Beispiel #1
// peerMultiConn returns the MultiConn responsible for handling this peer.
// if there is none, it creates one and returns it. Note that timeouts
// and connection teardowns will remove it.
func (s *Swarm) peerMultiConn(p peer.Peer) (*conn.MultiConn, error) {

	mc, found := s.conns[p.Key()]
	if found {
		return mc, nil

	// multiconn doesn't exist, make a new one.
	mc, err := conn.NewMultiConn(s.Context(), s.local, p, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("error creating multiconn: %s", err)
		return nil, err
	s.conns[p.Key()] = mc

	// kick off reader goroutine
	mc.Children().Add(1) // child of Conn as well.
	go s.fanInSingle(mc)
	return mc, nil
Beispiel #2
func (r *dhtQueryRunner) addPeerToQuery(next peer.Peer, benchmark peer.Peer) {
	if next == nil {
		// wtf why are peers nil?!?
		log.Error("Query getting nil peers!!!\n")

	// if new peer further away than whom we got it from, bother (loops)
	if benchmark != nil && kb.Closer(benchmark.ID(), next.ID(), r.query.key) {

	// if already seen, no need.
	_, found := r.peersSeen[next.Key()]
	if found {
	r.peersSeen[next.Key()] = next

	log.Debugf("adding peer to query: %v\n", next)

	// do this after unlocking to prevent possible deadlocks.
	select {
	case r.peersToQuery.EnqChan <- next:
	case <-r.ctx.Done():
Beispiel #3
func (n *network) Adapter(p peer.Peer) bsnet.BitSwapNetwork {
	client := &networkClient{
		local:   p,
		network: n,
	n.clients[p.Key()] = client
	return client
Beispiel #4
// ledger lazily instantiates a ledger
func (s *strategist) ledger(p peer.Peer) *ledger {
	l, ok := s.ledgerMap[peerKey(p.Key())]
	if !ok {
		l = newLedger(p, s.strategyFunc)
		s.ledgerMap[peerKey(p.Key())] = l
	return l
func peerIsPartner(p peer.Peer, s Strategy) bool {
	for _, partner := range s.Peers() {
		if partner.Key() == p.Key() {
			return true
	return false
Beispiel #6
func (rs *hashTable) Announce(p peer.Peer, k u.Key) error {
	defer rs.lock.Unlock()

	_, ok := rs.providers[k]
	if !ok {
		rs.providers[k] = make(peer.Map)
	rs.providers[k][p.Key()] = p
	return nil
Beispiel #7
// TODO(brian): handle errors
func (bs *bitswap) ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context, p peer.Peer, incoming bsmsg.BitSwapMessage) (
	peer.Peer, bsmsg.BitSwapMessage) {
	log.Debugf("ReceiveMessage from %v", p.Key())
	log.Debugf("Message wantlist: %v", incoming.Wantlist())

	if p == nil {
		log.Error("Received message from nil peer!")
		// TODO propagate the error upward
		return nil, nil
	if incoming == nil {
		log.Error("Got nil bitswap message!")
		// TODO propagate the error upward
		return nil, nil

	// Record message bytes in ledger
	// TODO: this is bad, and could be easily abused.
	// Should only track *useful* messages in ledger
	bs.strategy.MessageReceived(p, incoming) // FIRST

	for _, block := range incoming.Blocks() {
		// TODO verify blocks?
		if err := bs.blockstore.Put(&block); err != nil {
			continue // FIXME(brian): err ignored
		err := bs.HasBlock(ctx, block)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("HasBlock errored: %s", err)

	message := bsmsg.New()
	for _, wanted := range bs.wantlist.Keys() {
	for _, key := range incoming.Wantlist() {
		// TODO: might be better to check if we have the block before checking
		//			if we should send it to someone
		if bs.strategy.ShouldSendBlockToPeer(key, p) {
			if block, errBlockNotFound := bs.blockstore.Get(key); errBlockNotFound != nil {
			} else {
	defer bs.strategy.MessageSent(p, message)

	log.Debug("Returning message.")
	return p, message
Beispiel #8
// TODO should this be completely asynchronous?
// TODO what does the network layer do with errors received from services?
func (n *network) SendMessage(
	ctx context.Context,
	from peer.Peer,
	to peer.Peer,
	message bsmsg.BitSwapMessage) error {

	receiver, ok := n.clients[to.Key()]
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("Cannot locate peer on network")

	// nb: terminate the context since the context wouldn't actually be passed
	// over the network in a real scenario

	go n.deliver(receiver, from, message)

	return nil
Beispiel #9
func (n *network) SendRequest(
	ctx context.Context,
	from peer.Peer,
	to peer.Peer,
	message bsmsg.BitSwapMessage) (
	incoming bsmsg.BitSwapMessage, err error) {

	r, ok := n.clients[to.Key()]
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.New("Cannot locate peer on network")
	nextPeer, nextMsg := r.ReceiveMessage(context.TODO(), from, message)

	// TODO dedupe code
	if (nextPeer == nil && nextMsg != nil) || (nextMsg == nil && nextPeer != nil) {
		r.ReceiveError(errors.New("Malformed client request"))
		return nil, nil

	// TODO dedupe code
	if nextPeer == nil && nextMsg == nil {
		return nil, nil

	// TODO test when receiver doesn't immediately respond to the initiator of the request
	if !bytes.Equal(nextPeer.ID(), from.ID()) {
		go func() {
			nextReceiver, ok := n.clients[nextPeer.Key()]
			if !ok {
				// TODO log the error?
			n.deliver(nextReceiver, nextPeer, nextMsg)
		return nil, nil
	return nextMsg, nil
Beispiel #10
func (n *network) HasPeer(p peer.Peer) bool {
	_, found := n.clients[p.Key()]
	return found