func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) assertionToUIDLocked(ctx context.Context,
	assertion string) (uid keybase1.UID, err error) {
	expr, err := libkb.AssertionParseAndOnly(assertion)
	if err != nil {
		return keybase1.UID(""), err
	urls := expr.CollectUrls(nil)
	if len(urls) == 0 {
		return keybase1.UID(""), errors.New("No assertion URLs")

	for _, url := range urls {
		var currUID keybase1.UID
		if url.IsUID() {
			currUID = url.ToUID()
		} else {
			key, val := url.ToKeyValuePair()
			a := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", val, key)
			if url.IsKeybase() {
				a = val
			var ok bool
			currUID, ok = k.asserts[a]
			if !ok {
				return keybase1.UID(""), NoSuchUserError{a}
		if uid != keybase1.UID("") && currUID != uid {
			return keybase1.UID(""),
				errors.New("AND assertions resolve to different UIDs")
		uid = currUID
	return uid, nil
Beispiel #2
func testIdentifyResolve2(t *testing.T, g *libkb.GlobalContext) {

	cli, err := client.GetIdentifyClient(g)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to get new identifyclient: %v", err)

	if _, err := cli.Resolve(context.TODO(), "uid:eb72f49f2dde6429e5d78003dae0c919"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Resovle failed: %v\n", err)

	// We don't want to hit the cache, since the previous lookup never hit the
	// server.  For Resolve2, we have to, since we need a username.  So test that
	// here.
	if res, err := cli.Resolve2(context.TODO(), "uid:eb72f49f2dde6429e5d78003dae0c919"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Resovle failed: %v\n", err)
	} else if res.Username != "t_tracy" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong username: %s != 't_tracy", res.Username)

	if res, err := cli.Resolve2(context.TODO(), "t_tracy@rooter"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Resolve2 failed: %v\n", err)
	} else if res.Username != "t_tracy" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong name: %s != 't_tracy", res.Username)
	} else if !res.Uid.Equal(keybase1.UID("eb72f49f2dde6429e5d78003dae0c919")) {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong uid for tracy: %s\n", res.Uid)

	if _, err := cli.Resolve2(context.TODO(), "foobag@rooter"); err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected an error on a bad resolve, but got none")
	} else if _, ok := err.(libkb.ResolutionError); !ok {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong error: wanted type %T but got (%v, %T)", libkb.ResolutionError{}, err, err)
Beispiel #3
func testLoadAllPublicKeysUnverified(t *testing.T, g *libkb.GlobalContext) {

	cli, err := client.GetUserClient(g)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to get user client: %s", err)

	// t_rosetta
	arg := keybase1.LoadAllPublicKeysUnverifiedArg{Uid: keybase1.UID("b8939251cb3d367e68587acb33a64d19")}
	res, err := cli.LoadAllPublicKeysUnverified(context.TODO(), arg)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to make load keys call: %s", err)

	if len(res) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("wrong amount of keys loaded: %d != %d", len(res), 3)

	keys := map[keybase1.KID]bool{
		keybase1.KID("0101fe1183765f256289427d6943cd8bab3b5fe095bcdd27f031ed298da523efd3120a"): true,
		keybase1.KID("0101b5839c4ccaa9d03b3016b9aa73a7e3eafb067f9c86c07a6f2f79cb8558b1c97f0a"): true,
		keybase1.KID("0101188ee7e63ccbd05af498772ab2975ee29df773240d17dde09aecf6c132a5a9a60a"): true,

