Beispiel #1
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("Login Command", func() {
	var (
		Flags        []string
		Config       core_config.ReadWriter
		ui           *testterm.FakeUI
		authRepo     *testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository
		endpointRepo *testapi.FakeEndpointRepo
		orgRepo      *fake_organizations.FakeOrganizationRepository
		spaceRepo    *testapi.FakeSpaceRepository

		org models.Organization

	BeforeEach(func() {
		Flags = []string{}
		Config = testconfig.NewRepository()
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		authRepo = &testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository{
			AccessToken:  "my_access_token",
			RefreshToken: "my_refresh_token",
			Config:       Config,
Beispiel #2
	. ""

func callApi(args []string, config core_config.ReadWriter, endpointRepo *testapi.FakeEndpointRepo) (ui *testterm.FakeUI) {
	ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)

	cmd := NewApi(ui, config, endpointRepo)
	requirementsFactory := &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}
	testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

var _ = Describe("api command", func() {
	var (
		config       core_config.ReadWriter
		endpointRepo *testapi.FakeEndpointRepo

	BeforeEach(func() {
		config = testconfig.NewRepository()
		endpointRepo = &testapi.FakeEndpointRepo{}

	Context("when the api endpoint's ssl certificate is invalid", func() {
		It("warns the user and prints out a tip", func() {
			endpointRepo.UpdateEndpointError = errors.NewInvalidSSLCert("", "why? no. go away")
			ui := callApi([]string{""}, config, endpointRepo)

				[]string{"SSL Cert", ""},