Beispiel #1
func clientEncodePadEncrypt(msg *UpaxClientMsg, engine cipher.BlockMode) (
	ciphertext []byte, err error) {

	var paddedData []byte
	cData, err := encodeClientPacket(msg)
	if err == nil {
		paddedData, err = xc.AddPKCS7Padding(cData, aes.BlockSize)
	if err == nil {
		msgLen := len(paddedData)
		nBlocks := (msgLen + aes.BlockSize - 2) / aes.BlockSize
		ciphertext = make([]byte, nBlocks*aes.BlockSize)
		engine.CryptBlocks(ciphertext, paddedData) // dest <- src
Beispiel #2
// IV is prefixed to the ciphertext returned and easily extracted.
func (as *AesSession) Encrypt(msg []byte) (
	prefixedCiphertext []byte, err error) {

	paddedMsg, err := xc.AddPKCS7Padding(msg, aes.BlockSize)
	if err == nil {
		// chooose an IV to set up encrypter (later prefix to the padded msg)
		iv := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize)

		encrypter := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(as.Engine, iv)
		ciphertext := make([]byte, len(paddedMsg))
		encrypter.CryptBlocks(ciphertext, paddedMsg) // dest <- src

		prefixedCiphertext = make([]byte, len(iv))
		copy(prefixedCiphertext, iv) // dest <- src
		prefixedCiphertext = append(prefixedCiphertext, ciphertext...)
Beispiel #3
func (s *XLSuite) TestCrytpo(c *C) {
	if VERBOSITY > 0 {
	rng := xr.MakeSimpleRNG()
	nodeID := s.makeANodeID(c, rng)

	ckPriv := s.makeAnRSAKey(c)
	skPriv := s.makeAnRSAKey(c)

	node, err := xn.New("foo", nodeID, "", ckPriv, skPriv, nil, nil, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(node, Not(IsNil))

	ck := node.GetCommsPublicKey()


	// Generate 16-byte AES IV, 32-byte AES key, and 8-byte salt
	// and 4-byte version number for the Hello and another 20 bytes as salt
	// for the OAEP encrypt. For testing purposes these need not be crypto
	// grade.

	salty := make([]byte, 3*aes.BlockSize+8+4+xu.SHA1_BIN_LEN)

	iv1 := salty[:aes.BlockSize]
	key1 := salty[aes.BlockSize : 3*aes.BlockSize]
	salt1 := salty[3*aes.BlockSize : 3*aes.BlockSize+8]
	vBytes := salty[3*aes.BlockSize+8 : 3*aes.BlockSize+12]
	version1 := uint32(
		(0xff & vBytes[3] << 24) | (0xff & vBytes[2] << 16) |
			(0xff & vBytes[1] << 8) | (0xff & vBytes[0]))
	_ = version1 // DEBUG
	oaep1 := salty[3*aes.BlockSize+12:]

	oaepSalt := bytes.NewBuffer(oaep1)

	// == HELLO =====================================================
	// On the client side:

	// Create and marshal a hello containing AES iv1, key1, salt1, version1.
	// There is no reason at all to use protobufs for this purpose.
	// Just encrypt iv1 + key1 + salt1 + version1
	sha := sha1.New()
	data := salty[:3*aes.BlockSize+8+4] // contains iv1,key1,salt1,version1
	c.Assert(len(data), Equals, 60)

	ciphertext, err := rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha, oaepSalt, ck, data, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(ciphertext, Not(IsNil))

	// On the server side: ------------------------------------------
	// decrypt the hello using the node's private comms key
	plaintext, err := rsa.DecryptOAEP(sha, nil, ckPriv, ciphertext, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(plaintext, Not(IsNil))

	// verify that iv1, key1, salt1, version1 are the same
	c.Assert(data, DeepEquals, plaintext)

	// == HELLO REPLY ===============================================
	// On the server side:
	// Create, marshal a reply containing iv2, key2, salt2, salt1, version2
	// This could be done as a Protobuf message, but is handled as a simple
	// byte slice instead.

	// create the session iv + key plus salt2
	reply := make([]byte, 3*aes.BlockSize+8)

	iv2 := reply[:aes.BlockSize]
	key2 := reply[aes.BlockSize : 3*aes.BlockSize]
	salt2 := reply[3*aes.BlockSize]

	reply = append(reply, salt1...)
	reply = append(reply, vBytes...)

