Beispiel #1
// ReceiveUpdatedUnconfirmedTransactions updates the wallet's unconfirmed
// transaction set.
func (w *Wallet) ReceiveUpdatedUnconfirmedTransactions(txns []types.Transaction, _ modules.ConsensusChange) {
	// There are two different situations under which a subscribee calls
	// ProcessConsensusChange. The first is when w.subscribed is set to false
	// AND the mutex is already locked. The other situation is that subscribed
	// is set to true and is not going to be changed. Therefore there is no
	// race condition here. If w.subscribed is set to false, trying to grab the
	// lock would cause a deadlock.
	if w.subscribed {
		lockID :=

	w.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions = nil
	for _, txn := range txns {
		// To save on  code complexity, relveancy is determined while building
		// up the wallet transaction.
		relevant := false
		pt := modules.ProcessedTransaction{
			Transaction:           txn,
			TransactionID:         txn.ID(),
			ConfirmationHeight:    types.BlockHeight(math.MaxUint64),
			ConfirmationTimestamp: types.Timestamp(math.MaxUint64),
		for _, sci := range txn.SiacoinInputs {
			_, exists := w.keys[sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()]
			if exists {
				relevant = true
			pt.Inputs = append(pt.Inputs, modules.ProcessedInput{
				FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinInput,
				WalletAddress:  exists,
				RelatedAddress: sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
				Value:          w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(sci.ParentID)],
		for i, sco := range txn.SiacoinOutputs {
			_, exists := w.keys[sco.UnlockHash]
			if exists {
				relevant = true
			pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
				FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinOutput,
				MaturityHeight: types.BlockHeight(math.MaxUint64),
				WalletAddress:  exists,
				RelatedAddress: sco.UnlockHash,
				Value:          sco.Value,
			w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(txn.SiacoinOutputID(i))] = sco.Value
		for _, fee := range txn.MinerFees {
			pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
				FundType: types.SpecifierMinerFee,
				Value:    fee,
		if relevant {
			w.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions = append(w.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions, pt)
Beispiel #2
// ReceiveUpdatedUnconfirmedTransactions updates the wallet's unconfirmed
// transaction set.
func (w *Wallet) ReceiveUpdatedUnconfirmedTransactions(txns []types.Transaction, _ modules.ConsensusChange) {
	if err :=; err != nil {
		// Gracefully reject transactions if the wallet's Close method has
		// closed the wallet's ThreadGroup already.

	w.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions = nil
	for _, txn := range txns {
		// To save on code complexity, relevancy is determined while building
		// up the wallet transaction.
		relevant := false
		pt := modules.ProcessedTransaction{
			Transaction:           txn,
			TransactionID:         txn.ID(),
			ConfirmationHeight:    types.BlockHeight(math.MaxUint64),
			ConfirmationTimestamp: types.Timestamp(math.MaxUint64),
		for _, sci := range txn.SiacoinInputs {
			_, exists := w.keys[sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()]
			if exists {
				relevant = true
			pt.Inputs = append(pt.Inputs, modules.ProcessedInput{
				FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinInput,
				WalletAddress:  exists,
				RelatedAddress: sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
				Value:          w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(sci.ParentID)],
		for i, sco := range txn.SiacoinOutputs {
			_, exists := w.keys[sco.UnlockHash]
			if exists {
				relevant = true
			pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
				FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinOutput,
				MaturityHeight: types.BlockHeight(math.MaxUint64),
				WalletAddress:  exists,
				RelatedAddress: sco.UnlockHash,
				Value:          sco.Value,
			w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(txn.SiacoinOutputID(uint64(i)))] = sco.Value
		for _, fee := range txn.MinerFees {
			pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
				FundType: types.SpecifierMinerFee,
				Value:    fee,
		if relevant {
			w.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions = append(w.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions, pt)
Beispiel #3
// Drop discards all of the outputs in a transaction, returning them to the
// pool so that other transactions may use them. 'Drop' should only be called
// if a transaction is both unsigned and will not be used any further.
func (tb *transactionBuilder) Drop() {

