Beispiel #1
// startMachine creates a new data value for tracking details of the
// machine and starts watching the machine for units added or removed.
func (fw *Firewaller) startMachine(tag names.MachineTag) error {
	machined := &machineData{
		fw:           fw,
		tag:          tag,
		unitds:       make(map[names.UnitTag]*unitData),
		openedPorts:  make([]network.PortRange, 0),
		definedPorts: make(map[network.PortRange]names.UnitTag),
	m, err := machined.machine()
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "cannot watch machine units")
	unitw, err := m.WatchUnits()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	select {
	case <-fw.tomb.Dying():
		return tomb.ErrDying
	case change, ok := <-unitw.Changes():
		if !ok {
			return watcher.EnsureErr(unitw)
		fw.machineds[tag] = machined
		err = fw.unitsChanged(&unitsChange{machined, change})
		if err != nil {
			delete(fw.machineds, tag)
			return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot respond to units changes for %q", tag)
	go machined.watchLoop(unitw)
	return nil
Beispiel #2
func opClientAddRelation(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	_, err := st.Client().AddRelation("nosuch1", "nosuch2")
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #3
func opClientDestroyRelation(c *gc.C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().DestroyRelation("nosuch1", "nosuch2")
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #4
func opClientServiceSetCharm(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := service.NewClient(st).ServiceSetCharm("nosuch", "local:quantal/wordpress", false, false)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #5
func (p *updater) startMachines(tags []names.MachineTag) error {
	for _, tag := range tags {
		if c := p.machines[tag]; c == nil {
			// We don't know about the machine - start
			// a goroutine to deal with it.
			m, err := p.context.getMachine(tag)
			if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
				logger.Warningf("watcher gave notification of non-existent machine %q", tag.Id())
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// We don't poll manual machines.
			isManual, err := m.IsManual()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if isManual {
			c = make(chan struct{})
			p.machines[tag] = c
			go runMachine(p.context.newMachineContext(), m, c, p.machineDead)
		} else {
			select {
			case <-p.context.dying():
				return p.context.errDying()
			case c <- struct{}{}:
	return nil
Beispiel #6
// Life returns the entity's life value; or ErrNotFound; or some
// other error.
func (facade *Facade) Life(entity names.Tag) (life.Value, error) {
	args := params.Entities{
		Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: entity.String()}},
	var results params.LifeResults
	err := facade.caller.FacadeCall("Life", args, &results)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errors.Trace(err)
	if count := len(results.Results); count != 1 {
		return "", errors.Errorf("expected 1 Life result, got %d", count)
	result := results.Results[0]
	if err := result.Error; err != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			return "", ErrNotFound
		return "", errors.Trace(result.Error)
	life := life.Value(result.Life)
	if err := life.Validate(); err != nil {
		return "", errors.Trace(err)
	return life, nil
Beispiel #7
// UpdateStorage responds to changes in the lifecycle states of the
// storage attachments corresponding to the supplied storage tags,
// sending storage hooks on the channel returned by Hooks().
func (a *Attachments) UpdateStorage(tags []names.StorageTag) error {
	ids := make([]params.StorageAttachmentId, len(tags))
	for i, storageTag := range tags {
		ids[i] = params.StorageAttachmentId{
			StorageTag: storageTag.String(),
			UnitTag:    a.unitTag.String(),
	results, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	for i, result := range results {
		if result.Error == nil {
		} else if params.IsCodeNotFound(result.Error) {
		return errors.Annotatef(
			result.Error, "getting life of storage %s attachment", tags[i].Id(),
	for i, result := range results {
		if result.Error != nil {
		if err := a.updateOneStorage(tags[i], result.Life); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	return nil
Beispiel #8
// storageChanged responds to unit storage changes.
func (w *RemoteStateWatcher) storageChanged(keys []string) error {
	tags := make([]names.StorageTag, len(keys))
	for i, key := range keys {
		tags[i] = names.NewStorageTag(key)
	ids := make([]params.StorageAttachmentId, len(keys))
	for i, tag := range tags {
		ids[i] = params.StorageAttachmentId{
			StorageTag: tag.String(),
			UnitTag:    w.unit.Tag().String(),
	results, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)

	for i, result := range results {
		tag := tags[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			if storageSnapshot, ok := w.current.Storage[tag]; ok {
				// We've previously started a watcher for this storage
				// attachment, so all we needed to do was update the
				// lifecycle state.
				storageSnapshot.Life = result.Life
				w.current.Storage[tag] = storageSnapshot
			// We haven't seen this storage attachment before, so start
			// a watcher now; add it to our catacomb in case of mishap;
			// and wait for the initial event.
