func TestDNSValidationNotSane(t *testing.T) {
	stats, _ := statsd.NewNoopClient()
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(&PortConfig{}, nil, stats, clock.Default())
	va.DNSResolver = &mocks.DNSResolver{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	chal0 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal0.Token = ""

	chal1 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal1.Token = "yfCBb-bRTLz8Wd1C0lTUQK3qlKj3-t2tYGwx5Hj7r_"

	chal2 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal2.TLS = new(bool)
	*chal2.TLS = true

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     ident,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{chal0, chal1, chal2},

	for i := 0; i < len(authz.Challenges); i++ {
		va.validate(authz, i)
		test.AssertEquals(t, authz.Challenges[i].Status, core.StatusInvalid)
		test.AssertEquals(t, authz.Challenges[i].Error.Type, core.MalformedProblem)
Beispiel #2
func TestDNSValidationNotSane(t *testing.T) {
	va, _, _ := setup()

	chal0 := core.DNSChallenge01()
	chal0.Token = ""

	chal1 := core.DNSChallenge01()
	chal1.Token = "yfCBb-bRTLz8Wd1C0lTUQK3qlKj3-t2tYGwx5Hj7r_"

	chal2 := core.DNSChallenge01()
	chal2.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = ""

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     ident,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{chal0, chal1, chal2},

	for i := 0; i < len(authz.Challenges); i++ {
		_, prob := va.validateChallenge(ctx, ident, authz.Challenges[i])
		if prob.Type != probs.MalformedProblem {
			t.Errorf("Got wrong error type for %d: expected %s, got %s",
				i, prob.Type, probs.MalformedProblem)
		if !strings.Contains(prob.Error(), "Challenge failed sanity check.") {
			t.Errorf("Got wrong error: %s", prob.Error())
func TestDNSValidationNotSane(t *testing.T) {
	stats, _ := statsd.NewNoopClient()
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(&cmd.PortConfig{}, nil, nil, stats, clock.Default())
	va.DNSResolver = &bdns.MockDNSResolver{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	chal0 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal0.Token = ""

	chal1 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal1.Token = "yfCBb-bRTLz8Wd1C0lTUQK3qlKj3-t2tYGwx5Hj7r_"

	chal2 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal2.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = ""

	chal3 := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chal3.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = "a.a"

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     ident,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{chal0, chal1, chal2, chal3},

	for i := 0; i < len(authz.Challenges); i++ {
		va.validate(ctx, authz, i)
		test.AssertEquals(t, authz.Challenges[i].Status, core.StatusInvalid)
		test.AssertEquals(t, authz.Challenges[i].Error.Type, probs.MalformedProblem)
		if !strings.Contains(authz.Challenges[i].Error.Error(), "Challenge failed sanity check.") {
			t.Errorf("Got wrong error: %s", authz.Challenges[i].Error)
// TestDNSValidationLive is an integration test, depending on
// the existance of some Internet resources. Because of that,
// it asserts nothing; it is intended for coverage.
func TestDNSValidationLive(t *testing.T) {
	stats, _ := statsd.NewNoopClient()
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(&PortConfig{}, nil, stats, clock.Default())
	va.DNSResolver = &mocks.DNSResolver{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	goodChalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	// This token is set at
	goodChalDNS.Token = "yfCBb-bRTLz8Wd1C0lTUQK3qlKj3-t2tYGwx5Hj7r_w"

	var goodIdent = core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierDNS,
		Value: "",

	var badIdent = core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierType("dns"),
		Value: "",

	var authzGood = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     goodIdent,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{goodChalDNS},

	va.validate(authzGood, 0)

	if authzGood.Challenges[0].Status != core.StatusValid {
		t.Logf("TestDNSValidationLive on Good did not succeed.")

	badChalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	// This token is NOT set at
	badChalDNS.Token = "yfCBb-bRTLz8Wd1C0lTUQK3qlKj3-t2tYGwx5Hj7r_w"

	var authzBad = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     badIdent,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{badChalDNS},

	va.validate(authzBad, 0)
	if authzBad.Challenges[0].Status != core.StatusInvalid {
		t.Logf("TestDNSValidationLive on Bad did succeed inappropriately.")

