Beispiel #1
// ComposeUserData fills out the provided cloudinit configuration structure
// so it is suitable for initialising a machine with the given configuration,
// and then renders it and encodes it using the supplied renderer.
// When calling ComposeUserData a encoding implementation must be chosen from
// the providerinit/encoders package according to the need of the provider.
// If the provided cloudcfg is nil, a new one will be created internally.
func ComposeUserData(icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig, cloudcfg cloudinit.CloudConfig, renderer renderers.ProviderRenderer) ([]byte, error) {
	if cloudcfg == nil {
		var err error
		cloudcfg, err = cloudinit.New(icfg.Series)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	_, err := configureCloudinit(icfg, cloudcfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	operatingSystem, err := series.GetOSFromSeries(icfg.Series)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	// This might get replaced by a renderer.RenderUserdata which will either
	// render it as YAML or Bash since some CentOS images might ship without cloudnit
	udata, err := cloudcfg.RenderYAML()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	udata, err = renderer.EncodeUserdata(udata, operatingSystem)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	logger.Tracef("Generated cloud init:\n%s", string(udata))
	return udata, err
Beispiel #2
// ComposeUserData fills out the provided cloudinit configuration structure
// so it is suitable for initialising a machine with the given configuration,
// and then renders it and encodes it using the supplied renderer.
// When calling ComposeUserData a encoding implementation must be chosen from
// the providerinit/encoders package according to the need of the provider.
// If the provided cloudcfg is nil, a new one will be created internally.
func ComposeUserData(icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig, cloudcfg cloudinit.CloudConfig, renderer renderers.ProviderRenderer) ([]byte, error) {
	if cloudcfg == nil {
		var err error
		cloudcfg, err = cloudinit.New(icfg.Series)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	_, err := configureCloudinit(icfg, cloudcfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	operatingSystem, err := series.GetOSFromSeries(icfg.Series)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	udata, err := renderer.Render(cloudcfg, operatingSystem)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	logger.Tracef("Generated cloud init:\n%s", string(udata))
	return udata, err