Beispiel #1
// String returns the extended key as a human-readable base58-encoded string.
func (k *ExtendedKey) String() string {
	var childNumBytes [4]byte
	depthByte := byte(k.depth % 256)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(childNumBytes[:], k.childNum)

	// The serialized format is:
	//   version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
	//   child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33) || checksum (4)
	serializedBytes := make([]byte, 0, serializedKeyLen+4)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.version...)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, depthByte)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.parentFP...)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, childNumBytes[:]...)
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.chainCode...)
	if k.isPrivate {
		serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, 0x00)
		serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.key...)
	} else {
		serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, k.pubKeyBytes()...)

	checkSum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(serializedBytes)[:4]
	serializedBytes = append(serializedBytes, checkSum...)
	return btcutil.Base58Encode(serializedBytes)
Beispiel #2
func (a *AddrManager) getTriedBucket(netAddr *btcwire.NetAddress) int {
	// bitcoind hashes this as:
	// doublesha256(key + group + truncate_to_64bits(doublesha256(key)) % buckets_per_group) % num_buckets
	data1 := []byte{}
	data1 = append(data1, a.key[:]...)
	data1 = append(data1, []byte(NetAddressKey(netAddr))...)
	hash1 := btcwire.DoubleSha256(data1)
	hash64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash1)
	hash64 %= triedBucketsPerGroup
	var hashbuf [8]byte
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)
	data2 := []byte{}
	data2 = append(data2, a.key[:]...)
	data2 = append(data2, GroupKey(netAddr)...)
	data2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)

	hash2 := btcwire.DoubleSha256(data2)
	return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash2) % triedBucketCount)
Beispiel #3
// encodeAddress returns a human-readable payment address given a ripemd160 hash
// and netID which encodes the bitcoin network and address type.  It is used
// in both pay-to-pubkey-hash (P2PKH) and pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) address
// encoding.
func encodeAddress(hash160 []byte, netID byte) string {
	// Format is 1 byte for a network and address class (i.e. P2PKH vs
	// P2SH), 20 bytes for a RIPEMD160 hash, and 4 bytes of checksum.
	b := make([]byte, 0, 1+ripemd160.Size+4)
	b = append(b, netID)
	b = append(b, hash160...)
	cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(b)[:4]
	b = append(b, cksum...)
	return Base58Encode(b)
Beispiel #4
func (a *AddrManager) getNewBucket(netAddr, srcAddr *btcwire.NetAddress) int {
	// bitcoind:
	// doublesha256(key + sourcegroup + int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_source_group) % num_new_buckes

	data1 := []byte{}
	data1 = append(data1, a.key[:]...)
	data1 = append(data1, []byte(GroupKey(netAddr))...)
	data1 = append(data1, []byte(GroupKey(srcAddr))...)
	hash1 := btcwire.DoubleSha256(data1)
	hash64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash1)
	hash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup
	var hashbuf [8]byte
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)
	data2 := []byte{}
	data2 = append(data2, a.key[:]...)
	data2 = append(data2, GroupKey(srcAddr)...)
	data2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)

	hash2 := btcwire.DoubleSha256(data2)
	return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)
Beispiel #5
// NewKeyFromString returns a new extended key instance from a base58-encoded
// extended key.
func NewKeyFromString(key string) (*ExtendedKey, error) {
	// The base58-decoded extended key must consist of a serialized payload
	// plus an additional 4 bytes for the checksum.
	decoded := btcutil.Base58Decode(key)
	if len(decoded) != serializedKeyLen+4 {
		return nil, ErrInvalidKeyLen

	// The serialized format is:
	//   version (4) || depth (1) || parent fingerprint (4)) ||
	//   child num (4) || chain code (32) || key data (33) || checksum (4)

	// Split the payload and checksum up and ensure the checksum matches.
	payload := decoded[:len(decoded)-4]
	checkSum := decoded[len(decoded)-4:]
	expectedCheckSum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(payload)[:4]
	if !bytes.Equal(checkSum, expectedCheckSum) {
		return nil, ErrBadChecksum

	// Deserialize each of the payload fields.
	version := payload[:4]
	depth := uint16(payload[4:5][0])
	parentFP := payload[5:9]
	childNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[9:13])
	chainCode := payload[13:45]
	keyData := payload[45:78]

	// The key data is a private key if it starts with 0x00.  Serialized
	// compressed pubkeys either start with 0x02 or 0x03.
	isPrivate := keyData[0] == 0x00
	if isPrivate {
		// Ensure the private key is valid.  It must be within the range
		// of the order of the secp256k1 curve and not be 0.
		keyData = keyData[1:]
		keyNum := new(big.Int).SetBytes(keyData)
		if keyNum.Cmp(btcec.S256().N) >= 0 || keyNum.Sign() == 0 {
			return nil, ErrUnusableSeed
	} else {
		// Ensure the public key parses correctly and is actually on the
		// secp256k1 curve.
		_, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(keyData, btcec.S256())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return newExtendedKey(version, keyData, chainCode, parentFP, depth,
		childNum, isPrivate), nil
Beispiel #6
// DecodeAddress decodes the string encoding of an address and returns
// the Address if addr is a valid encoding for a known address type.
// The bitcoin network the address is associated with is extracted if possible.
// When the address does not encode the network, such as in the case of a raw
// public key, the address will be associated with the passed defaultNet.
func DecodeAddress(addr string, defaultNet *btcnet.Params) (Address, error) {
	// Serialized public keys are either 65 bytes (130 hex chars) if
	// uncompressed/hybrid or 33 bytes (66 hex chars) if compressed.
	if len(addr) == 130 || len(addr) == 66 {
		serializedPubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return NewAddressPubKey(serializedPubKey, defaultNet)