func TestDNSValidationInvalid(t *testing.T) {
	var notDNS = core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierType("iris"),
		Value: "790DB180-A274-47A4-855F-31C428CB1072",

	chalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     notDNS,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{chalDNS},

	stats, _ := statsd.NewNoopClient()
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(&PortConfig{}, nil, stats, clock.Default())
	va.DNSResolver = &mocks.DNSResolver{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	va.validate(authz, 0)

	test.AssertNotNil(t, mockRA.lastAuthz, "Should have gotten an authorization")
	test.Assert(t, authz.Challenges[0].Status == core.StatusInvalid, "Should be invalid.")
	test.AssertEquals(t, authz.Challenges[0].Error.Type, core.MalformedProblem)
func TestDNSValidationNoAuthorityOK(t *testing.T) {
	stats, _ := statsd.NewNoopClient()
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(&PortConfig{}, nil, stats, clock.Default())
	va.DNSResolver = &bdns.MockDNSResolver{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	// create a challenge with well known token
	chalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chalDNS.Token = expectedToken

	keyAuthorization, _ := core.NewKeyAuthorization(chalDNS.Token, accountKey)
	chalDNS.KeyAuthorization = &keyAuthorization

	goodIdent := core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierDNS,
		Value: "",

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     goodIdent,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{chalDNS},
	va.validate(context.Background(), authz, 0)

	test.AssertNotNil(t, mockRA.lastAuthz, "Should have gotten an authorization")
	test.Assert(t, authz.Challenges[0].Status == core.StatusValid, "Should be valid.")
Beispiel #7
// ChallengesFor makes a decision of what challenges, and combinations, are
// acceptable for the given identifier.
// Note: Current implementation is static, but future versions may not be.
func (pa *AuthorityImpl) ChallengesFor(identifier core.AcmeIdentifier) ([]core.Challenge, [][]int) {
	challenges := []core.Challenge{}

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeHTTP01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.HTTPChallenge01())

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeTLSSNI01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.TLSSNIChallenge01())

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeDNS01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.DNSChallenge01())

	// We shuffle the challenges and combinations to prevent ACME clients from
	// relying on the specific order that boulder returns them in.
	shuffled := make([]core.Challenge, len(challenges))
	combinations := make([][]int, len(challenges))

	for i, challIdx := range pa.pseudoRNG.Perm(len(challenges)) {
		shuffled[i] = challenges[challIdx]
		combinations[i] = []int{i}

	shuffledCombos := make([][]int, len(combinations))
	for i, comboIdx := range pa.pseudoRNG.Perm(len(combinations)) {
		shuffledCombos[i] = combinations[comboIdx]

	return shuffled, shuffledCombos
func TestDNSValidationOK(t *testing.T) {
	stats := mocks.NewStatter()
	va := NewValidationAuthorityImpl(&cmd.PortConfig{}, nil, nil, stats, clock.Default())
	va.DNSResolver = &bdns.MockDNSResolver{}
	mockRA := &MockRegistrationAuthority{}
	va.RA = mockRA

	// create a challenge with well known token
	chalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey)
	chalDNS.Token = expectedToken

	chalDNS.ProvidedKeyAuthorization, _ = chalDNS.ExpectedKeyAuthorization()

	goodIdent := core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierDNS,
		Value: "",

	var authz = core.Authorization{
		ID:             core.NewToken(),
		RegistrationID: 1,
		Identifier:     goodIdent,
		Challenges:     []core.Challenge{chalDNS},
	va.validate(ctx, authz, 0)

	test.AssertNotNil(t, mockRA.lastAuthz, "Should have gotten an authorization")
	test.Assert(t, authz.Challenges[0].Status == core.StatusValid, "Should be valid.")
	test.AssertEquals(t, stats.TimingDurationCalls[0].Metric, "VA.Validations.dns-01.valid")
Beispiel #9
// ChallengesFor makes a decision of what challenges, and combinations, are
// acceptable for the given identifier.
// Note: Current implementation is static, but future versions may not be.
func (pa PolicyAuthorityImpl) ChallengesFor(identifier core.AcmeIdentifier, accountKey *jose.JsonWebKey) (challenges []core.Challenge, combinations [][]int, err error) {
	challenges = []core.Challenge{}
	combinations = [][]int{}