	// Iterate through all parents and the transaction itself and restore all
	// outputs to the list of available outputs.
	txns := append(tb.parents, tb.transaction)
	for _, txn := range txns {
		for _, sci := range txn.SiacoinInputs {
			delete(tb.wallet.spentOutputs, types.OutputID(sci.ParentID))

	tb.parents = nil
	tb.transaction = types.Transaction{}
	tb.siacoinInputs = nil
	tb.siafundInputs = nil
Beispiel #4
// FundSiacoins will add a siacoin input of exaclty 'amount' to the
// transaction. A parent transaction may be needed to achieve an input with the
// correct value. The siacoin input will not be signed until 'Sign' is called
// on the transaction builder.
func (tb *transactionBuilder) FundSiacoins(amount types.Currency) error {

	// Collect a value-sorted set of siacoin outputs.
	var so sortedOutputs
	for scoid, sco := range tb.wallet.siacoinOutputs {
		so.ids = append(so.ids, scoid)
		so.outputs = append(so.outputs, sco)
	// Add all of the unconfirmed outputs as well.
	for _, upt := range tb.wallet.unconfirmedProcessedTransactions {
		for i, sco := range upt.Transaction.SiacoinOutputs {
			// Determine if the output belongs to the wallet.
			_, exists := tb.wallet.keys[sco.UnlockHash]
			if !exists {
			so.ids = append(so.ids, upt.Transaction.SiacoinOutputID(uint64(i)))
			so.outputs = append(so.outputs, sco)

	// Create and fund a parent transaction that will add the correct amount of
	// siacoins to the transaction.
	var fund types.Currency
	// potentialFund tracks the balance of the wallet including outputs that
	// have been spent in other unconfirmed transactions recently. This is to
	// provide the user with a more useful error message in the event that they
	// are overspending.
	var potentialFund types.Currency
	parentTxn := types.Transaction{}
	var spentScoids []types.SiacoinOutputID
	for i := range so.ids {
		scoid := so.ids[i]
		sco := so.outputs[i]
		// Check that this output has not recently been spent by the wallet.
		spendHeight := tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(scoid)]
		// Prevent an underflow error.
		allowedHeight := tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight - RespendTimeout
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < RespendTimeout {
			allowedHeight = 0
		if spendHeight > allowedHeight {
			potentialFund = potentialFund.Add(sco.Value)
		outputUnlockConditions := tb.wallet.keys[sco.UnlockHash].UnlockConditions
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < outputUnlockConditions.Timelock {

		// Add a siacoin input for this output.
		sci := types.SiacoinInput{
			ParentID:         scoid,
			UnlockConditions: outputUnlockConditions,
		parentTxn.SiacoinInputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinInputs, sci)
		spentScoids = append(spentScoids, scoid)

		// Add the output to the total fund
		fund = fund.Add(sco.Value)
		potentialFund = potentialFund.Add(sco.Value)
		if fund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 {
	if potentialFund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 && fund.Cmp(amount) < 0 {
		return modules.ErrPotentialDoubleSpend
	if fund.Cmp(amount) < 0 {
		return modules.ErrLowBalance

	// Create and add the output that will be used to fund the standard
	// transaction.
	parentUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	exactOutput := types.SiacoinOutput{
		Value:      amount,
		UnlockHash: parentUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
	parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs, exactOutput)

	// Create a refund output if needed.
	if amount.Cmp(fund) != 0 {
		refundUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		refundOutput := types.SiacoinOutput{
			Value:      fund.Sub(amount),
			UnlockHash: refundUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
		parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputs, refundOutput)

	// Sign all of the inputs to the parent trancstion.
	for _, sci := range parentTxn.SiacoinInputs {
		_, err := addSignatures(&parentTxn, types.FullCoveredFields, sci.UnlockConditions, crypto.Hash(sci.ParentID), tb.wallet.keys[sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()])
		if err != nil {
			return err
	// Mark the parent output as spent. Must be done after the transaction is
	// finished because otherwise the txid and output id will change.
	tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0))] = tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight

	// Add the exact output.
	newInput := types.SiacoinInput{
		ParentID:         parentTxn.SiacoinOutputID(0),
		UnlockConditions: parentUnlockConditions,
	tb.newParents = append(tb.newParents, len(tb.parents))
	tb.parents = append(tb.parents, parentTxn)
	tb.siacoinInputs = append(tb.siacoinInputs, len(tb.transaction.SiacoinInputs))
	tb.transaction.SiacoinInputs = append(tb.transaction.SiacoinInputs, newInput)

	// Mark all outputs that were spent as spent.
	for _, scoid := range spentScoids {
		tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(scoid)] = tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight
	return nil
Beispiel #5
// FundSiafunds will add a siafund input of exaclty 'amount' to the
// transaction. A parent transaction may be needed to achieve an input with the
// correct value. The siafund input will not be signed until 'Sign' is called
// on the transaction builder.
func (tb *transactionBuilder) FundSiafunds(amount types.Currency) error {

	// Create and fund a parent transaction that will add the correct amount of
	// siafunds to the transaction.
	var fund types.Currency
	var potentialFund types.Currency
	parentTxn := types.Transaction{}
	var spentSfoids []types.SiafundOutputID
	for sfoid, sfo := range tb.wallet.siafundOutputs {
		// Check that this output has not recently been spent by the wallet.
		spendHeight := tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(sfoid)]
		// Prevent an underflow error.
		allowedHeight := tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight - RespendTimeout
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < RespendTimeout {
			allowedHeight = 0
		if spendHeight > allowedHeight {
			potentialFund = potentialFund.Add(sfo.Value)
		outputUnlockConditions := tb.wallet.keys[sfo.UnlockHash].UnlockConditions
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < outputUnlockConditions.Timelock {

		// Add a siafund input for this output.
		parentClaimUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		sfi := types.SiafundInput{
			ParentID:         sfoid,
			UnlockConditions: outputUnlockConditions,
			ClaimUnlockHash:  parentClaimUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
		parentTxn.SiafundInputs = append(parentTxn.SiafundInputs, sfi)
		spentSfoids = append(spentSfoids, sfoid)

		// Add the output to the total fund
		fund = fund.Add(sfo.Value)
		potentialFund = potentialFund.Add(sfo.Value)
		if fund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 {
	if potentialFund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 && fund.Cmp(amount) < 0 {
		return modules.ErrPotentialDoubleSpend
	if fund.Cmp(amount) < 0 {
		return modules.ErrLowBalance

	// Create and add the output that will be used to fund the standard
	// transaction.
	parentUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	exactOutput := types.SiafundOutput{
		Value:      amount,
		UnlockHash: parentUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
	parentTxn.SiafundOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiafundOutputs, exactOutput)

	// Create a refund output if needed.
	if amount.Cmp(fund) != 0 {
		refundUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		refundOutput := types.SiafundOutput{
			Value:      fund.Sub(amount),
			UnlockHash: refundUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
		parentTxn.SiafundOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiafundOutputs, refundOutput)

	// Sign all of the inputs to the parent trancstion.
	for _, sfi := range parentTxn.SiafundInputs {
		_, err := addSignatures(&parentTxn, types.FullCoveredFields, sfi.UnlockConditions, crypto.Hash(sfi.ParentID), tb.wallet.keys[sfi.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()])
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Add the exact output.
	claimUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	newInput := types.SiafundInput{
		ParentID:         parentTxn.SiafundOutputID(0),
		UnlockConditions: parentUnlockConditions,
		ClaimUnlockHash:  claimUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
	tb.newParents = append(tb.newParents, len(tb.parents))
	tb.parents = append(tb.parents, parentTxn)
	tb.siafundInputs = append(tb.siafundInputs, len(tb.transaction.SiafundInputs))
	tb.transaction.SiafundInputs = append(tb.transaction.SiafundInputs, newInput)

	// Mark all outputs that were spent as spent.
	for _, sfoid := range spentSfoids {
		tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(sfoid)] = tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight
	return nil
Beispiel #6
// ProcessConsensusChange parses a consensus change to update the set of
// confirmed outputs known to the wallet.
func (w *Wallet) ProcessConsensusChange(cc modules.ConsensusChange) {
	// There are two different situations under which a subscribee calls
	// ProcessConsensusChange. The first is when w.subscribed is set to false
	// AND the mutex is already locked. The other situation is that subscribed
	// is set to true and is not going to be changed. Therefore there is no
	// race condition here. If w.subscribed is set to false, trying to grab the
	// lock would cause a deadlock.
	if w.subscribed {
		lockID :=

