Beispiel #1
func (s *JujuLogSuite) TestLogInitMissingMessage(c *gc.C) {
	com := newJujuLogCommand(c)
	testing.TestInit(c, com, []string{"-l", "FATAL"}, "no message specified")

	com = newJujuLogCommand(c)
	testing.TestInit(c, com, []string{"--log-level", "FATAL"}, "no message specified")
Beispiel #2
func (s *JujuLogSuite) TestLogInitMissingLevel(c *gc.C) {
	com := newJujuLogCommand(c)
	testing.TestInit(c, com, []string{"-l"}, "flag needs an argument.*")

	com = newJujuLogCommand(c)
	testing.TestInit(c, com, []string{"--log-level"}, "flag needs an argument.*")
Beispiel #3
func (*RunSuite) TestTimeoutArgParsing(c *gc.C) {
	for i, test := range []struct {
		message  string
		args     []string
		errMatch string
		timeout  time.Duration
		message: "default time",
		args:    []string{"--all", "sudo reboot"},
		timeout: 5 * time.Minute,
	}, {
		message:  "invalid time",
		args:     []string{"--timeout=foo", "--all", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: `invalid value "foo" for flag --timeout: time: invalid duration foo`,
	}, {
		message: "two hours",
		args:    []string{"--timeout=2h", "--all", "sudo reboot"},
		timeout: 2 * time.Hour,
	}, {
		message: "3 minutes 30 seconds",
		args:    []string{"--timeout=3m30s", "--all", "sudo reboot"},
		timeout: (3 * time.Minute) + (30 * time.Second),
	}} {
		c.Log(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", i, test.message))
		runCmd := &RunCommand{}
		testing.TestInit(c, envcmd.Wrap(runCmd), test.args, test.errMatch)
		if test.errMatch == "" {
			c.Check(runCmd.timeout, gc.Equals, test.timeout)
Beispiel #4
func (s *ConfigGetSuite) TestUnknownArg(c *gc.C) {
	hctx := s.GetHookContext(c, -1, "")
	com, err := jujuc.NewCommand(hctx, "config-get")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	testing.TestInit(c, com, []string{"multiple", "keys"}, `unrecognized args: \["keys"\]`)
Beispiel #5
func (*RunSuite) TestTargetArgParsing(c *gc.C) {
	for i, test := range []struct {
		message  string
		args     []string
		all      bool
		machines []string
		units    []string
		services []string
		commands string
		errMatch string
		message:  "no args",
		errMatch: "no commands specified",
	}, {
		message:  "no target",
		args:     []string{"sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: "You must specify a target, either through --all, --machine, --service or --unit",
	}, {
		message:  "too many args",
		args:     []string{"--all", "sudo reboot", "oops"},
		errMatch: `unrecognized args: \["oops"\]`,
	}, {
		message:  "command to all machines",
		args:     []string{"--all", "sudo reboot"},
		all:      true,
		commands: "sudo reboot",
	}, {
		message:  "all and defined machines",
		args:     []string{"--all", "--machine=1,2", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: `You cannot specify --all and individual machines`,
	}, {
		message:  "command to machines 1, 2, and 1/kvm/0",
		args:     []string{"--machine=1,2,1/kvm/0", "sudo reboot"},
		commands: "sudo reboot",
		machines: []string{"1", "2", "1/kvm/0"},
	}, {
		message: "bad machine names",
		args:    []string{"--machine=foo,machine-2", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: "" +
			"The following run targets are not valid:\n" +
			"  \"foo\" is not a valid machine id\n" +
			"  \"machine-2\" is not a valid machine id",
	}, {
		message:  "all and defined services",
		args:     []string{"--all", "--service=wordpress,mysql", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: `You cannot specify --all and individual services`,
	}, {
		message:  "command to services wordpress and mysql",
		args:     []string{"--service=wordpress,mysql", "sudo reboot"},
		commands: "sudo reboot",
		services: []string{"wordpress", "mysql"},
	}, {
		message: "bad service names",
		args:    []string{"--service", "foo,2,foo/0", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: "" +
			"The following run targets are not valid:\n" +
			"  \"2\" is not a valid service name\n" +
			"  \"foo/0\" is not a valid service name",
	}, {
		message:  "all and defined units",
		args:     []string{"--all", "--unit=wordpress/0,mysql/1", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: `You cannot specify --all and individual units`,
	}, {
		message:  "command to valid units",
		args:     []string{"--unit=wordpress/0,wordpress/1,mysql/0", "sudo reboot"},
		commands: "sudo reboot",
		units:    []string{"wordpress/0", "wordpress/1", "mysql/0"},
	}, {
		message: "bad unit names",
		args:    []string{"--unit", "foo,2,foo/0", "sudo reboot"},
		errMatch: "" +
			"The following run targets are not valid:\n" +
			"  \"foo\" is not a valid unit name\n" +
			"  \"2\" is not a valid unit name",
	}, {
		message:  "command to mixed valid targets",
		args:     []string{"--machine=0", "--unit=wordpress/0,wordpress/1", "--service=mysql", "sudo reboot"},
		commands: "sudo reboot",
		machines: []string{"0"},
		services: []string{"mysql"},
		units:    []string{"wordpress/0", "wordpress/1"},
	}} {
		c.Log(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", i, test.message))
		runCmd := &RunCommand{}
		testing.TestInit(c, envcmd.Wrap(runCmd), test.args, test.errMatch)
		if test.errMatch == "" {
			c.Check(runCmd.all, gc.Equals, test.all)
			c.Check(runCmd.machines, gc.DeepEquals, test.machines)
			c.Check(, gc.DeepEquals,
			c.Check(runCmd.units, gc.DeepEquals, test.units)
			c.Check(runCmd.commands, gc.Equals, test.commands)
Beispiel #6
func (s *JujuLogSuite) TestRequiresMessage(c *gc.C) {
	com := newJujuLogCommand(c)
	testing.TestInit(c, com, nil, "no message specified")