Beispiel #1
func main() {
	sms := gosms.NewBulkSMSSMSSender("USERNAME", "PASSWORD")
	sms.Testmode = 0
	sms.RoutingGroup = 2
	sms.SenderId = "Tabletten"

	msg := " is awesome! -- sent from my Go"

	receivers := []string{"49178xxxxxx", "49172xxxxxxxx"}

	//quote gives you the cost of the sms in credits
	err, quote := sms.GetQuote(receivers, msg)
	if err != nil {
	price := quote * 3.75 * 0.01 //mad math skills calculate price in MONEYS

	//we're cheap!
	if quote > 2.0 {
		fmt.Printf("sorry, but %.2f credits (%.2f EUR) is too much for a sms!\n", quote, price)

	fmt.Printf("this sms will cost %.4f eur\n", price)

	if err := sms.Send(receivers, msg); err != nil {

	fmt.Println("sms sent")

Beispiel #2
func sendSMS(number, message string) {
	log.Printf("\t\tsending '%s' to '%s' ...\n", message, number)

	s := gosms.NewBulkSMSSMSSender("joorek", "warbird")
	//s.Testmode = 1     //don't send the sms, just perform an API supported test
	s.RoutingGroup = 2 //let's use the cheap eco route

	receivers := []string{number} //put a proper tel# here in

	//let's see how much this sms would cost us
	_, quote := s.GetQuote(receivers, message)
	price := quote * 3.75 * 0.01 //quote is in credits. 1 credit = 3.75 eur cent

	log.Printf("\t\t\tPrice for SMS(%s): %.4f EUR\n", number, price)

	//send the sms
	if err := s.Send(receivers, message); err != nil {
		log.Printf("\t\tcouldn't send sms to '%s': %s\n", number, err)

	fmt.Printf("\t\tsms sent to '%s'!\n", number)
Beispiel #3
func main() {
	s := gosms.NewBulkSMSSMSSender("joorek", "warbird")
	s.Testmode = 0     //don't send the sms, just perform an API supported test
	s.RoutingGroup = 2 //let's use the cheap eco route
	s.SenderId = "Tabletten"

	msg := "tabletten nehmen!"
	receivers := []string{"491722579081"} //put a proper tel# here in

	//let's see how much this sms would cost us
	_, quote := s.GetQuote(receivers, msg)
	price := quote * 3.75 * 0.01 //quote is in credits. 1 credit = 3.75 eur cent

	fmt.Printf("the sms will cost us %.4f EUR\n", price)

	//send the sms
	if err := s.Send(receivers, msg); err != nil {

	fmt.Println("sms sent!")