	for _, key := range res {
		if _, ok := keys[key.KID]; !ok {
			t.Fatalf("unknown key in response: %s", key.KID)
Beispiel #4
func (ra resolvableAssertion) resolve(ctx context.Context) (
	nameUIDPair, keybase1.SocialAssertion, error) {
	if ra.assertion == PublicUIDName {
		return nameUIDPair{}, keybase1.SocialAssertion{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid name %s", ra.assertion)
	name, uid, err := ra.resolver.Resolve(ctx, ra.assertion)
	if err == nil && ra.mustBeUser != keybase1.UID("") && ra.mustBeUser != uid {
		// Force an unresolved assertion sinced the forced user doesn't match
		err = NoSuchUserError{ra.assertion}
	switch err := err.(type) {
		return nameUIDPair{}, keybase1.SocialAssertion{}, err
	case nil:
		return nameUIDPair{
			name: name,
			uid:  uid,
		}, keybase1.SocialAssertion{}, nil
	case NoSuchUserError:
		if !ra.sharingBeforeSignupEnabled {
			return nameUIDPair{}, keybase1.SocialAssertion{}, err
		socialAssertion, ok := libkb.NormalizeSocialAssertion(ra.assertion)
		if !ok {
			return nameUIDPair{}, keybase1.SocialAssertion{}, err
		return nameUIDPair{}, socialAssertion, nil
Beispiel #5
func genUID(t *testing.T) keybase1.UID {
	uid := make([]byte, 8)
	if _, err := rand.Read(uid); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("rand failed: %v\n", err)
	return keybase1.UID(hex.EncodeToString(uid))
func (c *fakeKeybaseClient) Call(ctx context.Context, s string, args interface{},
	res interface{}) error {
	switch s {
	case "keybase.1.session.currentSession":
		*res.(*keybase1.Session) = keybase1.Session{
			Uid:             c.session.UID,
			Username:        "******",
			Token:           c.session.Token,
			DeviceSubkeyKid: c.session.CryptPublicKey.kid,
			DeviceSibkeyKid: c.session.VerifyingKey.kid,

		c.currentSessionCalled = true
		return nil

	case "keybase.1.identify.identify2":
		arg := args.([]interface{})[0].(keybase1.Identify2Arg)
		uidStr := strings.TrimPrefix(arg.UserAssertion, "uid:")
		if len(uidStr) == len(arg.UserAssertion) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Non-uid assertion %s", arg.UserAssertion)

		uid := keybase1.UID(uidStr)
		userInfo, ok := c.users[uid]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("Could not find user info for UID %s", uid)

		*res.(*keybase1.Identify2Res) = keybase1.Identify2Res{
			Upk: keybase1.UserPlusKeys{
				Uid:      uid,
				Username: string(userInfo.Name),

		c.identifyCalled = true
		return nil

	case "keybase.1.user.loadUserPlusKeys":
		arg := args.([]interface{})[0].(keybase1.LoadUserPlusKeysArg)

		userInfo, ok := c.users[arg.Uid]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("Could not find user info for UID %s", arg.Uid)

		*res.(*keybase1.UserPlusKeys) = keybase1.UserPlusKeys{
			Uid:      arg.Uid,
			Username: string(userInfo.Name),

		c.loadUserPlusKeysCalled = true
		return nil

		return fmt.Errorf("Unknown call: %s %v %v", s, args, res)
// Resolve implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonRPC.
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) Resolve(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (
	libkb.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UID, error) {
	user, err := k.identifyClient.Resolve2(ctx, assertion)
	if err != nil {
		return libkb.NormalizedUsername(""), keybase1.UID(""),
			convertIdentifyError(assertion, err)
	return libkb.NewNormalizedUsername(user.Username), user.Uid, nil
Beispiel #8
// GetCurrentUID implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCurrentUID(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.UID, error) {
	s, err := k.session(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: something more intelligent; maybe just shut down
		// unless we want anonymous browsing of public data
		return keybase1.UID(""), err
	return s.UID, nil
// Resolve implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (k KeybaseDaemonLocal) Resolve(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (
	keybase1.UID, error) {
	uid, ok := k.asserts[assertion]
	if !ok {
		return keybase1.UID(""), NoSuchUserError{assertion}

	return uid, nil
// addNewAssertionForTest makes newAssertion, which should be a single
// assertion that doesn't already resolve to anything, resolve to the
// same UID as oldAssertion, which should be an arbitrary assertion
// that does already resolve to something.  It returns the UID of the
// user associated with the given assertions.
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) addNewAssertionForTest(
	oldAssertion, newAssertion string) (keybase1.UID, error) {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()
	uid, err := k.assertionToUIDLocked(context.Background(), oldAssertion)
	if err != nil {
		return keybase1.UID(""), err

