Beispiel #1
// NewAutoScalingGroup creates an AutoScalingGroup from the AWS API's autoscaling.Group
func NewAutoScalingGroup(region string, asg *autoscaling.Group) *AutoScalingGroup {
	a := AutoScalingGroup{
		Resource: Resource{
			region: reapable.Region(region),
			id:     reapable.ID(*asg.AutoScalingGroupName),
			Name:   *asg.AutoScalingGroupName,
			Tags:   make(map[string]string),
		Group: *asg,

	for _, instance := range asg.Instances {
		a.Instances = append(a.Instances, reapable.ID(*instance.InstanceId))

	for _, tag := range asg.Tags {
		a.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value

	if a.Tagged("aws:cloudformation:stack-name") {
		a.Dependency = true
		a.IsInCloudformation = true

	if a.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		a.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(a.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		a.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &a
Beispiel #2
// NewCloudformation creates a new Cloudformation from the AWS API's cloudformation.Stack
func NewCloudformation(region string, stack *cloudformation.Stack) *Cloudformation {
	a := Cloudformation{
		Resource: Resource{
			region:      reapable.Region(region),
			id:          reapable.ID(*stack.StackId),
			Name:        *stack.StackName,
			Tags:        make(map[string]string),
			reaperState: state.NewStateWithUntil(time.Now().Add(config.Notifications.FirstStateDuration.Duration)),
		Stack: *stack,

	// because getting resources is rate limited...
	go func() {
		for resource := range cloudformationResources(a.Region().String(), a.ID().String()) {
			a.Resources = append(a.Resources, *resource)

	for _, tag := range stack.Tags {
		a.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value

	if a.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		a.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(a.Resource.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		a.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &a
Beispiel #3
// NewSecurityGroup creates an SecurityGroup from the AWS API's ec2.SecurityGroup
func NewSecurityGroup(region string, sg *ec2.SecurityGroup) *SecurityGroup {
	s := SecurityGroup{
		Resource: Resource{
			id:     reapable.ID(*sg.GroupId),
			region: reapable.Region(region),

			Name: *sg.GroupName,
			Tags: make(map[string]string),
		SecurityGroup: *sg,

	for _, tag := range sg.Tags {
		s.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value
	if s.Tagged("aws:cloudformation:stack-name") {
		s.Dependency = true
		s.IsInCloudformation = true
	if s.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		s.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(s.Resource.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		s.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &s
Beispiel #4
// NewInstance creates an Instance from the AWS API's ec2.Instance
func NewInstance(region string, instance *ec2.Instance) *Instance {
	a := Instance{
		Resource: Resource{
			id:     reapable.ID(*instance.InstanceId),
			region: reapable.Region(region), // passed in cause not possible to extract out of api
			Tags:   make(map[string]string),
		SecurityGroups: make(map[reapable.ID]string),
		Instance:       *instance,

	for _, sg := range instance.SecurityGroups {
		if sg != nil {
			a.SecurityGroups[reapable.ID(*sg.GroupId)] = *sg.GroupName

	for _, tag := range instance.Tags {
		a.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value

	if a.Tagged("aws:cloudformation:stack-name") {
		a.Dependency = true
		a.IsInCloudformation = true

	if a.Tagged("aws:autoscaling:groupName") {
		a.Dependency = true

	if a.Tagged("aws:autoscaling:groupName") {
		a.AutoScaled = true

	a.Name = a.Tag("Name")

	if a.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		a.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(a.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		a.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &a