Beispiel #1
// shrink a frame, keeping its size proportional to the starting image bounds, firstFrame
func shrinkFrameToCorrectSize(frame image.Image, w, h int, firstBounds *image.Rectangle) *image.RGBA {
	frameBounds := frame.Bounds()
	scaleW := float64(w) / float64(firstBounds.Dx())
	scaleH := float64(h) / float64(firstBounds.Dy())

	innerW := int(scaleW * float64(frameBounds.Dx()))
	innerH := int(scaleH * float64(frameBounds.Dy()))

	x := int(float64(frameBounds.Min.X) * scaleW)
	y := int(float64(frameBounds.Min.Y) * scaleH)

	s := resize.Resizer{frame, innerW, innerH, x, y}
	return s.ResizeNearestNeighbor()
Beispiel #2
// for debugging
// prints the GIF union, then returns the frame pixmap
func testEncode(g *gif.GIF, idx, w, h int, pal []*ascii.TextColor) image.Image {
	// set up frame accumulator
	originalBounds := g.Image[0].Bounds()
	origSizer := resize.Resizer{g.Image[0], w, h, 0, 0}
	compiledImage := origSizer.ResizeNearestNeighbor()
	bg := image.NewUniform(color.RGBA{255, 255, 0, 255})

	compiledImage = image.NewRGBA(compiledImage.Bounds())
	frame := shrinkFrameToCorrectSize(g.Image[idx], w, h, &originalBounds)
	copyImageOver(compiledImage, bg)
	copyImageOver(compiledImage, frame)

	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, ascii.Convert(frame, pal).String())
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, frame.Bounds())

	return compiledImage
Beispiel #3
func encodeFramesSync(g *gif.GIF, w, h int, pal []*ascii.TextColor) (frames [][]string) {
	frames = make([][]string, len(g.Image))

	// set up frame accumulator
	originalBounds := g.Image[0].Bounds()
	origSizer := resize.Resizer{g.Image[0], w, h, 0, 0}
	compiledImage := origSizer.ResizeNearestNeighbor()

	// timestamp!
	ts := time.Now()

	for i, frame := range g.Image {
		// resize the current frame partial
		smallFrame := shrinkFrameToCorrectSize(frame, w, h, &originalBounds)
		if *verbose {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Shrank frame from bounds %s to new smaller bounds %s\n", frame.Bounds(), smallFrame.Bounds())

		// copy the current frame over the previous frame
		copyImageOver(compiledImage, smallFrame)

		// convert to ascii
		textImage := ascii.ConvertSync(compiledImage, pal)

		// convert to []string and store
		frames[i] = textImage.StringSlice()

		// print status info if done
		if *verbose {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Finished encoding frame %d (SYNC)\n", i)

	if *verbose {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Rendered %d frames in %v seconds (%d FPS, SYNC)\n", len(g.Image), time.Since(ts), float64(time.Since(ts))/float64(len(g.Image)))
