Beispiel #1
// Add Slonczewski ST torque to torque (Tesla).
// see
func AddSlonczewskiTorque(torque, m, J, fixedP *data.Slice, Msat, alpha, pol, λ, ε_prime LUTPtr, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh) {
	N := torque.Len()
	cfg := make1DConf(N)
	thickness := float32(mesh.WorldSize()[Z])

	k_addslonczewskitorque_async(torque.DevPtr(X), torque.DevPtr(Y), torque.DevPtr(Z),
		m.DevPtr(X), m.DevPtr(Y), m.DevPtr(Z), J.DevPtr(Z),
		fixedP.DevPtr(X), fixedP.DevPtr(Y), fixedP.DevPtr(Z),
		unsafe.Pointer(Msat), unsafe.Pointer(alpha),
		thickness, unsafe.Pointer(pol),
		unsafe.Pointer(λ), unsafe.Pointer(ε_prime),
		regions.Ptr, N, cfg)
Beispiel #2
func compensateLRSurfaceCharges(m *data.Mesh, mxLeft, mxRight float64, bsat float64) *data.Slice {
	h := data.NewSlice(3, m.Size())
	H := h.Vectors()
	world := m.WorldSize()
	cell := m.CellSize()
	size := m.Size()
	q := cell[Z] * cell[Y] * bsat
	q1 := q * mxLeft
	q2 := q * (-mxRight)

	prog, maxProg := 0, (size[Z]+1)*(size[Y]+1)

	// surface loop (source)
	for I := 0; I < size[Z]; I++ {
		for J := 0; J < size[Y]; J++ {
			util.Progress(prog, maxProg, "removing surface charges")

			y := (float64(J) + 0.5) * cell[Y]
			z := (float64(I) + 0.5) * cell[Z]
			source1 := [3]float64{0, y, z}        // left surface source
			source2 := [3]float64{world[X], y, z} // right surface source

			// volume loop (destination)
			for iz := range H[0] {
				for iy := range H[0][iz] {
					for ix := range H[0][iz][iy] {

						dst := [3]float64{ // destination coordinate
							(float64(ix) + 0.5) * cell[X],
							(float64(iy) + 0.5) * cell[Y],
							(float64(iz) + 0.5) * cell[Z]}

						h1 := hfield(q1, source1, dst)
						h2 := hfield(q2, source2, dst)

						// add this surface charges' field to grand total
						for c := 0; c < 3; c++ {
							H[c][iz][iy][ix] += float32(h1[c] + h2[c])
	return h
Beispiel #3
// Add Slonczewski ST torque to torque (Tesla).
// see
func AddSlonczewskiTorque2(torque, m *data.Slice, Msat, J, fixedP, alpha, pol, λ, ε_prime MSlice, mesh *data.Mesh) {
	N := torque.Len()
	cfg := make1DConf(N)
	flt := float32(mesh.WorldSize()[Z])

		torque.DevPtr(X), torque.DevPtr(Y), torque.DevPtr(Z),
		m.DevPtr(X), m.DevPtr(Y), m.DevPtr(Z),
		Msat.DevPtr(0), Msat.Mul(0),
		J.DevPtr(Z), J.Mul(Z),
		fixedP.DevPtr(X), fixedP.Mul(X),
		fixedP.DevPtr(Y), fixedP.Mul(Y),
		fixedP.DevPtr(Z), fixedP.Mul(Z),
		alpha.DevPtr(0), alpha.Mul(0),
		pol.DevPtr(0), pol.Mul(0),
		λ.DevPtr(0), λ.Mul(0),
		ε_prime.DevPtr(0), ε_prime.Mul(0),
		unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0)), flt,
		N, cfg)