			saw, err :=, w.unit.Tag())
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "watching storage attachment")
			if err := w.catacomb.Add(saw); err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			if err := w.watchStorageAttachment(tag, result.Life, saw); err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
		} else if params.IsCodeNotFound(result.Error) {
			if watcher, ok := w.storageAttachmentWatchers[tag]; ok {
				// already under catacomb management, any error tracked already
				delete(w.storageAttachmentWatchers, tag)
			delete(w.current.Storage, tag)
		} else {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				result.Error, "getting life of %s attachment",
	return nil
Beispiel #9
func opClientDestroyRelation(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := application.NewClient(st).DestroyRelation("nosuch1", "nosuch2")
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #10
func opClientAddServiceUnits(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	_, err := application.NewClient(st).AddUnits("nosuch", 1, nil)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #11
// refreshMachine refreshes the specified machine's instance ID. If it is set,
// then the machine watcher is stopped and pending entities' parameters are
// updated. If the machine is not provisioned yet, this method is a no-op.
func refreshMachine(ctx *context, tag names.MachineTag) error {
	w, ok := ctx.machines[tag]
	if !ok {
		return errors.Errorf("machine %s is not being watched", tag.Id())
	stopAndRemove := func() error {
		delete(ctx.machines, tag)
		return nil
	results, err := ctx.config.Machines.InstanceIds([]names.MachineTag{tag})
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting machine instance ID")
	if err := results[0].Error; err != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			return nil
		} else if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			// Machine is gone, so stop watching.
			return stopAndRemove()
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting machine instance ID")
	machineProvisioned(ctx, tag, instance.Id(results[0].Result))
	// machine provisioning is the only thing we care about;
	// stop the watcher.
	return stopAndRemove()
Beispiel #12
// RestoreError makes a best effort at converting the given error
// back into an error originally converted by ServerError(). If the
// error could not be converted then false is returned.
func RestoreError(err error) (error, bool) {
	err = errors.Cause(err)

	if apiErr, ok := err.(*params.Error); !ok {
		return err, false
	} else if apiErr == nil {
		return nil, true
	if params.ErrCode(err) == "" {
		return err, false
	msg := err.Error()

	if singleton, ok := singletonError(err); ok {
		return singleton, true

	// TODO(ericsnow) Support the other error types handled by ServerError().
	switch {
	case params.IsCodeUnauthorized(err):
		return errors.NewUnauthorized(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeNotFound(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) UnknownModelError should be handled here too.
		// parsing msg?
		return errors.NewNotFound(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeAlreadyExists(err):
		return errors.NewAlreadyExists(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeNotAssigned(err):
		return errors.NewNotAssigned(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeHasAssignedUnits(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle state.HasAssignedUnitsError here.
		// parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeNoAddressSet(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle isNoAddressSetError here.
		// parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err):
		return errors.NewNotProvisioned(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeUpgradeInProgress(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle state.UpgradeInProgressError here.
		// parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeMachineHasAttachedStorage(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle state.HasAttachmentsError here.
		// parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeNotSupported(err):
		return errors.NewNotSupported(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsBadRequest(err):
		return errors.NewBadRequest(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsMethodNotAllowed(err):
		return errors.NewMethodNotAllowed(nil, msg), true
	case params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeDischargeRequired:
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle DischargeRequiredError here.
		return err, false
		return err, false
Beispiel #13
func opClientServiceDestroy(c *gc.C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := st.Client().ServiceDestroy("non-existent")
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #14
func opClientServiceDestroy(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	err := application.NewClient(st).Destroy("non-existent")
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #15
func opClientAddServiceUnits(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	_, err := st.Client().AddServiceUnits("nosuch", 1, "")
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #16
func (s *storageAttachmentWatcher) loop() error {
	for {
		select {
		case <-s.catacomb.Dying():
			return s.catacomb.ErrDying()
		case _, ok := <-s.changes:
			if !ok {
				return errors.New("storage attachment watcher closed")
			snapshot, err := getStorageSnapshot(, s.storageTag, s.unitTag,
			if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
				// The storage attachment was removed
				// from state, so we can stop watching.
				return nil
			} else if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				// We do not care about unattached
				// storage here.
