Beispiel #1
func jenkinsJobBytes(filename, namespace string) []byte {
	pre := exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", filename)
	post := exutil.ArtifactPath(filename)
	err := exutil.VarSubOnFile(pre, post, "PROJECT_NAME", namespace)
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(post)
	return data
Beispiel #2
// Returns the content of a Jenkins job XML file. Instances of the
// string "PROJECT_NAME" are replaced with the specified namespace.
func (j *JenkinsRef) readJenkinsJob(filename, namespace string) string {
	pre := exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "jenkins-plugin", filename)
	post := exutil.ArtifactPath(filename)
	err := exutil.VarSubOnFile(pre, post, "PROJECT_NAME", namespace)
	o.ExpectWithOffset(1, err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred())
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(post)
	o.ExpectWithOffset(1, err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred())
	return string(data)
Beispiel #3
// ReadJenkinsJobUsingVars returns the content of a Jenkins job XML file. Instances of the
// string "PROJECT_NAME" are replaced with the specified namespace.
// Variables named in the vars map will also be replaced with their
// corresponding value.
func (j *JenkinsRef) ReadJenkinsJobUsingVars(filename, namespace string, vars map[string]string) string {
	pre := exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "jenkins-plugin", filename)
	post := exutil.ArtifactPath(filename)

	if vars == nil {
		vars = map[string]string{}
	vars["PROJECT_NAME"] = namespace
	err := exutil.VarSubOnFile(pre, post, vars)
	o.ExpectWithOffset(1, err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred())

	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(post)
	o.ExpectWithOffset(1, err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred())
	return string(data)
Beispiel #4

		g.AfterEach(func() {

		g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
			g.By("waiting for builder service account")
			err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

		g.Context("\n FORCE PULL TEST:  when s2i force pull is false and the image is bad", func() {

			g.It("\n FORCE PULL TEST s2i false", func() {
				fpFalseS2I := exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "forcepull-false-s2i.json")
				g.By(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s FORCE PULL TEST s2i false:  calling create on %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850), fpFalseS2I))
				exutil.StartBuild(fpFalseS2I, buildPrefix, oc)

				exutil.WaitForBuild("FORCE PULL TEST s2i false:  ", buildName, oc)

				exutil.VerifyImagesSame(s2iDockBldr, custBldr, "FORCE PULL TEST s2i false:  ")


		g.Context("\n FORCE PULL TEST:  when s2i force pull is true and the image is bad", func() {
			g.It("\n FORCE PULL TEST s2i true", func() {
				fpTrueS2I := exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "forcepull-true-s2i.json")
				g.By(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s FORCE PULL TEST s2i true:  calling create on %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850), fpTrueS2I))
				exutil.StartBuild(fpTrueS2I, buildPrefix, oc)
Beispiel #5
	var hostPort string

	g.BeforeEach(func() {

		g.By("set up policy for jenkins jobs")
		err := oc.Run("policy").Args("add-role-to-user", "edit", "system:serviceaccount:"+oc.Namespace()+":default").Execute()

		g.By("kick off the build for the jenkins ephermeral and application templates")
		tag := []string{"openshift/jenkins-plugin-snapshot-test:latest"}
		hexIDs, err := exutil.DumpAndReturnTagging(tag)
		var jenkinsEphemeralPath string
		var testingSnapshot bool
		if len(hexIDs) > 0 && err == nil {
			// found an openshift pipeline plugin test image, must be testing a proposed change to the plugin
			jenkinsEphemeralPath = exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "jenkins-ephemeral-template-test-new-plugin.json")
			testingSnapshot = true
		} else {
			// no test image, testing the base jenkins image with the current, supported version of the plugin
			jenkinsEphemeralPath = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "jenkins", "jenkins-ephemeral-template.json")
		err = oc.Run("new-app").Args(jenkinsEphemeralPath).Execute()
		jenkinsApplicationPath := exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "jenkins", "application-template.json")
		err = oc.Run("new-app").Args(jenkinsApplicationPath).Execute()

		g.By("waiting for jenkins deployment")
		err = exutil.WaitForADeploymentToComplete(oc.KubeREST().ReplicationControllers(oc.Namespace()), "jenkins")
		if err != nil {
			exutil.DumpDeploymentLogs("jenkins", oc)
Beispiel #6
import (