	// Switch on decoded length to determine the type.
	decoded := Base58Decode(addr)
	switch len(decoded) {
	case 1 + ripemd160.Size + 4: // P2PKH or P2SH
		// Verify hash checksum.  Checksum is calculated as the first
		// four bytes of double SHA256 of the network byte and hash.
		tosum := decoded[:ripemd160.Size+1]
		cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(tosum)[:4]
		if !bytes.Equal(cksum, decoded[len(decoded)-4:]) {
			return nil, ErrChecksumMismatch

		netID := decoded[0]
		isP2PKH := btcnet.IsPubKeyHashAddrID(netID)
		isP2SH := btcnet.IsScriptHashAddrID(netID)
		switch hash160 := decoded[1 : ripemd160.Size+1]; {
		case isP2PKH && isP2SH:
			return nil, ErrAddressCollision
		case isP2PKH:
			return newAddressPubKeyHash(hash160, netID)
		case isP2SH:
			return newAddressScriptHashFromHash(hash160, netID)
			return nil, ErrUnknownAddressType

		return nil, errors.New("decoded address is of unknown size")
Beispiel #7
// String creates the Wallet Import Format string encoding of a WIF structure.
// See DecodeWIF for a detailed breakdown of the format and requirements of
// a valid WIF string.
func (w *WIF) String() string {
	// Precalculate size.  Maximum number of bytes before base58 encoding
	// is one byte for the network, 32 bytes of private key, possibly one
	// extra byte if the pubkey is to be compressed, and finally four
	// bytes of checksum.
	encodeLen := 1 + btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen + 4
	if w.CompressPubKey {

	a := make([]byte, 0, encodeLen)
	a = append(a, w.netID)
	// Pad and append bytes manually, instead of using Serialize, to
	// avoid another call to make.
	a = paddedAppend(btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen, a, w.PrivKey.D.Bytes())
	if w.CompressPubKey {
		a = append(a, compressMagic)
	cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(a)[:4]
	a = append(a, cksum...)
	return Base58Encode(a)
Beispiel #8
// DecodeWIF creates a new WIF structure by decoding the string encoding of
// the import format.
// The WIF string must be a base58-encoded string of the following byte
// sequence:
//  * 1 byte to identify the network, must be 0x80 for mainnet or 0xef for
//    either testnet3 or the regression test network
//  * 32 bytes of a binary-encoded, big-endian, zero-padded private key
//  * Optional 1 byte (equal to 0x01) if the address being imported or exported
//    was created by taking the RIPEMD160 after SHA256 hash of a serialized
//    compressed (33-byte) public key
//  * 4 bytes of checksum, must equal the first four bytes of the double SHA256
//    of every byte before the checksum in this sequence
// If the base58-decoded byte sequence does not match this, DecodeWIF will
// return a non-nil error.  ErrMalformedPrivateKey is returned when the WIF
// is of an impossible length or the expected compressed pubkey magic number
// does not equal the expected value of 0x01.  ErrChecksumMismatch is returned
// if the expected WIF checksum does not match the calculated checksum.
func DecodeWIF(wif string) (*WIF, error) {
	decoded := Base58Decode(wif)
	decodedLen := len(decoded)
	var compress bool

	// Length of base58 decoded WIF must be 32 bytes + an optional 1 byte
	// (0x01) if compressed, plus 1 byte for netID + 4 bytes of checksum.
	switch decodedLen {
	case 1 + btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen + 1 + 4:
		if decoded[33] != compressMagic {
			return nil, ErrMalformedPrivateKey
		compress = true
	case 1 + btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen + 4:
		compress = false
		return nil, ErrMalformedPrivateKey

	// Checksum is first four bytes of double SHA256 of the identifier byte
	// and privKey.  Verify this matches the final 4 bytes of the decoded
	// private key.
	var tosum []byte
	if compress {
		tosum = decoded[:1+btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen+1]
	} else {
		tosum = decoded[:1+btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen]
	cksum := btcwire.DoubleSha256(tosum)[:4]
	if !bytes.Equal(cksum, decoded[decodedLen-4:]) {
		return nil, ErrChecksumMismatch

	netID := decoded[0]
	privKeyBytes := decoded[1 : 1+btcec.PrivKeyBytesLen]
	privKey, _ := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), privKeyBytes)
	return &WIF{privKey, compress, netID}, nil