Beispiel #1
// Make sure that all tables of infomation_schema could be found in infoschema handle.
func (*testSuite) TestInfoTables(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	driver := localstore.Driver{Driver: goleveldb.MemoryDriver{}}
	store, err := driver.Open("memory")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer store.Close()
	handle, err := infoschema.NewHandle(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	builder, err := infoschema.NewBuilder(handle).InitWithDBInfos(nil, 0)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = builder.Build()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	is := handle.Get()
	c.Assert(is, NotNil)

	info_tables := []string{
	for _, t := range info_tables {
		tb, err1 := is.TableByName(model.NewCIStr(infoschema.Name), model.NewCIStr(t))
		c.Assert(err1, IsNil)
		c.Assert(tb, NotNil)
Beispiel #2
func (ts *testSuite) TestConstraintNames(c *C) {
	handle := infoschema.NewHandle(
	dd := ddl.NewDDL(, handle)
	se, _ := tidb.CreateSession(
	ctx := se.(context.Context)
	schemaName := model.NewCIStr("test")
	tblName := model.NewCIStr("t")
	tbIdent := table.Ident{
		Schema: schemaName,
		Name:   tblName,
	err := dd.CreateSchema(ctx, tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	tbStmt := statement("create table t (a int, b int, index a (a, b), index a (a))").(*stmts.CreateTableStmt)
	err = dd.CreateTable(ctx, tbIdent, tbStmt.Cols, tbStmt.Constraints)
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)

	tbStmt = statement("create table t (a int, b int, index A (a, b), index (a))").(*stmts.CreateTableStmt)
	err = dd.CreateTable(ctx, tbIdent, tbStmt.Cols, tbStmt.Constraints)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	tbl, err := handle.Get().TableByName(schemaName, tblName)
	indices := tbl.Indices()
	c.Assert(len(indices), Equals, 2)
	c.Assert(indices[0].Name.O, Equals, "A")
	c.Assert(indices[1].Name.O, Equals, "a_2")

	err = dd.DropSchema(ctx, tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Beispiel #3
// NewDomain creates a new domain. Should not create multiple domains for the same store.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease time.Duration) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{
		store:          store,
		SchemaValidity: &schemaValidityInfo{},
		exit:           make(chan struct{}),

	d.infoHandle, err = infoschema.NewHandle(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(, d.infoHandle, &ddlCallback{do: d}, lease)
	if err = d.Reload(); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	d.SchemaValidity.SetExpireInfo(false, 0)


	// Only when the store is local that the lease value is 0.
	// If the store is local, it doesn't need loadSchemaInLoop and checkValidityInLoop.
	if lease > 0 {
		go d.checkValidityInLoop(lease)
	// Local store needs to get the change information for every DDL state in each session.
	go d.loadSchemaInLoop(lease)

	return d, nil
Beispiel #4
// Make sure it is safe to concurrently create handle on multiple stores.
func (testSuite) TestConcurrent(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	storeCount := 5
	stores := make([]kv.Storage, storeCount)
	for i := 0; i < storeCount; i++ {
		driver := localstore.Driver{Driver: goleveldb.MemoryDriver{}}
		store, err := driver.Open(fmt.Sprintf("memory_path_%d", i))
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		stores[i] = store
	defer func() {
		for _, store := range stores {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, store := range stores {
		go func(s kv.Storage) {
			defer wg.Done()
			_, err := infoschema.NewHandle(s)
			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Beispiel #5
// NewDomain creates a new domain.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{
		store: store,

	d.infoHandle = infoschema.NewHandle(
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(, d.infoHandle, d.onDDLChange)
	err = d.reload()
	return d, errors.Trace(err)
Beispiel #6
// NewDomain creates a new domain.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease time.Duration) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{
		store:   store,
		leaseCh: make(chan time.Duration, 1),

	d.infoHandle = infoschema.NewHandle(
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(, d.infoHandle, &ddlCallback{do: d}, lease)


	go d.loadSchemaInLoop(lease)

	return d, nil
Beispiel #7
// NewDomain creates a new domain.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease int) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{
		store: store,
		lease: lease,

	d.infoHandle = infoschema.NewHandle(
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(, d.infoHandle, d.onDDLChange, lease)
	err = d.reload()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("load schema err %v", err)

	go d.loadSchemaInLoop()

	return d, nil
Beispiel #8
// NewDomain creates a new domain.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, lease time.Duration) (d *Domain, err error) {
	d = &Domain{store: store}

	d.infoHandle, err = infoschema.NewHandle(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	d.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(, d.infoHandle, &ddlCallback{do: d}, lease)


