func NewTopOrBottomAggregator(name string, v *parser.Value, isTop bool, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) != 2 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, fmt.Sprintf("function %s() requires at exactly 2 arguments", name))

	if v.Elems[1].Type != parser.ValueInt {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("function %s() second parameter expect int", name))

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	limit, err := strconv.ParseInt(v.Elems[1].Name, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if limit < 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("function %s() second parameter must be > 0", name))

	return &TopOrBottomAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: v.Elems[0],
		name:         name,
		isTop:        isTop,
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
		alias:        v.Alias,
		limit:        limit}, nil
func NewCountAggregator(q *parser.SelectQuery, v *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function count() requires exactly one argument")

	if v.Elems[0].Type == parser.ValueWildcard {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function count() doesn't work with wildcards")

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if v.Elems[0].Type != parser.ValueSimpleName {
		innerName := strings.ToLower(v.Elems[0].Name)
		init := registeredAggregators[innerName]
		if init == nil {
			return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", innerName))
		inner, err := init(q, v.Elems[0], defaultValue)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return NewCompositeAggregator(&CountAggregator{AbstractAggregator{}, wrappedDefaultValue, v.Alias}, inner)

	return &CountAggregator{AbstractAggregator{}, wrappedDefaultValue, v.Alias}, nil
func NewPercentileAggregator(_ *parser.SelectQuery, value *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(value.Elems) != 2 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function percentile() requires exactly two arguments")

	if value.Elems[0].Type == parser.ValueWildcard {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "wildcard cannot be used with percentile")

	percentile, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value.Elems[1].Name, 64)

	if err != nil || percentile <= 0 || percentile >= 100 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function percentile() requires a numeric second argument between 0 and 100")

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	functionName := "percentile"
	if value.Alias != "" {
		functionName = value.Alias

	return &PercentileAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: value.Elems[0],
		functionName: functionName,
		percentile:   percentile,
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
	}, nil
func NewDerivativeAggregator(q *parser.SelectQuery, v *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function derivative() requires exactly one argument")

	if v.Elems[0].Type == parser.ValueWildcard {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function derivative() doesn't work with wildcards")

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	da := &DerivativeAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: v.Elems[0],
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
		alias:        v.Alias,

	da.duration, _, err = q.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return da, nil
Beispiel #5
func (self *QueryEngine) executeCountQueryWithGroupBy(query *parser.SelectQuery, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	self.aggregateYield = yield
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	self.isAggregateQuery = true
	self.duration = duration
	self.aggregators = []Aggregator{}

	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if !value.IsFunctionCall() {
		lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
		initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
		if initializer == nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
		aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
		if err != nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
		self.aggregators = append(self.aggregators, aggregator)

	for _, elem := range query.GetGroupByClause().Elems {
		if elem.IsFunctionCall() {
		self.elems = append(self.elems, elem)

	self.fillWithZero = query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero

	// This is a special case for issue #426. If the start time is
	// specified and there's a group by clause and fill with zero, then
	// we need to fill the entire range from start time to end time
	if query.IsStartTimeSpecified() && self.duration != nil && self.fillWithZero {
		self.startTimeSpecified = true
		self.startTime = query.GetStartTime().Truncate(*self.duration).UnixNano() / 1000
		self.endTime = query.GetEndTime().Truncate(*self.duration).UnixNano() / 1000


	err = self.distributeQuery(query, func(series *protocol.Series) error {
		if len(series.Points) == 0 {
			return nil

		return self.aggregateValuesForSeries(series)

	return err
func NewAggregatorEngine(query *parser.SelectQuery, next Processor) (*AggregatorEngine, error) {
	ae := &AggregatorEngine{
		next:         next,
		seriesStates: make(map[string]*SeriesState),
		ascending:    query.Ascending,

	var err error
	ae.duration, ae.irregularInterval, err = query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ae.aggregators = []Aggregator{}