	lu, err := k.localUsers.getLocalUser(uid)
	if err != nil {
		return keybase1.UID(""), err
	lu.Asserts = append(lu.Asserts, newAssertion)
	k.asserts[newAssertion] = uid
	k.localUsers[uid] = lu
	return uid, nil
Beispiel #11
// GetCurrentUserInfo implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCurrentUserInfo(ctx context.Context) (
	libkb.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UID, error) {
	s, err := k.session(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: something more intelligent; maybe just shut down
		// unless we want anonymous browsing of public data
		return libkb.NormalizedUsername(""), keybase1.UID(""), err
	return s.Name, s.UID, nil
Beispiel #12
func TestKBPKIClientIdentify(t *testing.T) {
	c, _, _ := makeTestKBPKIClient(t)

	u, err := c.Identify(context.Background(), "test_name1", "")
	if err != nil {
	if u.UID == keybase1.UID("") {
		t.Fatal("empty user")
// Resolve implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) Resolve(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (
	libkb.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UID, error) {
	defer k.lock.Unlock()

	uid, err := k.assertionToUIDLocked(ctx, assertion)
	if err != nil {
		return libkb.NormalizedUsername(""), keybase1.UID(""), err

	return k.localUsers[uid].Name, uid, nil
Beispiel #14
// CurrentSession implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonRPC.
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) CurrentSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (
	SessionInfo, error) {
	cachedCurrentSession := k.getCachedCurrentSession()
	if cachedCurrentSession != (SessionInfo{}) {
		return cachedCurrentSession, nil

	res, err := k.sessionClient.CurrentSession(ctx, sessionID)
	if err != nil {
		if ncs := (NoCurrentSessionError{}); err.Error() ==
			NoCurrentSessionExpectedError {
			// Use an error with a proper OS error code attached to
			// it.  TODO: move ErrNoSession from client/go/service to
			// client/go/libkb, so we can use types for the check
			// above.
			err = ncs
		return SessionInfo{}, err
	// Import the KIDs to validate them.
	deviceSubkey, err := libkb.ImportKeypairFromKID(res.DeviceSubkeyKid)
	if err != nil {
		return SessionInfo{}, err
	deviceSibkey, err := libkb.ImportKeypairFromKID(res.DeviceSibkeyKid)
	if err != nil {
		return SessionInfo{}, err
	cryptPublicKey := MakeCryptPublicKey(deviceSubkey.GetKID())
	verifyingKey := MakeVerifyingKey(deviceSibkey.GetKID())
	s := SessionInfo{
		Name:           libkb.NewNormalizedUsername(res.Username),
		UID:            keybase1.UID(res.Uid),
		Token:          res.Token,
		CryptPublicKey: cryptPublicKey,
		VerifyingKey:   verifyingKey,

		ctx, "new session with username %s, uid %s, crypt public key %s, and verifying key %s",
		s.Name, s.UID, s.CryptPublicKey, s.VerifyingKey)


	return s, nil
func (e *ListTrackingEngine) runTable(trackList TrackList) error {
	for _, link := range trackList {
		uid, err := link.GetTrackedUID()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		entry := keybase1.UserSummary{
			Username:     link.ToDisplayString(),
			SigIDDisplay: link.GetSigID().ToDisplayString(true),
			TrackTime:    keybase1.ToTime(link.GetCTime()),
			Uid:          keybase1.UID(uid),
		entry.Proofs.PublicKeys = e.linkPGPKeys(link)
		entry.Proofs.Social = e.linkSocialProofs(link)
		entry.Proofs.Web = e.linkWebProofs(link)
		e.tableResult = append(e.tableResult, entry)
	return nil
Beispiel #16
// CurrentSession implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonRPC.
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) CurrentSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (
	SessionInfo, error) {
	cachedCurrentSession := k.getCachedCurrentSession()
	if cachedCurrentSession != (SessionInfo{}) {
		return cachedCurrentSession, nil

