Beispiel #1
Datei: ws.go Projekt: vadv/ostent
func IndexWS(access *Access, errlog *log.Logger, minperiod flags.Period, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Upgrader.Upgrade() has Origin check if .CheckOrigin is nil
	upgrader := gorillawebsocket.Upgrader{
		HandshakeTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
	wsconn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, req, nil)
	if err != nil { // Upgrade() does http.Error() to the client

	// req.Method == "GET" asserted by the mux
	req.Form = nil // reset reused later .Form
	c := &conn{
		Conn: wsconn,

		requestOrigin: req,

		receive: make(chan *received, 2),
		pushch:  make(chan *IndexUpdate, 2),
		para:    params.NewParams(minperiod),
		access:  access,
	Register <- c
	defer func() {
		unregister <- c
	stop := make(chan struct{}, 1)
	go c.receiveLoop(stop)     // read from the client
	c.updateLoop(errlog, stop) // write to the client
Beispiel #2
func indexData(minperiod flags.Period, req *http.Request) (IndexData, error) {
	if Connections.Len() == 0 {
		// collect when there're no active connections, so Loop does not collect

	para := params.NewParams(minperiod)
	updates, err := getUpdates(req, para, true)
	if err != nil {
		return IndexData{}, err

	data := IndexData{
		DISTRIB: DISTRIB, // value set in init()
		VERSION: VERSION, // value from server.go

		Params:       updates.Params,
		Generic:      updates.Generic,
		ExpandableDF: updates.ExpandableDF,
		ExpandtextDF: updates.ExpandtextDF,
		ExpandableIF: updates.ExpandableIF,
		ExpandtextIF: updates.ExpandtextIF,

	if updates.CPU != nil {
		data.CPU = *updates.CPU
	if updates.MEM != nil {
		data.MEM = *updates.MEM
	if updates.PStable != nil {
		data.PStable = *updates.PStable
	if updates.DFbytes != nil {
		data.DFbytes = *updates.DFbytes
	if updates.DFinodes != nil {
		data.DFinodes = *updates.DFinodes
	if updates.IFbytes != nil {
		data.IFbytes = *updates.IFbytes
	if updates.IFerrors != nil {
		data.IFerrors = *updates.IFerrors
	if updates.IFpackets != nil {
		data.IFpackets = *updates.IFpackets
	data.VagrantMachines = updates.VagrantMachines
	data.VagrantError = updates.VagrantError
	data.VagrantErrord = updates.VagrantErrord

	return data, nil
Beispiel #3
func FormRedirectFunc(minperiod flags.Period, wrap func(http.HandlerFunc) http.Handler) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, httprouter.Params) {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, muxpara httprouter.Params) {
		wrap(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			where := "/"
			if q := muxpara.ByName("Q"); q != "" {
				r.URL.RawQuery = r.Form.Encode() + "&" + strings.TrimPrefix(q, "?")
				r.Form = nil // reset the .Form for .ParseForm() to parse new r.URL.RawQuery.
				para := params.NewParams(minperiod)
				DecodeParam(para, r) // OR err.Error()
				where = "/?" + para.Query.ValuesEncode(nil)
			http.Redirect(w, r, where, http.StatusFound)
		}).ServeHTTP(w, r)