Beispiel #1
Datei: miner.go Projekt: mm3/Sia
// New returns a ready-to-go miner that is not mining.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, persistDir string) (*Miner, error) {
	// Create the miner and its dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil state")
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil transaction pool")
	if w == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil wallet")

	// Grab some starting block variables.
	currentBlock := cs.GenesisBlock().ID()
	currentTarget, exists1 := cs.ChildTarget(currentBlock)
	earliestTimestamp, exists2 := cs.EarliestChildTimestamp(currentBlock)
	if build.DEBUG {
		if !exists1 {
			panic("could not get child target")
		if !exists2 {
			panic("could not get child earliest timestamp")
	addr, _, err := w.CoinAddress(false) // false indicates that the address should not be visible to the user.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Assemble the miner.
	m := &Miner{
		cs:     cs,
		tpool:  tpool,
		wallet: w,

		parent:            currentBlock,
		target:            currentTarget,
		earliestTimestamp: earliestTimestamp,
		address:           addr,

		blockMem:  make(map[types.BlockHeader]types.Block),
		headerMem: make([]types.BlockHeader, headerForWorkMemory),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err = m.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return m, nil
Beispiel #2
// New returns a ready-to-go miner that is not mining.
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, tpool modules.TransactionPool, w modules.Wallet, persistDir string) (*Miner, error) {
	// Create the miner and its dependencies.
	if cs == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil state")
	if tpool == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil transaction pool")
	if w == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("miner cannot use a nil wallet")

	// Grab some starting block variables.
	currentBlock := cs.GenesisBlock().ID()
	currentTarget, exists1 := cs.ChildTarget(currentBlock)
	earliestTimestamp, exists2 := cs.EarliestChildTimestamp(currentBlock)
	if build.DEBUG {
		if !exists1 {
			panic("could not get child target")
		if !exists2 {
			panic("could not get child earliest timestamp")

	// Assemble the miner. The miner is assembled without an address because
	// the wallet is likely not unlocked yet. The miner will grab an address
	// after the miner is unlocked (this must be coded manually for each
	// function that potentially requires the miner to have an address.
	m := &Miner{
		cs:     cs,
		tpool:  tpool,
		wallet: w,

		parent:            currentBlock,
		target:            currentTarget,
		earliestTimestamp: earliestTimestamp,

		blockMem:   make(map[types.BlockHeader]*types.Block),
		arbDataMem: make(map[types.BlockHeader][]byte),
		headerMem:  make([]types.BlockHeader, headerForWorkMemory),

		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 1),
	err := m.initPersist()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return m, nil
Beispiel #3
func dbCalculateBlockFacts(tx *bolt.Tx, cs modules.ConsensusSet, block types.Block) blockFacts {
	// get the parent block facts
	var bf blockFacts
	err := dbGetAndDecode(bucketBlockFacts, block.ParentID, &bf)(tx)

	// get target
	target, exists := cs.ChildTarget(block.ParentID)
	if !exists {
		panic(fmt.Sprint("ConsensusSet is missing target of known block", block.ParentID))

	// update fields
	bf.BlockID = block.ID()
	bf.Difficulty = target.Difficulty()
	bf.Target = target
	bf.Timestamp = block.Timestamp
	bf.TotalCoins = types.CalculateNumSiacoins(bf.Height)

	// calculate maturity timestamp
	var maturityTimestamp types.Timestamp
	if bf.Height > types.MaturityDelay {
		oldBlock, exists := cs.BlockAtHeight(bf.Height - types.MaturityDelay)
		if !exists {
			panic(fmt.Sprint("ConsensusSet is missing block at height", bf.Height-types.MaturityDelay))
		maturityTimestamp = oldBlock.Timestamp
	bf.MaturityTimestamp = maturityTimestamp

	// calculate hashrate by averaging last 'hashrateEstimationBlocks' blocks
	var estimatedHashrate types.Currency
	if bf.Height > hashrateEstimationBlocks {
		var totalDifficulty = bf.Target
		var oldestTimestamp types.Timestamp
		for i := types.BlockHeight(1); i < hashrateEstimationBlocks; i++ {
			b, exists := cs.BlockAtHeight(bf.Height - i)
			if !exists {
				panic(fmt.Sprint("ConsensusSet is missing block at height", bf.Height-hashrateEstimationBlocks))
			target, exists := cs.ChildTarget(b.ParentID)
			if !exists {
				panic(fmt.Sprint("ConsensusSet is missing target of known block", b.ParentID))
			totalDifficulty = totalDifficulty.AddDifficulties(target)
			oldestTimestamp = b.Timestamp
		secondsPassed := bf.Timestamp - oldestTimestamp
		estimatedHashrate = totalDifficulty.Difficulty().Div64(uint64(secondsPassed))
	bf.EstimatedHashrate = estimatedHashrate

	bf.MinerPayoutCount += uint64(len(block.MinerPayouts))
	bf.TransactionCount += uint64(len(block.Transactions))
	for _, txn := range block.Transactions {
		bf.SiacoinInputCount += uint64(len(txn.SiacoinInputs))
		bf.SiacoinOutputCount += uint64(len(txn.SiacoinOutputs))
		bf.FileContractCount += uint64(len(txn.FileContracts))
		bf.FileContractRevisionCount += uint64(len(txn.FileContractRevisions))
		bf.StorageProofCount += uint64(len(txn.StorageProofs))
		bf.SiafundInputCount += uint64(len(txn.SiafundInputs))
		bf.SiafundOutputCount += uint64(len(txn.SiafundOutputs))
		bf.MinerFeeCount += uint64(len(txn.MinerFees))
		bf.ArbitraryDataCount += uint64(len(txn.ArbitraryData))
		bf.TransactionSignatureCount += uint64(len(txn.TransactionSignatures))

		for _, fc := range txn.FileContracts {
			bf.TotalContractCost = bf.TotalContractCost.Add(fc.Payout)
			bf.TotalContractSize = bf.TotalContractSize.Add(types.NewCurrency64(fc.FileSize))
		for _, fcr := range txn.FileContractRevisions {
			bf.TotalContractSize = bf.TotalContractSize.Add(types.NewCurrency64(fcr.NewFileSize))
			bf.TotalRevisionVolume = bf.TotalRevisionVolume.Add(types.NewCurrency64(fcr.NewFileSize))

	return bf