Beispiel #1
// NewSessionState takes the plugin args and returns a SessionState
// returns State or error and returnCode:
// 0 - ok
// 2 - error when unmarshaling pluginArgs
// 3 - cannot open error files
func NewSessionState(pluginArgsMsg string, plugin Plugin, meta *PluginMeta) (*SessionState, error, int) {
	pluginArg := &Arg{}
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(pluginArgsMsg), pluginArg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err, 2

	// If no port was provided we let the OS select a port for us.
	// This is safe as address is returned in the Response and keep
	// alive prevents unattended plugins.
	if pluginArg.listenPort == "" {
		pluginArg.listenPort = "0"

	// If no PingTimeoutDuration was provided we need to set it
	if pluginArg.PingTimeoutDuration == 0 {
		pluginArg.PingTimeoutDuration = PingTimeoutDurationDefault

	// Generate random token for this session
	rb := make([]byte, 32)
	rs := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(rb)

	logger := &log.Logger{
		Out:       os.Stderr,
		Formatter: &simpleFormatter{},
		Hooks:     make(log.LevelHooks),
		Level:     pluginArg.LogLevel,

	var enc encoding.Encoder
	switch meta.RPCType {
	case JSONRPC:
		enc = encoding.NewJsonEncoder()
	case NativeRPC:
		enc = encoding.NewGobEncoder()
	case GRPC:
		enc = encoding.NewGobEncoder()
		//TODO(CDR): re-think once content-types is settled
	ss := &SessionState{
		Arg:     pluginArg,
		Encoder: enc,

		plugin:   plugin,
		token:    rs,
		killChan: make(chan int),
		logger:   logger,

	if !meta.Unsecure {
		key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err, 2
		encrypt := encrypter.New(nil, key)
		ss.Encrypter = encrypt
		ss.privateKey = key
	return ss, nil, 0
Beispiel #2
// NewSessionState takes the plugin args and returns a SessionState
// returns State or error and returnCode:
// 0 - ok
// 2 - error when unmarshaling pluginArgs
// 3 - cannot open error files
func NewSessionState(pluginArgsMsg string, plugin Plugin, meta *PluginMeta) (*SessionState, error, int) {
	pluginArg := &Arg{}
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(pluginArgsMsg), pluginArg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err, 2

	// If no port was provided we let the OS select a port for us.
	// This is safe as address is returned in the Response and keep
	// alive prevents unattended plugins.
	if pluginArg.listenPort == "" {
		pluginArg.listenPort = "0"

	// If no PingTimeoutDuration was provided we need to set it
	if pluginArg.PingTimeoutDuration == 0 {
		pluginArg.PingTimeoutDuration = PingTimeoutDurationDefault

	// Generate random token for this session
	rb := make([]byte, 32)
	rs := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(rb)

	// Initialize a logger based on PluginLogPath
	truncOrAppend := os.O_TRUNC // truncate log file explicitly given by user
	// Empty or /tmp means use default tmp log (needs to be removed post-aAtruncOrAppendpha)
	if pluginArg.PluginLogPath == "" || pluginArg.PluginLogPath == "/tmp" {
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			pluginArg.PluginLogPath = `c:\TEMP\snap_plugin.log`
		} else {
			pluginArg.PluginLogPath = "/tmp/snap_plugin.log"
		truncOrAppend = os.O_APPEND
	lf, err := os.OpenFile(pluginArg.PluginLogPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|truncOrAppend, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("error opening log file: %v", err)), 3
	logger := log.New(lf, ">>>", log.Ldate|log.Ltime)

	var enc encoding.Encoder
	switch meta.RPCType {
	case JSONRPC:
		enc = encoding.NewJsonEncoder()
	case NativeRPC:
		enc = encoding.NewGobEncoder()
	ss := &SessionState{
		Arg:     pluginArg,
		Encoder: enc,

		plugin:   plugin,
		token:    rs,
		killChan: make(chan int),
		logger:   logger,

	if !meta.Unsecure {
		key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err, 2
		encrypt := encrypter.New(nil, key)
		ss.Encrypter = encrypt
		ss.privateKey = key
	return ss, nil, 0