Beispiel #1
// DecodeAnnouncement decodes announcement bytes into a host announcement,
// verifying the prefix and the signature.
func DecodeAnnouncement(fullAnnouncement []byte) (na NetAddress, spk types.SiaPublicKey, err error) {
	// Read the first part of the announcement to get the intended host
	// announcement.
	var ha HostAnnouncement
	dec := encoding.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(fullAnnouncement))
	err = dec.Decode(&ha)
	if err != nil {
		return "", types.SiaPublicKey{}, err

	// Check that the announcement was registered as a host announcement.
	if ha.Specifier != PrefixHostAnnouncement {
		return "", types.SiaPublicKey{}, ErrAnnNotAnnouncement
	// Check that the public key is a recognized type of public key.
	if ha.PublicKey.Algorithm != types.SignatureEd25519 {
		return "", types.SiaPublicKey{}, ErrAnnUnrecognizedSignature

	// Read the signature out of the reader.
	var sig crypto.Signature
	err = dec.Decode(&sig)
	if err != nil {
		return "", types.SiaPublicKey{}, err
	// Verify the signature.
	var pk crypto.PublicKey
	copy(pk[:], ha.PublicKey.Key)
	annHash := crypto.HashObject(ha)
	err = crypto.VerifyHash(annHash, pk, sig)
	if err != nil {
		return "", types.SiaPublicKey{}, err
	return ha.NetAddress, ha.PublicKey, nil
// managedVerifyChallengeResponse will verify that the renter's response to the
// challenge provided by the host is correct. In the process, the storage
// obligation and file contract revision will be loaded and returned.
// The storage obligation is returned under a storage obligation lock.
func (h *Host) managedVerifyChallengeResponse(fcid types.FileContractID, challenge crypto.Hash, challengeResponse crypto.Signature) (so storageObligation, recentRevision types.FileContractRevision, revisionSigs []types.TransactionSignature, err error) {
	// Grab a lock before it is possible to perform any operations on the
	// storage obligation. Defer a call to unlock in the event of an error. If
	// there is no error, the storage obligation will be returned with a lock.
	err = h.managedTryLockStorageObligation(fcid)
	if err != nil {
		err = extendErr("could not get "+fcid.String()+" lock: ", ErrorInternal(err.Error()))
		return storageObligation{}, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, err
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {

	// Fetch the storage obligation, which has the revision, which has the
	// renter's public key.
	err = h.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		so, err = getStorageObligation(tx, fcid)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		err = extendErr("could not fetch "+fcid.String()+": ", ErrorInternal(err.Error()))
		return storageObligation{}, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, err

	// Pull out the file contract revision and the revision's signatures from
	// the transaction.
	revisionTxn := so.RevisionTransactionSet[len(so.RevisionTransactionSet)-1]
	recentRevision = revisionTxn.FileContractRevisions[0]
	for _, sig := range revisionTxn.TransactionSignatures {
		// Checking for just the parent id is sufficient, an over-signed file
		// contract is invalid.
		if sig.ParentID == crypto.Hash(fcid) {
			revisionSigs = append(revisionSigs, sig)

	// Verify that the challegne response matches the public key.
	var renterPK crypto.PublicKey
	// Sanity check - there should be two public keys.
	if len(recentRevision.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys) != 2 {
		// The error has to be set here so that the defered error check will
		// unlock the storage obligation.
		h.log.Critical("wrong public key count in file contract revision")
		err = errRevisionWrongPublicKeyCount
		err = extendErr("wrong public key count for "+fcid.String()+": ", ErrorInternal(err.Error()))
		return storageObligation{}, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, err
	copy(renterPK[:], recentRevision.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys[0].Key)
	err = crypto.VerifyHash(challenge, renterPK, challengeResponse)
	if err != nil {
		err = extendErr("bad signature from renter: ", ErrorCommunication(err.Error()))
		return storageObligation{}, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, err
	return so, recentRevision, revisionSigs, nil
// verifyChallengeResponse will verify that the renter's response to the
// challenge provided by the host is correct. In the process, the storage
// obligation and file contract revision will be loaded and returned.
func (h *Host) verifyChallengeResponse(fcid types.FileContractID, challenge crypto.Hash, challengeResponse crypto.Signature) (*storageObligation, types.FileContractRevision, []types.TransactionSignature, error) {
	// Fetch the storage obligation, which has the revision, which has the
	// renter's public key.
	var so *storageObligation
	err := h.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		fso, err := getStorageObligation(tx, fcid)
		so = &fso
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return nil, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, err

