Beispiel #1
func main() {
	var (
		logfilename string
		logw        reopener
		pubtktKey   string
		fedoraAddr  string
		configFile  string
		config      config
		showVersion bool

	flag.StringVar(&logfilename, "log", "", "name of log file. Defaults to stdout")
	flag.StringVar(&pubtktKey, "pubtkt-key", "",
		"filename of PEM encoded public key to use for pubtkt authentication")
	flag.StringVar(&fedoraAddr, "fedora", "",
		"url to use for fedora, includes username and password, if needed")
	flag.StringVar(&configFile, "config", "",
		"name of config file to use")
	flag.StringVar(&pidfilename, "pid", "", "file to store pid of server")
	flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "version", false, "Display the version and exit")


	if showVersion {
		fmt.Printf("disadis version %s\n", Version)

	// the config file stuff was grafted onto the command line options
	// this should be made pretty
	if configFile != "" {
		err := gcfg.ReadFileInto(&config, configFile)
		if err != nil {
		logfilename = config.General.Log_filename
		fedoraAddr = config.General.Fedora_addr
		pubtktKey = config.Pubtkt.Key_file

	/* first set up the log file */
	log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lmicroseconds)
	logw = newReopener(logfilename)
	log.Println("-----Starting Disadis Server", Version)

	/* set up signal handlers */
	sig := make(chan os.Signal, 5)
	signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGUSR1, syscall.SIGUSR2)
	go signalHandler(sig, logw)

	/* Now set up the handler chains */
	if fedoraAddr == "" {
		log.Printf("Error: Fedora address must be set. (--fedora <server addr>)")
	fedora := fedora.NewRemote(fedoraAddr, "")
	ha := auth.NewHydraAuth(fedoraAddr, "")
	ha.Admin = config.General.Admin
	log.Println("Admin users:", ha.Admin)
	switch {
	case pubtktKey != "":
		log.Printf("Using pubtkt %s", pubtktKey)
		ha.CurrentUser = auth.NewPubtktAuthFromKeyFile(pubtktKey)
		log.Printf("Warning: No authorization method given.")
	if len(config.Handler) == 0 {
		log.Printf("No Handlers are defined. Exiting.")

	if pidfilename != "" {

	runHandlers(config, fedora, ha)

	if pidfilename != "" {
Beispiel #2
// NewHydraAuth makes a new HydraAuth using the given fedoraPath
// and object namespace. The namespace is prefixed to any objects identifiers
// before lookup in Fedora.
func NewHydraAuth(fedoraPath, namespace string) *HydraAuth {
	return &HydraAuth{
		fedora: fedora.NewRemote(fedoraPath, namespace),
		cache:  timecache.New(250, 5*time.Minute),