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			change := storageAttachmentChange{
			select {
			case <-s.catacomb.Dying():
				return s.catacomb.ErrDying()
			case s.out <- change:
Beispiel #17
// startMachine creates a new data value for tracking details of the
// machine and starts watching the machine for units added or removed.
func (fw *Firewaller) startMachine(tag names.MachineTag) error {
	machined := &machineData{
		fw:           fw,
		tag:          tag,
		unitds:       make(map[names.UnitTag]*unitData),
		openedPorts:  make([]network.PortRange, 0),
		definedPorts: make(map[network.PortRange]names.UnitTag),
	m, err := machined.machine()
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "cannot watch machine units")
	unitw, err := m.WatchUnits()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// XXX(fwereade): this is the best of a bunch of bad options. We've started
	// the watch, so we're responsible for it; but we (probably?) need to do this
	// little dance below to update the machined data on the fw loop goroutine,
	// whence it's usually accessed, before we start the machined watchLoop
	// below. That catacomb *should* be the only one responsible -- and it *is*
	// responsible -- but having it in the main fw catacomb as well does no harm,
	// and greatly simplifies the code below (which would otherwise have to
	// manage unitw lifetime and errors manually).
	if err := fw.catacomb.Add(unitw); err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	select {
	case <-fw.catacomb.Dying():
		return fw.catacomb.ErrDying()
	case change, ok := <-unitw.Changes():
		if !ok {
			return errors.New("machine units watcher closed")
		fw.machineds[tag] = machined
		err = fw.unitsChanged(&unitsChange{machined, change})
		if err != nil {
			delete(fw.machineds, tag)
			return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot respond to units changes for %q", tag)

	err = catacomb.Invoke(catacomb.Plan{
		Site: &machined.catacomb,
		Work: func() error {
			return machined.watchLoop(unitw)
	if err != nil {
		delete(fw.machineds, tag)
		return errors.Trace(err)

	// register the machined with the firewaller's catacomb.
	return fw.catacomb.Add(machined)
Beispiel #18
// reconcileInstances compares the initially started watcher for machines,
// units and services with the opened and closed ports of the instances and
// opens and closes the appropriate ports for each instance.
func (fw *Firewaller) reconcileInstances() error {
	for _, machined := range fw.machineds {
		m, err := machined.machine()
		if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			if err := fw.forgetMachine(machined); err != nil {
				return err
		if err != nil {
			return err
		instanceId, err := m.InstanceId()
		if errors.IsNotProvisioned(err) {
			logger.Errorf("Machine not yet provisioned: %v", err)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		instances, err := fw.environ.Instances([]instance.Id{instanceId})
		if err == environs.ErrNoInstances {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return err
		machineId := machined.tag.Id()
		initialPortRanges, err := instances[0].Ports(machineId)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Check which ports to open or to close.
		toOpen := diffRanges(machined.openedPorts, initialPortRanges)
		toClose := diffRanges(initialPortRanges, machined.openedPorts)
		if len(toOpen) > 0 {
			logger.Infof("opening instance port ranges %v for %q",
				toOpen, machined.tag)
			if err := instances[0].OpenPorts(machineId, toOpen); err != nil {
				// TODO(mue) Add local retry logic.
				return err
		if len(toClose) > 0 {
			logger.Infof("closing instance port ranges %v for %q",
				toClose, machined.tag)
			if err := instances[0].ClosePorts(machineId, toClose); err != nil {
				// TODO(mue) Add local retry logic.
				return err
	return nil
Beispiel #19
// commonLoop implements the loop structure common to the client
// watchers. It should be started in a separate goroutine by any
// watcher that embeds commonWatcher. It kills the commonWatcher's
// tomb when an error occurs.
func (w *commonWatcher) commonLoop() {
	defer close(
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	go func() {
		// When the watcher has been stopped, we send a Stop request
		// to the server, which will remove the watcher and return a
		// CodeStopped error to any currently outstanding call to
		// Next. If a call to Next happens just after the watcher has
		// been stopped, we'll get a CodeNotFound error; Either way
		// we'll return, wait for the stop request to complete, and
		// the watcher will die with all resources cleaned up.
		defer wg.Done()
		if err :="Stop", nil); err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("error trying to stop watcher: %v", err)
	go func() {
		// Because Next blocks until there are changes, we need to
		// call it in a separate goroutine, so the watcher can be
		// stopped normally.
		defer wg.Done()
		for {
			result := w.newResult()
			err :="Next", &result)
			if err != nil {
				if params.IsCodeStopped(err) || params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
					if w.tomb.Err() != tomb.ErrStillAlive {
						// The watcher has been stopped at the client end, so we're
						// expecting one of the above two kinds of error.
						// We might see the same errors if the server itself
						// has been shut down, in which case we leave them
						// untouched.
						err = tomb.ErrDying
				// Something went wrong, just report the error and bail out.
			select {
			case <-w.tomb.Dying():
			case <- result:
				// Report back the result we just got.