	res, err := k.sessionClient.CurrentSession(ctx, sessionID)
	if err != nil {
		if ncs := (NoCurrentSessionError{}); err.Error() == ncs.Error() {
			// Use an error with a proper OS error code attached to it.
			err = ncs
		return SessionInfo{}, err
	// Import the KIDs to validate them.
	deviceSubkey, err := libkb.ImportKeypairFromKID(res.DeviceSubkeyKid)
	if err != nil {
		return SessionInfo{}, err
	deviceSibkey, err := libkb.ImportKeypairFromKID(res.DeviceSibkeyKid)
	if err != nil {
		return SessionInfo{}, err
	cryptPublicKey := MakeCryptPublicKey(deviceSubkey.GetKID())
	verifyingKey := MakeVerifyingKey(deviceSibkey.GetKID())
	s := SessionInfo{
		UID:            keybase1.UID(res.Uid),
		Token:          res.Token,
		CryptPublicKey: cryptPublicKey,
		VerifyingKey:   verifyingKey,

		ctx, "new session with uid %s, crypt public key %s, and verifying key %s",
		s.UID, s.CryptPublicKey, s.VerifyingKey)


	return s, nil
// Test that the session cache works and is invalidated as expected.
func TestKeybaseDaemonSessionCache(t *testing.T) {
	k := MakeLocalUserCryptPublicKeyOrBust(
		libkb.NormalizedUsername("fake username"))
	v := MakeLocalUserVerifyingKeyOrBust(
		libkb.NormalizedUsername("fake username"))
	session := SessionInfo{
		UID:            keybase1.UID("fake uid"),
		Token:          "fake token",
		CryptPublicKey: k,
		VerifyingKey:   v,

	client := &fakeKeybaseClient{session: session}
	c := newKeybaseDaemonRPCWithClient(
		nil, client, logger.NewTestLogger(t))

	// Should fill cache.
	testCurrentSession(t, client, c, session, expectCall)

	// Should be cached.
	testCurrentSession(t, client, c, session, expectCached)

	// Should invalidate cache.
	err := c.LoggedOut(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	// Should fill cache again.
	testCurrentSession(t, client, c, session, expectCall)

	// Should be cached again.
	testCurrentSession(t, client, c, session, expectCached)

	// Should invalidate cache.

	// Should fill cache again.
	testCurrentSession(t, client, c, session, expectCall)
Beispiel #18
func (t Tracker) GetUID() keybase1.UID { return keybase1.UID(t.Tracker) }
Beispiel #19
func TestTrackingNotifications(t *testing.T) {
	tc := setupTest(t, "signup")
	tc2 := cloneContext(tc)
	tc5 := cloneContext(tc)

	libkb.G.LocalDb = nil

	// Hack the various portions of the service that aren't
	// properly contextified.

	defer tc.Cleanup()

	stopCh := make(chan error)
	svc := service.NewService(tc.G, false)
	startCh := svc.GetStartChannel()
	go func() {
		err := svc.Run()
		if err != nil {
			t.Logf("Running the service produced an error: %v", err)
		stopCh <- err

	userInfo := randomUser("sgnup")

	tui := trackingUI{
		signupUI: signupUI{
			info:         userInfo,
			Contextified: libkb.NewContextified(tc2.G),
	signup := client.NewCmdSignupRunner(tc2.G)


	if err := signup.Run(); err != nil {
	tc2.G.Log.Debug("Login State: %v", tc2.G.LoginState())

	nh := newTrackingNotifyHandler()

	// Launch the server that will listen for tracking notifications.
	launchServer := func(nh *trackingNotifyHandler) error {
		cli, xp, err := client.GetRPCClientWithContext(tc5.G)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		srv := rpc.NewServer(xp, nil)
		if err = srv.Register(keybase1.NotifyTrackingProtocol(nh)); err != nil {
			return err
		ncli := keybase1.NotifyCtlClient{Cli: cli}
		if err = ncli.SetNotifications(context.TODO(), keybase1.NotificationChannels{
			Tracking: true,
		}); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	// Actually launch it in the background
	go func() {
		err := launchServer(nh)
		if err != nil {
			nh.errCh <- err

	// Have our test user track t_alice.
	trackCmd := client.NewCmdTrackRunner(tc2.G)
	trackCmd.SetOptions(keybase1.TrackOptions{BypassConfirm: true})
	err := trackCmd.Run()
	if err != nil {