	// Iterate through the output diffs (siacoin and siafund) and apply all of
	// them. Only apply the outputs that relate to unlock hashes we understand.
	for _, diff := range cc.SiacoinOutputDiffs {
		// Verify that the diff is relevant to the wallet.
		_, exists := w.keys[diff.SiacoinOutput.UnlockHash]
		if !exists {

		_, exists = w.siacoinOutputs[diff.ID]
		if diff.Direction == modules.DiffApply {
			if exists && build.DEBUG {
				panic("adding an existing output to wallet")
			w.siacoinOutputs[diff.ID] = diff.SiacoinOutput
		} else {
			if !exists && build.DEBUG {
				panic("deleting nonexisting output from wallet")
			delete(w.siacoinOutputs, diff.ID)
	for _, diff := range cc.SiafundOutputDiffs {
		// Verify that the diff is relevant to the wallet.
		_, exists := w.keys[diff.SiafundOutput.UnlockHash]
		if !exists {

		_, exists = w.siafundOutputs[diff.ID]
		if diff.Direction == modules.DiffApply {
			if exists && build.DEBUG {
				panic("adding an existing output to wallet")
			w.siafundOutputs[diff.ID] = diff.SiafundOutput
		} else {
			if !exists && build.DEBUG {
				panic("deleting nonexisting output from wallet")
			delete(w.siafundOutputs, diff.ID)
	for _, diff := range cc.SiafundPoolDiffs {
		if diff.Direction == modules.DiffApply {
			w.siafundPool = diff.Adjusted
		} else {
			w.siafundPool = diff.Previous

	// Iterate through the transactions and find every transaction somehow
	// related to the wallet. Wallet transactions must be removed in the same
	// order they were added.
	for _, block := range cc.RevertedBlocks {
		// Remove any transactions that have been reverted.
		for i := len(block.Transactions) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			// If the transaction is relevant to the wallet, it will be the
			// most recent transaction appended to w.processedTransactions.
			// Relevance can be determined just by looking at the last element
			// of w.processedTransactions.
			txn := block.Transactions[i]
			txid := txn.ID()
			if len(w.processedTransactions) > 0 && txid == w.processedTransactions[len(w.processedTransactions)-1].TransactionID {
				w.processedTransactions = w.processedTransactions[:len(w.processedTransactions)-1]
				delete(w.processedTransactionMap, txid)

		// Remove the miner payout transaction if applicable.
		for _, mp := range block.MinerPayouts {
			_, exists := w.keys[mp.UnlockHash]
			if exists {
				w.processedTransactions = w.processedTransactions[:len(w.processedTransactions)-1]
				delete(w.processedTransactionMap, types.TransactionID(block.ID()))

