Beispiel #1
func do(appEnvObj interface{}) error {
	appEnv := appEnvObj.(*appEnv)
	address := appEnv.PachydermPfsd1Port
	if address == "" {
		address = appEnv.Address
	} else {
		address = strings.Replace(address, "tcp://", "", -1)
	clientConn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	apiClient := pfs.NewApiClient(clientConn)

	var shard int
	var modulus int

	createRepo := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "create-repo repo-name",
		Short:   "Create a new repo.",
		Long:    "Create a new repo.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.CreateRepo(apiClient, args[0])

	inspectRepo := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "inspect-repo repo-name",
		Short:   "Return info about a repo.",
		Long:    "Return info about a repo.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			repoInfo, err := pfsutil.InspectRepo(apiClient, args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if repoInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("repo %s not found", args[0])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintRepoInfo(writer, repoInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	listRepo := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-repo",
		Short:   "Return all repos.",
		Long:    "Reutrn all repos.",
		NumArgs: 0,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			repoInfos, err := pfsutil.ListRepo(apiClient)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, repoInfo := range repoInfos {
				pretty.PrintRepoInfo(writer, repoInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	deleteRepo := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "delete-repo repo-name",
		Short:   "Delete a repo.",
		Long:    "Delete a repo.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.DeleteRepo(apiClient, args[0])

	startCommit := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "start-commit repo-name parent-commit-id",
		Short:   "Start a new commit.",
		Long:    "Start a new commit with parent-commit-id as the parent.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			commit, err := pfsutil.StartCommit(apiClient, args[0], args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil

	finishCommit := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "finish-commit repo-name commit-id",
		Short:   "Finish a started commit.",
		Long:    "Finish a started commit. Commit-id must be a writeable commit.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.FinishCommit(apiClient, args[0], args[1])

	inspectCommit := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "inspect-commit repo-name commit-id",
		Short:   "Return info about a commit.",
		Long:    "Return info about a commit.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			commitInfo, err := pfsutil.InspectCommit(apiClient, args[0], args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if commitInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("commit %s not found", args[1])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintCommitInfo(writer, commitInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	listCommit := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-commit repo-name",
		Short:   "Return all commits on a repo.",
		Long:    "Return all commits on a repo.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			commitInfos, err := pfsutil.ListCommit(apiClient, args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, commitInfo := range commitInfos {
				pretty.PrintCommitInfo(writer, commitInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	deleteCommit := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "delete-commit repo-name commit-id",
		Short:   "Delete a commit.",
		Long:    "Delete a commit.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.DeleteCommit(apiClient, args[0], args[1])

	putBlock := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "put-block repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short:   "Put a block from stdin",
		Long:    "Put a block from stdin. Directories must exist. commit-id must be a writeable commit.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			block, err := pfsutil.PutBlock(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], os.Stdin)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil

	getBlock := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "get-block hash",
		Short:   "Return the contents of a block.",
		Long:    "Return the contents of a block.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.GetBlock(apiClient, args[0], os.Stdout)

	inspectBlock := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "inspect-block hash",
		Short:   "Return info about a block.",
		Long:    "Return info about a block.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			blockInfo, err := pfsutil.InspectBlock(apiClient, args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if blockInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("block %s not found", args[2])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintBlockInfo(writer, blockInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	listBlock := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-block",
		Short:   "Return the blocks in a directory.",
		Long:    "Return the blocks in a directory.",
		NumArgs: 0,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			blockInfos, err := pfsutil.ListBlock(apiClient, uint64(shard), uint64(modulus))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, blockInfo := range blockInfos {
				pretty.PrintBlockInfo(writer, blockInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	listBlock.Flags().IntVarP(&shard, "shard", "s", 0, "shard to read from")
	listBlock.Flags().IntVarP(&modulus, "modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of the shards")

	mkdir := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "mkdir repo-name commit-id path/to/dir",
		Short:   "Make a directory.",
		Long:    "Make a directory. Parent directories need not exist.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.MakeDirectory(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2])

	putFile := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "put-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short:   "Put a file from stdin",
		Long:    "Put a file from stdin. Directories must exist. commit-id must be a writeable commit.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			_, err := pfsutil.PutFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], 0, os.Stdin)
			return err

	getFile := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "get-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short:   "Return the contents of a file.",
		Long:    "Return the contents of a file.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.GetFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], 0, math.MaxInt64, os.Stdout)