	// Only when the store is local that the lease value is 0.
	// If the store is local, it doesn't need loadSchemaInLoop.
	if lease > 0 {
		d.leaseCh = make(chan time.Duration, 1)
		go d.loadSchemaInLoop(lease)

	return d, nil
Beispiel #9
func (ts *testSuite) TestT(c *C) {
	handle := infoschema.NewHandle(
	dd := ddl.NewDDL(, handle)
	se, _ := tidb.CreateSession(
	ctx := se.(context.Context)
	schemaName := model.NewCIStr("test")
	tblName := model.NewCIStr("t")
	tbIdent := table.Ident{
		Schema: schemaName,
		Name:   tblName,
	noExist := model.NewCIStr("noexist")

	err := dd.CreateSchema(ctx, tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = dd.CreateSchema(ctx, tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(errors2.ErrorEqual(err, ddl.ErrExists), IsTrue)

	tbStmt := statement("create table t (a int primary key not null, b varchar(255), key idx_b (b), c int, d int unique)").(*stmts.CreateTableStmt)

	err = dd.CreateTable(ctx, table.Ident{Schema: noExist, Name: tbIdent.Name}, tbStmt.Cols, tbStmt.Constraints)
	c.Assert(errors2.ErrorEqual(err, qerror.ErrDatabaseNotExist), IsTrue)
	err = dd.CreateTable(ctx, tbIdent, tbStmt.Cols, tbStmt.Constraints)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = dd.CreateTable(ctx, tbIdent, tbStmt.Cols, tbStmt.Constraints)
	c.Assert(errors2.ErrorEqual(err, ddl.ErrExists), IsTrue)

	tbIdent2 := tbIdent
	tbIdent2.Name = model.NewCIStr("t2")
	tbStmt = statement("create table t2 (a int unique not null)").(*stmts.CreateTableStmt)
	err = dd.CreateTable(ctx, tbIdent2, tbStmt.Cols, tbStmt.Constraints)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	tb, err := handle.Get().TableByName(tbIdent.Schema, tbIdent.Name)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	_, err = tb.AddRecord(ctx, []interface{}{1, "b", 2, 4})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	alterStmt := statement("alter table t add column aa int first").(*stmts.AlterTableStmt)
	dd.AlterTable(ctx, tbIdent, alterStmt.Specs)
	c.Assert(alterStmt.Specs[0].String(), Not(Equals), "")
	// Check indices info
	is := handle.Get()
	tbl, err := is.TableByName(schemaName, tblName)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(tbl, NotNil)
	expectedOffset := make(map[string]int)
	expectedOffset["a"] = 1
	expectedOffset["b"] = 2
	expectedOffset["d"] = 4
	for _, idx := range tbl.Indices() {
		for _, col := range idx.Columns {
			o, ok := expectedOffset[col.Name.L]
			c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
			c.Assert(col.Offset, Equals, o)
	alterStmt = statement("alter table t add column bb int after b").(*stmts.AlterTableStmt)
	err = dd.AlterTable(ctx, tbIdent, alterStmt.Specs)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(alterStmt.Specs[0].String(), Not(Equals), "")
	// Inserting a duplicated column will cause error.
	alterStmt = statement("alter table t add column bb int after b").(*stmts.AlterTableStmt)
	err = dd.AlterTable(ctx, tbIdent, alterStmt.Specs)
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)

	idxStmt := statement("CREATE INDEX idx_c ON t (c)").(*stmts.CreateIndexStmt)
	idxName := model.NewCIStr(idxStmt.IndexName)
	err = dd.CreateIndex(ctx, tbIdent, idxStmt.Unique, idxName, idxStmt.IndexColNames)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	tbs := handle.Get().SchemaTables(tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(len(tbs), Equals, 2)
	err = dd.DropIndex(ctx, tbIdent.Schema, tbIdent.Name, idxName)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = dd.DropTable(ctx, tbIdent)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	tbs = handle.Get().SchemaTables(tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(len(tbs), Equals, 1)

	err = dd.DropSchema(ctx, noExist)
	c.Assert(errors2.ErrorEqual(err, ddl.ErrNotExists), IsTrue)
	err = dd.DropSchema(ctx, tbIdent.Schema)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Beispiel #10
func (*testSuite) TestT(c *C) {
	table.TableFromMeta = tables.TableFromMeta

	driver := localstore.Driver{Driver: goleveldb.MemoryDriver{}}
	store, err := driver.Open("memory")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer store.Close()

	handle := infoschema.NewHandle(store)
	dbName := model.NewCIStr("Test")
	tbName := model.NewCIStr("T")
	colName := model.NewCIStr("A")
	idxName := model.NewCIStr("idx")
	noexist := model.NewCIStr("noexist")

	colInfo := &model.ColumnInfo{
		ID:        3,
		Name:      colName,
		Offset:    0,
		FieldType: *types.NewFieldType(mysqldef.TypeLonglong),

	idxInfo := &model.IndexInfo{
		Name:  idxName,
		Table: tbName,
		Columns: []*model.IndexColumn{
				Name:   colName,
				Offset: 0,
				Length: 10,
		Unique:  true,
		Primary: true,

