Beispiel #1
// here, support a function that maps a given redis key to a dynamodb table key and value field
func NewDynamoModule(keymap KeyMapper) *DynamoModule {

	module := &DynamoModule{}
	cfgdir := "/etc"
	cfg := &module.config
	ok := logging.ReadModuleConfig(cfg, cfgdir, "dynamo") || logging.ReadModuleConfig(cfg, ".", "dynamo")

	sess := session.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("ap-southeast-1")})

	if !ok {
		log.Println("failed to read dynamo config, using defaults")
	} else {
		sess = session.New(&aws.Config{
			Region:     aws.String(cfg.Server.Region),
			Endpoint:   aws.String(cfg.Server.Endpoint),
			DisableSSL: aws.Bool(cfg.Server.DisableSSL),

	module.client = dynamodb.New(sess)
	if keymap != nil {
		module.keyMapper = keymap
	} else {
		module.keyMapper = module.defaultMapper

	if cfg.Server.CacheDuration > 0 {
		logging.Debug.Println("activiating cache, TTL", cfg.Server.CacheDuration)
		module.cache = cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Duration(cfg.Server.CacheDuration) * time.Second)

	return module
Beispiel #2
// New creates a new Kloud instance without initializing the default providers.
func New() *Kloud {
	log := logging.NewLogger(NAME)

	kld := &Kloud{
		idlock:      idlock.New(),
		Log:         log,
		Eventers:    make(map[string]eventer.Eventer),
		providers:   make(map[string]Provider),
		statusCache: cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Second * 10),

	kld.statusCache.StartGC(time.Second * 5)

	return kld
Beispiel #3
func (k *Kite) verifyInit() {
	defer k.configMu.Unlock()

	k.verifyFunc = k.Config.VerifyFunc

	if k.verifyFunc == nil {
		k.verifyFunc = k.selfVerify

	k.verifyAudienceFunc = k.Config.VerifyAudienceFunc

	if k.verifyAudienceFunc == nil {
		k.verifyAudienceFunc = k.verifyAudience

	ttl := k.Config.VerifyTTL

	if ttl == 0 {
		ttl = 5 * time.Minute

	if ttl > 0 {
		k.verifyCache = cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(ttl)

		k.verifyCache.StartGC(ttl / 2)

	key, err := jwt.ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM([]byte(k.Config.KontrolKey))
	if err != nil {
		k.Log.Error("unable to init kontrol key: %s", err)


	k.kontrolKey = key
Beispiel #4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func main() {
	commands, appConfig, err := getConfig()
	if err != nil {

	bot, err := tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(appConfig.token)
	if err != nil {

	log.Printf("Authorized on bot account: @%s", bot.Self.UserName)

	tgbotConfig := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(0)
	tgbotConfig.Timeout = appConfig.botTimeout
	botUpdatesChan, err := bot.GetUpdatesChan(tgbotConfig)
	if err != nil {

	users := NewUsers(appConfig)
	messageSignal := make(chan BotMessage, MessagesQueueSize)
	vacuumTicker := time.Tick(SecondsForOldUsersBeforeVacuum * time.Second)
	saveToBDTicker := make(<-chan time.Time)
	exitSignal := make(chan struct{})
	systemExitSignal := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(systemExitSignal, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

	if appConfig.persistentUsers {
		saveToBDTicker = time.Tick(SecondsForAutoSaveUsersToDB * time.Second)

	var cacheTTL *cache.MemoryTTL
	if appConfig.cache > 0 {
		cacheTTL = cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Duration(appConfig.cache) * time.Second)
		cacheTTL.StartGC(time.Duration(appConfig.cache) * time.Second * 2)

	// all /shell2telegram sub-commands handlers
	internalCommands := map[string]func(Ctx) string{
		"stat":              cmdShell2telegramStat,
		"ban":               cmdShell2telegramBan,
		"search":            cmdShell2telegramSearch,
		"desc":              cmdShell2telegramDesc,
		"rm":                cmdShell2telegramRm,
		"exit":              cmdShell2telegramExit,
		"version":           cmdShell2telegramVersion,
		"broadcast_to_root": cmdShell2telegramBroadcastToRoot,
		"message_to_user":   cmdShell2telegramMessageToUser,

	doExit := false
	for !doExit {
		select {
		case telegramUpdate := <-botUpdatesChan:

			var messageCmd, messageArgs string
			allUserMessage := telegramUpdate.Message.Text
			if len(allUserMessage) > 0 && allUserMessage[0] == '/' {
				messageCmd, messageArgs = splitStringHalfBySpace(allUserMessage)
			} else {
				messageCmd, messageArgs = "/:plain_text", allUserMessage

			allowPlainText := false
			if _, ok := commands["/:plain_text"]; ok {
				allowPlainText = true

			replayMsg := ""

			if len(messageCmd) > 0 && (messageCmd != "/:plain_text" || allowPlainText) {

				userID := telegramUpdate.Message.From.ID
				allowExec := appConfig.allowAll || users.IsAuthorized(userID)

				ctx := Ctx{
					appConfig:     &appConfig,
					users:         &users,
					commands:      commands,
					userID:        userID,
					allowExec:     allowExec,
					messageCmd:    messageCmd,
					messageArgs:   messageArgs,
					messageSignal: messageSignal,
					chatID:        telegramUpdate.Message.Chat.ID,
					exitSignal:    exitSignal,
					cacheTTL:      cacheTTL,

				switch {
				// commands .................................
				case !appConfig.isPublicBot && (messageCmd == "/auth" || messageCmd == "/authroot"):
					replayMsg = cmdAuth(ctx)

				case messageCmd == "/help":
					replayMsg = cmdHelp(ctx)

				case messageCmd == "/shell2telegram" && users.IsRoot(userID):
					messageSubCmd := ""
					messageSubCmd, messageArgs = splitStringHalfBySpace(messageArgs)
					ctx.messageArgs = messageArgs
					if cmdHandler, ok := internalCommands[messageSubCmd]; ok {
						replayMsg = cmdHandler(ctx)
					} else {
						replayMsg = "Sub-command not found"

				case allowExec && (allowPlainText && messageCmd == "/:plain_text" || messageCmd[0] == '/'):

				} // switch for commands

				if appConfig.logCommands {
					log.Printf("%s: %s", users.String(userID), allUserMessage)

				sendMessage(messageSignal, telegramUpdate.Message.Chat.ID, []byte(replayMsg), false)

		case botMessage := <-messageSignal:
			switch {
			case botMessage.messageType == msgIsText && !stringIsEmpty(botMessage.message):
				messageConfig := tgbotapi.NewMessage(botMessage.chatID, botMessage.message)
				if botMessage.isMarkdown {
					messageConfig.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeMarkdown
				_, err = bot.Send(messageConfig)
			case botMessage.messageType == msgIsPhoto && len( > 0:
				bytesPhoto := tgbotapi.FileBytes{Name: botMessage.fileName, Bytes:}
				_, err = bot.Send(tgbotapi.NewPhotoUpload(botMessage.chatID, bytesPhoto))

			if err != nil {
				log.Print("Bot send message error: ", err)

		case <-saveToBDTicker:

		case <-vacuumTicker:

		case <-systemExitSignal:
			go func() {
				exitSignal <- struct{}{}

		case <-exitSignal:
			if appConfig.persistentUsers {
				users.needSaveDB = true
			doExit = true
Beispiel #5
// NewTTL returns an in-memory cache with the specified
// ttl expiration period.
func NewTTL(t time.Duration) Cache {
	return cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(t)
Beispiel #6
// Default creates an in-memory cache with the default
// 24 hour expiration period.
func Default() Cache {
	return cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Hour * 24)
Beispiel #7
func NewMemKeyPairStorageTTL(ttl time.Duration) *MemKeyPairStorage {
	return &MemKeyPairStorage{
		id:     cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(ttl),
		public: cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(ttl),
Beispiel #8
// Default creates an in-memory cache with the default
// 30 minute expiration period.
func Default() Cache {
	return cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Minute * 30)
Beispiel #9
	// EndpointPresencePing provides ping endpoint
	EndpointPresencePing = "/presence/ping"

	EndpointPresenceListMembers = "/presence/listmembers"

	// EndpointPresencePingPrivate provides private ping endpoint
	EndpointPresencePingPrivate = "/private/presence/ping"

const (
	// EventName holds presence event name
	EventName = "presence_ping"

var (
	pingCache = cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Hour)

	// this may lead to max 5 mins of invalid tracking data if a group changes
	// their sub status during that period
	groupCache = cache.NewMemoryWithTTL(time.Minute * 5)

// Controller holds the basic context data for handlers
type Controller struct {
	log  logging.Logger
	conf *config.Config

// New creates a controller
func New(log logging.Logger, conf *config.Config) *Controller {
	return &Controller{