Beispiel #1
func (s *lxcBrokerSuite) TestSetupRoutesAndIPTablesIPTablesCheckError(c *gc.C) {
	// Isolate the test from the host machine.
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "iptables", 42)
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "ip", 123)

	ifaceInfo := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		Address: network.NewAddress(""),

	addr := network.NewAddress("")
	err := provisioner.SetupRoutesAndIPTables("nic", addr, "bridge", ifaceInfo, false)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "iptables failed with unexpected exit code 42")
Beispiel #2
func (s *lxcBrokerSuite) TestSetupRoutesAndIPTablesIPRouteError(c *gc.C) {
	// Isolate the test from the host machine.
	// Returning code=0 from iptables means we won't add a rule.
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "iptables", 0)
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "ip", 123)

	ifaceInfo := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		Address: network.NewAddress(""),

	addr := network.NewAddress("")
	err := provisioner.SetupRoutesAndIPTables("nic", addr, "bridge", ifaceInfo, false)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
		`command "ip route add dev bridge" failed with exit code 123`,
Beispiel #3
func (s *lxcBrokerSuite) TestSetupRoutesAndIPTablesIPTablesAddError(c *gc.C) {
	// Isolate the test from the host machine. Patch iptables with a
	// script which returns code=1 for the check but fails when adding
	// the rule.
	script := `if [[ "$3" == "-C" ]]; then exit 1; else exit 42; fi`
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutable(c, s, "iptables", script)
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "ip", 123)

	fakeptablesRules := map[string]provisioner.IptablesRule{
		"IPTablesSNAT": {
			"{{.HostIF}} {{.HostIP}}",
	s.PatchValue(provisioner.IptablesRules, fakeptablesRules)

	ifaceInfo := []network.InterfaceInfo{{
		Address: network.NewAddress(""),

	addr := network.NewAddress("")
	err := provisioner.SetupRoutesAndIPTables("nic", addr, "bridge", ifaceInfo, false)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `command "iptables -t nat -I .*" failed with exit code 42`)
Beispiel #4
func (s *MongoSuite) assertSuccessWithInstallStepFailCentOS(c *gc.C, exec []string, execNameFail string, returnCode int, expectedResult []jc.SimpleMessage) {
	type installs struct {
		series string
		pkg    string
	test := installs{
		"centos7", "mongodb*",

	for _, e := range exec {
		testing.PatchExecutableAsEchoArgs(c, s, e)

	testing.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, execNameFail, returnCode)

	dataDir := c.MkDir()

	var tw loggo.TestWriter
	c.Assert(loggo.RegisterWriter("mongosuite", &tw, loggo.INFO), jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer loggo.RemoveWriter("mongosuite")

	err := mongo.EnsureServer(makeEnsureServerParams(dataDir))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(tw.Log(), jc.LogMatches, expectedResult)
Beispiel #5
func (s *cmdSuite) TestPatchExecutableThrowError(c *gc.C) {
	testing.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, testFunc, 1)
	cmd := exec.Command(testFunc)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "exit status 1")
	output := strings.TrimRight(string(out), "\r\n")
	c.Assert(output, gc.Equals, "failing")
Beispiel #6
func (s *cmdSuite) TestPatchExecutableThrowError(c *gc.C) {
	testing.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, testFunc, 1)
	cmd := exec.Command(testFunc)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "exit status 1")
	switch runtime.GOOS {
	case "windows":
		c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, "failing\r\n")
		c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, "failing\n")
func (s *SetIPAndARPForwardingSuite) TestFailure(c *gc.C) {
	fakeConfig := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "sysctl.conf")
	testing.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "sysctl", 123)
	s.PatchValue(provisioner.SysctlConfig, fakeConfig)
	expectKeyVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s=1", provisioner.IPForwardSysctlKey)

	err := provisioner.SetIPAndARPForwarding(true)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, fmt.Sprintf(
		`cannot set %s: unexpected exit code 123`, expectKeyVal),
	_, err = os.Stat(fakeConfig)
	c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, os.IsNotExist)
Beispiel #8
func (s *lxcBrokerSuite) TestSetupRoutesAndIPTablesInvalidArgs(c *gc.C) {
	// Isolate the test from the host machine.
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "iptables", 42)
	gitjujutesting.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "ip", 123)

	// Check that all the arguments are verified to be non-empty.
	expectStartupErr := "primaryNIC, primaryAddr, bridgeName, and ifaceInfo must be all set"
	emptyIfaceInfo := []network.InterfaceInfo{}
	for i, test := range []struct {
		about       string
		primaryNIC  string
		primaryAddr network.Address
		bridgeName  string
		ifaceInfo   []network.InterfaceInfo
		expectErr   string
		about:       "all empty",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryNIC empty",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryAddr empty",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but bridgeName empty",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryNIC and bridgeName empty",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryNIC and primaryAddr empty",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryAddr and bridgeName empty",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all set except ifaceInfo",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   nil,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all empty (ifaceInfo set but empty)",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryNIC empty (ifaceInfo set but empty)",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but primaryAddr empty (ifaceInfo set but empty)",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all but bridgeName empty (ifaceInfo set but empty)",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "just primaryAddr is empty and ifaceInfo set but empty",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.Address{},
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "just bridgeName is empty and ifaceInfo set but empty",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "just primaryNIC is empty and ifaceInfo set but empty",
		primaryNIC:  "",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all set except ifaceInfo, which is set but empty",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		ifaceInfo:   emptyIfaceInfo,
		expectErr:   expectStartupErr,
	}, {
		about:       "all set, but ifaceInfo has empty Address",
		primaryNIC:  "nic",
		primaryAddr: network.NewAddress(""),
		bridgeName:  "bridge",
		// No Address set.
		ifaceInfo: []network.InterfaceInfo{{DeviceIndex: 0}},
		expectErr: `container IP "" must be set`,
	}} {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s", i, test.about)
		err := provisioner.SetupRoutesAndIPTables(
			false, // TODO(dimitern): Untested.
		c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.expectErr)
Beispiel #9
func (s *ListBlockDevicesSuite) TestListBlockDevicesLsblkError(c *gc.C) {
	testing.PatchExecutableThrowError(c, s, "lsblk", 123)
	devices, err := diskmanager.ListBlockDevices()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "cannot list block devices: lsblk failed: exit status 123")
	c.Assert(devices, gc.IsNil)