Beispiel #1
// GetSave saves a record to the database
func GetSave(host, token, collection, id, value string) (*map[string]interface{}, error) {
	path := variables.APIPathGetSave
	path = strings.Replace(path, ":collection", collection, 1)
	path = strings.Replace(path, ":id", id, 1)
	path = strings.Replace(path, ":value", value, 1)
	return easyreq.GenericRequest(host, path, token, nil)
Beispiel #2
// LoginAuth logs in a user
func LoginAuth(host, token string, doc map[string]interface{}) (*map[string]interface{}, error) {
	path := variables.APIPathLoginAuth
	return easyreq.GenericRequest(host, path, token, doc)
Beispiel #3
// RefreshAuth gets a new toke for the user
func RefreshAuth(host, token string) (*map[string]interface{}, error) {
	path := variables.APIPathRefreshAuth
	return easyreq.GenericRequest(host, path, token, nil)
Beispiel #4
// End ends a call that has been started provided you have the lock
func End(host, token, lock string) (*map[string]interface{}, error) {
	path := variables.APIPathEnd
	path = strings.Replace(path, ":lock", lock, 1)
	return easyreq.GenericRequest(host, path, token, nil)
Beispiel #5
// Call makes a call to a number and returns a lock
func Call(host, token, number string) (*map[string]interface{}, error) {
	path := variables.APIPathCall
	path = strings.Replace(path, ":number", number, 1)
	return easyreq.GenericRequest(host, path, token, nil)
Beispiel #6
// Near preforms a geospacial query to find things near a point
func Near(host, token, collection string, doc map[string]interface{}) (*map[string]interface{}, error) {
	path := variables.APIPathNear
	path = strings.Replace(path, ":collection", collection, 1)
	return easyreq.GenericRequest(host, path, token, doc)