	inspectFile := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "inspect-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short:   "Return info about a file.",
		Long:    "Return info about a file.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			fileInfo, err := pfsutil.InspectFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if fileInfo == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("file %s not found", args[2])
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintFileInfo(writer, fileInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	listFile := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-file repo-name commit-id path/to/dir",
		Short:   "Return the files in a directory.",
		Long:    "Return the files in a directory.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			fileInfos, err := pfsutil.ListFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], uint64(shard), uint64(modulus))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
				pretty.PrintFileInfo(writer, fileInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	listFile.Flags().IntVarP(&shard, "shard", "s", 0, "shard to read from")
	listFile.Flags().IntVarP(&modulus, "modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of the shards")

	deleteFile := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "delete-file repo-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Short:   "Delete a file.",
		Long:    "Delete a file.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.DeleteFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2])

	listChange := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-change repo-name commit-id path/to/dir",
		Short:   "Return the changes in a directory.",
		Long:    "Return the changes in a directory.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			changeInfos, err := pfsutil.ListChange(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], uint64(shard), uint64(modulus))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, changeInfo := range changeInfos {
				pretty.PrintChange(writer, changeInfo)
			return writer.Flush()
	listChange.Flags().IntVarP(&shard, "shard", "s", 0, "shard to read from")
	listChange.Flags().IntVarP(&modulus, "modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of the shards")

	inspectServer := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "inspect-server server-id",
		Short:   "Inspect a server.",
		Long:    "Inspect a server.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			serverInfo, err := pfsutil.InspectServer(apiClient, args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			pretty.PrintServerInfo(writer, serverInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	listServer := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-server",
		Short:   "Return all servers in the cluster.",
		Long:    "Return all servers in the cluster.",
		NumArgs: 0,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			serverInfos, err := pfsutil.ListServer(apiClient)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0)
			for _, serverInfo := range serverInfos {
				pretty.PrintServerInfo(writer, serverInfo)
			return writer.Flush()

	mount := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "mount mountpoint repo-name [commit-id]",
		Short:      "Mount a repo as a local file system.",
		Long:       "Mount a repo as a local file system.",
		MinNumArgs: 2,
		MaxNumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			mountPoint := args[0]
			repo := args[1]
			commitID := ""
			if len(args) == 3 {
				commitID = args[2]
			mounter := fuse.NewMounter(apiClient)
			if err := mounter.Mount(repo, commitID, mountPoint, uint64(shard), uint64(modulus)); err != nil {
				return err
			return mounter.Wait(mountPoint)
	mount.Flags().IntVarP(&shard, "shard", "s", 0, "shard to read from")
	mount.Flags().IntVarP(&modulus, "modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of the shards")

	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use: "pfs",
		Long: `Access the PFS API.

Note that this CLI is experimental and does not even check for common errors.
The environment variable PFS_ADDRESS controls what server the CLI connects to, the default is`,

	rootCmd.AddCommand(protoclient.NewVersionCommand(clientConn, pachyderm.Version, nil))
	return rootCmd.Execute()
Beispiel #2
func do(appEnvObj interface{}) error {
	appEnv := appEnvObj.(*appEnv)

	clientConn, err := grpc.Dial(appEnv.Address)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	apiClient := pfs.NewApiClient(clientConn)

	var shard int
	var modulus int

	initCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "init repository-name",
		Long:    "Initalize a repository.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.InitRepository(apiClient, args[0], false)

	mkdirCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "mkdir repository-name commit-id path/to/dir",
		Long:    "Make a directory. Sub directories must already exist.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.MakeDirectory(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2])

	putCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "put repository-name branch-id path/to/file",
		Long:    "Put a file from stdin. Directories must exist. branch-id must be a writeable commit.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			_, err := pfsutil.PutFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], 0, os.Stdin)
			return err

	getCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "get repository-name commit-id path/to/file",
		Long:    "Get a file from stdout. commit-id must be a readable commit.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.GetFile(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], 0, pfsutil.GetAll, os.Stdout)

	lsCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "ls repository-name branch-id path/to/dir",
		Long:    "List a directory. Directory must exist.",
		NumArgs: 3,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			listFilesResponse, err := pfsutil.ListFiles(apiClient, args[0], args[1], args[2], uint64(shard), uint64(modulus))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			for _, fileInfo := range listFilesResponse.FileInfo {
				fmt.Printf("%+v\n", fileInfo)
			return nil
	lsCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&shard, "shard", "s", 0, "shard to read from")
	lsCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&modulus, "modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of the shards")

	branchCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "branch repository-name commit-id",
		Long:    "Branch a commit. commit-id must be a readable commit.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			branchResponse, err := pfsutil.Branch(apiClient, args[0], args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil

	commitCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "commit repository-name branch-id",
		Long:    "Commit a branch. branch-id must be a writeable commit.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return pfsutil.Commit(apiClient, args[0], args[1])

	commitInfoCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "commit-info repository-name commit-id",
		Long:    "Get info for a commit.",
		NumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			commitInfoResponse, err := pfsutil.GetCommitInfo(apiClient, args[0], args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			fmt.Printf("%+v\n", commitInfoResponse.CommitInfo)
			return nil

	listCommitsCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "list-commits repository-name",
		Long:    "List commits on the repository.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			listCommitsResponse, err := pfsutil.ListCommits(apiClient, args[0])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			for _, commitInfo := range listCommitsResponse.CommitInfo {
				fmt.Printf("%+v\n", commitInfo)
			return nil

	mountCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "mount repository-name",
		Long:    "Mount a repository as a local file system.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return fuse.NewMounter().Mount(apiClient, args[0], args[0], uint64(shard), uint64(modulus))
	mountCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&shard, "shard", "s", 0, "shard to read from")
	mountCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&modulus, "modulus", "m", 1, "modulus of the shards")

	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use: "pfs",
		Long: `Access the PFS API.

Note that this CLI is experimental and does not even check for common errors.
The environment variable PFS_ADDRESS controls what server the CLI connects to, the default is`,

	rootCmd.AddCommand(cobramainutil.NewVersionCommand(clientConn, pachyderm.Version))
	return rootCmd.Execute()
Beispiel #3
func do(appEnvObj interface{}) error {
	appEnv := appEnvObj.(*appEnv)

	clientConn, err := grpc.Dial(appEnv.Address)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	apiClient := pps.NewApiClient(clientConn)

	var protoFlag bool

	inspectCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "inspect [path/to/specDir]",
		Long:       "Inspect a pipeline specification.",
		MinNumArgs: 1,
		MaxNumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			pipelineArgs, err := getPipelineArgs(args)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			getPipelineResponse, err := ppsutil.GetPipelineGithub(
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if protoFlag {
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", getPipelineResponse.Pipeline)
			} else {
				data, err := json.MarshalIndent(getPipelineResponse.Pipeline, "", "\t ")
				if err != nil {
					return err
			return nil
	inspectCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&protoFlag, "proto", false, "Print in proto format instead of JSON.")

	startCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "start [path/to/specDir]",
		Long:       "Start a pipeline specification run.",
		MinNumArgs: 1,
		MaxNumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			pipelineArgs, err := getPipelineArgs(args)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			startPipelineRunResponse, err := ppsutil.StartPipelineRunGithub(
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil

	statusCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "status pipelineRunID",
		Long:    "Get the status of a pipeline run.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			getPipelineRunStatusResponse, err := ppsutil.GetPipelineRunStatus(
			if err != nil {
				return err
			name, ok := pps.PipelineRunStatusType_name[int32(getPipelineRunStatusResponse.PipelineRunStatus.PipelineRunStatusType)]
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unknown run status")
			fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", args[0], strings.Replace(name, "PIPELINE_RUN_STATUS_TYPE_", "", -1))
			return nil

	logsCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "logs pipelineRunID [node]",
		Long:       "Get the logs from a pipeline run.",
		MinNumArgs: 1,
		MaxNumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			node := ""
			if len(args) == 2 {
				node = args[1]
			getPipelineRunLogsResponse, err := ppsutil.GetPipelineRunLogs(
			if err != nil {
				return err
			for _, pipelineRunLog := range getPipelineRunLogsResponse.PipelineRunLog {
				name, ok := pps.OutputStream_name[int32(pipelineRunLog.OutputStream)]
				if !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("unknown pps.OutputStream")
				name = strings.Replace(name, "OUTPUT_STREAM_", "", -1)
				containerID := pipelineRunLog.ContainerId
				if len(containerID) > 8 {
					containerID = containerID[:8]
				logInfo := &logInfo{
					Node:         pipelineRunLog.Node,
					ContainerID:  containerID,
					OutputStream: name,
					Time:         protoutil.TimestampToTime(pipelineRunLog.Timestamp),
				logInfoData, err := json.Marshal(logInfo)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				s := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", string(logInfoData), string(pipelineRunLog.Data))
			return nil

	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use: "pps",
		Long: `Access the PPS API.

