Beispiel #1
func TestMutate(t *testing.T) {
	// all possible mutations
	mutset := map[string]bool{
		"(9 + 4)":                 false,
		"((9 + 4) + sqr(y))":      false,
		"(sqr((9 + 4)) + sqr(y))": false,
		"(sqr(x) + (9 + 4))":      false,
		"(sqr(x) + sqr((9 + 4)))": false,
	pset := initPset(true)
	exprs := testExprs(pset)
	before := gp.Individual{Code: exprs[1]}
	add := exprs[0]
	gen := genProxy{add}
	t.Log("mutate: ", before.Code, "plus", gen.Generate().Code)
	mut := gp.MutUniform(gen)
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		after := mut.Variate(gp.Population{before.Clone()})
		t.Log("becomes:", after[0])
		text := after[0].Code.Format()
		if _, ok := mutset[text]; ok {
			mutset[text] = true
		} else {
			t.Error("unexpected mutation", text)
	for key, ok := range mutset {
		if !ok {
			t.Error("missing mutation", key)
Beispiel #2
func Example_gp() {
	// create initial population
	pset := gp.CreatePrimSet(1, "x")
	pset.Add(num.Add, num.Sub, num.Mul, num.Div, num.Neg, num.V(0), num.V(1))
	generator := gp.GenFull(pset, 1, 3)
	pop, evals := gp.CreatePopulation(500, generator).Evaluate(eval{}, 1)
	best := pop.Best()
	fmt.Printf("gen=%d evals=%d fit=%.4f\n", 0, evals, best.Fitness)

	// setup genetic variations
	tournament := gp.Tournament(3)
	mutate := gp.MutUniform(gp.GenGrow(pset, 0, 2))
	crossover := gp.CxOnePoint()

	// loop till reach target fitness or exceed no. of generations
	for gen := 1; gen <= 40 && best.Fitness < 1; gen++ {
		offspring := tournament.Select(pop, len(pop))
		pop, evals = gp.VarAnd(offspring, crossover, mutate, 0.5, 0.2).Evaluate(eval{}, 1)
		best = pop.Best()
		fmt.Printf("gen=%d evals=%d fit=%.4f\n", gen, evals, best.Fitness)
	// Output:
	// set random seed: 1
	// gen=0 evals=500 fit=0.1203
	// gen=1 evals=299 fit=0.3299
	// gen=2 evals=286 fit=0.6633
	// gen=3 evals=265 fit=0.6633
	// gen=4 evals=280 fit=0.6633
	// gen=5 evals=291 fit=0.6633
	// gen=6 evals=302 fit=0.6633
	// gen=7 evals=294 fit=1.0000
	// (x + (((x / 1) - ((x / 1) * -(((x * x) + x)))) * (1 * x)))
Beispiel #3
func ExampleModel() {
	pset := gp.CreatePrimSet(1, "x")
	pset.Add(num.Add, num.Sub, num.Mul, num.Div, num.Neg, num.V(0), num.V(1))

	problem := gp.Model{
		PrimitiveSet:  pset,
		Generator:     gp.GenFull(pset, 1, 3),
		PopSize:       500,
		Fitness:       getFitness,
		Offspring:     gp.Tournament(3),
		Mutate:        gp.MutUniform(gp.GenGrow(pset, 0, 2)),
		MutateProb:    0.2,
		Crossover:     gp.CxOnePoint(),
		CrossoverProb: 0.5,
		Threads:       1,

