Beispiel #1
func (s *AddMachineSuite) TestAddUnsupportedContainerToMachine(c *gc.C) {
	context, err := runAddMachine(c)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "created machine 0\n")
	m, err := s.State.Machine("0")
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	context, err = runAddMachine(c, "lxc:0")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "cannot add a new machine: machine 0 cannot host lxc containers")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "failed to create 1 machine\n")
func (s *cmdRegistrationSuite) TestAddUserAndRegister(c *gc.C) {
	// First, add user "bob", and record the "juju register" command
	// that is printed out.
	context :=, nil, "add-user", "bob", "Bob Dobbs")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "")
	stdout := testing.Stdout(context)
	c.Check(stdout, gc.Matches, `
User "Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" added
Please send this command to bob:
    juju register .*

"Bob Dobbs \(bob\)" has not been granted access to any models(.|\n)*
	jujuRegisterCommand := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(
		strings.SplitN(stdout[strings.Index(stdout, "juju register"):], "\n", 2)[0],
	c.Logf("%q", jujuRegisterCommand)

	// Now run the "juju register" command. We need to pass the
	// controller name and password to set.
	stdin := strings.NewReader("bob-controller\nhunter2\nhunter2\n")
	args := jujuRegisterCommand[1:] // drop the "juju"
	context =, stdin, args...)
	c.Check(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, `
Please set a name for this controller: 
Enter password: 
Confirm password: 

Welcome, bob. You are now logged into "bob-controller".

There are no models available. You can create models with
"juju create-model", or you can ask an administrator or owner
of a model to grant access to that model with "juju grant".


	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountByName("bob-controller", "bob@local")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:           s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName:  "bob-controller",
		AccountDetails:  accountDetails,
		BootstrapConfig: noBootstrapConfig,
		DialOpts:        api.DefaultDialOpts(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(api.Close(), jc.ErrorIsNil)
Beispiel #3
func (s *RegisterSuite) TestRegisterMultipleModels(c *gc.C) {
	s.listModels = func(_ jujuclient.ClientStore, controllerName, userName string) ([]base.UserModel, error) {
		return []base.UserModel{{
			Name:  "model1",
			Owner: "bob@local",
			UUID:  "df136476-12e9-11e4-8a70-b2227cce2b54",
		}, {
			Name:  "model2",
			Owner: "bob@local",
			UUID:  "df136476-12e9-11e4-8a70-b2227cce2b55",
		}}, nil
	ctx := s.testRegister(c, "")

	// When there are multiple models, no current model will be set.
	// Instead, the command will output the list of models and inform
	// the user how to set the current model.
	_, err :="controller-name")
	c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotFound)

	stderr := testing.Stderr(ctx)
	c.Assert(stderr, gc.Equals, `
Enter a name for this controller [controller-name]: 
Enter a new password: 
Confirm password: 

Welcome, bob. You are now logged into "controller-name".

There are 2 models available. Use "juju switch" to select
one of them:
  - juju switch model1
  - juju switch model2

Beispiel #4
func (s *filesSuite) TestSetCurrentModel(c *gc.C) {
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	err := modelcmd.SetCurrentModel(ctx, "new-model")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	s.assertCurrentModel(c, "new-model")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, "-> new-model\n")
Beispiel #5
func (s *AddMachineSuite) TestAddContainerToExistingMachine(c *gc.C) {
	context, err := runAddMachine(c)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "created machine 0\n")
	for i, container := range instance.ContainerTypes {
		machineNum := strconv.Itoa(i + 1)
		context, err = runAddMachine(c)
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "created machine "+machineNum+"\n")
		context, err := runAddMachine(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", container, machineNum))
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		machine := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/0", machineNum, container)
		c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "created container "+machine+"\n")
		s._assertAddContainer(c, machineNum, machine, container)
Beispiel #6
func (s *KillSuite) TestKillEarlyAPIConnectionTimeout(c *gc.C) {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	testDialer := func(sysName string) (*api.State, error) {
		return nil, errors.New("kill command waited too long")

