Beispiel #1
func getUserCard(g *libkb.GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID, useSession bool) (ret *keybase1.UserCard, err error) {
	defer g.Trace("getUserCard", func() error { return err })()

	arg := libkb.APIArg{
		Endpoint:     "user/card",
		NeedSession:  useSession,
		Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(g),
		Args:         libkb.HTTPArgs{"uid": libkb.S{Val: uid.String()}},

	var card card

	if err = g.API.GetDecode(arg, &card); err != nil {
		g.Log.Warning("error getting user/card for %s: %s\n", uid, err)
		return nil, err

	g.Log.Debug("user card: %+v", card)

	ret = &keybase1.UserCard{
		Following:     card.FollowSummary.Following,
		Followers:     card.FollowSummary.Followers,
		Uid:           uid,
		FullName:      card.Profile.FullName,
		Location:      card.Profile.Location,
		Bio:           card.Profile.Bio,
		Website:       card.Profile.Website,
		Twitter:       card.Profile.Twitter,
		YouFollowThem: card.YouFollowThem,
		TheyFollowYou: card.TheyFollowYou,
	return ret, nil
Beispiel #2
// UnboxBytes32Any will decrypt any of the KID, ciphertext, nonce
// bundles in arg.Bundles.  Key preference order:  cached device keys,
// cached paper keys, local device key, user-entered paper key.
// It returns the KID and bundle index along with the plaintext.
func UnboxBytes32Any(g *libkb.GlobalContext, secretUI libkb.SecretUI, arg keybase1.UnboxBytes32AnyArg) (res keybase1.UnboxAnyRes, err error) {
	defer g.Trace("UnboxBytes32Any", func() error { return err })

	// find a matching secret key for a bundle in arg.Bundles
	key, index, err := getMatchingSecretKey(g, secretUI, arg)
	if err != nil {
		return res, err

	// decrypt the bundle's ciphertext
	plaintext, err := unboxBytes32(key, arg.Bundles[index].Ciphertext, arg.Bundles[index].Nonce, arg.Bundles[index].PublicKey)
	if err != nil {
		return res, err

	// return plaintext, kid, and index
	res.Plaintext = plaintext
	res.Kid = key.GetKID()
	res.Index = index

	return res, nil