	// TODO( Remove this block
	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeSimpleHTTP] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.SimpleHTTPChallenge(accountKey))

	// TODO( Remove this block
	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeDVSNI] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.DvsniChallenge(accountKey))

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeHTTP01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.HTTPChallenge01(accountKey))

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeTLSSNI01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.TLSSNIChallenge01(accountKey))

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeDNS01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey))

	combinations = make([][]int, len(challenges))
	for i := range combinations {
		combinations[i] = []int{i}
Beispiel #10
func TestPerformValidationValid(t *testing.T) {
	va, stats, _ := setup()
	// create a challenge with well known token
	chalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01()
	chalDNS.Token = expectedToken
	chalDNS.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = expectedKeyAuthorization
	_, prob := va.PerformValidation(context.Background(), "", chalDNS, core.Authorization{})
	test.Assert(t, prob == nil, fmt.Sprintf("validation failed: %#v", prob))
	test.AssertEquals(t, stats.TimingDurationCalls[0].Metric, "VA.Validations.dns-01.valid")
Beispiel #11
func TestDNSValidationInvalid(t *testing.T) {
	var notDNS = core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierType("iris"),
		Value: "790DB180-A274-47A4-855F-31C428CB1072",

	chalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01()
	chalDNS.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = expectedKeyAuthorization

	va, _, _ := setup()

	_, prob := va.validateChallenge(ctx, notDNS, chalDNS)

	test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.MalformedProblem)
Beispiel #12
func TestDNSValidationOK(t *testing.T) {
	va, _, _ := setup()

	// create a challenge with well known token
	chalDNS := core.DNSChallenge01()
	chalDNS.Token = expectedToken
	chalDNS.ProvidedKeyAuthorization = expectedKeyAuthorization

	goodIdent := core.AcmeIdentifier{
		Type:  core.IdentifierDNS,
		Value: "",

	_, prob := va.validateChallenge(ctx, goodIdent, chalDNS)

	test.Assert(t, prob == nil, "Should be valid.")
Beispiel #13
// ChallengesFor makes a decision of what challenges, and combinations, are
// acceptable for the given identifier.
// Note: Current implementation is static, but future versions may not be.
func (pa PolicyAuthorityImpl) ChallengesFor(identifier core.AcmeIdentifier, accountKey *jose.JsonWebKey) ([]core.Challenge, [][]int, error) {
	challenges := []core.Challenge{}

	// TODO( Remove this block
	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeSimpleHTTP] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.SimpleHTTPChallenge(accountKey))

	// TODO( Remove this block
	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeDVSNI] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.DvsniChallenge(accountKey))

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeHTTP01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.HTTPChallenge01(accountKey))

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeTLSSNI01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.TLSSNIChallenge01(accountKey))

	if pa.enabledChallenges[core.ChallengeTypeDNS01] {
		challenges = append(challenges, core.DNSChallenge01(accountKey))

	// We shuffle the challenges and combinations to prevent ACME clients from
	// relying on the specific order that boulder returns them in.
	shuffled := make([]core.Challenge, len(challenges))
	combinations := make([][]int, len(challenges))

	for i, challIdx := range pa.pseudoRNG.Perm(len(challenges)) {
		shuffled[i] = challenges[challIdx]
		combinations[i] = []int{i}

	shuffledCombos := make([][]int, len(combinations))
	for i, comboIdx := range pa.pseudoRNG.Perm(len(combinations)) {
		shuffledCombos[i] = combinations[comboIdx]

	return shuffled, shuffledCombos, nil