	// We need padding because the message is not or may not be an
	// integer multiple of the block size.

	paddedReply, err := xc.AddPKCS7Padding(reply, aes.BlockSize)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(paddedReply, Not(IsNil))

	// encrypt the reply using engine1a = iv1, key1
	engine1a, err := aes.NewCipher(key1) // on server
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(engine1a, Not(IsNil))

	aesEncrypter1a := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(engine1a, iv1)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(aesEncrypter1a, Not(IsNil))

	// we require that the message size be a multiple of the block size
	c.Assert(aesEncrypter1a.BlockSize(), Equals, aes.BlockSize)
	msgLen := len(paddedReply)
	nBlocks := (msgLen + aes.BlockSize - 1) / aes.BlockSize
	c.Assert(msgLen, Equals, nBlocks*aes.BlockSize)

	ciphertext = make([]byte, nBlocks*aes.BlockSize)
	aesEncrypter1a.CryptBlocks(ciphertext, paddedReply) // dest <- src

	// On the client side: ------------------------------------------
	//     decrypt the reply using engine1b = iv1, key1

	engine1b, err := aes.NewCipher(key1) // on client
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(engine1b, Not(IsNil))

	aesDecrypter1b := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(engine1b, iv1)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(aesDecrypter1b, Not(IsNil))

	plaintext = make([]byte, nBlocks*aes.BlockSize)
	aesDecrypter1b.CryptBlocks(plaintext, ciphertext) // dest <- src

	c.Assert(plaintext, DeepEquals, paddedReply)
	unpaddedReply, err := xc.StripPKCS7Padding(paddedReply, aes.BlockSize)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(unpaddedReply, DeepEquals, reply)

	_ = salt2 // WE DON'T USE THIS YET

	// AES HANDLING FOR ALL FURTHER MESSAGES ========================

	// -- CLIENT-SIDE AES SETUP -----------------
	// encrypt the client msg using engineC = iv2, key2

	engineC, err := aes.NewCipher(key2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(engineC, Not(IsNil))

	encrypterC := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(engineC, iv2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(encrypterC, Not(IsNil))

	decrypterC := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(engineC, iv2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(decrypterC, Not(IsNil))

	// we require that the message size be a multiple of the block size
	c.Assert(encrypterC.BlockSize(), Equals, aes.BlockSize)
	c.Assert(decrypterC.BlockSize(), Equals, aes.BlockSize)

	// -- SERVER-SIDE AES SETUP -----------------
	engineS, err := aes.NewCipher(key2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(engineS, Not(IsNil))

	encrypterS := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(engineS, iv2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(encrypterS, Not(IsNil))

	decrypterS := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(engineS, iv2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(decrypterS, Not(IsNil))

	// we require that the message size be a multiple of the block size
	c.Assert(encrypterS.BlockSize(), Equals, aes.BlockSize)
	c.Assert(decrypterS.BlockSize(), Equals, aes.BlockSize)

	//// == CLIENT MSG ================================================
	//// On the client side:

	//// create and marshal client name, specs, salt2, digsig over that
	//clientName := rng.NextFileName(8)

	//// create and marshal a token containing attrs, id, ck, sk, myEnd*
	//attrs := uint64(947)
	//ckBytes, err := xc.RSAPrivateKeyToWire(ckPriv)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	//skBytes, err := xc.RSAPrivateKeyToWire(skPriv)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//myEnd := []string{""}
	//token := &XLRegMsg_Token{
	//	Attrs:    &attrs,
	//	ID:       nodeID.Value(),
	//	CommsKey: ckBytes,
	//	SigKey:   skBytes,
	//	MyEnd:    myEnd,

	//op := XLRegMsg_Client
	//clientMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op:          &op,
	//	ClientName:  &clientName,
	//	ClientSpecs: token,

	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&clientMsg, encrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// On the server side: ------------------------------------------
	//clientMsg2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//c.Assert(clientMsg2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_Client)

	//// verify that id, ck, sk, myEnd* survive the trip unchanged

	//name2 := clientMsg2.GetClientName()
	//c.Assert(name2, Equals, clientName)

	//clientSpecs2 := clientMsg2.GetClientSpecs()
	//c.Assert(clientSpecs2, Not(IsNil))

	//attrs2 := clientSpecs2.GetAttrs()
	//id2 := clientSpecs2.GetID()
	//ckBytes2 := clientSpecs2.GetCommsKey()
	//skBytes2 := clientSpecs2.GetSigKey()
	//myEnd2 := clientSpecs2.GetMyEnd() // a string array