	// Do a check for new tracking statements that should fire off a
	// notification. Currently the track command above does not fetch the new
	// chain link from the server, so this call is required. It's possible that
	// TrackEngine (or our signature caching code) might change in the future,
	// making this call unnecessary.
	checkTrackingCmd := client.NewCmdCheckTrackingRunner(tc2.G)
	err = checkTrackingCmd.Run()
	if err != nil {

	// Wait to get a notification back as we expect.
	// NOTE: If this test ever starts deadlocking here, it's possible that
	// we've changed how we cache signatures that we make on the local client,
	// in such a way that the fetch done by CheckTracking above doesn't find
	// any "isOwnNewLinkFromServer" links. If so, one way to fix this test
	// would be to blow away the local db before calling CheckTracking.
	tc.G.Log.Debug("Waiting for two tracking notifications.")
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		select {
		case err := <-nh.errCh:
			t.Fatalf("Error before notify: %v", err)
		case arg := <-nh.trackingCh:
			tAliceUID := keybase1.UID("295a7eea607af32040647123732bc819")
			tc.G.Log.Debug("Got tracking changed notification (%#v)", arg)
			if "t_alice" == arg.Username {
				if !tAliceUID.Equal(arg.Uid) {
					t.Fatalf("Bad UID back: %s != %s", tAliceUID, arg.Uid)
			} else if userInfo.username == arg.Username {
				if !tc.G.Env.GetUID().Equal(arg.Uid) {
					t.Fatalf("Bad UID back: %s != %s", tc.G.Env.GetUID(), arg.Uid)
			} else {
				t.Fatalf("Bad username back: %s != %s || %s", arg.Username, "t_alice", userInfo.username)

	if err := client.CtlServiceStop(tc2.G); err != nil {

	// If the server failed, it's also an error
	if err := <-stopCh; err != nil {
Beispiel #20
	return &resolveTestClock{now: time.Now()}

func newTestResolverCache(g *GlobalContext) (*Resolver, *resolveTestClock) {
	clock := newResolveTestClock()
	res := NewResolver(g)
	res.nowFunc = func() time.Time { return }
	return res, clock

func (r *resolveTestClock) tick(d time.Duration) { =

var tracyUID = keybase1.UID("eb72f49f2dde6429e5d78003dae0c919")

func TestResolveSimple(t *testing.T) {
	tc := SetupTest(t, "resolveSimple", 1)
	r, clock := newTestResolverCache(tc.G)

	goodResolve := func(s string) {
		res := r.Resolve(s)
		if err := res.GetError(); err != nil {
		if res.GetUID() != tracyUID {
			t.Fatalf("Got wrong UID; wanted %s but got %s", tracyUID, res.GetUID())
// Test that the user cache works and is invalidated as expected.
func TestKeybaseDaemonUserCache(t *testing.T) {
	uid1 := keybase1.UID("uid1")
	uid2 := keybase1.UID("uid2")
	name1 := libkb.NewNormalizedUsername("name1")
	name2 := libkb.NewNormalizedUsername("name2")
	users := map[keybase1.UID]UserInfo{
		uid1: {Name: name1},
		uid2: {Name: name2},
	client := &fakeKeybaseClient{users: users}
	c := newKeybaseDaemonRPCWithClient(
		nil, client, logger.NewTestLogger(t))

	// Should fill cache.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCall)

	// Should be cached.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCached)

	// Should fill cache.
	testIdentify(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Should be cached.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCached)

	// Should not be cached.
	testIdentify(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Should invalidate cache for uid1.
	err := c.UserChanged(context.Background(), uid1)
	if err != nil {

	// Should fill cache again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCall)

	// Should be cached again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCached)

	// Should still be cached.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCached)

	// Should invalidate cache for uid2.
	err = c.UserChanged(context.Background(), uid2)
	if err != nil {

	// Should fill cache again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Should be cached again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCached)

	// Should invalidate cache for all users.