	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if !value.IsFunctionCall() {
		lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
		initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
		if initializer == nil {
			return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
		aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
		ae.aggregators = append(ae.aggregators, aggregator)

	for _, elem := range query.GetGroupByClause().Elems {
		if elem.IsFunctionCall() {
		ae.elems = append(ae.elems, elem)

	ae.isFillQuery = query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero

	// This is a special case for issue #426. If the start time is
	// specified and there's a group by clause and fill with zero, then
	// we need to fill the entire range from start time to end time
	if query.IsStartTimeSpecified() && ae.duration != nil && ae.isFillQuery {
		ae.startTimeSpecified = true
		ae.startTime = query.GetStartTime().Truncate(*ae.duration).UnixNano() / 1000
		ae.endTime = query.GetEndTime().Truncate(*ae.duration).UnixNano() / 1000


	return ae, nil
Beispiel #7
func (self *QueryEngine) executeCountQueryWithGroupBy(query *parser.SelectQuery, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	self.aggregateYield = yield
	duration, err := query.GetGroupByClause().GetGroupByTime()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	self.isAggregateQuery = true
	self.duration = duration
	self.aggregators = []Aggregator{}

	for _, value := range query.GetColumnNames() {
		if !value.IsFunctionCall() {
		lowerCaseName := strings.ToLower(value.Name)
		initializer := registeredAggregators[lowerCaseName]
		if initializer == nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown function %s", value.Name))
		aggregator, err := initializer(query, value, query.GetGroupByClause().FillValue)
		if err != nil {
			return common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
		self.aggregators = append(self.aggregators, aggregator)

	for _, elem := range query.GetGroupByClause().Elems {
		if elem.IsFunctionCall() {
		self.elems = append(self.elems, elem)

	self.fillWithZero = query.GetGroupByClause().FillWithZero


	err = self.distributeQuery(query, func(series *protocol.Series) error {
		if len(series.Points) == 0 {
			return nil

		return self.aggregateValuesForSeries(series)

	return err
// Process responses from the given channel. Returns true if
// processing should stop for other channels. False otherwise.
func (p *MergeChannelProcessor) processChannel(channel <-chan *protocol.Response) bool {
	for response := range channel {
		log4go.Debug("%s received %s", p, response)

		switch rt := response.GetType(); rt {

		// all these types end the stream
		case protocol.Response_HEARTBEAT,
			p.e <- nil
			return false

		case protocol.Response_ERROR:
			err := common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, response.GetErrorMessage())
			p.e <- err
			return false

		case protocol.Response_QUERY:
			for _, s := range response.MultiSeries {
				log4go.Debug("Yielding to %s: %s",, s)
				_, err :=
				if err != nil {
					p.e <- err
					return true

			panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown response type: %s", rt))
	panic(errors.New("Reached end of method"))
func NewMedianAggregator(_ *parser.SelectQuery, value *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(value.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function median() requires exactly one argument")

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	functionName := "median"
	if value.Alias != "" {
		functionName = value.Alias

	aggregator := &PercentileAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: value.Elems[0],
		functionName: functionName,
		percentile:   50.0,
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
		alias:        value.Alias,
	return aggregator, nil
func NewModeAggregator(_ *parser.SelectQuery, value *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(value.Elems) < 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function mode() requires at least one argument")

	// TODO: Mode can in fact take two argument, the second specifies
	// the "size", but it's not clear if size is set to 2 whether to
	// return at least 2 elements, or return the most common values and
	// the second most common values. The difference will be apparent if
	// the data set is multimodel and there are two most common
	// values. In the first case, the two most common values will be
	// returned, but in the second case the two most common values and
	// the second most common values will be returned
	if len(value.Elems) > 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function mode() takes at most one arguments")

	size := 1
	if len(value.Elems) == 2 {
		switch value.Elems[1].Type {
		case parser.ValueInt:
			var err error
			size, err = strconv.Atoi(value.Elems[1].Name)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into an int", value.Elems[1].Name)
			return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a int", value.Elems[1].Name)

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &ModeAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: value.Elems[0],
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
		alias:        value.Alias,
		size:         size,
	}, nil
Beispiel #11
func HashPassword(password string) ([]byte, error) {
	if length := len(password); length < 4 || length > 56 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Password must be more than 4 and less than 56 characters")

