Beispiel #1
func GetNextBlockTemplate(r *GetBlockTemplateResp) {
	var zer [32]byte


	r.Curtime = uint(time.Now().Unix())
	r.Mintime = uint(common.Last.Block.GetMedianTimePast()) + 1
	if r.Curtime < r.Mintime {
		r.Curtime = r.Mintime
	height := common.Last.Block.Height + 1
	bits := common.BlockChain.GetNextWorkRequired(common.Last.Block, uint32(r.Curtime))
	target := btc.SetCompact(bits).Bytes()

	r.Capabilities = []string{"proposal"}
	r.Version = 4
	r.PreviousBlockHash = common.Last.Block.BlockHash.String()
	r.Transactions, r.Coinbasevalue = GetTransactions(height, uint32(r.Mintime))
	r.Coinbasevalue += btc.GetBlockReward(height)
	r.Coinbaseaux.Flags = ""
	r.Longpollid = r.PreviousBlockHash
	r.Target = hex.EncodeToString(append(zer[:32-len(target)], target...))
	r.Mutable = []string{"time", "transactions", "prevblock"}
	r.Noncerange = "00000000ffffffff"
	r.Sizelimit = btc.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
	r.Bits = fmt.Sprintf("%08x", bits)
	r.Height = uint(height)

	last_given_time = uint32(r.Curtime)
	last_given_mintime = uint32(r.Mintime)

Beispiel #2
func (ch *Chain) GetNextWorkRequired(lst *BlockTreeNode, ts uint32) (res uint32) {
	// Genesis block
	if lst.Parent == nil {
		return ch.Consensus.MaxPOWBits

	if ((lst.Height + 1) % targetInterval) != 0 {
		// Special difficulty rule for testnet:
		if ch.testnet() {
			// If the new block's timestamp is more than 2* 10 minutes
			// then allow mining of a min-difficulty block.
			if ts > lst.Timestamp()+TargetSpacing*2 {
				return ch.Consensus.MaxPOWBits
			} else {
				// Return the last non-special-min-difficulty-rules-block
				prv := lst
				for prv.Parent != nil && (prv.Height%targetInterval) != 0 && prv.Bits() == ch.Consensus.MaxPOWBits {
					prv = prv.Parent
				return prv.Bits()
		return lst.Bits()

	prv := lst
	for i := 0; i < targetInterval-1; i++ {
		prv = prv.Parent

	actualTimespan := int64(lst.Timestamp() - prv.Timestamp())

	if actualTimespan < POWRetargetSpam/4 {
		actualTimespan = POWRetargetSpam / 4
	if actualTimespan > POWRetargetSpam*4 {
		actualTimespan = POWRetargetSpam * 4

	// Retarget
	bnewbn := btc.SetCompact(lst.Bits())
	bnewbn.Mul(bnewbn, big.NewInt(actualTimespan))
	bnewbn.Div(bnewbn, big.NewInt(POWRetargetSpam))

	if bnewbn.Cmp(ch.Consensus.MaxPOWValue) > 0 {
		bnewbn = ch.Consensus.MaxPOWValue

	res = btc.GetCompact(bnewbn)