	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(done)
		cmd := system.NewKillCommand(nil, nil, nil, testDialer)
		ctx, err := testing.RunCommand(c, cmd, "test1", "-y")
		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		c.Check(testing.Stderr(ctx), jc.Contains, "Unable to open API: connection to state server timed out")
		c.Check(s.api.ignoreBlocks, jc.IsFalse)
		c.Check(s.api.destroyAll, jc.IsFalse)
		checkSystemRemovedFromStore(c, "test1",
	select {
	case <-done:
	case <-time.After(1 * time.Minute):
		c.Fatalf("Kill command waited too long to open the API")
Beispiel #7
func (s *KillSuite) TestKillCannotConnectToAPISucceeds(c *gc.C) {
	s.apierror = errors.New("connection refused")
	ctx, err := s.runKillCommand(c, "local.test1", "-y")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(ctx), jc.Contains, "Unable to open API: connection refused")
	checkControllerRemovedFromStore(c, "local.test1",
Beispiel #8
func (s *credentialsSuite) TestFinalizeCredentialUserPass(c *gc.C) {
	in := cloud.NewCredential("userpass", map[string]string{
		"application-id":       "application",
		"application-password": "******",
		"subscription-id":      "subscription",
		"tenant-id":            "tenant",
	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
	out, err := s.provider.FinalizeCredential(ctx, environs.FinalizeCredentialParams{Credential: in})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(out, gc.NotNil)
	c.Assert(out.AuthType(), gc.Equals, cloud.AuthType("service-principal-secret"))
	c.Assert(out.Attributes(), jc.DeepEquals, map[string]string{
		"application-id":       "application",
		"application-password": "******",
		"subscription-id":      "subscription",
	stderr := coretesting.Stderr(ctx)
	c.Assert(stderr, gc.Equals, `
WARNING: The "userpass" auth-type is deprecated, and will be removed soon.

Please update the credential in ~/.local/share/juju/credentials.yaml,
changing auth-type to "service-principal-secret", and dropping the tenant-id field.

Beispiel #9
func (s *LogoutCommandSuite) TestLogoutCount(c *gc.C) {
	// Create multiple controllers. We'll log out of each one
	// to observe the messages printed out by "logout".
	s.setPassword(c, "testing", "")
	controllers := []string{"testing", "testing2", "testing3"}
	details :=["testing"]
	for _, controller := range controllers {[controller] =["testing"]
		err :=, details)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	expected := []string{
		"Logged out. You are still logged into 2 controllers.\n",
		"Logged out. You are still logged into 1 controller.\n",
		"Logged out. You are no longer logged into any controllers.\n",

	for i, controller := range controllers {
		ctx, err :=, "-c", controller)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		c.Assert(coretesting.Stdout(ctx), gc.Equals, "")
		c.Assert(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, expected[i])
Beispiel #10
func (s *filesystemListSuite) assertUserFacingOutput(c *gc.C, context *cmd.Context, expectedOut, expectedErr string) {
	obtainedOut := testing.Stdout(context)
	c.Assert(obtainedOut, gc.Equals, expectedOut)

	obtainedErr := testing.Stderr(context)
	c.Assert(obtainedErr, gc.Equals, expectedErr)
Beispiel #11
func (s *SwitchSimpleSuite) TestSwitchLocalControllerWithCurrent(c *gc.C) {
	s.currentController = "old"
	s.addController(c, "")
	context, err :=, "new")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(coretesting.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "old (controller) -> (controller)\n")
func (s *detectCredentialsSuite) assertDetectCredential(c *gc.C, cloudName, expectedRegion, errText string) {
	s.aCredential = jujucloud.CloudCredential{
		DefaultRegion: "default region",
		AuthCredentials: map[string]jujucloud.Credential{
			"test": s.credentialWithLabel(jujucloud.AccessKeyAuthType, "credential")},
	clouds := map[string]jujucloud.Cloud{
		"test-cloud": {
			Type: "mock-provider",
		"another-cloud": {
			Type: "another-provider",

	stdin := strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf("1\n%s\nQ\n", cloudName))
	ctx, err :=, stdin, clouds)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	if errText == "" {
		if expectedRegion != "" {
			s.aCredential.DefaultRegion = expectedRegion
		c.Assert(["test-cloud"], jc.DeepEquals, s.aCredential)
	} else {
		output := strings.Replace(testing.Stderr(ctx), "\n", "", -1)
		c.Assert(output, gc.Matches, ".*"+regexp.QuoteMeta(errText)+".*")
Beispiel #13
func (s *addSuite) assertExpectedOutput(c *gc.C, context *cmd.Context, expectedOut, expectedErr string) {
	obtainedErr := testing.Stderr(context)
	c.Assert(obtainedErr, gc.Equals, expectedErr)