	// The second arg is the cost of the hashing, higher is slower but makes it harder
	// to brute force, since it will be really slow and impractical
	return bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), 10)
Beispiel #12
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) runQuerySpec(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, seriesWriter SeriesWriter) error {
	shards, processor, seriesClosed, err := self.getShardsAndProcessor(querySpec, seriesWriter)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(shards) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't look up columns")

	defer func() {
		if processor != nil {
		} else {

	shardConcurrentLimit := self.config.ConcurrentShardQueryLimit
	if self.shouldQuerySequentially(shards, querySpec) {
		log.Debug("Querying shards sequentially")
		shardConcurrentLimit = 1
	log.Debug("Shard concurrent limit: %d", shardConcurrentLimit)

	errors := make(chan error, shardConcurrentLimit)
	for i := 0; i < shardConcurrentLimit; i++ {
		errors <- nil
	responseChannels := make(chan (<-chan *protocol.Response), shardConcurrentLimit)

	go self.readFromResponseChannels(processor, seriesWriter, querySpec.IsExplainQuery(), errors, responseChannels)

	err = self.queryShards(querySpec, shards, errors, responseChannels)

	// make sure we read the rest of the errors and responses
	for _err := range errors {
		if err == nil {
			err = _err

	for responsechan := range responseChannels {
		for response := range responsechan {
			if response.GetType() != endStreamResponse {
			if response.ErrorMessage != nil && err == nil {
				err = common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, *response.ErrorMessage)
	return err
Beispiel #13
func NewHistogramAggregator(q *parser.SelectQuery, v *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) < 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function histogram() requires at least one arguments")

	if len(v.Elems) > 2 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function histogram() takes at most two arguments")

	if v.Elems[0].Type == parser.ValueWildcard {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function histogram() doesn't work with wildcards")

	bucketSize := 1.0

	if len(v.Elems) == 2 {
		switch v.Elems[1].Type {
		case parser.ValueInt, parser.ValueFloat:
			var err error
			bucketSize, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Elems[1].Name, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[1].Name)
			return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[1].Name)

	columnNames := []string{"bucket_start", "count"}
	if v.Alias != "" {
		columnNames[0] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_bucket_start", v.Alias)
		columnNames[1] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_count", v.Alias)

	return &HistogramAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: v.Elems[0],
		bucketSize:  bucketSize,
		columnNames: columnNames,
	}, nil
Beispiel #14
func (self *CoordinatorImpl) readFromResponseChannels(processor cluster.QueryProcessor,
	writer SeriesWriter,
	isExplainQuery bool,
	errors chan<- error,
	responseChannels <-chan (<-chan *protocol.Response)) {

	defer close(errors)

	for responseChan := range responseChannels {
		for response := range responseChan {

			//log.Debug("GOT RESPONSE: ", response.Type, response.Series)
			log.Debug("GOT RESPONSE: %v", response.Type)
			if *response.Type == endStreamResponse || *response.Type == accessDeniedResponse {
				if response.ErrorMessage == nil {

				err := common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, *response.ErrorMessage)
				log.Error("Error while executing query: %s", err)
				errors <- err

			if response.Series == nil || len(response.Series.Points) == 0 {
				log.Debug("Series has no points, continue")

			// if we don't have a processor, yield the point to the writer
			// this happens if shard took care of the query
			// otherwise client will get points from passthrough engine
			if processor != nil {
				// if the data wasn't aggregated at the shard level, aggregate
				// the data here
				log.Debug("YIELDING: %d points with %d columns for %s", len(response.Series.Points), len(response.Series.Fields), response.Series.GetName())

			// If we have EXPLAIN query, we don't write actual points (of
			// response.Type Query) to the client
			if !(*response.Type == queryResponse && isExplainQuery) {

