Beispiel #1
// If the host key does not have http(s), fix it.
func fixConfigV6ForHosts() {
	if !isMcConfigExists() {

	brokenMcCfgV6, err := quick.Load(mustGetMcConfigPath(), newConfigV6())
	fatalIf(err.Trace(), "Unable to load config.")

	if brokenMcCfgV6.Version() != "6" {

	newCfgV6 := newConfigV6()
	isMutated := false

	// Copy aliases.
	for k, v := range brokenMcCfgV6.Data().(*configV6).Aliases {
		newCfgV6.Aliases[k] = v

	url := new(client.URL)
	// Copy hosts.
	for host, hostCfgV6 := range brokenMcCfgV6.Data().(*configV6).Hosts {
		// Already fixed - Copy and move on.
		if strings.HasPrefix(host, "https") || strings.HasPrefix(host, "http") {
			newCfgV6.Hosts[host] = hostCfgV6

		// If host entry does not contain "http(s)", introduce a new entry and delete the old one.
		if host == "" || host == "" ||
			host == "localhost:9000" || host == "" ||
			host == "" || host == "" {
			console.Infoln("Found broken host entries, replacing " + host + " with https://" + host + ".")
			url.Host = host
			url.Scheme = "https"
			url.SchemeSeparator = "://"
			newCfgV6.Hosts[url.String()] = hostCfgV6
			isMutated = true

	if isMutated {
		// Save the new config back to the disk.
		mcCfgV6, err := quick.New(newCfgV6)
		fatalIf(err.Trace(), "Unable to initialize quick config for config version ‘v6’.")

		err = mcCfgV6.Save(mustGetMcConfigPath())
		fatalIf(err.Trace(), "Unable to save config version ‘v6’.")