	// Apply all of the new blocks.
	for _, block := range cc.AppliedBlocks {
		// Apply the miner payout transaction if applicable.
		minerPT := modules.ProcessedTransaction{
			Transaction:           types.Transaction{},
			TransactionID:         types.TransactionID(block.ID()),
			ConfirmationHeight:    w.consensusSetHeight,
			ConfirmationTimestamp: block.Timestamp,
		relevant := false
		for i, mp := range block.MinerPayouts {
			_, exists := w.keys[mp.UnlockHash]
			if exists {
				relevant = true
			minerPT.Outputs = append(minerPT.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
				FundType:       types.SpecifierMinerPayout,
				MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight + types.MaturityDelay,
				WalletAddress:  exists,
				RelatedAddress: mp.UnlockHash,
				Value:          mp.Value,
			w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(block.MinerPayoutID(uint64(i)))] = mp.Value
		if relevant {
			w.processedTransactions = append(w.processedTransactions, minerPT)
			w.processedTransactionMap[minerPT.TransactionID] = &w.processedTransactions[len(w.processedTransactions)-1]
		for _, txn := range block.Transactions {
			relevant := false
			pt := modules.ProcessedTransaction{
				Transaction:           txn,
				TransactionID:         txn.ID(),
				ConfirmationHeight:    w.consensusSetHeight,
				ConfirmationTimestamp: block.Timestamp,
			for _, sci := range txn.SiacoinInputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				pt.Inputs = append(pt.Inputs, modules.ProcessedInput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinInput,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
					Value:          w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(sci.ParentID)],
			for i, sco := range txn.SiacoinOutputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sco.UnlockHash]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinOutput,
					MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sco.UnlockHash,
					Value:          sco.Value,
				w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(txn.SiacoinOutputID(i))] = sco.Value
			for _, sfi := range txn.SiafundInputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sfi.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				sfiValue := w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(sfi.ParentID)]
				pt.Inputs = append(pt.Inputs, modules.ProcessedInput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiafundInput,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sfi.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
					Value:          sfiValue,
				claimValue := w.siafundPool.Sub(w.historicClaimStarts[sfi.ParentID]).Mul(sfiValue)
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierClaimOutput,
					MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight + types.MaturityDelay,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sfi.ClaimUnlockHash,
					Value:          claimValue,
			for i, sfo := range txn.SiafundOutputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sfo.UnlockHash]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiafundOutput,
					MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sfo.UnlockHash,
					Value:          sfo.Value,
				w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(txn.SiafundOutputID(i))] = sfo.Value
				w.historicClaimStarts[txn.SiafundOutputID(i)] = sfo.ClaimStart
			for _, fee := range txn.MinerFees {
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType: types.SpecifierMinerFee,
					Value:    fee,
			if relevant {
				w.processedTransactions = append(w.processedTransactions, pt)
				w.processedTransactionMap[pt.TransactionID] = &w.processedTransactions[len(w.processedTransactions)-1]
// FundSiafunds will add a siafund input of exaclty 'amount' to the
// transaction. A parent transaction may be needed to achieve an input with the
// correct value. The siafund input will not be signed until 'Sign' is called
// on the transaction builder.
// TODO: The implementation of FundSiacoins is known to have quirks/bugs
// (non-fatal), and has diverged from the implementation of FundSiacoins. The
// implementations should be converged once again.
func (tb *transactionBuilder) FundSiafunds(amount types.Currency) error {
	lockID :=

	// Create and fund a parent transaction that will add the correct amount of
	// siafunds to the transaction.
	var fund types.Currency
	parentTxn := types.Transaction{}
	for scoid, sco := range tb.wallet.siafundOutputs {
		// Check that this output has not recently been spent by the wallet.
		spendHeight := tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(scoid)]
		if spendHeight > tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight-RespendTimeout {
		outputUnlockConditions := tb.wallet.keys[sco.UnlockHash].unlockConditions
		if tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight < outputUnlockConditions.Timelock {
		// Mark the output as spent.
		tb.wallet.spentOutputs[types.OutputID(scoid)] = tb.wallet.consensusSetHeight

		// Add a siafund input for this output.
		parentClaimUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		sci := types.SiafundInput{
			ParentID:         scoid,
			UnlockConditions: outputUnlockConditions,
			ClaimUnlockHash:  parentClaimUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
		parentTxn.SiafundInputs = append(parentTxn.SiafundInputs, sci)

		// Add the output to the total fund
		fund = fund.Add(sco.Value)
		if fund.Cmp(amount) >= 0 {

	// Create and add the output that will be used to fund the standard
	// transaction.
	parentUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	exactOutput := types.SiafundOutput{
		Value:      amount,
		UnlockHash: parentUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
	parentTxn.SiafundOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiafundOutputs, exactOutput)

	// Create a refund output if needed.
	if amount.Cmp(fund) != 0 {
		refundUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		refundOutput := types.SiafundOutput{
			Value:      fund.Sub(amount),
			UnlockHash: refundUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
		parentTxn.SiafundOutputs = append(parentTxn.SiafundOutputs, refundOutput)