	logger := &stats.Logger{MaxGen: 20, TargetFitness: 0.99, PrintStats: true}

	// Output:
	// set random seed: 1
	// Gen      Evals    FitMax   FitAvg   FitStd   SizeAvg  SizeMax  DepthAvg DepthMax
	// 0        500      0.12     0.025    0.014    6.85     15       1.96     3
	// 1        299      0.33     0.0344   0.0204   6.33     27       1.93     6
	// 2        286      0.663    0.0469   0.0448   6.26     27       1.9      7
	// 3        265      0.663    0.0598   0.0683   6.58     34       2.06     9
	// 4        280      0.663    0.0772   0.088    7.51     39       2.39     9
	// 5        291      0.663    0.0918   0.1      8.92     32       2.82     8
	// 6        302      0.663    0.117    0.133    10.3     35       3.2      10
	// 7        294      1        0.152    0.17     11.1     35       3.48     10
	// ** SUCCESS **
Beispiel #4
// test generating random individuals
func TestGenerate(t *testing.T) {
	pset := initPset(false)
	pset.Add(V(0), V(1))
	gen := gp.GenRamped(pset, 1, 3)
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		ind := gen.Generate()
		res := ind.Code.Eval(V(6), V(7))
		t.Log(ind.Code, ind.Code.Format(), "(6,7) =>", res)
Beispiel #5
// test evaluating some simple expressions
func TestEval(t *testing.T) {
	pset := initPset(true)
	exprs := testExprs(pset)
	expect := []V{13, 25, 10.5, 0, 6}
	for i, expect := range expect {
		val := exprs[i].Eval(V(3), V(4))
		t.Log(exprs[i], "(3,4) ", exprs[i].Format(), " => ", val)
		if val != expect {
			t.Errorf("Eval(%s) = %f", exprs[i], val)
Beispiel #6
// test graphviz functions
func TestGraph(t *testing.T) {
	pset := initPset(true)
	exprs := testExprs(pset)
	t.Log(exprs[2], exprs[2].Format())
	graph := exprs[2].Graph("test")
	data, err := gp.Layout(graph, "svg")
	if err != nil {
Beispiel #7
// test ephemeral random constants
func TestEphemeral(t *testing.T) {
	pset := initPset(false)
	erc := Ephemeral("ERC", func() V { return V(rand.Intn(10)) })
	pset.Add(erc, erc, erc)
	gen := gp.GenFull(pset, 1, 3)
	ind := gen.Generate()
	t.Log(ind.Code, ind.Code.Format())
	val := ind.Code.Eval(V(6), V(7))
	t.Log("evals to", val, "for x=6 y=7")
	if val != V(16) {
		t.Errorf("Eval(%s) = %f", ind.Code, val)
Beispiel #8
// ParseFlags reads command flags and sets no. of threads and random seed.
func ParseFlags(opts *Options) {
	flag.IntVar(&opts.MaxGen, "gens", opts.MaxGen, "maximum no. of generations")
	flag.IntVar(&opts.TournSize, "tournsize", opts.TournSize, "tournament size")
	flag.IntVar(&opts.PopSize, "popsize", opts.PopSize, "population size")
	flag.IntVar(&opts.Threads, "threads", opts.Threads, "number of parallel threads")
	flag.Int64Var(&opts.Seed, "seed", opts.Seed, "random seed - set randomly if <= 0")
	flag.Float64Var(&opts.TargetFitness, "target", opts.TargetFitness, "target fitness")
	flag.Float64Var(&opts.CrossoverProb, "cxprob", opts.CrossoverProb, "crossover probability")
	flag.Float64Var(&opts.MutateProb, "mutprob", opts.MutateProb, "mutation probability")
	flag.BoolVar(&opts.Plot, "plot", opts.Plot, "serve plot data via http")
	flag.BoolVar(&opts.Verbose, "v", opts.Verbose, "print out best individual so far")
Beispiel #9
// test generating population and calculating stats
func TestStats(t *testing.T) {
	s := getStats(t, 0)
	if fmt.Sprint(s) != exp {
		t.Error("stats text looks wrong! Expected\n", exp)
	for _, fld := range fields {
		val, err := s.Get(fld)
		if err != nil {
		t.Log(fld, "=>", val)
	_, err := s.Get("Fit.Foo")
	if fmt.Sprint(err) != "Stats field Foo is not valid" {
		t.Error("expected error for missing field")