	tblInfo := &model.TableInfo{
		ID:      2,
		Name:    tbName,
		Columns: []*model.ColumnInfo{colInfo},
		Indices: []*model.IndexInfo{idxInfo},

	dbInfo := &model.DBInfo{
		ID:     1,
		Name:   dbName,
		Tables: []*model.TableInfo{tblInfo},

	dbInfos := []*model.DBInfo{dbInfo}

	is := handle.Get()

	schemaNames := is.AllSchemaNames()
	c.Assert(len(schemaNames), Equals, 1)
	c.Assert(schemaNames[0], Equals, "Test")

	schemas := is.AllSchemas()
	c.Assert(len(schemas), Equals, 1)
	schemas = is.Clone()
	c.Assert(len(schemas), Equals, 1)

	c.Assert(is.SchemaExists(dbName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.SchemaExists(noexist), IsFalse)

	schema, ok := is.SchemaByID(1)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(schema, NotNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByID(2)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(schema, IsNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByName(dbName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(schema, NotNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByName(noexist)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(schema, IsNil)

	c.Assert(is.TableExists(dbName, tbName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.TableExists(dbName, noexist), IsFalse)

	tb, ok := is.TableByID(2)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	tb, ok = is.TableByID(3)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(tb, IsNil)

	tb, err = is.TableByName(dbName, tbName)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	tb, err = is.TableByName(dbName, noexist)
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)

	c.Assert(is.ColumnExists(dbName, tbName, colName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.ColumnExists(dbName, tbName, noexist), IsFalse)

	col, ok := is.ColumnByID(3)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(col, NotNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByID(5)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(col, IsNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByName(dbName, tbName, colName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(col, NotNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByName(dbName, tbName, noexist)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(col, IsNil)

	indices := is.ColumnIndices(3)
	c.Assert(len(indices), Equals, 1)

	tbs := is.SchemaTables(dbName)
	c.Assert(len(tbs), Equals, 1)

	tbs = is.SchemaTables(noexist)
	c.Assert(len(tbs), Equals, 0)

	idx, ok := is.IndexByName(dbName, tbName, idxName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(idx, NotNil)
Beispiel #11
func (*testSuite) TestT(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	driver := localstore.Driver{Driver: goleveldb.MemoryDriver{}}
	store, err := driver.Open("memory")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer store.Close()

	handle, err := infoschema.NewHandle(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	dbName := model.NewCIStr("Test")
	tbName := model.NewCIStr("T")
	colName := model.NewCIStr("A")
	idxName := model.NewCIStr("idx")
	noexist := model.NewCIStr("noexist")

	colID, err := genGlobalID(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	colInfo := &model.ColumnInfo{
		ID:        colID,
		Name:      colName,
		Offset:    0,
		FieldType: *types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong),
		State:     model.StatePublic,

	idxInfo := &model.IndexInfo{
		Name:  idxName,
		Table: tbName,
		Columns: []*model.IndexColumn{
				Name:   colName,
				Offset: 0,
				Length: 10,
		Unique:  true,
		Primary: true,
		State:   model.StatePublic,

	tbID, err := genGlobalID(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	tblInfo := &model.TableInfo{
		ID:      tbID,
		Name:    tbName,
		Columns: []*model.ColumnInfo{colInfo},
		Indices: []*model.IndexInfo{idxInfo},
		State:   model.StatePublic,

	dbID, err := genGlobalID(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	dbInfo := &model.DBInfo{
		ID:     dbID,
		Name:   dbName,
		Tables: []*model.TableInfo{tblInfo},
		State:  model.StatePublic,

	dbInfos := []*model.DBInfo{dbInfo}
	err = kv.RunInNewTxn(store, true, func(txn kv.Transaction) error {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	builder, err := infoschema.NewBuilder(handle).InitWithDBInfos(dbInfos, 1)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	txn, err := store.Begin()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	checkApplyCreateNonExistsSchemaDoesNotPanic(c, txn, builder)
	checkApplyCreateNonExistsTableDoesNotPanic(c, txn, builder, dbID)

	err = builder.Build()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	is := handle.Get()

	schemaNames := is.AllSchemaNames()
	c.Assert(schemaNames, HasLen, 3)
	c.Assert(testutil.CompareUnorderedStringSlice(schemaNames, []string{infoschema.Name, perfschema.Name, "Test"}), IsTrue)

	schemas := is.AllSchemas()
	c.Assert(schemas, HasLen, 3)
	schemas = is.Clone()
	c.Assert(schemas, HasLen, 3)

	c.Assert(is.SchemaExists(dbName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.SchemaExists(noexist), IsFalse)