	g ""
	o ""

	buildapi ""
	exutil ""
	kapi ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds] can use build secrets", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		buildSecretBaseDir   = exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "build-secrets")
		secretsFixture       = filepath.Join(buildSecretBaseDir, "test-secret.json")
		secondSecretsFixture = filepath.Join(buildSecretBaseDir, "test-secret-2.json")
		isFixture            = filepath.Join(buildSecretBaseDir, "test-is.json")
		dockerBuildFixture   = filepath.Join(buildSecretBaseDir, "test-docker-build.json")
		sourceBuildFixture   = filepath.Join(buildSecretBaseDir, "test-sti-build.json")
		oc                   = exutil.NewCLI("build-secrets", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.Describe("build with secrets", func() {

		g.It("should print the secrets during the source strategy build", func() {
			g.By("creating the sample secret files")
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", secretsFixture).Execute()
Beispiel #7
package builds

import (

	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] build can have Docker image source", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		buildFixture     = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-imagesource-build.yaml")
		oc               = exutil.NewCLI("build-image-source", exutil.KubeConfigPath())
		imageSourceLabel = exutil.ParseLabelsOrDie("app=imagesourceapp")
		imageDockerLabel = exutil.ParseLabelsOrDie("app=imagedockerapp")

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

		g.By("waiting for imagestreams to be imported")
		err = exutil.WaitForAnImageStream(oc.AdminREST().ImageStreams("openshift"), "jenkins", exutil.CheckImageStreamLatestTagPopulatedFn, exutil.CheckImageStreamTagNotFoundFn)

	g.Describe("build with image source", func() {
Beispiel #8
	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] using build configuration runPolicy", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		// Use invalid source here as we don't care about the result
		oc = exutil.NewCLI("cli-build-run-policy", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeClient().Core().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))
		// Create all fixtures
		oc.Run("create").Args("-f", exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "run_policy")).Execute()

	g.Describe("build configuration with Parallel build run policy", func() {
		g.It("runs the builds in parallel", func() {
			g.By("starting multiple builds")
			var (
				startedBuilds []string
				counter       int
			bcName := "sample-parallel-build"

			buildWatch, err := oc.Client().Builds(oc.Namespace()).Watch(kapi.ListOptions{
				LabelSelector: buildutil.BuildConfigSelector(bcName),
			defer buildWatch.Stop()
Beispiel #9

	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""
	testutil ""

	kapi ""
	kclient ""

var (
	postgreSQLReplicationTemplate = ""
	postgreSQLEphemeralTemplate   = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "db-templates", "postgresql-ephemeral-template.json")
	postgreSQLHelperName          = "postgresql-helper"
	postgreSQLImages              = []string{

var _ = g.Describe("[LocalNode][images][postgresql][Slow] openshift postgresql replication", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()

	for i, image := range postgreSQLImages {
		oc := exutil.NewCLI(fmt.Sprintf("postgresql-replication-%d", i), exutil.KubeConfigPath())
		testFn := PostgreSQLReplicationTestFactory(oc, image)
Beispiel #10
	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][pullsecret][Conformance] docker build using a pull secret", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	const (
		buildTestPod     = "build-test-pod"
		buildTestService = "build-test-svc"

	var (
		buildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-docker-build-pullsecret.json")
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("docker-build-pullsecret", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.AdminKubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("Building from a template", func() {
		g.It("should create a docker build that pulls using a secret run it", func() {

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", buildFixture))
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", buildFixture).Execute()
Beispiel #11
	o ""
	e2e ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] incremental s2i build", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()

	const (
		buildTestPod     = "build-test-pod"
		buildTestService = "build-test-svc"

	var (
		templateFixture      = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "incremental-auth-build.json")
		podAndServiceFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-build-podsvc.json")
		oc                   = exutil.NewCLI("build-sti-inc", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.AdminKubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("Building from a template", func() {
		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should create a build from %q template and run it", templateFixture), func() {