	// Should fill cache again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCall)
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)
// Test that the user cache works and is invalidated as expected.
func TestKeybaseDaemonUserCache(t *testing.T) {
	uid1 := keybase1.UID("uid1")
	uid2 := keybase1.UID("uid2")
	name1 := libkb.NewNormalizedUsername("name1")
	name2 := libkb.NewNormalizedUsername("name2")
	users := map[keybase1.UID]UserInfo{
		uid1: {Name: name1},
		uid2: {Name: name2},
	client := &fakeKeybaseClient{users: users}
	c := newKeybaseDaemonRPCWithClient(
		nil, client, logger.NewTestLogger(t))

	// Should fill cache.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCall)

	// Should be cached.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCached)

	// Should fill cache.
	testIdentify(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Should be cached.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCached)

	// Should not be cached.
	testIdentify(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Should invalidate cache for uid1.
	err := c.UserChanged(context.Background(), uid1)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	// Should fill cache again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCall)

	// Should be cached again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCached)

	// Should still be cached.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCached)

	// Should invalidate cache for uid2.
	err = c.UserChanged(context.Background(), uid2)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	// Should fill cache again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Should be cached again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCached)

	// Should invalidate cache for all users.
	c.OnDisconnected(context.Background(), rpc.UsingExistingConnection)

	// Should fill cache again.
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid1, name1, expectCall)
	testLoadUserPlusKeys(t, client, c, uid2, name2, expectCall)

	// Test that CheckForRekey gets called only if the logged-in user
	// changes.
	session := SessionInfo{
		UID: uid1,
	ctr := NewSafeTestReporter(t)
	mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(ctr)
	config := NewConfigMock(mockCtrl, ctr)
	c.config = config
	defer func() {
	errChan := make(chan error, 1)
		func(ctx context.Context) {
			errChan <- nil
	err = c.UserChanged(context.Background(), uid1)
	// This one shouldn't trigger CheckForRekeys; if it does, the mock
	// controller will catch it during Finish.
	err = c.UserChanged(context.Background(), uid2)
Beispiel #23
// ResolveAgain tries to resolve any unresolved assertions in the
// given handle and returns a new handle with the results. As an
// optimization, if h contains no unresolved assertions, it just
// returns itself.
func (h *TlfHandle) ResolveAgain(ctx context.Context, resolver resolver) (
	*TlfHandle, error) {
	return h.ResolveAgainForUser(ctx, resolver, keybase1.UID(""))
Beispiel #24
	// A new slow-path hit
	if !i.fastStats.eq(0, 0, 0, 0) || !i.slowStats.eq(3, 1, 1, 0) {
		t.Fatalf("bad cache stats %+v %+v", i.fastStats, i.slowStats)

func TestResolveAndIdentify2WithUIDWithAssertions(t *testing.T) {
	tc := SetupEngineTest(t, "Identify2WithUIDWithAssertion")
	i := newIdentify2WithUIDTester(tc.G)
	tc.G.ProofCheckerFactory = i
	arg := &keybase1.Identify2Arg{
		UserAssertion: "tacovontaco@twitter+t_tracy@rooter",
	eng := NewResolveThenIdentify2(tc.G, arg)
	eng.testArgs = &Identify2WithUIDTestArgs{
		noMe: true,
	ctx := Context{IdentifyUI: i}
	err := eng.Run(&ctx)
	if err != nil {