		// once we're done with a response channel signal queryShards to
		// start querying a new shard
		errors <- nil
func NewStandardDeviationAggregator(q *parser.SelectQuery, v *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function stddev() requires exactly one argument")

	if v.Elems[0].Type == parser.ValueWildcard {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function stddev() doesn't work with wildcards")

	value, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &StandardDeviationAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: v.Elems[0],
		defaultValue: value,
		alias:        v.Alias,
	}, nil
Beispiel #16
func (self GroupByClause) GetGroupByTime() (*time.Duration, error) {
	for _, groupBy := range self.Elems {
		if groupBy.IsFunctionCall() && strings.ToLower(groupBy.Name) == "time" {
			// TODO: check the number of arguments and return an error
			if len(groupBy.Elems) != 1 {
				return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "time function only accepts one argument")

			if groupBy.Elems[0].Type != ValueDuration {
				log.Debug("Get a time function without a duration argument %v", groupBy.Elems[0].Type)
			arg := groupBy.Elems[0].Name
			durationInt, err := common.ParseTimeDuration(arg)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("invalid argument %s to the time function", arg))
			duration := time.Duration(durationInt)
			return &duration, nil
	return nil, nil
func NewMeanAggregator(_ *parser.SelectQuery, value *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(value.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function mean() requires exactly one argument")

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &MeanAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: value.Elems[0],
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
		alias:        value.Alias,
	}, nil
func NewFirstOrLastAggregator(name string, v *parser.Value, isFirst bool, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, fmt.Sprintf("function %s() requires exactly one argument", name))

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if v.Alias != "" {
		name = v.Alias

	return &FirstOrLastAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: v.Elems[0],
		name:         name,
		isFirst:      isFirst,
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
	}, nil
func NewCumulativeArithmeticAggregator(name string, value *parser.Value, initialValue float64, defaultValue *parser.Value, operation Operation) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(value.Elems) != 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function max() requires only one argument")

	wrappedDefaultValue, err := wrapDefaultValue(defaultValue)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if value.Alias != "" {
		name = value.Alias

	return &CumulativeArithmeticAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: value.Elems[0],
		name:         name,
		operation:    operation,
		initialValue: initialValue,
		defaultValue: wrappedDefaultValue,
	}, nil
func NewHistogramAggregator(q *parser.SelectQuery, v *parser.Value, defaultValue *parser.Value) (Aggregator, error) {
	if len(v.Elems) < 1 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function histogram() requires at least one arguments")

	if len(v.Elems) > 4 {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.WrongNumberOfArguments, "function histogram() takes at most four arguments")

	if v.Elems[0].Type == parser.ValueWildcard {
		return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "function histogram() doesn't work with wildcards")

	bucketSize := 1.0
	bucketStart := 0.0
	explicitBucketStart := false
	bucketStop := 0.0
	bucketStopIdx := -1

	if len(v.Elems) > 1 {
		switch v.Elems[1].Type {
		case parser.ValueInt, parser.ValueFloat:
			var err error
			bucketSize, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Elems[1].Name, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[1].Name)
			return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[1].Name)
		if len(v.Elems) > 2 {
			switch v.Elems[2].Type {
			case parser.ValueInt, parser.ValueFloat:
				var err error
				bucketStart, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Elems[2].Name, 64)
				explicitBucketStart = true
				if err != nil {
					return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[2].Name)
				return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[2].Name)
			if len(v.Elems) == 4 {
				switch v.Elems[3].Type {
				case parser.ValueInt, parser.ValueFloat:
					var err error
					bucketStop, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Elems[3].Name, 64)
					bucketStopIdx = int(math.Floor((bucketStop - bucketStart) / bucketSize))
					if err != nil {
						return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[3].Name)
					return nil, common.NewQueryError(common.InvalidArgument, "Cannot parse %s into a float", v.Elems[3].Name)

	columnNames := []string{"bucket_start", "count"}
	if v.Alias != "" {
		columnNames[0] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_bucket_start", v.Alias)
		columnNames[1] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_count", v.Alias)

	return &HistogramAggregator{
		AbstractAggregator: AbstractAggregator{
			value: v.Elems[0],
		bucketSize:          bucketSize,
		bucketStart:         bucketStart,
		explicitBucketStart: explicitBucketStart,
		bucketStopIdx:       bucketStopIdx,
		columnNames:         columnNames,
	}, nil