Beispiel #1
CreateDocument - Creates a fresh Binder for a new document, which is subsequently stored, returns an
error if either the document ID is already currently in use, or if there is a problem storing the
new document. May require authentication, if so a userID is supplied.
func (c *impl) CreateDocument(
	userID, token string, doc store.Document, timeout time.Duration,
) (binder.Portal, error) {
	c.log.Debugf("Creating new document with userID %v token %v\n", userID, token)

	if c.auth.Authenticate(userID, token, "") < acl.CreateAccess {
		c.stats.Incr("curator.create.rejected_client", 1)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to gain permission to create with token: %v\n", token)
	c.stats.Incr("curator.create.accepted_client", 1)

	// Always generate a fresh ID
	doc.ID = util.GenerateStampedUUID()

	if err :=; err != nil {
		c.stats.Incr("curator.create_new.failed", 1)
		c.log.Errorf("Failed to create new document: %v\n", err)
		return nil, err
	openBinder, err := binder.New(
		doc.ID,, c.config.BinderConfig, c.errorChan, c.log, c.stats,
	if err != nil {
		c.stats.Incr("curator.bind_new.failed", 1)
		c.log.Errorf("Failed to bind to new document: %v\n", err)
		return nil, err
	c.openBinders[doc.ID] = openBinder
	c.stats.Incr("curator.open_binders", 1)

	return openBinder.Subscribe(userID, timeout)
Beispiel #2
ReadDocument - Locates or creates a Binder for an existing document and returns that Binder for
subscribing to with read only privileges. Returns an error if there was a problem locating the
func (c *impl) ReadDocument(
	userID, token, documentID string, timeout time.Duration,
) (binder.Portal, error) {
	c.log.Debugf("finding document %v, with userID %v token %v\n", documentID, userID, token)

	if c.auth.Authenticate(userID, token, documentID) < acl.ReadAccess {
		c.stats.Incr("", 1)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
			"failed to authorise read only join of document id: %v with token: %v\n",
			documentID, token,
	c.stats.Incr("", 1)


	// Check for existing binder
	if openBinder, ok := c.openBinders[documentID]; ok {
		return openBinder.SubscribeReadOnly(userID, timeout)
	openBinder, err := binder.New(
		documentID,, c.config.BinderConfig, c.errorChan, c.log, c.stats,
	if err != nil {

		c.stats.Incr("curator.bind_existing.failed", 1)
		c.log.Errorf("Failed to bind to document %v: %v\n", documentID, err)
		return nil, err
	c.openBinders[documentID] = openBinder

	c.stats.Incr("curator.open_binders", 1)
	return openBinder.SubscribeReadOnly(userID, timeout)