var tracyUID = keybase1.UID("eb72f49f2dde6429e5d78003dae0c919")
var trackingUID = keybase1.UID("92b3b3dbe457059f28c9f74e8e6b9419")
var trackingServerReply = `{"seqno":3,"payload_hash":"c3ffe390e9c9dabdd5f7253b81e0a38fad2c17589a9c7fcd967958418055140a","sig_id":"4ec10665ad163d0aa419ce4eab8ff661429c9a3a32cd4978fdb8c6b5c6d047620f","sig_id_short":"TsEGZa0WPQqkGc5Oq4_2YUKcmjoyzUl4_bjG","kid":"0101f3b2f0e8c9d1f099db64cac366c6a9c1da63da624127b2f66a056acfa36834fe0a","sig":"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\nVersion: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.49\nComment:\n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\nHzt0Q3P9OxPLmqeOPX3RVSPpG2YdtWQ=\n=h5Bq\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----","payload_json":"{\"body\":{\"client\":{\"name\":\" web\"},\"key\":{\"eldest_kid\":\"0101f3b2f0e8c9d1f099db64cac366c6a9c1da63da624127b2f66a056acfa36834fe0a\",\"fingerprint\":\"a889587e1ce7bd7edbe3eeb8ef8fd8f7b31c4a2f\",\"host\":\"\",\"key_id\":\"ef8fd8f7b31c4a2f\",\"kid\":\"0101f3b2f0e8c9d1f099db64cac366c6a9c1da63da624127b2f66a056acfa36834fe0a\",\"uid\":\"92b3b3dbe457059f28c9f74e8e6b9419\",\"username\":\"tracy_friend1\"},\"track\":{\"basics\":{\"id_version\":14,\"last_id_change\":1449514728,\"username\":\"t_tracy\"},\"id\":\"eb72f49f2dde6429e5d78003dae0c919\",\"key\":{\"key_fingerprint\":\"\",\"kid\":\"01209bd2e255235529cf45877767ad8687d85200518adc74595d058750e2f7ab7b000a\"},\"pgp_keys\":[{\"key_fingerprint\":\"4ff50d580914427227bb14c821029e2c7cf0d488\",\"kid\":\"0101ee69b1566428109eb7548d9a9d7267d48933daa4614fa743cedbeac618ab66dd0a\"}],\"remote_proofs\":[{\"ctime\":1449512840,\"curr\":\"f09c84ccadf8817aea944526638e9a4c034c9200dd68b5a3292c7f69d980390d\",\"etime\":1954088840,\"prev\":\"909f6aa65b050ec5582515cad43aeb1f9279ee21db955cff309abe4692b7e11a\",\"remote_key_proof\":{\"check_data_json\":{\"name\":\"twitter\",\"username\":\"tacovontaco\"},\"proof_type\":2,\"state\":1},\"seqno\":5,\"sig_id\":\"67570e971c5b8881cf07179d1872a83042be4285ba897a8f12dc3e419cade80b0f\",\"sig_type\":2},{\"ctime\":1449512883,\"curr\":\"8ad8ce94c9d23d260750294905877ef92adf4e7736198909fcbe7e27d6dfb463\",\"etime\":1954088883,\"prev\":\"f09c84ccadf8817aea944526638e9a4c034c9200dd68b5a3292c7f69d980390d\",\"remote_key_proof\":{\"check_data_json\":{\"name\":\"github\",\"username\":\"tacoplusplus\"},\"proof_type\":3,\"state\":1},\"seqno\":6,\"sig_id\":\"bfe76a25acf046f7477350291cdd178e1f0026a49f85733d97c122ba4e4a000f0f\",\"sig_type\":2},{\"ctime\":1449512914,\"curr\":\"ea5bee1701e7ec7c8dfd71421bd2ab6fb0fa2af473412c664fa49d35c34078ea\",\"etime\":1954088914,\"prev\":\"8ad8ce94c9d23d260750294905877ef92adf4e7736198909fcbe7e27d6dfb463\",\"remote_key_proof\":{\"check_data_json\":{\"name\":\"rooter\",\"username\":\"t_tracy\"},\"proof_type\":100001,\"state\":1},\"seqno\":7,\"sig_id\":\"0c467de321795b777aa10916eb9aa8153bffa5163b5079600db7d50ca00a77410f\",\"sig_type\":2},{\"ctime\":1449514687,\"curr\":\"bfd3462a2193fa7946f7f31e5074cfc4ac95400680273deb520078a6a4f5cbf5\",\"etime\":1954090687,\"prev\":\"9ae84f56c0c62dc91206363b9f5609245f94199d58a4a3c0bee7d4bb91c47de7\",\"remote_key_proof\":{\"check_data_json\":{\"hostname\":\"\",\"protocol\":\"https:\"},\"proof_type\":1000,\"state\":1},\"seqno\":9,\"sig_id\":\"92eeea3db99cb519409765c17ea32a82ce8b86bbacd8f366e8e8930f1faea20b0f\",\"sig_type\":2}],\"seq_tail\":{\"payload_hash\":\"bfd3462a2193fa7946f7f31e5074cfc4ac95400680273deb520078a6a4f5cbf5\",\"seqno\":9,\"sig_id\":\"92eeea3db99cb519409765c17ea32a82ce8b86bbacd8f366e8e8930f1faea20b0f\"}},\"type\":\"track\",\"version\":1},\"ctime\":1449514785,\"expire_in\":157680000,\"prev\":\"a4f76660341a087d69238f5a25e98d8b3d038224457107bad91ffdfbd82d84d9\",\"seqno\":3,\"tag\":\"signature\"}","sig_type":3,"ctime":1449514785,"etime":1607194785,"rtime":null,"sig_status":0,"prev":"a4f76660341a087d69238f5a25e98d8b3d038224457107bad91ffdfbd82d84d9","proof_id":null,"proof_type":null,"proof_text_check":null,"proof_text_full":null,"check_data_json":null,"remote_id":null,"api_url":null,"human_url":null,"proof_state":null,"proof_status":null,"retry_count":null,"hard_fail_count":null,"last_check":null,"last_success":null,"version":null,"fingerprint":"a889587e1ce7bd7edbe3eeb8ef8fd8f7b31c4a2f"}`
Beispiel #25
// ParseTlfHandle parses a TlfHandle from an encoded string. See
// TlfHandle.GetCanonicalName() for the opposite direction.
// Some errors that may be returned and can be specially handled:
// TlfNameNotCanonical: Returned when the given name is not canonical
// -- another name to try (which itself may not be canonical) is in
// the error. Usually, you want to treat this as a symlink to the name
// to try.
// NoSuchNameError: Returned when public is set and the given folder
// has no public folder.
func ParseTlfHandle(
	ctx context.Context, kbpki KBPKI, name string, public bool,
	sharingBeforeSignupEnabled bool) (*TlfHandle, error) {
	// Before parsing the tlf handle (which results in identify
	// calls that cause tracker popups), first see if there's any
	// quick normalization of usernames we can do.  For example,
	// this avoids an identify in the case of "HEAD" which might
	// just be a shell trying to look for a git repo rather than a
	// real user lookup for "head" (KBFS-531).  Note that the name
	// might still contain assertions, which will result in
	// another alias in a subsequent lookup.
	writerNames, readerNames, conflictSuffix, err := splitAndNormalizeTLFName(name, public)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	hasPublic := len(readerNames) == 0

	if public && !hasPublic {
		// No public folder exists for this folder.
		return nil, NoSuchNameError{Name: name}

	normalizedName, err := normalizeNamesInTLF(writerNames, readerNames, conflictSuffix)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if normalizedName != name {
		return nil, TlfNameNotCanonical{name, normalizedName}

	writers := make([]resolvableUser, len(writerNames))
	for i, w := range writerNames {
		writers[i] = resolvableAssertion{sharingBeforeSignupEnabled, kbpki, w,
	readers := make([]resolvableUser, len(readerNames))
	for i, r := range readerNames {
		readers[i] = resolvableAssertion{sharingBeforeSignupEnabled, kbpki, r,

	var conflictInfo *ConflictInfo
	if len(conflictSuffix) != 0 {
		conflictInfo, err = ParseConflictInfo(conflictSuffix)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	h, err := makeTlfHandleHelper(ctx, public, writers, readers, conflictInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !public {
		currentUsername, currentUID, err := kbpki.GetCurrentUserInfo(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		canRead := false

		for _, uid := range append(h.Writers, h.Readers...) {
			if uid == currentUID {
				canRead = true

		if !canRead {
			return nil, ReadAccessError{currentUsername, h.GetCanonicalName(), public}

	if string(h.GetCanonicalName()) == name {
		// Name is already canonical (i.e., all usernames and
		// no assertions) so we can delay the identify until
		// the node is actually used.
		return h, nil

	// Otherwise, identify before returning the canonical name.
	err = identifyHandle(ctx, kbpki, kbpki, h)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return nil, TlfNameNotCanonical{name, string(h.GetCanonicalName())}