	// Sign all of the inputs to the parent trancstion.
	for _, sfi := range parentTxn.SiafundInputs {
		err := addSignatures(&parentTxn, types.FullCoveredFields, sfi.UnlockConditions, crypto.Hash(sfi.ParentID), tb.wallet.keys[sfi.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()])
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Add the exact output.
	claimUnlockConditions, err := tb.wallet.nextPrimarySeedAddress()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	newInput := types.SiafundInput{
		ParentID:         parentTxn.SiafundOutputID(0),
		UnlockConditions: parentUnlockConditions,
		ClaimUnlockHash:  claimUnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
	tb.parents = append(tb.parents, parentTxn)
	tb.siafundInputs = append(tb.siafundInputs, len(tb.transaction.SiafundInputs))
	tb.transaction.SiafundInputs = append(tb.transaction.SiafundInputs, newInput)
	return nil
Beispiel #8
// applyHistory applies any transaction history that was introduced by the
// applied blocks.
func (w *Wallet) applyHistory(cc modules.ConsensusChange) {
	for _, block := range cc.AppliedBlocks {
		// Apply the miner payout transaction if applicable.
		minerPT := modules.ProcessedTransaction{
			Transaction:           types.Transaction{},
			TransactionID:         types.TransactionID(block.ID()),
			ConfirmationHeight:    w.consensusSetHeight,
			ConfirmationTimestamp: block.Timestamp,
		relevant := false
		for i, mp := range block.MinerPayouts {
			_, exists := w.keys[mp.UnlockHash]
			if exists {
				relevant = true
			minerPT.Outputs = append(minerPT.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
				FundType:       types.SpecifierMinerPayout,
				MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight + types.MaturityDelay,
				WalletAddress:  exists,
				RelatedAddress: mp.UnlockHash,
				Value:          mp.Value,
			w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(block.MinerPayoutID(uint64(i)))] = mp.Value
		if relevant {
			w.processedTransactions = append(w.processedTransactions, minerPT)
			w.processedTransactionMap[minerPT.TransactionID] = &w.processedTransactions[len(w.processedTransactions)-1]
		for _, txn := range block.Transactions {
			relevant := false
			pt := modules.ProcessedTransaction{
				Transaction:           txn,
				TransactionID:         txn.ID(),
				ConfirmationHeight:    w.consensusSetHeight,
				ConfirmationTimestamp: block.Timestamp,
			for _, sci := range txn.SiacoinInputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				pt.Inputs = append(pt.Inputs, modules.ProcessedInput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinInput,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sci.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
					Value:          w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(sci.ParentID)],
			for i, sco := range txn.SiacoinOutputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sco.UnlockHash]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiacoinOutput,
					MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sco.UnlockHash,
					Value:          sco.Value,
				w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(txn.SiacoinOutputID(i))] = sco.Value
			for _, sfi := range txn.SiafundInputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sfi.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash()]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				sfiValue := w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(sfi.ParentID)]
				pt.Inputs = append(pt.Inputs, modules.ProcessedInput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiafundInput,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sfi.UnlockConditions.UnlockHash(),
					Value:          sfiValue,
				claimValue := w.siafundPool.Sub(w.historicClaimStarts[sfi.ParentID]).Mul(sfiValue)
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierClaimOutput,
					MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight + types.MaturityDelay,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sfi.ClaimUnlockHash,
					Value:          claimValue,
			for i, sfo := range txn.SiafundOutputs {
				_, exists := w.keys[sfo.UnlockHash]
				if exists {
					relevant = true
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType:       types.SpecifierSiafundOutput,
					MaturityHeight: w.consensusSetHeight,
					WalletAddress:  exists,
					RelatedAddress: sfo.UnlockHash,
					Value:          sfo.Value,
				w.historicOutputs[types.OutputID(txn.SiafundOutputID(i))] = sfo.Value
				w.historicClaimStarts[txn.SiafundOutputID(i)] = sfo.ClaimStart
			for _, fee := range txn.MinerFees {
				pt.Outputs = append(pt.Outputs, modules.ProcessedOutput{
					FundType: types.SpecifierMinerFee,
					Value:    fee,
			if relevant {
				w.processedTransactions = append(w.processedTransactions, pt)
				w.processedTransactionMap[pt.TransactionID] = &w.processedTransactions[len(w.processedTransactions)-1]