	schema, ok := is.SchemaByID(dbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(schema, NotNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByID(tbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(schema, IsNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByName(dbName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(schema, NotNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByName(noexist)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(schema, IsNil)

	c.Assert(is.TableExists(dbName, tbName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.TableExists(dbName, noexist), IsFalse)

	tb, ok := is.TableByID(tbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	tb, ok = is.TableByID(dbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(tb, IsNil)

	alloc, ok := is.AllocByID(tbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(alloc, NotNil)

	tb, err = is.TableByName(dbName, tbName)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	tb, err = is.TableByName(dbName, noexist)
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)

	tbs := is.SchemaTables(dbName)
	c.Assert(tbs, HasLen, 1)

	tbs = is.SchemaTables(noexist)
	c.Assert(tbs, HasLen, 0)

	// Make sure partitions table exists
	tb, err = is.TableByName(model.NewCIStr("information_schema"), model.NewCIStr("partitions"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)
Beispiel #12
func (*testSuite) TestT(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	driver := localstore.Driver{Driver: goleveldb.MemoryDriver{}}
	store, err := driver.Open("memory")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer store.Close()

	handle, err := infoschema.NewHandle(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	dbName := model.NewCIStr("Test")
	tbName := model.NewCIStr("T")
	colName := model.NewCIStr("A")
	idxName := model.NewCIStr("idx")
	noexist := model.NewCIStr("noexist")

	colID, err := genGlobalID(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	colInfo := &model.ColumnInfo{
		ID:        colID,
		Name:      colName,
		Offset:    0,
		FieldType: *types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong),
		State:     model.StatePublic,

	idxInfo := &model.IndexInfo{
		Name:  idxName,
		Table: tbName,
		Columns: []*model.IndexColumn{
				Name:   colName,
				Offset: 0,
				Length: 10,
		Unique:  true,
		Primary: true,
		State:   model.StatePublic,

	tbID, err := genGlobalID(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	tblInfo := &model.TableInfo{
		ID:      tbID,
		Name:    tbName,
		Columns: []*model.ColumnInfo{colInfo},
		Indices: []*model.IndexInfo{idxInfo},
		State:   model.StatePublic,

	dbID, err := genGlobalID(store)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	dbInfo := &model.DBInfo{
		ID:     dbID,
		Name:   dbName,
		Tables: []*model.TableInfo{tblInfo},
		State:  model.StatePublic,

	dbInfos := []*model.DBInfo{dbInfo}

	handle.Set(dbInfos, 1)
	is := handle.Get()

	schemaNames := is.AllSchemaNames()
	c.Assert(schemaNames, HasLen, 3)
	c.Assert(testutil.CompareUnorderedStringSlice(schemaNames, []string{infoschema.Name, perfschema.Name, "Test"}), IsTrue)

	schemas := is.AllSchemas()
	c.Assert(schemas, HasLen, 3)
	schemas = is.Clone()
	c.Assert(schemas, HasLen, 3)

	c.Assert(is.SchemaExists(dbName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.SchemaExists(noexist), IsFalse)

	schema, ok := is.SchemaByID(dbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(schema, NotNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByID(tbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(schema, IsNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByName(dbName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(schema, NotNil)

	schema, ok = is.SchemaByName(noexist)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(schema, IsNil)

	c.Assert(is.TableExists(dbName, tbName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.TableExists(dbName, noexist), IsFalse)

	tb, ok := is.TableByID(tbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	tb, ok = is.TableByID(dbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(tb, IsNil)

	alloc, ok := is.AllocByID(tbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(alloc, NotNil)

	tb, err = is.TableByName(dbName, tbName)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	tb, err = is.TableByName(dbName, noexist)
	c.Assert(err, NotNil)

	c.Assert(is.ColumnExists(dbName, tbName, colName), IsTrue)
	c.Assert(is.ColumnExists(dbName, tbName, noexist), IsFalse)

	col, ok := is.ColumnByID(colID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(col, NotNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByID(dbID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(col, IsNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByName(dbName, tbName, colName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(col, NotNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByName(dbName, tbName, noexist)
	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
	c.Assert(col, IsNil)

	indices, ok := is.ColumnIndicesByID(colID)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(indices, HasLen, 1)

	tbs := is.SchemaTables(dbName)
	c.Assert(tbs, HasLen, 1)

	tbs = is.SchemaTables(noexist)
	c.Assert(tbs, HasLen, 0)

	idx, ok := is.IndexByName(dbName, tbName, idxName)
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(idx, NotNil)

	// Make sure partitions table exists
	tb, err = is.TableByName(model.NewCIStr("information_schema"), model.NewCIStr("partitions"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(tb, NotNil)

	col, ok = is.ColumnByName(model.NewCIStr("information_schema"), model.NewCIStr("files"), model.NewCIStr("FILE_TYPE"))
	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
	c.Assert(col, NotNil)