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc new-app -f %q", templateFixture))
package builds

import (
	kapi ""

	g ""
	o ""

	buildapi ""
	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] builds should have deadlines", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		sourceFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-cds-sourcebuild.json")
		dockerFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-cds-dockerbuild.json")
		oc            = exutil.NewCLI("cli-start-build", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("oc start-build source-build --wait", func() {
		g.It("Source: should start a build and wait for the build failed and build pod being killed by kubelet", func() {

			g.By("calling oc create source-build")
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", sourceFixture).Execute()
Beispiel #13


	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("builds: parallel: STI build with .sti/environment file", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		imageStreamFixture = exutil.FixturePath("..", "integration", "fixtures", "test-image-stream.json")
		stiEnvBuildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "test-env-build.json")
		oc                 = exutil.NewCLI("build-sti-env", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("Building from a template", func() {
		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should create a image from %q template and run it in a pod", stiEnvBuildFixture), func() {

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", imageStreamFixture))
Beispiel #14

	g ""
	o ""

	e2e ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[networking][router] weighted openshift router", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		configPath = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "weighted-router.yaml")
		oc         = exutil.NewCLI("weighted-router", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.BeforeEach(func() {
		// defer oc.Run("delete").Args("-f", configPath).Execute()
		err := oc.AsAdmin().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-cluster-role-to-user", "system:router", oc.Username()).Execute()
		err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", configPath).Execute()

	g.Describe("The HAProxy router", func() {
		g.It("should appropriately serve a route that points to two services", func() {

import (
	kapi ""

	g ""
	o ""

	buildapi ""
	buildutil ""
	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("builds: build with CompletionDeadlineSeconds", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		sourceFixture = exutil.FixturePath("..", "extended", "fixtures", "test-cds-sourcebuild.json")
		dockerFixture = exutil.FixturePath("..", "extended", "fixtures", "test-cds-dockerbuild.json")
		oc            = exutil.NewCLI("cli-start-build", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("oc start-build source-build --wait", func() {
		g.It("Source: should start a build and wait for the build failed and build pod being killed by kubelet", func() {

			g.By("calling oc create source-build")
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", sourceFixture).Execute()
Beispiel #16
	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] s2i build with environment file in sources", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	const (
		buildTestPod     = "build-test-pod"
		buildTestService = "build-test-svc"

	var (
		imageStreamFixture   = exutil.FixturePath("..", "integration", "testdata", "test-image-stream.json")
		stiEnvBuildFixture   = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-env-build.json")
		podAndServiceFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-build-podsvc.json")
		oc                   = exutil.NewCLI("build-sti-env", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.AdminKubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("Building from a template", func() {
		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should create a image from %q template and run it in a pod", stiEnvBuildFixture), func() {
Beispiel #17
	kapi ""
	e2e ""

	deployutil ""
	exutil ""

const deploymentRunTimeout = 5 * time.Minute

var _ = g.Describe("deploymentconfigs", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		oc                      = exutil.NewCLI("cli-deployment", exutil.KubeConfigPath())
		deploymentFixture       = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-test.yaml")
		simpleDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-simple.yaml")
		customDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "custom-deployment.yaml")
		generationFixture       = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment.yaml")
		pausedDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "paused-deployment.yaml")
		failedHookFixture       = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "failing-pre-hook.yaml")
		brokenDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-broken.yaml")

	g.Describe("when run iteratively", func() {
		g.AfterEach(func() {
			if !g.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed {

			if dc, rcs, pods, err := deploymentInfo(oc, "deployment-simple"); err == nil {
Beispiel #18
import (


	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Conformance] remove all builds when build configuration is removed", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		buildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-build.json")
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("cli-remove-build", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))
		oc.Run("create").Args("-f", buildFixture).Execute()

	g.Describe("oc delete buildconfig", func() {
		g.It("should start builds and delete the buildconfig", func() {
			var (
				err    error
				builds [4]string
Beispiel #19
package builds

import (

	g ""
	o ""

	eximages ""
	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] result image should have proper labels set", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		imageStreamFixture = exutil.FixturePath("..", "integration", "testdata", "test-image-stream.json")
		stiBuildFixture    = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-s2i-build.json")
		dockerBuildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-docker-build.json")
		oc                 = exutil.NewCLI("build-sti-labels", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.AdminKubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("S2I build from a template", func() {
		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should create a image from %q template with proper Docker labels", stiBuildFixture), func() {
Beispiel #20
package images

import (

	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[images][mariadb][Slow] openshift mariadb image", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		templatePath = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "db-templates", "mariadb-ephemeral-template.json")
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("mariadb-create", exutil.KubeConfigPath())
	g.Describe("Creating from a template", func() {
		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should process and create the %q template", templatePath), func() {