Beispiel #20
func (s syncToolsAPIAdapter) FindTools(majorVersion int, stream string) (coretools.List, error) {
	result, err := s.syncToolsAPI.FindTools(majorVersion, -1, "", "")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if result.Error != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotFound(result.Error) {
			return nil, coretools.ErrNoMatches
		return nil, result.Error
	return result.List, nil
Beispiel #21
// unitsChanged responds to changes to the assigned units.
func (fw *Firewaller) unitsChanged(change *unitsChange) error {
	changed := []*unitData{}
	for _, name := range change.units {
		unitTag := names.NewUnitTag(name)
		unit, err :=
		if err != nil && !params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			return err
		var machineTag names.MachineTag
		if unit != nil {
			machineTag, err = unit.AssignedMachine()
			if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			} else if err != nil && !params.IsCodeNotAssigned(err) {
				return err
		if unitd, known := fw.unitds[unitTag]; known {
			knownMachineTag := fw.unitds[unitTag].machined.tag
			if unit == nil || unit.Life() == params.Dead || machineTag != knownMachineTag {
				changed = append(changed, unitd)
				logger.Debugf("stopped watching unit %s", name)
			// TODO(dfc) fw.machineds should be map[names.Tag]
		} else if unit != nil && unit.Life() != params.Dead && fw.machineds[machineTag] != nil {
			err = fw.startUnit(unit, machineTag)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			changed = append(changed, fw.unitds[unitTag])
			logger.Debugf("started watching %q", unitTag)
	if err := fw.flushUnits(changed); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "cannot change firewall ports")
	return nil
Beispiel #22
func opClientServiceSetCharm(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	cfg := application.SetCharmConfig{
		ApplicationName: "nosuch",
		CharmID: charmstore.CharmID{
			URL: charm.MustParseURL("local:quantal/wordpress"),
	err := application.NewClient(st).SetCharm(cfg)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #23
func opClientServiceUpdate(c *gc.C, st *api.State, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	args := params.ServiceUpdate{
		ServiceName:     "no-such-charm",
		CharmUrl:        "cs:quantal/wordpress-42",
		ForceCharmUrl:   true,
		SettingsStrings: map[string]string{"blog-title": "foo"},
		SettingsYAML:    `"wordpress": {"blog-title": "foo"}`,
	err := st.Client().ServiceUpdate(args)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #24
func opClientServiceUpdate(c *gc.C, st api.Connection, mst *state.State) (func(), error) {
	args := params.ApplicationUpdate{
		ApplicationName: "no-such-charm",
		CharmURL:        "cs:quantal/wordpress-42",
		ForceCharmURL:   true,
		SettingsStrings: map[string]string{"blog-title": "foo"},
		SettingsYAML:    `"wordpress": {"blog-title": "foo"}`,
	err := application.NewClient(st).Update(args)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		err = nil
	return func() {}, err
Beispiel #25
// refreshVolumeBlockDevices refreshes the block devices for the specified
// volumes.
func refreshVolumeBlockDevices(ctx *context, volumeTags []names.VolumeTag) error {
	machineTag, ok := ctx.config.Scope.(names.MachineTag)
	if !ok {
		// This function should only be called by machine-scoped
		// storage provisioners.
		panic(errors.New("expected machine tag"))
	ids := make([]params.MachineStorageId, len(volumeTags))
	for i, volumeTag := range volumeTags {
		ids[i] = params.MachineStorageId{
			MachineTag:    machineTag.String(),
			AttachmentTag: volumeTag.String(),
	results, err := ctx.config.Volumes.VolumeBlockDevices(ids)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "refreshing volume block devices")
	for i, result := range results {
		if result.Error == nil {
			ctx.volumeBlockDevices[volumeTags[i]] = result.Result
			for _, params := range ctx.incompleteFilesystemParams {
				if params.Volume == volumeTags[i] {
					updatePendingFilesystem(ctx, params)
			for id, params := range ctx.incompleteFilesystemAttachmentParams {
				filesystem, ok := ctx.filesystems[params.Filesystem]
				if !ok {
				if filesystem.Volume == volumeTags[i] {
					updatePendingFilesystemAttachment(ctx, id, params)
		} else if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) || params.IsCodeNotFound(result.Error) {
			// Either the volume (attachment) isn't provisioned,
			// or the corresponding block device is not yet known.
			// Neither of these errors is fatal; we just wait for
			// the block device watcher to notify us again.
