Beispiel #1
// NewJSONImportInput creates a new JSONImportInput in array mode if specified,
// configured to read data to the given io.Reader
func NewJSONImportInput(isArray bool, in io.Reader) *JSONImportInput {
	return &JSONImportInput{
		IsArray:            isArray,
		Decoder:            json.NewDecoder(in),
		Reader:             in,
		readerPtr:          in,
		NumImported:        0,
		readOpeningBracket: false,
		bytesFromReader:    make([]byte, 1),
Beispiel #2
// NewJSONInputReader creates a new JSONInputReader in array mode if specified,
// configured to read data to the given io.Reader.
func NewJSONInputReader(isArray bool, in io.Reader, numDecoders int) *JSONInputReader {
	szCount := newSizeTrackingReader(newBomDiscardingReader(in))
	return &JSONInputReader{
		isArray:            isArray,
		sizeTracker:        szCount,
		decoder:            json.NewDecoder(szCount),
		readOpeningBracket: false,
		bytesFromReader:    make([]byte, 1),
		numDecoders:        numDecoders,
Beispiel #3
// ImportDocument converts the given JSON object to a BSON object
func (jsonImporter *JSONImportInput) ImportDocument() (bson.M, error) {
	var document bson.M
	if jsonImporter.IsArray {
		if err := jsonImporter.readJSONArraySeparator(); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if err := jsonImporter.Decoder.Decode(&document); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// reinitialize the reader with data left in the decoder's buffer and the
	// handle to the underlying reader
	jsonImporter.Reader = io.MultiReader(jsonImporter.Decoder.Buffered(),

	// convert any data produced by mongoexport to the appropriate underlying
	// extended BSON type. NOTE: this assumes specially formated JSON values
	// in the input JSON - values such as:
	// { $oid: 53cefc71b14ed89d84856287 }
	// should be interpreted as:
	// ObjectId("53cefc71b14ed89d84856287")
	// This applies for all the other extended JSON types MongoDB supports
	if err := bsonutil.ConvertJSONDocumentToBSON(document); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// reinitialize the decoder with its existing buffer and the underlying
	// reader
	jsonImporter.Decoder = json.NewDecoder(jsonImporter.Reader)
	return document, nil