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc process -f %q", templatePath))
			configFile, err := oc.Run("process").Args("-f", templatePath).OutputToFile("config.json")

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", configFile))
			err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", configFile).Execute()

			// oc.KubeFramework().WaitForAnEndpoint currently will wait forever;  for now, prefacing with our WaitForADeploymentToComplete,
			// which does have a timeout, since in most cases a failure in the service coming up stems from a failed deployment
Beispiel #21
	e2e ""

	deployapi ""
	deployutil ""
	exutil ""

const deploymentRunTimeout = 5 * time.Minute

var _ = g.Describe("deploymentconfigs", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		oc                              = exutil.NewCLI("cli-deployment", exutil.KubeConfigPath())
		deploymentFixture               = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-test.yaml")
		simpleDeploymentFixture         = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-simple.yaml")
		customDeploymentFixture         = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "custom-deployment.yaml")
		generationFixture               = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "generation-test.yaml")
		pausedDeploymentFixture         = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "paused-deployment.yaml")
		failedHookFixture               = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "failing-pre-hook.yaml")
		brokenDeploymentFixture         = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-deployment-broken.yaml")
		historyLimitedDeploymentFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-history-limit.yaml")
		minReadySecondsFixture          = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-min-ready-seconds.yaml")
		multipleICTFixture              = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "deployment-example.yaml")
		tagImagesFixture                = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "tag-images-deployment.yaml")

	g.Describe("when run iteratively", func() {
		g.AfterEach(func() {
			failureTrap(oc, "deployment-simple", g.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed)
Beispiel #22
import (

	g ""
	o ""
	exeutil ""

	kapi ""
	kapiextensions ""

var _ = g.Describe("[job] openshift can execute jobs", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		configPath = exeutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "job-controller.yaml")
		oc         = exeutil.NewCLI("job-controller", exeutil.KubeConfigPath())
	g.Describe("controller", func() {
		g.It("should create and run a job in user project", func() {
			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("creating a job from %q", configPath))
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", configPath).Execute()

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for pod..."))
			podNames, err := exeutil.WaitForPods(oc.KubeREST().Pods(oc.Namespace()), exeutil.ParseLabelsOrDie("app=pi"), exeutil.CheckPodIsSucceededFn, 1, 2*time.Minute)
			podName := podNames[0]
Beispiel #23


	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Slow] starting a build using CLI", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		buildFixture   = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-build.json")
		exampleGemfile = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-build-app", "Gemfile")
		exampleBuild   = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-build-app")
		oc             = exutil.NewCLI("cli-start-build", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))
		oc.Run("create").Args("-f", buildFixture).Execute()

	g.Describe("oc start-build --wait", func() {
		g.It("should start a build and wait for the build to complete", func() {
			g.By("starting the build with --wait flag")
Beispiel #24


	g ""
	o ""

	buildapi ""
	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("builds: parallel: oc start-build", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		buildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("..", "extended", "fixtures", "test-build.json")
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("cli-start-build", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))
		oc.Run("create").Args("-f", buildFixture).Execute()

	g.Describe("oc start-build --wait", func() {
		g.It("should start a build and wait for the build to complete", func() {
			g.By("starting the build with --wait flag")
			out, err := oc.Run("start-build").Args("sample-build", "--wait").Output()
Beispiel #25
	o ""

	exutil ""
	testutil ""

	kapi ""
	kclient ""

var (
	templatePaths = []string{
	helperTemplate = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "db-templates", "mysql-ephemeral-template.json")
	helperName     = "mysql-helper"

