Beispiel #1
func handleViewStagingRecomms(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	user_id, _ := public.GetSessionUserId(req)

	stagingDb := public.GetNewStagingDatabase()
	defer stagingDb.Session.Close()

	recomms := stagingDb.C(public.APPLICATION_DB_RECOMM_COLLECTION)
	q := recomms.Find(bson.M{
		"recommender": user_id,
	var result []public.RecommView
	recomm_item := db.RecommEntity{}
	it := q.Iter()
	for it.Next(&recomm_item) {

		signed_url := ""
		if client, err := storage.GetNewStorageClient(); err == nil {
			expireTime := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour) //an hour
			signed_url, _ = client.GetNewSignedURL(string(recomm_item.Attachment), expireTime)

		result = append(result, public.RecommView{
			Hash:         recomm_item.Hash,
			ApplyUser:    recomm_item.ApplyUser,
			Topic:        recomm_item.Topic,
			LastModified: recomm_item.LastModified,
			Content:      recomm_item.Content,
			Attachment:   signed_url,

	public.ResponseOkAsJson(resp, &result)
Beispiel #2
func removeStagingRecomm(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

	user_id, _ := public.GetSessionUserId(req)
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	hash := vars["hash"]

	stagingDb := public.GetNewStagingDatabase()
	defer stagingDb.Session.Close()

	recomm := stagingDb.C(public.APPLICATION_DB_RECOMM_COLLECTION)
	q := recomm.Find(bson.M{
		"hash":        hash,
		"recommender": user_id,
	recomm_result := db.RecommEntity{}
	if e := q.One(&recomm_result); e != nil {
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 404, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "No such recomm entry",

	if e := recomm.RemoveId(recomm_result.Id); e != nil {
		public.LogE.Printf("Remove recomm entity failed: %s\n", e.Error())
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 500, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "Remove recomm failed",
	} else {
		public.ResponseOkAsJson(resp, nil)
Beispiel #3
func handleSubmitRecomm(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

	user_id, _ := public.GetSessionUserId(req)
	user_perm, _ := public.GetSessionUserPermission(req)

	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	hash_str := vars["hash"]

	stagingDb := public.GetNewStagingDatabase()
	defer stagingDb.Session.Close()

	staging_recomm := stagingDb.C(public.APPLICATION_DB_RECOMM_COLLECTION)

	q := staging_recomm.Find(bson.M{
		"hash": hash_str,

	recomm_result := db.RecommEntity{}
	if e := q.One(&recomm_result); e != nil {
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 404, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "No such recomm entity",

	// Permission check
	if recomm_result.Recommender != user_id && user_perm != public.USER_PERMISSION_GM {
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 403, nil)

	// Migrate from staging db to application db

	appDb := public.GetNewApplicationDatabase()
	defer appDb.Session.Close()

	new_recomm := recomm_result
	new_recomm.Id = bson.NewObjectId()
	new_recomm.LastModified = time.Now()

	if e := recomm.Insert(new_recomm); e != nil {
		public.LogE.Printf("Error migrating recomm from staging db to application db: %s\n", e.Error())
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 500, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "Submit failed",
Beispiel #4
func editStagingRecomm(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

	user_id, _ := public.GetSessionUserId(req)
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	hash := vars["hash"]

	stagingDb := public.GetNewStagingDatabase()
	defer stagingDb.Session.Close()

	recomm := stagingDb.C(public.APPLICATION_DB_RECOMM_COLLECTION)
	q := recomm.Find(bson.M{
		"hash":        hash,
		"recommender": user_id,
	recomm_result := db.RecommEntity{}
	if e := q.One(&recomm_result); e != nil {
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 404, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "No such recomm entry",

	content := req.FormValue("content")
	attachment := req.FormValue("attachment")

	if len(content) > 0 {
		recomm_result.Content = content
		recomm_result.LastModified = time.Now()

	if len(attachment) > 0 {
		recomm_result.Attachment = public.FileStoragePath(attachment)
		recomm_result.LastModified = time.Now()

	if e := recomm.UpdateId(recomm_result.Id, &recomm_result); e != nil {
		public.LogE.Printf("Update recomm entity failed: %s\n", e.Error())
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 500, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "Update recomm failed",
	} else {
		public.ResponseOkAsJson(resp, nil)
Beispiel #5
func viewStagingRecomm(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

	user_perm, _ := public.GetSessionUserPermission(req)
	user_id, _ := public.GetSessionUserId(req)
	vars := mux.Vars(req)
	hash := vars["hash"]

	stagingDb := public.GetNewStagingDatabase()
	defer stagingDb.Session.Close()

	recomm := stagingDb.C(public.APPLICATION_DB_RECOMM_COLLECTION)
	q := recomm.Find(bson.M{
		"hash": hash,
	recomm_result := db.RecommEntity{}
	if e := q.One(&recomm_result); e != nil {
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 404, &public.SimpleResult{
			Message: "No such recomm entry",

	// Permission check
	if recomm_result.Recommender != user_id && user_perm != public.USER_PERMISSION_GM {
		public.ResponseStatusAsJson(resp, 403, nil)

	signed_url := ""
	if client, err := storage.GetNewStorageClient(); err == nil {
		expireTime := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour) //an hour
		signed_url, _ = client.GetNewSignedURL(string(recomm_result.Attachment), expireTime)

	public.ResponseOkAsJson(resp, &public.RecommView{
		Hash:         recomm_result.Hash,
		ApplyUser:    recomm_result.ApplyUser,
		Topic:        recomm_result.Topic,
		LastModified: recomm_result.LastModified,
		Content:      recomm_result.Content,
		Attachment:   signed_url,