	obtainedValid := testing.Stdout(context)
	c.Assert(obtainedValid, gc.Equals, expectedOut)
Beispiel #14
func (s *filesSuite) TestSetCurrentController(c *gc.C) {
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	err := envcmd.SetCurrentController(ctx, "new-sys")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	s.assertCurrentController(c, "new-sys")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, "-> new-sys (controller)\n")
Beispiel #15
func (s *filesSuite) TestSetCurrentEnvironment(c *gc.C) {
	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	err := envcmd.SetCurrentEnvironment(ctx, "new-env")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	s.assertCurrentEnvironment(c, "new-env")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, "-> new-env\n")
Beispiel #16
func (s *bootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapGUISuccessLocal(c *gc.C) {
	path := makeGUIArchive(c, "jujugui-2.2.0")
	s.PatchEnvironment("JUJU_GUI", path)
	env := newEnviron("foo", useDefaultKeys, nil)
	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
	err := bootstrap.Bootstrap(modelcmd.BootstrapContext(ctx), env, bootstrap.BootstrapParams{})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), jc.Contains, "Preparing for Juju GUI 2.2.0 installation from local archive\n")

	// Check GUI URL and version.
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.URL, gc.Equals, "file://"+path)
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.Version.String(), gc.Equals, "2.2.0")

	// Check GUI size.
	f, err := os.Open(path)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer f.Close()
	info, err := f.Stat()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.Size, gc.Equals, info.Size())

	// Check GUI hash.
	h := sha256.New()
	_, err = io.Copy(h, f)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.SHA256, gc.Equals, fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)))
Beispiel #17
func (s *bootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapGUISuccessRemote(c *gc.C) {
	s.PatchValue(bootstrap.GUIFetchMetadata, func(stream string, sources ...simplestreams.DataSource) ([]*gui.Metadata, error) {
		c.Assert(stream, gc.Equals, gui.ReleasedStream)
		c.Assert(sources[0].Description(), gc.Equals, "gui simplestreams")
		c.Assert(sources[0].RequireSigned(), jc.IsTrue)
		return []*gui.Metadata{{
			Version:  version.MustParse("2.0.42"),
			FullPath: "",
			SHA256:   "hash-2.0.42",
			Size:     42,
		}, {
			Version:  version.MustParse("2.0.47"),
			FullPath: "",
			SHA256:   "hash-2.0.47",
			Size:     47,
		}}, nil
	env := newEnviron("foo", useDefaultKeys, nil)
	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
	err := bootstrap.Bootstrap(modelcmd.BootstrapContext(ctx), env, bootstrap.BootstrapParams{
		GUIDataSourceBaseURL: "",
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), jc.Contains, "Preparing for Juju GUI 2.0.42 release installation\n")

	// The most recent GUI release info has been stored.
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.URL, gc.Equals, "")
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.Version.String(), gc.Equals, "2.0.42")
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.Size, gc.Equals, int64(42))
	c.Assert(env.instanceConfig.GUI.SHA256, gc.Equals, "hash-2.0.42")
Beispiel #18
func (s *cmdStorageSuite) TestStorageAddToUnitInvalidUnitName(c *gc.C) {
	cmdArgs := append([]string{"add-storage"}, "fluffyunit-0", "allecto=1")
	context, err := runJujuCommand(c, cmdArgs...)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unit name "fluffyunit-0" not valid`)
	c.Assert(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "error: unit name \"fluffyunit-0\" not valid\n")
Beispiel #19
func (s *DestroySuite) TestDestroyReturnsBlocks(c *gc.C) {
	s.api.SetErrors(&params.Error{Code: params.CodeOperationBlocked})
	s.api.blocks = []params.ModelBlockInfo{
			Name:     "test1",
			UUID:     test1UUID,
			OwnerTag: "cheryl@local",
			Blocks: []string{
			Name:     "test2",
			UUID:     test2UUID,
			OwnerTag: "bob@local",
			Blocks: []string{
	ctx, _ := s.runDestroyCommand(c, "local.test1", "-y", "--destroy-all-models")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, "Destroying controller\n"+
		"NAME   MODEL UUID                            OWNER         BLOCKS\n"+
		"test1  1871299e-1370-4f3e-83ab-1849ed7b1076  cheryl@local  destroy-model\n"+
		"test2  c59d0e3b-2bd7-4867-b1b9-f1ef8a0bb004  bob@local     destroy-model,all-changes\n")
Beispiel #20
func (s *RegisterSuite) TestProposedControllerNameExists(c *gc.C) {
	// Controller does not have the UUID from s.testRegister, thereby
	// mimicing a user with an already registered 'foreign' controller.
	err :="controller-name", jujuclient.ControllerDetails{
		ControllerUUID: "0d75314a-5266-4f4f-8523-415be76f92dc",
		CACert:         testing.CACert,

	s.listModels = func(_ jujuclient.ClientStore, controllerName, userName string) ([]base.UserModel, error) {
		return []base.UserModel{{
			Name:  "model-name",
			Owner: "bob@local",
			UUID:  "df136476-12e9-11e4-8a70-b2227cce2b54",
		}}, nil

	ctx := s.testRegister(c, "you must specify a non-empty controller name")

	secretKey := []byte(strings.Repeat("X", 32))
	registrationData := s.encodeRegistrationDataWithControllerName(c, "bob", secretKey, "controller-name")

	stdin := strings.NewReader("another-controller-name\nhunter2\nhunter2\n")
	_, err =, stdin, registrationData)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	stderr := testing.Stderr(ctx)
	c.Assert(stderr, gc.Equals, `
WARNING: You already have a controller registered with the name "controller-name". Please choose a different name for the new controller.

Enter a name for this controller: 

Beispiel #21
func (s *ChangePasswordCommandSuite) TestChangePasswordGenerate(c *gc.C) {
	context, err :=, "--generate")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(s.mockAPI.username, gc.Equals, "user-name")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "Your password has been updated.\n")
Beispiel #22
func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestMissingToolsUploadFailedError(c *gc.C) {

	buildToolsTarballAlwaysFails := func(forceVersion *version.Number, stream string) (*sync.BuiltTools, error) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("an error")

	s.setupAutoUploadTest(c, "1.7.3", "precise")
	s.PatchValue(&sync.BuildToolsTarball, buildToolsTarballAlwaysFails)

	ctx, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
		"--config", "default-series=raring",
		"--config", "agent-stream=proposed",

	c.Check(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, fmt.Sprintf(`
Creating Juju controller "local.devcontroller" on dummy-cloud/region-1
Bootstrapping model "admin"
Starting new instance for initial controller
Building tools to upload (
`[1:], arch.HostArch()))
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to bootstrap model: cannot upload bootstrap tools: an error")
Beispiel #23
func (s *UseEnvironmentSuite) TestUseEnvAlreadyExisting(c *gc.C) {
	s.makeLocalEnvironment(c, "unique", "", "")
	ctx, err :=, "unique")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "existing environment")
	expected := `You have an existing environment called "unique", use --name to specify a different local name.`
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(ctx), jc.Contains, expected)
Beispiel #24
func (s *RegisterSuite) TestRegisterMultipleModels(c *gc.C) {
	s.refreshModels = func(store jujuclient.ClientStore, controller, account string) error {
		for _, name := range [...]string{"model1", "model2"} {
			err := store.UpdateModel(controller, account, name, jujuclient.ModelDetails{
				ModelUUID: "df136476-12e9-11e4-8a70-b2227cce2b54",
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		return nil
	ctx := s.testRegister(c)

	// When there are multiple models, no current model will be set.
	// Instead, the command will output the list of models and inform
	// the user how to set the current model.
	_, err :="controller-name", "bob@local")
	c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotFound)

	stderr := testing.Stderr(ctx)
	c.Assert(stderr, gc.Equals, `
Please set a name for this controller: 
Enter password: 
Confirm password: 

Welcome, bob. You are now logged into "controller-name".

There are 2 models available. Use "juju switch" to select
one of them:
  - juju switch model1
  - juju switch model2

Beispiel #25
func (s *DestroySuite) TestDestroyReturnsBlocks(c *gc.C) {
	s.api.err = &params.Error{Code: params.CodeOperationBlocked}
	s.api.blocks = []params.ModelBlockInfo{
			Name:     "test1",
			UUID:     "test1-uuid",
			OwnerTag: "cheryl@local",
			Blocks: []string{
			Name:     "test2",
			UUID:     "test2-uuid",
			OwnerTag: "bob@local",
			Blocks: []string{
	ctx, _ := s.runDestroyCommand(c, "test1", "-y", "--destroy-all-models")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, ""+
		"test1  test1-uuid  cheryl@local  destroy-model\n"+
		"test2  test2-uuid  bob@local     destroy-model,all-changes\n")
Beispiel #26
func (s *cmdLoginSuite) TestLoginCommand(c *gc.C) {

	// logout "admin" first; we'll need to give it
	// a non-random password before we can do so.
	s.changeUserPassword(c, "admin", "hunter2"), nil, "logout")

	context :=, strings.NewReader("hunter2\nhunter2\n"), "login", "test")
	c.Assert(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, `
You are now logged in to "kontroll" as "test@local".