// CreateMySQLReplicationHelpers creates a set of MySQL helpers for master,
// slave and an extra helper that is used for remote login test.
func CreateMySQLReplicationHelpers(c kclient.PodInterface, masterDeployment, slaveDeployment, helperDeployment string, slaveCount int) (exutil.Database, []exutil.Database, exutil.Database) {
	podNames, err := exutil.WaitForPods(c, exutil.ParseLabelsOrDie(fmt.Sprintf("deployment=%s", masterDeployment)), exutil.CheckPodIsRunningFn, 1, 1*time.Minute)
	masterPod := podNames[0]

	slavePods, err := exutil.WaitForPods(c, exutil.ParseLabelsOrDie(fmt.Sprintf("deployment=%s", slaveDeployment)), exutil.CheckPodIsRunningFn, slaveCount, 2*time.Minute)

	// Create MySQL helper for master
	master := db.NewMysql(masterPod, "")
Beispiel #26
package builds

import (

	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds] build with empty source", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		buildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("..", "extended", "testdata", "test-nosrc-build.json")
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("cli-build-nosrc", exutil.KubeConfigPath())
		exampleBuild = exutil.FixturePath("..", "extended", "testdata", "test-build-app")

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.KubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))
		oc.Run("create").Args("-f", buildFixture).Execute()

	g.Describe("started build", func() {
		g.It("should build even with an empty source in build config", func() {
			g.By("starting the build with --wait flag")
			out, err := oc.Run("start-build").Args("nosrc-build", "--wait", fmt.Sprintf("--from-dir=%s", exampleBuild)).Output()
Beispiel #27
package builds

import (

	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][Conformance] build without output image", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var (
		dockerImageFixture = exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "test-docker-no-outputname.json")
		s2iImageFixture    = exutil.FixturePath("fixtures", "test-s2i-no-outputname.json")
		oc                 = exutil.NewCLI("build-no-outputname", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.Describe("building from templates", func() {

		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should create an image from %q docker template without an output image reference defined", dockerImageFixture), func() {
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", dockerImageFixture).Execute()

			g.By("expecting build to pass without an output image reference specified")
			out, err := oc.Run("start-build").Args("test-docker", "--follow", "--wait").Output()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintln(g.GinkgoWriter, out)
Beispiel #28
	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[builds][quota][Slow] docker build with a quota", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	const (
		buildTestPod     = "build-test-pod"
		buildTestService = "build-test-svc"

	var (
		buildFixture = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", "test-docker-build-quota.json")
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("docker-build-quota", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
		g.By("waiting for builder service account")
		err := exutil.WaitForBuilderAccount(oc.AdminKubeREST().ServiceAccounts(oc.Namespace()))

	g.Describe("Building from a template", func() {
		g.It("should create a docker build with a quota and run it", func() {

			g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc create -f %q", buildFixture))
			err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", buildFixture).Execute()
Beispiel #29
import (

	g ""
	o ""


	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("[images][mongodb] openshift mongodb image", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()

	templatePath := exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "db-templates", "mongodb-ephemeral-template.json")
	oc := exutil.NewCLI("mongodb-create", exutil.KubeConfigPath()).Verbose()

	g.Describe("creating from a template", func() {
		g.It(fmt.Sprintf("should process and create the %q template", templatePath), func() {

			g.By("creating a new app")
			o.Expect(oc.Run("new-app").Args("-f", templatePath).Execute()).Should(o.Succeed())

			g.By("waiting for the deployment to complete")
			err := exutil.WaitForADeploymentToComplete(oc.KubeREST().ReplicationControllers(oc.Namespace()), "mongodb")
			if err != nil {
				exutil.DumpDeploymentLogs("mongodb", oc)
Beispiel #30

	g ""
	o ""

	exutil ""

var _ = g.Describe("cli: parallel: oc rsync", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()

	var (
		oc           = exutil.NewCLI("cli-rsync", exutil.KubeConfigPath())
		templatePath = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "jenkins", "jenkins-ephemeral-template.json")
		sourcePath1  = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "image-streams")
		sourcePath2  = exutil.FixturePath("..", "..", "examples", "sample-app")
		strategies   = []string{"rsync", "rsync-daemon", "tar"}

	var podName string
	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {

		g.By(fmt.Sprintf("calling oc new-app -f %q", templatePath))
		err := oc.Run("new-app").Args("-f", templatePath).Execute()

		g.By("expecting the jenkins service get endpoints")
		err = oc.KubeFramework().WaitForAnEndpoint("jenkins")