		} else {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				err, "getting block device info for volume attachment %v",
	return nil
Beispiel #26
// update is called when hook.SourceChanges are applied.
func (s *storageSource) update() error {
	attachment, err :=, s.unitTag)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		// The storage attachment was removed from state, which
		// implies that the storage has been detached already.
		logger.Debugf("storage attachment %q not found", s.storageTag.Id())
		return nil
	} else if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
		logger.Debugf("storage attachment %q not provisioned yet", s.storageTag.Id())
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		logger.Debugf("error refreshing storage details: %v", err)
		return errors.Annotate(err, "refreshing storage details")
	return s.storageHookQueue.Update(attachment)
Beispiel #27
func defaultCloud(cloudClient CloudAPI) (names.CloudTag, jujucloud.Cloud, error) {
	cloudTag, err := cloudClient.DefaultCloud()
	if err != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			return names.CloudTag{}, jujucloud.Cloud{}, errors.NewNotFound(nil, `
there is no default cloud defined, please specify one using:

    juju add-model [flags] <model-name> cloud[/region]`[1:])
		return names.CloudTag{}, jujucloud.Cloud{}, errors.Trace(err)
	cloud, err := cloudClient.Cloud(cloudTag)
	if err != nil {
		return names.CloudTag{}, jujucloud.Cloud{}, errors.Trace(err)
	return cloudTag, cloud, nil
Beispiel #28
// flushInstancePorts opens and closes ports global on the machine.
func (fw *Firewaller) flushInstancePorts(machined *machineData, toOpen, toClose []network.PortRange) error {
	// If there's nothing to do, do nothing.
	// This is important because when a machine is first created,
	// it will have no instance id but also no open ports -
	// InstanceId will fail but we don't care.
	if len(toOpen) == 0 && len(toClose) == 0 {
		return nil
	m, err := machined.machine()
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err
	machineId := machined.tag.Id()
	instanceId, err := m.InstanceId()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	instances, err := fw.environ.Instances([]instance.Id{instanceId})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Open and close the ports.
	if len(toOpen) > 0 {
		if err := instances[0].OpenPorts(machineId, toOpen); err != nil {
			// TODO(mue) Add local retry logic.
			return err
		logger.Infof("opened port ranges %v on %q", toOpen, machined.tag)
	if len(toClose) > 0 {
		if err := instances[0].ClosePorts(machineId, toClose); err != nil {
			// TODO(mue) Add local retry logic.
			return err
		logger.Infof("closed port ranges %v on %q", toClose, machined.tag)
	return nil
Beispiel #29
// machineLifeChanged starts watching new machines when the firewaller
// is starting, or when new machines come to life, and stops watching
// machines that are dying.
func (fw *Firewaller) machineLifeChanged(tag names.MachineTag) error {
	m, err :=
	found := !params.IsCodeNotFound(err)
	if found && err != nil {
		return err
	dead := !found || m.Life() == params.Dead
	machined, known := fw.machineds[tag]
	if known && dead {
		return fw.forgetMachine(machined)
	if !known && !dead {
		err = fw.startMachine(tag)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		logger.Debugf("started watching %q", tag)
	return nil
Beispiel #30
// initVersions collects state relevant to an upgrade decision. The returned
// agent and client versions, and the list of currently available tools, will
// always be accurate; the chosen version, and the flag indicating development
// mode, may remain blank until uploadTools or validate is called.
func (c *upgradeJujuCommand) initVersions(client upgradeJujuAPI, cfg *config.Config, agentVersion version.Number, filterOnPrior bool) (*upgradeContext, error) {
	if c.Version == agentVersion {
		return nil, errUpToDate
	filterVersion := jujuversion.Current
	if c.Version != version.Zero {
		filterVersion = c.Version
	} else if filterOnPrior {
		// Trying to find the latest of the prior major version.
		// TODO (cherylj) if no tools found, suggest upgrade to
		// the current client version.
	logger.Debugf("searching for tools with major: %d", filterVersion.Major)
	findResult, err := client.FindTools(filterVersion.Major, -1, "", "")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = findResult.Error
	if findResult.Error != nil {
		if !params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			return nil, err
		if !c.UploadTools {
			// No tools found and we shouldn't upload any, so if we are not asking for a
			// major upgrade, pretend there is no more recent version available.
			if c.Version == version.Zero && agentVersion.Major == filterVersion.Major {
				return nil, errUpToDate
			return nil, err
	return &upgradeContext{
		agent:     agentVersion,
		client:    jujuversion.Current,
		chosen:    c.Version,
		tools:     findResult.List,
		apiClient: client,
		config:    cfg,
	}, nil