Beispiel #1
// DialArgs is a convenience function returning arguments for use in net.Dial
func DialArgs(m ma.Multiaddr) (string, string, error) {
	if !IsThinWaist(m) {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a 'thin waist' address", m)

	str := m.String()
	parts := strings.Split(str, "/")[1:]

	if len(parts) == 2 { // only IP
		return parts[0], parts[1], nil

	network := parts[2]
	if parts[2] == "udp" && len(parts) > 4 && parts[4] == "utp" {
		network = parts[4]

	var host string
	switch parts[0] {
	case "ip4":
		host = strings.Join([]string{parts[1], parts[3]}, ":")
	case "ip6":
		host = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%s", parts[1], parts[3])
	return network, host, nil
Beispiel #2
// addrInList returns whether or not an address is part of a list.
// this is useful to check if NAT is happening (or other bugs?)
func addrInList(addr ma.Multiaddr, list []ma.Multiaddr) bool {
	for _, addr2 := range list {
		if addr.Equal(addr2) {
			return true
	return false
Beispiel #3
// DialAddr connects to a peer over a particular address
// Ensures raddr is part of peer.Addresses()
// Example: d.DialAddr(ctx, peer.Addresses()[0], peer)
func (d *Dialer) DialAddr(ctx context.Context, raddr ma.Multiaddr, remote peer.Peer) (Conn, error) {

	found := false
	for _, addr := range remote.Addresses() {
		if addr.Equal(raddr) {
			found = true
	if !found {
		return nil, debugerror.Errorf("address %s is not in peer %s", raddr, remote)

	network, _, err := manet.DialArgs(raddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	laddr := d.LocalPeer.NetAddress(network)
	if laddr == nil {
		return nil, debugerror.Errorf("No local address for network %s", network)

	if strings.HasPrefix(raddr.String(), "/ip4/") {
		return nil, debugerror.Errorf("Attempted to connect to zero address: %s", raddr)

	remote, err = d.Peerstore.Add(remote)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error putting peer into peerstore: %s", remote)

	// TODO: try to get reusing addr/ports to work.
	// madialer := manet.Dialer{LocalAddr: laddr}
	madialer := manet.Dialer{}

	log.Infof("%s dialing %s %s", d.LocalPeer, remote, raddr)
	maconn, err := madialer.Dial(raddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c, err := newSingleConn(ctx, d.LocalPeer, remote, maconn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return newSecureConn(ctx, c, d.Peerstore)
Beispiel #4
// IsIPLoopback returns whether a Multiaddr is a "Loopback" IP address
// This means either /ip4/ or /ip6/::1
func IsIPLoopback(m ma.Multiaddr) bool {
	b := m.Bytes()

	// /ip4/127 prefix (_entire_ /8 is loopback...)
	if bytes.HasPrefix(b, []byte{4, 127}) {
		return true

	// /ip6/::1
	if IP6Loopback.Equal(m) || IP6LinkLocalLoopback.Equal(m) {
		return true

	return false
func outfmt(m ma.Multiaddr) string {
	switch format {
	case "string":
		return m.String()
	case "slice":
		return fmt.Sprintf("%v", m.Bytes())
	case "bytes":
		return string(m.Bytes())
	case "hex":
		return "0x" + hex.EncodeToString(m.Bytes())

	die("error: invalid format", format)
	return ""
// Handshake3Msg constructs a Handshake3 msg.
func Handshake3Msg(localPeer peer.Peer, remoteAddr ma.Multiaddr) *pb.Handshake3 {
	var msg pb.Handshake3
	// don't need publicKey after secure channel.
	// msg.PublicKey = localPeer.PubKey().Bytes()

	// local listen addresses
	addrs := localPeer.Addresses()
	msg.ListenAddrs = make([][]byte, len(addrs))
	for i, a := range addrs {
		msg.ListenAddrs[i] = a.Bytes()

	// observed remote address
	msg.ObservedAddr = remoteAddr.Bytes()

	// services
	// srv := localPeer.Services()
	// msg.Services = make([]mux.ProtocolID, len(srv))
	// for i, pid := range srv {
	// 	msg.Services[i] = pid
	// }

	return &msg
Beispiel #7
// IsThinWaist returns whether a Multiaddr starts with "Thin Waist" Protocols.
// This means: /{IP4, IP6}[/{TCP, UDP}]
func IsThinWaist(m ma.Multiaddr) bool {
	p := m.Protocols()

	// nothing? not even a waist.
	if len(p) == 0 {
		return false

	if p[0].Code != ma.P_IP4 && p[0].Code != ma.P_IP6 {
		return false

	// only IP? still counts.
	if len(p) == 1 {
		return true

	switch p[1].Code {
	case ma.P_TCP, ma.P_UDP, ma.P_IP4, ma.P_IP6:
		return true
		return false