	// We should have a macaroon, but no password, in the client store.
	store := jujuclient.NewFileClientStore()
	accountDetails, err := store.AccountByName("kontroll", "test@local")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(accountDetails.Password, gc.Equals, "")
	c.Assert(accountDetails.Macaroon, gc.Not(gc.Equals), "")

	// We should be able to login with the macaroon., nil, "status")
Beispiel #27
func (s *cmdControllerSuite) TestAddModel(c *gc.C) {
	// The JujuConnSuite doesn't set up an ssh key in the fake home dir,
	// so fake one on the command line.  The dummy provider also expects
	// a config value for 'controller'.
	context :=, "add-model", "new-model", "authorized-keys=fake-key", "controller=false")
	c.Check(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Check(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, "added model \"new-model\"\n")

	// Make sure that the saved server details are sufficient to connect
	// to the api server.
	accountDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.AccountByName("kontroll", "admin@local")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	modelDetails, err := s.ControllerStore.ModelByName("kontroll", "admin@local", "new-model")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	api, err := juju.NewAPIConnection(juju.NewAPIConnectionParams{
		Store:           s.ControllerStore,
		ControllerName:  "kontroll",
		AccountDetails:  accountDetails,
		ModelUUID:       modelDetails.ModelUUID,
		BootstrapConfig: noBootstrapConfig,
		DialOpts:        api.DefaultDialOpts(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
Beispiel #28
func (s *cmdLoginSuite) TestLoginCommand(c *gc.C) {

	// logout "admin" first; we'll need to give it
	// a non-random password before we can do so.
	s.changeUserPassword(c, "admin", "hunter2"), nil, "logout")

	// TODO(axw) 2016-09-08 #1621375
	// "juju logout" should clear the cookies for the controller.
	os.Remove(filepath.Join(utils.Home(), ".go-cookies"))

	context :=, strings.NewReader("hunter2\nhunter2\n"), "login", "test")
	c.Assert(testing.Stdout(context), gc.Equals, "")
	c.Assert(testing.Stderr(context), gc.Equals, `
please enter password for test@local on kontroll: 
You are now logged in to "kontroll" as "test@local".

	// We should have a macaroon, but no password, in the client store.
	store := jujuclient.NewFileClientStore()
	accountDetails, err := store.AccountDetails("kontroll")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(accountDetails.Password, gc.Equals, "")

	// We should be able to login with the macaroon., nil, "status")
Beispiel #29
func (s *DeployCharmStoreSuite) TestDeployAuthorization(c *gc.C) {
	// Upload the two charms required to upload the bundle.
	testcharms.UploadCharm(c, s.client, "trusty/mysql-0", "mysql")
	testcharms.UploadCharm(c, s.client, "trusty/wordpress-1", "wordpress")

	// Run the tests.
	for i, test := range deployAuthorizationTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s", i, test.about)

		// Upload the charm or bundle under test.
		url := charm.MustParseURL(test.uploadURL)
		if url.Series == "bundle" {
			url, _ = testcharms.UploadBundle(c, s.client, test.uploadURL, "wordpress-simple")
		} else {
			url, _ = testcharms.UploadCharm(c, s.client, test.uploadURL, "wordpress")

		// Change the ACL of the uploaded entity if required in this case.
		if test.readPermUser != "" {
			s.changeReadPerm(c, url, test.readPermUser)
		ctx, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, envcmd.Wrap(&deployCommand{}), test.deployURL, fmt.Sprintf("wordpress%d", i))
		if test.expectError != "" {
			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.expectError)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		output := strings.Trim(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), "\n")
		c.Assert(output, gc.Equals, strings.TrimSpace(test.expectOutput))
Beispiel #30
func (s *retryProvisioningSuite) TestResolved(c *gc.C) {
	m, err := s.State.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
		Series: "quantal",
		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{state.JobManageEnviron},
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = m.SetStatus(params.StatusError, "broken", nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	_, err = s.State.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
		Series: "quantal",
		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	for i, t := range resolvedMachineTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %v", i, t.args)
		context, err := testing.RunCommand(c, envcmd.Wrap(&RetryProvisioningCommand{}), t.args...)
		if t.err != "" {
			c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err)
		} else {
			c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
		output := testing.Stderr(context)
		stripped := strings.Replace(output, "\n", "", -1)
		c.Check(stripped, gc.Equals, t.stdErr)
		if t.args[0] == "0" {
			status, info, data, err := m.Status()
			c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
			c.Check(status, gc.Equals, params.StatusError)
			c.Check(info, gc.Equals, "broken")
			c.Check(data["transient"], jc.IsTrue)