Beispiel #1
// NewIdentityUserMapper returns a UserIdentityMapper that does the following:
// 1. Returns an existing user if the identity exists and is associated with an existing user
// 2. Returns an error if the identity exists and is not associated with a user (or is associated with a missing user)
// 3. Handles new identities according to the requested method
func NewIdentityUserMapper(identities identityregistry.Registry, users userregistry.Registry, method MappingMethodType) (authapi.UserIdentityMapper, error) {
	// initUser initializes fields in a User API object from its associated Identity
	// called when adding the first Identity to a User (during create or update of a User)
	initUser := user.NewDefaultUserInitStrategy()

	switch method {
	case MappingMethodLookup:
		mappingStorage := mappingregistry.NewREST(users, identities)
		mappingRegistry := mappingregistry.NewRegistry(mappingStorage)
		return &lookupIdentityMapper{mappingRegistry, users}, nil

	case MappingMethodClaim:
		return &provisioningIdentityMapper{identities, users, NewStrategyClaim(users, initUser)}, nil

	case MappingMethodAdd:
		return &provisioningIdentityMapper{identities, users, NewStrategyAdd(users, initUser)}, nil

	case MappingMethodGenerate:
		return &provisioningIdentityMapper{identities, users, NewStrategyGenerate(users, initUser)}, nil

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported mapping method %q", method)
func TestUserInitialization(t *testing.T) {

	masterConfig, clusterAdminKubeConfig, err := testutil.StartTestMaster()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	clusterAdminClient, err := testutil.GetClusterAdminClient(clusterAdminKubeConfig)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	etcdClient, err := etcd.GetAndTestEtcdClient(masterConfig.EtcdClientInfo)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	etcdHelper, err := origin.NewEtcdStorage(etcdClient, masterConfig.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStorageVersion, masterConfig.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStoragePrefix)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper))
	identityRegistry := identityregistry.NewRegistry(identityetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper))
	useridentityMappingRegistry := useridentitymapping.NewRegistry(useridentitymapping.NewREST(userRegistry, identityRegistry))

	lookup := identitymapper.NewLookupIdentityMapper(useridentityMappingRegistry, userRegistry)
	provisioner := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(identityRegistry, userRegistry)

	testcases := map[string]struct {
		Identity authapi.UserIdentityInfo
		Mapper   authapi.UserIdentityMapper

		CreateIdentity *api.Identity
		CreateUser     *api.User
		CreateMapping  *api.UserIdentityMapping
		UpdateUser     *api.User

		ExpectedErr      error
		ExpectedUserName string
		ExpectedFullName string
		"lookup missing identity": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   lookup,

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"lookup existing identity": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   lookup,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),
			CreateMapping:  makeMapping("mappeduser", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity and user": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity and user with preferred username and display name": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", map[string]string{authapi.IdentityDisplayNameKey: "Bob, Sr.", authapi.IdentityPreferredUsernameKey: "admin"}),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
			ExpectedFullName: "Bob, Sr.",
		"provision missing identity for existing user": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser: makeUser("bob", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity with conflicting user": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser: makeUser("bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity with conflicting user and preferred username": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", map[string]string{authapi.IdentityPreferredUsernameKey: "admin"}),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser: makeUser("admin"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision with existing unmapped identity": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"provision with existing mapped identity with invalid user UID": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentityWithUserReference("idp", "bob", "mappeduser", "invalidUID"),

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"provision with existing mapped identity without user backreference": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),
			CreateMapping:  makeMapping("mappeduser", "idp:bob"),
			// Update user to a version which does not reference the identity
			UpdateUser: makeUser("mappeduser"),

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"provision returns existing mapping": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),
			CreateMapping:  makeMapping("mappeduser", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",

	for k, testcase := range testcases {
		// Cleanup
		if err := etcdHelper.RecursiveDelete(useretcd.EtcdPrefix, true); err != nil && !etcdstorage.IsEtcdNotFound(err) {
			t.Fatalf("Could not clean up users: %v", err)
		if err := etcdHelper.RecursiveDelete(identityetcd.EtcdPrefix, true); err != nil && !etcdstorage.IsEtcdNotFound(err) {
			t.Fatalf("Could not clean up identities: %v", err)

		// Pre-create items
		if testcase.CreateUser != nil {
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Create(testcase.CreateUser)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not create user: %v", k, err)
		if testcase.CreateIdentity != nil {
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.Identities().Create(testcase.CreateIdentity)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not create identity: %v", k, err)
		if testcase.CreateMapping != nil {
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.UserIdentityMappings().Update(testcase.CreateMapping)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not create mapping: %v", k, err)
		if testcase.UpdateUser != nil {
			if testcase.UpdateUser.ResourceVersion == "" {
				existingUser, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Get(testcase.UpdateUser.Name)
				if err != nil {
					t.Errorf("%s: Could not get user to update: %v", k, err)
				testcase.UpdateUser.ResourceVersion = existingUser.ResourceVersion
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Update(testcase.UpdateUser)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not update user: %v", k, err)

