valueBuf[0] == 'I' || valueBuf[0] == 'i' { // Inf

			value, err = parseNumber(valueBuf)
			if err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse number value '%v': %v", string(valueBuf), err))

			// Otherwise parse it as bool
		} else {
			value, err = strconv.ParseBool(string(valueBuf))
			if err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse bool value '%v': %v\n", string(valueBuf), err))
		fields[string(name)] = value
	return fields