Beispiel #1
// ParseQuery returns a mbox.Form from url.Values
func ParseQuery(query url.Values) *Form {
	p := bluemonday.StrictPolicy()
	form := new(Form)
	additionalFields := ""
	for k, v := range query {
		k = strings.ToLower(k)
		if k == "email" || k == "name" {
			form.Email = v[0]
			form.Email = p.Sanitize(form.Email)
		} else if k == "subject" {
			form.Subject = v[0]
			form.Subject = p.Sanitize(form.Subject)
		} else if k == "message" {
			form.Message = k + ": " + v[0] + "<br>\n"
			form.Message = p.Sanitize(form.Message)
		} else if k != "cosgo" && k != "captchaid" && k != "captchasolution" {
			additionalFields = additionalFields + k + ": " + v[0] + "<br>\n"
	if form.Subject == "" || form.Subject == " " {
		form.Subject = "[New Message]"
	if additionalFields != "" {
		if form.Message == "" {
			form.Message = form.Message + "Message:\n<br>" + p.Sanitize(additionalFields)
		} else {
			form.Message = form.Message + "\n<br>Additional:\n<br>" + p.Sanitize(additionalFields)

	return form
Beispiel #2
// ValidateInput checks the data input for correctness
func (m *UpdateTagModel) ValidateInput() (err error) {
	if m.Ib == 0 {
		return e.ErrInvalidParam

	if m.TagType == 0 {
		return e.ErrInvalidParam

	// Initialize bluemonday
	p := bluemonday.StrictPolicy()

	// sanitize for html and xss
	m.Tag = html.UnescapeString(p.Sanitize(m.Tag))

	// Validate name input
	tag := validate.Validate{Input: m.Tag, Max: config.Settings.Limits.TagMaxLength, Min: config.Settings.Limits.TagMinLength}
	if tag.IsEmpty() {
		return e.ErrNoTagName
	} else if tag.MinPartsLength() {
		return e.ErrTagShort
	} else if tag.MaxLength() {
		return e.ErrTagLong


Beispiel #3
//Excerpt returns post excerpt, 300 char long. Html tags are stripped.
func (post *Post) Excerpt() template.HTML {
	//you can sanitize, cut it down, add images, etc
	policy := bluemonday.StrictPolicy() //remove all html tags
	sanitized := policy.Sanitize(string(blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte(post.Content))))
	excerpt := template.HTML(truncate(sanitized, 300) + "...")
	return excerpt
Beispiel #4
func ExampleStrictPolicy() {
	// StrictPolicy is equivalent to NewPolicy and as nothing else is declared
	// we are stripping all elements (and their attributes)
	p := bluemonday.StrictPolicy()

	html := p.Sanitize(
		`Goodbye <a onblur="alert(secret)" href="">Cruel</a> World`,


	// Output:
	//Goodbye Cruel World
Beispiel #5
// ParseQueryGPG returns a mbox.Form from a url.Values but encodes the form.Message if publicKey is not nil
func ParseQueryGPG(query url.Values, publicKey []byte) *Form {
	p := bluemonday.StrictPolicy()
	form := new(Form)
	additionalFields := ""
	for k, v := range query {
		k = strings.ToLower(k)
		if k == "email" || k == "name" {
			form.Email = v[0]
			form.Email = p.Sanitize(form.Email)
		} else if k == "subject" {
			form.Subject = v[0]
			form.Subject = p.Sanitize(form.Subject)
		} else if k == "message" {
			form.Message = k + ": " + v[0] + "<br>\n"
			form.Message = p.Sanitize(form.Message)
		} else if k != "cosgo" && k != "captchaid" && k != "captchasolution" {
			additionalFields = additionalFields + k + ": " + v[0] + "<br>\n"
	if form.Subject == "" || form.Subject == " " {
		form.Subject = "[New Message]"
	if additionalFields != "" {
		if form.Message == "" {
			form.Message = form.Message + "Message:\n<br>" + p.Sanitize(additionalFields)
		} else {
			form.Message = form.Message + "\n<br>Additional:\n<br>" + p.Sanitize(additionalFields)

	if publicKey != nil {
		tmpmsg, err := PGPEncode(form.Message, publicKey)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("gpg error.")
		} else {

			form.Message = tmpmsg

	return form
func main() {
	// setup command flag
	var tag string
	var maxPage int
	flag.StringVar(&tag, "tag", DEFAULT_TAG, "specified tag to scrape")
	flag.IntVar(&maxPage, "maxpage", DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE, "the maximum number of scraped page")

	if tag == "" {
		fmt.Printf("tag is not specied. default value '%s' is used.\n", DEFAULT_TAG)
	if maxPage == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("maximum page is not specied. default value %d is used.\n", DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE)

	// prepare for id regex
	idRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`\d{6,7}`)
	// create sanitizer
	sanitizer := bluemonday.StrictPolicy()
	for i := 1; i <= maxPage; i++ {
		url := fmt.Sprintf("", tag, i)
		doc, err := goquery.NewDocument(url)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("error page %d; %s\n", i, err)

		// for each link in the page, print the title & link
		doc.Find("a.articles--rows--item__title-link").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
			// get article URL
			articleURL, exists := s.Attr("href")
			if !exists {
				fmt.Println("error: article url not exists")

			// get article id from URL
			articleID := idRegex.FindString(articleURL)
			if articleID == "" {
				fmt.Printf("error: article id not found in %s\n", articleURL)

			// fetch article content
			article, err := goquery.NewDocument(articleURL)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("error: couldn't create new document from %s\n", articleURL)
			title := article.Find("").First().Text()
			content := sanitizer.Sanitize(article.Find("").First().Text())

			// create new file
			filename := fmt.Sprintf("liputan6.%s.%s", tag, articleID)
			f, err := os.Create(filename)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("error: couldn't create a file %s\n", filename)
			_, err = f.WriteString(title + "\n" + content)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("error: couldn't write to a file %s\n", filename)
			err = f.Close()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("error: couldn't close the file %s\n", filename)
Beispiel #7

var empty = struct{}{}

var router = mux.NewRouter()
var isRouterActive = false

var sanitizer = bluemonday.StrictPolicy()

var geoipdb, _ = geoip2.Open("GeoIP2-Country.mmdb")

func geolocate(h HandlerArgs) (string, string) {
	return geolocateIp(h.Request.RemoteAddr)

func geolocateIp(ip string) (string, string) {
	record, err := geoipdb.Country(net.ParseIP(ip))
	if err != nil {
		return "", ""

	country := strings.ToLower(record.Country.IsoCode)
	continent := strings.ToLower(record.Continent.Code)
Beispiel #8
func init() {
	strict = bluemonday.StrictPolicy()
Beispiel #9
func init() {
	strictPolicy = bluemonday.StrictPolicy()
	normalPolicy = bluemonday.UGCPolicy()