parser.On("ParseV1_0_0", data).Return(mockSchema, expectedError)
		Context("when the ParseV1_0_0 will not be called", func() {
			It("should not call it when passing in 1.0", func() {
				Parse(parser, []byte(`schema_version: "1.0"`))
				parser.AssertNotCalled(GinkgoT(), "ParseV1_0_0", data)
		Context("when the ParseV1_0_0 will is called", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				data = []byte(`schema_version: "1.0.0"`)
			Context("when ParseV1_0_0 is passed valid data", func() {
				It("should call ParseV1_0_0", func() {
					_, err = Parse(parser, data)
					parser.AssertCalled(GinkgoT(), "ParseV1_0_0", data)
					assert.Equal(GinkgoT(), expectedError, err)
			Context("when ParseV1_0_0 is passed invalid data", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					expectedError = errors.New("can't parse yaml")
				It("should call ParseV1_0_0 but return an error", func() {
					_, err = Parse(parser, data)
					parser.AssertCalled(GinkgoT(), "ParseV1_0_0", data)
					assert.Equal(GinkgoT(), expectedError, err)