	//c.Assert(attrs2, Equals, attrs)
	//c.Assert(id2, DeepEquals, nodeID.Value())
	//c.Assert(ckBytes2, DeepEquals, ckBytes)
	//c.Assert(skBytes2, DeepEquals, skBytes)
	//c.Assert(myEnd2, DeepEquals, myEnd)

	//// == CLIENT OK =================================================
	//// on the server side:

	//clientID := s.makeAnID(c, rng)
	//attrsBack := uint64(479)

	//op = XLRegMsg_ClientOK
	//clientOKMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op:       &op,
	//	ClientID: clientID,
	//	Attrs:    &attrsBack,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&clientOKMsg, encrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the client side -------------------------------------------
	//clientOK2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//c.Assert(clientOK2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_ClientOK)
	//clientID2 := clientOK2.GetClientID()
	//c.Assert(clientID2, DeepEquals, clientID)
	//attrsBack2 := clientOK2.GetAttrs()
	//c.Assert(attrsBack2, Equals, attrsBack)

	//// == CREATE ====================================================
	//// on the client side:
	//clusterName := rng.NextFileName(8)
	//clusterSize := uint32(2 + rng.Intn(60))

	//op = XLRegMsg_Create
	//createMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op:          &op,
	//	ClusterName: &clusterName,
	//	ClusterSize: &clusterSize,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&createMsg, encrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the server side -------------------------------------------
	//createMsg2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//c.Assert(createMsg2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_Create)
	//clusterName2 := createMsg2.GetClusterName()
	//c.Assert(clusterName2, Equals, clusterName)
	//clusterSize2 := createMsg2.GetClusterSize()
	//c.Assert(clusterSize2, Equals, clusterSize)

	//// == CREATE REPLY ==============================================
	//// on the server side:
	//clusterID := s.makeAnID(c, rng)
	//sizeBack := uint32(2 + rng.Intn(60))

	//op = XLRegMsg_CreateReply
	//createReplyMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op:          &op,
	//	ClusterID:   clusterID,
	//	ClusterSize: &sizeBack,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&createReplyMsg, encrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the client side -------------------------------------------
	//createReply2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//c.Assert(createReply2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_CreateReply)
	//clusterID2 := createReply2.GetClusterID()
	//c.Assert(clusterID2, DeepEquals, clusterID)
	//sizeBack2 := createReply2.GetClusterSize()
	//c.Assert(sizeBack2, Equals, sizeBack)

	//// == JOIN ======================================================
	//// On the client side:
	//op = XLRegMsg_Join
	//joinMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op:        &op,
	//	ClusterID: clusterID,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&joinMsg, encrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the server side -------------------------------------------
	//join2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//c.Assert(join2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_Join)
	//clusterID2 = join2.GetClusterID()
	//c.Assert(clusterID2, DeepEquals, clusterID) // GEEP

	//// == JOIN REPLY ================================================
	//// on the server side:
	//op = XLRegMsg_JoinReply
	//joinReplyMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op:          &op,
	//	ClusterID:   clusterID,
	//	ClusterSize: &clusterSize,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&joinReplyMsg, encrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the client side -------------------------------------------
	//joinReply2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//c.Assert(joinReply2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_JoinReply)
	//clusterID2 = joinReply2.GetClusterID()
	//c.Assert(clusterID2, DeepEquals, clusterID)
	//sizeBack = joinReply2.GetClusterSize()
	//c.Assert(sizeBack, Equals, clusterSize)

	//// == GET =======================================================
	//// On the client side:

	//// on the server side -------------------------------------------

	//// == MEMBERS ===================================================
	//// On the server side:

	//// on the client side -------------------------------------------

	//// create and marshal a set of 3=5 tokens each containing attrs,
	//// nodeID, clusterID

	//// encrypt the msg using engineC = iv2, key2

	//// decrypt the msg using engineS = iv2, key2

	//// verify that the various tokens (id, ck, sk, myEnd*) survive the
	//// trip unchanged

	//// == BYE =======================================================
	//// On the client side:
	//op = XLRegMsg_Bye
	//byeMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op: &op,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&byeMsg, encrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the server side -------------------------------------------
	//bye2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	//c.Assert(bye2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_Bye)

	//// == ACK =======================================================
	//// on the server side:
	//op = XLRegMsg_Ack
	//ackMsg := XLRegMsg{
	//	Op: &op,
	//ciphertext, err = EncodePadEncrypt(&ackMsg, encrypterS)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	//// on the client side -------------------------------------------
	//ack2, err := DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext, decrypterC)
	//c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	//c.Assert(ack2.GetOp(), Equals, XLRegMsg_Ack)