	// Pull out the file contract revision and the revision's signatures from
	// the transaction.
	revisionTxn := so.RevisionTransactionSet[len(so.RevisionTransactionSet)-1]
	recentRevision := revisionTxn.FileContractRevisions[0]
	var revisionSigs []types.TransactionSignature
	for _, sig := range revisionTxn.TransactionSignatures {
		// Checking for just the parent id is sufficient, an over-signed file
		// contract is invalid.
		if sig.ParentID == crypto.Hash(fcid) {
			revisionSigs = append(revisionSigs, sig)

	// Verify that the challegne response matches the public key.
	var renterPK crypto.PublicKey
	// Sanity check - there should be two public keys.
	if len(recentRevision.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys) != 2 {
		h.log.Critical("found a revision with too few public keys")
		return nil, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, errRevisionFewPublicKeys
	copy(renterPK[:], recentRevision.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys[0].Key)
	err = crypto.VerifyHash(challenge, renterPK, challengeResponse)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, types.FileContractRevision{}, nil, err
	return so, recentRevision, revisionSigs, nil
Beispiel #4
// validSignatures checks the validaty of all signatures in a transaction.
func (t *Transaction) validSignatures(currentHeight BlockHeight) error {
	// Check that all covered fields objects follow the rules.
	err := t.validCoveredFields()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create the inputSignatures object for each input.
	sigMap := make(map[crypto.Hash]*inputSignatures)
	for i, input := range t.SiacoinInputs {
		id := crypto.Hash(input.ParentID)
		_, exists := sigMap[id]
		if exists {
			return ErrDoubleSpend

		sigMap[id] = &inputSignatures{
			remainingSignatures: input.UnlockConditions.SignaturesRequired,
			possibleKeys:        input.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys,
			usedKeys:            make(map[uint64]struct{}),
			index:               i,
	for i, revision := range t.FileContractRevisions {
		id := crypto.Hash(revision.ParentID)
		_, exists := sigMap[id]
		if exists {
			return ErrDoubleSpend

		sigMap[id] = &inputSignatures{
			remainingSignatures: revision.UnlockConditions.SignaturesRequired,
			possibleKeys:        revision.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys,
			usedKeys:            make(map[uint64]struct{}),
			index:               i,
	for i, input := range t.SiafundInputs {
		id := crypto.Hash(input.ParentID)
		_, exists := sigMap[id]
		if exists {
			return ErrDoubleSpend

		sigMap[id] = &inputSignatures{
			remainingSignatures: input.UnlockConditions.SignaturesRequired,
			possibleKeys:        input.UnlockConditions.PublicKeys,
			usedKeys:            make(map[uint64]struct{}),
			index:               i,

	// Check all of the signatures for validity.
	for i, sig := range t.TransactionSignatures {
		// Check that sig corresponds to an entry in sigMap.
		inSig, exists := sigMap[crypto.Hash(sig.ParentID)]
		if !exists || inSig.remainingSignatures == 0 {
			return ErrFrivilousSignature
		// Check that sig's key hasn't already been used.
		_, exists = inSig.usedKeys[sig.PublicKeyIndex]
		if exists {
			return ErrPublicKeyOveruse
		// Check that the public key index refers to an existing public key.
		if sig.PublicKeyIndex >= uint64(len(inSig.possibleKeys)) {
			return ErrInvalidPubKeyIndex
		// Check that the timelock has expired.
		if sig.Timelock > currentHeight {
			return ErrPrematureSignature

		// Check that the signature verifies. Multiple signature schemes are
		// supported.
		publicKey := inSig.possibleKeys[sig.PublicKeyIndex]
		switch publicKey.Algorithm {
		case SignatureEntropy:
			// Entropy cannot ever be used to sign a transaction.
			return ErrEntropyKey

		case SignatureEd25519:
			// Decode the public key and signature.
			var edPK crypto.PublicKey
			err := encoding.Unmarshal([]byte(publicKey.Key), &edPK)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			var edSig [crypto.SignatureSize]byte
			err = encoding.Unmarshal([]byte(sig.Signature), &edSig)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			cryptoSig := crypto.Signature(edSig)

			sigHash := t.SigHash(i)
			err = crypto.VerifyHash(sigHash, edPK, cryptoSig)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// If the identifier is not recognized, assume that the signature
			// is valid. This allows more signature types to be added via soft
			// forking.

		inSig.usedKeys[sig.PublicKeyIndex] = struct{}{}

	// Check that all inputs have been sufficiently signed.
	for _, reqSigs := range sigMap {
		if reqSigs.remainingSignatures != 0 {
			return ErrMissingSignatures

	return nil