Note that this CLI is experimental and does not even check for common errors.
The environment variable PPS_ADDRESS controls what server the CLI connects to, the default is`,
	rootCmd.AddCommand(cobramainutil.NewVersionCommand(clientConn, pachyderm.Version))
	return rootCmd.Execute()
Beispiel #4
func do(appEnvObj interface{}) error {
	appEnv := appEnvObj.(*appEnv)
	address := appEnv.PachydermPpsd1Port
	if address == "" {
		address = appEnv.Address
	} else {
		address = strings.Replace(address, "tcp://", "", -1)
	clientConn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	apiClient := pps.NewApiClient(clientConn)

	var protoFlag bool

	inspectCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "inspect [path/to/specDir]",
		Long:       "Inspect a pipeline specification.",
		MinNumArgs: 1,
		MaxNumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			githubPipelineSource, err := getGithubPipelineSource(args)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			pipelineSource, err := apiClient.CreatePipelineSource(
					PipelineSource: &pps.PipelineSource{
						TypedPipelineSource: &pps.PipelineSource_GithubPipelineSource{
							GithubPipelineSource: githubPipelineSource,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			pipeline, err := apiClient.CreateAndGetPipeline(
					PipelineSourceId: pipelineSource.Id,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if protoFlag {
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", pipeline)
			} else {
				data, err := json.MarshalIndent(pipeline, "", "\t ")
				if err != nil {
					return err
			return nil
	inspectCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&protoFlag, "proto", false, "Print in proto format instead of JSON.")

	startCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "start [path/to/specDir]",
		Long:       "Start a pipeline specification run.",
		MinNumArgs: 1,
		MaxNumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			githubPipelineSource, err := getGithubPipelineSource(args)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			pipelineSource, err := apiClient.CreatePipelineSource(
					PipelineSource: &pps.PipelineSource{
						TypedPipelineSource: &pps.PipelineSource_GithubPipelineSource{
							GithubPipelineSource: githubPipelineSource,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			pipeline, err := apiClient.CreateAndGetPipeline(
					PipelineSourceId: pipelineSource.Id,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			pipelineRun, err := apiClient.CreatePipelineRun(
					PipelineId: pipeline.Id,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			_, err = apiClient.StartPipelineRun(
					PipelineRunId: pipelineRun.Id,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil

	statusCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:     "status pipelineRunID",
		Long:    "Get the status of a pipeline run.",
		NumArgs: 1,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			pipelineRunStatuses, err := apiClient.GetPipelineRunStatus(
					PipelineRunId: args[0],
			if err != nil {
				return err
			pipelineRunStatus := pipelineRunStatuses.PipelineRunStatus[0]
			name, ok := pps.PipelineRunStatusType_name[int32(pipelineRunStatus.PipelineRunStatusType)]
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unknown run status")
			fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", args[0], strings.Replace(name, "PIPELINE_RUN_STATUS_TYPE_", "", -1))
			return nil

	logsCmd := cobramainutil.Command{
		Use:        "logs pipelineRunID [node]",
		Long:       "Get the logs from a pipeline run.",
		MinNumArgs: 1,
		MaxNumArgs: 2,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			node := ""
			if len(args) == 2 {
				node = args[1]
			pipelineRunLogs, err := apiClient.GetPipelineRunLogs(
					PipelineRunId: args[0],
					Node:          node,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			for _, pipelineRunLog := range pipelineRunLogs.PipelineRunLog {
				name, ok := pps.OutputStream_name[int32(pipelineRunLog.OutputStream)]
				if !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("unknown pps.OutputStream")
				name = strings.Replace(name, "OUTPUT_STREAM_", "", -1)
				containerID := pipelineRunLog.ContainerId
				if len(containerID) > 8 {
					containerID = containerID[:8]
				logInfo := &logInfo{
					Node:         pipelineRunLog.Node,
					ContainerID:  containerID,
					OutputStream: name,
					Time:         prototime.TimestampToTime(pipelineRunLog.Timestamp),
				logInfoData, err := json.Marshal(logInfo)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				s := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", string(logInfoData), string(pipelineRunLog.Data))
			return nil

	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use: "pps",
		Long: `Access the PPS API.

Note that this CLI is experimental and does not even check for common errors.
The environment variable PPS_ADDRESS controls what server the CLI connects to, the default is`,
	rootCmd.AddCommand(protoclient.NewVersionCommand(clientConn, pachyderm.Version, nil))
	return rootCmd.Execute()