		// Spawn 5 simultaneous mappers to test race conditions
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()

				userInfo, err := testcase.Mapper.UserFor(testcase.Identity)
				if err != nil {
					if testcase.ExpectedErr == nil {
						t.Errorf("%s: Expected success, got error '%v'", k, err)
					} else if err.Error() != testcase.ExpectedErr.Error() {
						t.Errorf("%s: Expected error %v, got '%v'", k, testcase.ExpectedErr.Error(), err)
				if err == nil && testcase.ExpectedErr != nil {
					t.Errorf("%s: Expected error '%v', got none", k, testcase.ExpectedErr)

				if userInfo.GetName() != testcase.ExpectedUserName {
					t.Errorf("%s: Expected username %s, got %s", k, testcase.ExpectedUserName, userInfo.GetName())

				user, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Get(userInfo.GetName())
				if err != nil {
					t.Errorf("%s: Error getting user: %v", k, err)
				if user.FullName != testcase.ExpectedFullName {
					t.Errorf("%s: Expected full name %s, got %s", k, testcase.ExpectedFullName, user.FullName)

Beispiel #3
func TestLookup(t *testing.T) {
	testcases := map[string]struct {
		ProviderName     string
		ProviderUserName string

		ExistingIdentity *userapi.Identity
		ExistingUser     *userapi.User

		ExpectedActions  []test.Action
		ExpectedError    bool
		ExpectedUserName string
		"no identity": {
			ProviderName:     "idp",
			ProviderUserName: "******",

			ExistingIdentity: nil,
			ExistingUser:     nil,

			ExpectedActions: []test.Action{
				{"GetIdentity", "idp:bob"},
			ExpectedError: true,

		"existing identity, no user reference": {
			ProviderName:     "idp",
			ProviderUserName: "******",

			ExistingIdentity: makeIdentity("bobIdentityUID", "idp", "bob", "", ""),
			ExistingUser:     nil,

			ExpectedActions: []test.Action{
				{"GetIdentity", "idp:bob"},
			ExpectedError: true,
		"existing identity, missing user reference": {
			ProviderName:     "idp",
			ProviderUserName: "******",

			ExistingIdentity: makeIdentity("bobIdentityUID", "idp", "bob", "bobUserUID", "bob"),
			ExistingUser:     nil,

			ExpectedActions: []test.Action{
				{"GetIdentity", "idp:bob"},
				{"GetUser", "bob"},
			ExpectedError: true,
		"existing identity, invalid user UID reference": {
			ProviderName:     "idp",
			ProviderUserName: "******",

			ExistingIdentity: makeIdentity("bobIdentityUID", "idp", "bob", "bobUserUIDInvalid", "bob"),
			ExistingUser:     makeUser("bobUserUID", "bob", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedActions: []test.Action{
				{"GetIdentity", "idp:bob"},
				{"GetUser", "bob"},
			ExpectedError: true,
		"existing identity, user reference without identity backreference": {
			ProviderName:     "idp",
			ProviderUserName: "******",

			ExistingIdentity: makeIdentity("bobIdentityUID", "idp", "bob", "bobUserUID", "bob"),
			ExistingUser:     makeUser("bobUserUID", "bob" /*, "idp:bob"*/),

			ExpectedActions: []test.Action{
				{"GetIdentity", "idp:bob"},
				{"GetUser", "bob"},
			ExpectedError: true,
		"existing identity, user reference": {
			ProviderName:     "idp",
			ProviderUserName: "******",

			ExistingIdentity: makeIdentity("bobIdentityUID", "idp", "bob", "bobUserUID", "bob"),
			ExistingUser:     makeUser("bobUserUID", "bob", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedActions: []test.Action{
				{"GetIdentity", "idp:bob"},
				{"GetUser", "bob"},
				{"GetUser", "bob"}, // extra request is for group lookup
			ExpectedUserName: "******",

	for k, tc := range testcases {
		actions := []test.Action{}
		identityRegistry := &test.IdentityRegistry{
			Get:     map[string]*api.Identity{},
			Actions: &actions,
		userRegistry := &test.UserRegistry{
			Get:     map[string]*api.User{},
			Actions: &actions,
		if tc.ExistingIdentity != nil {
			identityRegistry.Get[tc.ExistingIdentity.Name] = tc.ExistingIdentity
		if tc.ExistingUser != nil {
			userRegistry.Get[tc.ExistingUser.Name] = tc.ExistingUser

		mappingStorage := mappingregistry.NewREST(userRegistry, identityRegistry)
		mappingRegistry := mappingregistry.NewRegistry(mappingStorage)

		lookupMapper := &lookupIdentityMapper{
			mappings: mappingRegistry,
			users:    userRegistry,

		identity := authapi.NewDefaultUserIdentityInfo(tc.ProviderName, tc.ProviderUserName)
		user, err := lookupMapper.UserFor(identity)
		if tc.ExpectedError != (err != nil) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Expected error=%v, got %v", k, tc.ExpectedError, err)
		if !tc.ExpectedError && user.GetName() != tc.ExpectedUserName {
			t.Errorf("%s: Expected username %v, got %v", k, tc.ExpectedUserName, user.GetName())

		for i, action := range actions {
			if len(tc.ExpectedActions) <= i {
				t.Fatalf("%s: expected %d actions, got extras: %#v", k, len(tc.ExpectedActions), actions[i:])
			expectedAction := tc.ExpectedActions[i]
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAction, action) {
				t.Fatalf("%s: expected\n\t%s %#v\nGot\n\t%s %#v", k, expectedAction.Name, expectedAction.Object, action.Name, action.Object)
		if len(actions) < len(tc.ExpectedActions) {
			t.Errorf("Missing %d additional actions:\n\t%#v", len(tc.ExpectedActions)-len(actions), tc.ExpectedActions[len(actions):])